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Page 12

by Sean Michael

  Adam looked like he was going to argue, and Matt stared until the pretty mouth opened.

  “Good choice.” He slid the spoon in. Although it was an interesting thought, punishing his sub. Pushing him. He took another spoonful and offered it over.

  “It’s your turn.”

  “You first.”

  “I did.”

  “Eat it, lovely.”


  He pushed the spoon into Adam’s mouth. Adam ate the bite, reaching for the spoon. He shook his head and got another spoonful to feed to Adam.

  “It’s your turn.” Oh. Stubborn.

  “I think you should take another turn, and I’m the Master.”

  Adam pouted a bit, but opened to him. “One more.”

  “Or more, if I think that’s what should happen.” He fed Adam, nodding happily as the man chewed and swallowed.

  Adam grabbed his coffee, drank deep. Oh, someone was trying to avoid getting another spoonful of cereal. He fed himself a couple of bites and then pressed another mouthful to Adam’s lips.


  He pushed it in. “Indulge me.”

  He got another spoonful while Adam was chewing and offered that. Adam rolled his eyes but ate it. He swatted Adam’s ass lazily. Adam’s eyes dilated the tiniest bit. Matt had another few mouthfuls, watching Adam as he ate before offering his lover yet another large spoonful.

  Adam shook his head. “I’m full.”

  “You’ve had a quarter of a bowl. At most.”

  “I’ll eat more this afternoon after my run.”

  “Adam. You can’t live on a quarter of a bowl of granola. I want you to eat half of it.”

  Adam stood up. “I have to get some more coffee.”

  He grabbed hold of Adam’s wrist and tugged him back down. “No. Man cannot live on coffee alone.”

  “I don’t want any more.”

  “But your body needs more fuel, Adam.”

  “Granola has tons of fat.”

  “Then what would you prefer that has more protein and less fat?”

  “Egg whites. I’ll make egg whites in a little while.”

  “I’ll make them myself if you don’t, lovely. You need to nourish your body.”

  “Please, Matt. Please, you have to leave the food situation alone. You have to let me deal with that.”

  “You’re not eating enough, Adam. You’re going to pass out.”

  “No. I won’t.” Adam met his eyes. “I weigh myself every day. I allow myself five pounds when I’m stressed. Only five pounds. But I can go without eating for a couple of days.”

  “Not eating for a couple of days isn’t healthy, Adam.”

  “I know.”

  “Okay. I’ll leave it for now. But you can’t go for days without eating. I won’t let you.”

  “I know. I know. I just. This is a big thing for me, okay? It’s a trigger, and I have to have it in control.”

  “Okay. But I’m going to monitor. I worry about you.”

  “Don’t. I’m careful.”

  He wasn’t sure Adam could afford to lose five pounds. He grunted. “I’m your Master, lovely -- it’s my job to worry.”

  “I know, but the food situation is off limits, okay?”

  “I can’t promise that, lovely; I’ll do my best not to interfere.” If it was working and Adam wasn’t getting any thinner.

  “Okay. That’s fair.”

  “Come back out when you’ve gotten your coffee. My lap is lonely.”

  Adam met his eyes, then came to him, leaving the coffee cup behind. “I’d rather have your lap.”

  Beaming, he wrapped his arms around his lover. Adam leaned down, kissed him, slow and easy. He opened up, inviting Adam in deep. Adam groaned, tongue sliding in, pushing against his own. He played with Adam’s tongue, his hands wrapping around the lovely hips and bringing their groins together. His lovely one cuddled right in, snuggling with him.

  “Right where you belong.”

  “Yes, Master.” He loved how easily Adam relaxed for him.

  He slid his hand along Adam’s back, moving in to wrap his mouth around Adam’s throat.


  He felt that little sound against his lips. He hummed back, lips pulling on Adam’s skin. Adam made sweet, hungry little sounds for him. He kept working Adam’s throat, working the mark up hard. One of the things he knew was that Adam hadn’t allowed men to mark him with their mouths. This belonged to him. He intended to do it as often as possible.

  Adam’s phone rang again, even as Adam’s fingers tugged him closer. He ignored it. Later, there should be a rule about setting the phone to vibrate when they had an off day. He wanted Adam’s focus solely on them, together. He bit at the skin in his mouth.

  “Master.” Adam shivered, fingers clenching. “I want you.”

  “I’m right here.”

  “I know. I know. I just had to say it.”

  “I like to hear it.”

  “Do you have plans for today?”

  “I do. You.”

  “Me?” There was a patent excitement in Adam’s eyes.

  “You. All. Day. Long.”

  “Yes, please. All day long.” Thin wrists were offered over to him easily.

  He undid his belt, holding Adam’s gaze as he did. Adam’s pupils dilated, arousal obvious. He wrapped the belt around Adam’s wrists, putting it through the buckle and pulling it taut. Then he pulled the end through the loop. It would be easy enough for Adam to slip loose, but still, it was a binding. Adam responded beautifully, cock hardening, stomach tightening.

  “Mine.” He pulled on the end of the belt, tightening it.

  “Yours.” Perfect, beautiful sub.

  He tugged, pulling Adam off balance, making the man fall against him so he could take that sweet mouth. Adam’s tongue fucked his lips, his sub almost aggressive. He took control of the kiss, sucking vigorously on Adam’s tongue.

  Adam’s bound hands were caught between them, and the way they pressed against him was exciting. His prick filled, pushing against his pants in an effort to reach Adam. They should have stayed at his place, where he could lay Adam out, stretch that sweet hole, fill him, tease him.

  Next time.

  Of course, he could still do some of it. He slid his fingers beneath Adam’s shirt and tweaked one of his nipples. Adam chuckled, shifted closer.

  “Not hard enough?” He twisted the other nipple harder.

  “Mmm. Feel you.”

  “I’m feeling you.”

  Adam chuckled, “Good.”

  “Mmm, very good. Come on -- I’m taking you to bed, going to make you feel.”

  “Yes, Master.” Adam stood for him, cock hard in his yoga pants. So very lovely.

  Matt stood and led Adam back into the house by his bound hands. Adam’s bed was waiting for them, that damned phone ringing again as they walked by.

  “How do I turn this off, lovely?” He wasn’t having it interrupting them another minute.

  “The button at the top.” Adam looked at the phone, sighing softly.

  The phone said Isaac MacMillan.

  Matt turned the phone off. “He’s not your Master, lovely.”

  “No. No, he’s not.” Adam looked worried, though.

  Matt jerked lightly on the belt holding Adam’s hands together. “Adam.”

  Those bright eyes met his. “What?”

  “You need to forget about the phone, the clients, everything but what’s right here -- you and me.”

  Adam’s cheeks heated, eyes dropping. “God, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

  “I know. You just need to learn to let go of the world when it’s our time.”

  “I do. I do, I just... He was very upset with me, and I’m not used to that.”

p; “There might be a lot of that as people get used to you having a Master of your own.”

  “I just... It’s a hard situation.”

  “Isn’t it time for you to put yourself ahead of your clients, Adam? Don’t you deserve it?”

  “It’s just... your clients don’t hit you with a cane when they’re frustrated with you.”

  “And neither will your clients. If they can’t put aside their frustration, they don’t get to touch you.”

  Adam tugged the belt. “I’ll work it out. I promise.”

  “I know you will. We just need to work through the growing pains.” He got Adam to lie down, then drew the belt, and Adam’s hands, up over his head.

  “You’d think I’ve been doing this long enough to not have any.”

  Matt shook his head. “No. This is the first time you’ve had a Master of your own. It’s different.”

  Adam smiled for him, nodded. “It is that. So different. Magical.”

  “Then it’s all going to be okay.”

  He made sure the end of the belt was firmly looped around the headboard and then he began to undress Adam. His lean lover was stretched out, muscles obvious, lovely. With Adam’s hands tied, he had to leave the shirt open but on. He tugged the soft yoga pants off, revealing the rest of his lovely. The tiny row of curls framed that long, thin cock that was rapidly filling again. He groaned, making his pleasure at just the sight of Adam known.

  Adam shifted, legs spreading.

  “Beautiful, wanton man.” He touched Adam’s toes, fingers rubbing along Adam’s sole.

  Adam chuckled, one leg drawing up away from his touch. He grabbed it back, pressing harder so it didn’t tickle.

  “Oh...” Adam’s eyes crossed.

  “Mmm. Good, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. God, yes.”

  He kept working Adam’s soles, then began to work himself up along the man’s ankles. Adam visibly relaxed with every touch, body easy, open for him. He was going to touch Adam everywhere, dig his fingers in and bury himself in Adam’s skin. Adam’s legs were lean, covered in a fine dusting of white-blond hair that stood out against the tan.

  “You’re so lovely.”

  “Thank you. You have always looked at me like you wanted me.”

  “That’s because I have -- I do.” He kissed Adam’s foot.

  “Mmm. Ditto.” Adam’s toes curled.

  He chuckled and sucked on Adam’s little toe for a moment before slowly kissing his way up from ankle to shin to knee to thigh. Adam smelled amazing here -- rich and male and wonderful. He nuzzled the sweet sac, moving Adam’s balls gently. The velvety skin drew up, wrinkling at his touch. Smiling, he nuzzled a moment longer and then took one into his mouth.

  It spoke to Adam’s experience that the man didn’t tense, didn’t still. Trusted him. Moaning, he sucked gently on the little ball, rolled it with his tongue. So warm, so delicate. The orb weighed hardly anything on his lips. He released it slowly, then moved to take the other one in.

  “Master.” Adam spread wider. That was right. He was Adam’s Master. Him.

  He let go of Adam’s ball and licked his way down to the sweet little hole.

  “Oh...” The tiny word was just breathed out, one needy sound.

  It made his cock throb to hear it, and he carefully worked the tiny hole, licking all around it and flicking his tongue back and forth across it.

  “Yours. Yours.” He heard Adam test the belt, heard the headboard creak.

  He pushed his tongue into Adam’s hole, the hot flesh clamping down tight. Adam spread and arched for him, offering himself more fully. He pushed his tongue in farther, fucking the sweet hole.

  “Master. Master. Yes.” The words were soft, happy, almost peaceful.

  He spread Adam’s ass with his fingers, tongue working hard. Adam rocked, meeting his touches, eager for him. He wanted to bury himself deep inside his lover, make Adam scream for him. Needy, hungry man. Adam bucked down against him, taking his tongue. He slid his hands up along Adam’s body. Adam stretched for him, nice and long.

  He pulled away from Adam’s hole, leaving a lick on the sweet balls and the hard cock before tearing off his own clothes. “Want you.”

  “I’m yours. Signed, sealed, delivered.”

  He nodded. “You are. You so are.” He leaned over Adam’s body, getting the lube and the condoms from the nightstand. Adam lifted his head, kissed Matt’s chest on the way. “Mmm.” He stopped long enough on the way back down to kiss Adam on the lips, his tongue searching out Adam’s.

  His lover was right there, focused and hungry for him. They kissed for a long moment, and then he sat back to slowly work the condom down over his prick.

  “You’ve got a beautiful cock -- fat and hard.”

  “Thank you. It’s going to feel amazing to have your body wrapped around it.”

  Adam nodded, knees drawn up. Matt settled between them and put Adam’s heels up over his shoulders. He took a second, looked. His. Long and stretched, tanned and perfect. He could see the need in the way Adam’s breath panted from him.

  He rubbed the tip of his cock against Adam’s wet hole. “All mine,” he murmured, sliding right in.

  Adam took him in like he belonged there, balls deep.

  “Oh, God. Adam. Fuck.” He was incoherent for a few moments, his whole body singing.

  “Yes. Yes, please.”

  “Yes.” He nodded and started fucking Adam, hips working his cock in over and over again. That was perfect -- the tight heat felt like it was made for him, for his prick. “God. So good.” He wasn’t even sure if he was saying the words or just thinking them -- he was so lost in Adam’s body.

  Every master should have a man with muscle control like his lovely. Every single one.

  “Lovely... Mine.” He slid a hand around Adam’s prick, holding on as he thrust.

  Adam’s ass worked him, rippling and rocking around his cock. He’d never felt anything like it. His hand began jerking, pulling on Adam’s cock in time. Every tug echoed around him, through Adam’s body. They worked in rhythm together, driving each other higher and higher.

  Adam made him crazed.

  He squeezed Adam’s prick tighter, not wanting to get to the finish line before his lover. A little flick of his wrist on the upstroke let him rub his thumb across Adam’s slit time and again. His sub was fighting him, though, trying to make him crazy.

  Finally, he growled out, “Come, Adam.”

  Adam’s eyes flashed to his, surprised, shocked. Heat splashed between them, Adam’s orgasm squeezing down on his cock.


  Matt grabbed Adam’s hips, slamming in deep. He thrust a few more times, then shouted out loud, coming hard. Adam panted for him, flushed and stretched.

  For the first time, though, Adam had fought him -- even though it was tiny and for his pleasure -- and Matt had the delicious opportunity to punish the man.

  “You’ve earned a spanking,” he told Adam softly as he nuzzled the lovely neck.

  “Hmm?” Adam arched for him, slow and easy.

  “You fought me. Wouldn’t come.”

  Adam rumbled softly. “I was making you feel good.”

  “You were -- it was well intentioned, but it was still disobedience. It’ll just be a small punishment.” He could feel the response to the word punishment around his cock.

  Groaning, he took Adam’s mouth. Adam’s kiss was a touch wilder, a bit more desperate. He gave as good as he got, plundering Adam’s mouth, making it his own. He slipped from Adam’s body, Adam’s groan filling his lips.

  Making quick work of discarding the condom, he was soon lying on Adam again, hands sliding up to stroke the outstretched arms. Adam moaned as he turned that lovely body, propped a pillow under Adam’s hips. The marks from the latest whipping were mostly concentrated over Adam’s shou
lders, his upper back. The beautiful, pale ass was free of marks. Waiting for him.

  He spread Adam’s thighs, exposing the tight body a little more fully. He’d been buried in there, balls deep. Only him. Moaning, he bent to kiss the hot, swollen flesh. Adam groaned, hips tilting, cock rubbing on the pillows.

  “No coming from this,” he warned, gently popping Adam’s ass.


  “No. You can get hard, but if you come, your punishment will increase.”

  It excited him, having Adam push a bit, trusting him with this. “Yes, Master.”

  “Good boy.” He rubbed Adam’s ass, making them both wait. He could almost smell Adam’s excitement.

  Groaning, he let his hand fly. It landed with a satisfying smack. Adam hummed, skin going white, then red.

  “Mmm. So pretty. God, you’re lovely, Adam.” He hit the other ass cheek. God, that skin pinked beautifully.

  He let his hand come down a few more times, reveling in the way Adam’s body responded to each smack. Adam began to move into the touch, dancing for him a bit.

  “Love the way you respond to me. Love it.”

  “Master.” Adam tugged at the belt, thighs spreading.

  “That’s right. I’m your Master. Yours Adam. Me and no one else.”


  “Yes. Yes.” He smacked Adam again with each word.

  Adam was flying, fucking the pillow, cock hard and leaking. Matt smacked twice more and then stopped. It was after all, just a small punishment. The sound Adam made when he stopped caused him to smile. Maybe stopping was Adam’s punishment.

  “If you’re good, I’ll continue the spanking tomorrow.”

  Adam moaned for him, nodded, fingers gripping the belt.

  “Good.” He placed a kiss on each ass cheek and in the small of Adam’s back.

  Adam’s ass rubbed against him, wanton.

  “So needy.” Did anyone else know how wanton and lovely Adam was? He hoped not. He wanted to protect this, shelter it.

  He reached up, working at the belt until he freed it from the headboard and then undid it from around his lovely’s wrists. Adam pushed close to him, rubbing against him.

  He wrapped his arms around Adam, holding his lovely tight. “God, you’re something else, Adam. Something special.”


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