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Page 15

by Sean Michael

  “If you can swear that and mean it, then I won’t insist on the cops.” Matt kissed Adam again. “I’ll take you home once you’ve been doctored as much as you need. Is there a doctor, Marcus? Who can take a discreet look at his back?”

  Marcus nodded. “I’ve called Manning. He’s coming.”

  “Good.” He turned his attention back to Adam, looking into his lovely’s eyes.

  Adam’s pupils were dark, tears staining the pale cheeks.

  “I’m so sorry, lovely.” He should have followed his instincts and forbidden it -- to hell with everyone, including himself, thinking he was being a jealous ass. He hadn’t liked the tone of the man’s voice on the phone, and he should have just gone with that.

  “Not your fault. He was... He’s never been. Master.”

  He pressed their foreheads together. “Shh. It’s okay. It’s okay. You’re safe now. I have you. We’ll get you better.”

  A sharp knock came to the door, a tall, blond man coming in. “Marcus? You called... Jesus Christ, who is responsible for this? Adam, it’s Doc Manning.”

  Matt nodded. “I’m Matt -- Adam’s Master.”

  “I... You did this?” Doc looked shocked.

  Matt shot to his feet, growling. “I did not!”


  Marcus cleared his throat. “Doc, Adam was working with a private client. He came here to work for me and I saw his back and canceled.”

  “I would never beat my sub this badly. I love him.”

  “I’m sorry. I misunderstood.”

  It was understandable, but it still rankled that anyone would think he could do something like this to his Adam. His lovely needed his focus now, though. “Can you do anything for him?”

  “Does anything feel broken inside, Adam? I’m going to touch your back, gently.”

  “Nothing’s broken, I don’t think. It hurts.”

  “I bet it does. I’ll write you some pain pills and an anti-inflammatory.” He touched Adam’s lower back, wincing at Adam’s cry. “Kidneys are swollen. Lots of water, and if there is any blood in your urine, I want you in the ER.”

  Matt nodded. “I’ll be keeping a very close eye on him.”

  “I want him to take it easy -- very easy for a few days. Lots of liquids, no yoga, no scenes, no running, just relax and heal. Sleep on your back. Your skin is leaking blood and fluid, just be gentle.” Doc met Matt’s eyes. “This is going to be incredibly sore for a few days. Cool, not cold, warm, not hot. Make sure he drinks and eats.”

  “I will.” He reached out and stroked Adam’s face. “I’ll make sure he sticks to your regime.”

  “Good.” The big man sighed, wrote two prescriptions, then handed him some samples. “These will get you through tonight. Here’s my cell number, too.”

  “Thank you. And you’re sure about the sleeping on his back thing?”

  Doc groaned, rolled his eyes. “No. God. Long day. Long. On his stomach. Good catch.”

  Marcus looked over. “Is your boy driving, Manning?”

  Doc Manning nodded. “He’s ordered supper.”

  “Thank you for coming to see him. We’ll go to the hospital if there’s any blood or if he gets worse.” Matt would see to it.

  “Call me tomorrow, keep me updated.”

  “I will. Thank you again.” He shook the doctor’s hand and then went back to Adam, sitting so his lover could see him.

  “Can I come to your house? Please? I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

  “Of course you’re coming home with me.” He slid his hand through Adam’s hair. “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  “I tried to come in for Marcus.”

  Marcus made a soft sound.

  “You should have called me, lovely. I would have come for you. Marcus would have understood.”

  “I... I couldn’t think.”

  “You must have been in such pain.” He figured Adam probably still was.

  Adam nodded. “Please take me home. I need a shower.”

  “Has the pain pill kicked in? Are you up to it yet?”

  “I will be. Please, Master. Please. I need to be home now.”

  “Okay. Marcus? Help me get him dressed.”

  Marcus winced. “Can’t you pull around? We’ll put him in a robe?”

  “Yeah, yeah. That would work. If there are pillows, he can lie on his belly in the back seat.”

  “We’ll set it up. I’ll grab Xavier. You get the car.”

  He cupped Adam’s cheeks. “I’m going to get the car. Marcus and Xavier will get you in a robe and bring you out, and then we’ll go home. Okay?”

  “Okay.” Adam looked so fucking young.

  “It’s going to be fine, lovely. You’re going to be fine.” Matt pressed their lips together.

  “You’re not going to leave without me.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m just bringing...” He stopped, shook his head. Xavier or someone else could bring the car around. Hell, someone could drive the car home while he held Adam in the back. These people were Adam’s family.

  He pulled his keys out of his pocket and held them out to Marcus. “Get someone to bring the car around, someone who can drive us home. I’ll arrange for a taxi back to the club for them.”

  “You got it.”

  Adam’s tears broke through then. “I’m sorry, Master.”

  “This isn’t your fault, lovely. Not your fault.”

  “He was disappointed in me. He said... I should have paid attention.”

  “That’s no reason to beat you half to death.” He growled, unable to stop himself. “Not to mention he’s not your Master. He’s only a fucking client.”

  Adam shook his head. “I don’t fuck them. Ever.”

  He smiled softly. “No, lovely, I know that. I was calling him an asshole, not saying you were fucking him.”

  “Oh.” Adam nodded, reached for him, wincing in pain.

  He pressed their foreheads together, aching for his lovely man.

  “I want to go home. I want you to hold me.”

  “Someone’s bringing the car around now. Can you stand?”

  “Yes, Master.” Adam stood, pale and sweaty, but upright.

  He went to put his arm around Adam’s waist and stopped himself. “How can I help?”

  “I’m okay. Just stay with me.” Adam moved, one careful step at a time.

  “I’m right here, Adam. I’m not going anywhere.” And neither was Adam. He was canceling the man’s appointments for the next month.

  “Please. Thank you. I need you.”

  “I know.” He kissed the side of Adam’s face. “I have you. I do.” He would kill the Dom. He would.

  They headed outside, Marcus behind the wheel, waiting for them patiently. Matt slipped into the back seat and helped Adam get in, lie down on the pillows provided, his sub’s head on his lap. He winced with every soft sound of discomfort Adam made.

  “Tell me where we’re going, Matt.”

  “We live at 478 Archer Avenue. The new houses.”

  “I’m on it.” Marcus drove carefully but quickly, getting them there in a flash.

  “I usually leave the car at the top of the driveway.”

  “You got it. Xavier’s behind us, he’ll take me back to the club.”

  “Thank you, Marcus. For everything.” He turned his attention back to Adam. “We’re almost home, lovely.”

  Adam nodded, then moaned. “Home.”

  “Yes, lovely. Home.” He had salve for Adam’s back, the pills Manning had given him. Then tomorrow he’d get the prescriptions filled, get easy food for Adam, and love his sub.

  It was going to be all right. Adam was going to be all right.

  Chapter Twelve

  Adam woke up in the middle of the night, burning a
live, aching, lost. “Master...”

  “Adam?” Matt was right there, hand on his cheek. “What do you need, lovely?”

  “I’m hot.” Scared.

  “Are you up to the shower? Some nice cool water.”

  “Please. It hurts.”

  Matt gave him two pills, held a glass of water to his lips. “This first.”

  He took the pills, trusting Matt. “I’m so sorry, Master, for waking you.” He’d do it again, though.

  “Adam! Of course you woke me. You’re in pain, and it’s my job to take care of you.”

  “I need you.”

  Matt helped him move, helped him into the shower. Every breath hurt. His Master turned on the shower, the flow low and cool. “It’ll probably hurt at first.”

  “Stay with me?”

  “I’m not going anywhere, lovely.” Matt went in first, and then gently pulled him in.

  The water made him whimper, made him shake, and he pushed into Matt’s arms.

  Matt held him, hands so careful on his hips. “Too cold?”

  “I. I.” He shook his head, beginning to tremble.

  “Okay, okay, lovely.” Matt pulled him to rest against his Master’s front, the water cooling him down. “It’ll be okay, lovely. It’ll be okay.”

  “Master.” He rested, let the water fall on him. It wasn’t long before the cool began to feel cold.

  “That’s enough. Let’s go out.” Matt turned the water off and helped him out of the shower.

  His teeth were chattering, soft, hysterical sounds leaving him.

  “Adam.” Matt pressed their lips together, the kiss forceful, demanding his attention. Everything stilled a little bit. Eased. He could breathe. Matt’s hands stroked his cheeks. “Just breathe, lovely. The pills will kick in soon.”

  “I was... I was so scared.”

  Matt nodded. “It must have been terrible.”

  “He was angry at me.” No one had ever hit him in anger before.

  “Then he shouldn’t have continued the scene.”

  “No. No, he shouldn’t have. I safeworded.” It was not supposed to be like this.

  “Why didn’t he listen to you? Why was he so angry?”

  “Because... because I’d turned my phone off. Because I’d ignored him.”

  Matt growled a little. “He’s not your Master.”

  “No. No.” And maybe that was it. Maybe he wasn’t supposed to have a master. Maybe he couldn’t do this. Maybe...

  “There’s something wrong with him, Adam, that he would do something like this to you.”

  “Or something wrong with me. He thinks I betrayed him.”

  “No, Adam. He was only a client. He was never your Master. You’re allowed to have your own life. And besides, even if you did do something wrong, that doesn’t give him the right to beat you almost to death.”

  “I only have one Master. I never called another man Master.”

  “I know. Lovely, I know. And that makes me so happy.” Matt pressed more kisses on his face.

  “I need to lie down. Please.”

  “Of course, come on.”

  Matt led him back to bed, helping him get in, a pillow beneath his hips. Then Matt climbed in next to him, staying right there. He may have cried a little, but he wasn’t sure. He wasn’t sure of much. Except that his Master was there, talking to him quietly, touching his face, his arms.

  “Love.” The drug took him over, and he fell asleep, murmuring Matt’s name.


  Matt left Adam long enough to make whole wheat pancakes, knowing they were his lovely’s favorite. He poured out a glass of orange juice and brought it and Adam’s pills back to the bedroom. Adam was awake, staring out the bedroom window, eyes shadowed.

  “I have your pills, lovely.”

  “Again? Oh, God. Good. I hurt.”

  Tomorrow would be the worst, then the healing would begin. “I know, lovely.” He gave Adam the pills, the juice, watching carefully to make sure Adam wasn’t having problems taking them.

  “Are you okay? Did you get any sleep?”

  “I’m fine, lovely. Pissed off at Isaac, but fine.” He’d taken a few minutes away from making pancakes to call Marcus with the name of the man who’d done this to Adam. He’s also started calling to cancel Adam’s appointments.

  “I don’t want to see him again.”

  “You won’t. He’d better not even call you.”

  “I don’t know where my phone is.”

  “It’s in the kitchen. I’ve canceled your appointments for the rest of the week. Later I’ll cancel the rest of this month’s for you.”

  He saw the worry in Adam’s eyes, but Adam didn’t argue. “The Hammer Tops will understand.”

  “So will the others, lovely. The ones who are decent human beings.”

  Adam’s eyes closed, his lovely one taking a deep breath.

  “You didn’t deserve this.”

  “No. No, I didn’t. I should have been smarter maybe, or more informational or something.”

  “More informational?” What the heck was Adam talking about?

  “Like I shouldn’t have made him think I was ignoring him.”

  “Adam, this isn’t your fault. Nothing you did or did not do ‘earned’ you this. He was a client, nothing more. He was not your Master. He doesn’t own you.”

  “I know. I know. I just... I should have been more careful.”

  “You shouldn’t have made an exception for him. We had our rules, we should have insisted on them being followed and made him wait.” It might not have helped, but surely the man would have understood his place then.

  Adam’s eyes fell. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you were doing what you thought was best. You didn’t know he was crazy.”

  “No. I didn’t know he was so mad at me.”

  “Because he had no right to be, no reason.”

  Adam nodded, arms around his belly.

  “This isn’t your fault.” He pressed kissed to Adam’s face. “It isn’t.”

  “It feels like my fault.”

  “That’s what he wanted you to feel. That doesn’t mean it’s true.” Matt was seriously going to find this man and beat him as badly as he’d beaten Adam. Maybe worse.

  There were going to be tears, maybe. Or maybe not. Adam was so centered, so strong. His sub needed to know that he was here, that he was standing strong by his lover. That if the tears came, Matt could handle them, that he wouldn’t think less of Adam. As if he would, no matter what happened.

  “I tried.”

  “I know, lovely. You’re a good man. You did right by him.”

  “I tried.” Adam repeated, eyes closing.

  “You did all you could do. This is down to him. It’s his fault, lovely.”

  “He yelled at me. I don’t like that.”

  “You never have to see him again.” In fact, Matt was going to forbid it.

  “Okay. He...” Adam took a deep breath. “I thought he was my friend.”

  “I’m sorry. lovely. I really am.”

  “I’m going to sleep some more, I think.”

  Matt nodded, stroked his cheek. “Your body needs to heal.”

  “Uh-huh.” Adam sank back into sleep, and it wasn’t until Matt stood up that he realized Adam hadn’t eaten a bite.

  He shook his head at himself. He’d have to make sure the man did eat the next time he woke up.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Adam spent the next two days in agony, refusing to eat, refusing to move more than necessary. It all hurt too much. Everything hurt.

  Matt fretted and cared and held him. At one point, Doc Manning came in, gave him an injection of something, and he floated away, muscles relaxing.

  It was the smell of something cooking
that had woken him up this morning. His stomach growled and he ignored it. He wasn’t hungry.

  He couldn’t ignore his Master, though, when Matt came in a few minutes later with a tray. “Morning, lovely. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m sore. Better though.”

  “You look less strained.” Matt put the tray on the bed, sat next to him.

  “Thank you. The shot helped.”

  “Good.” Matt’s palm cupped his cheek. “Food will make you feel even better.”

  He pressed into the touch. “Maybe a bite or two.” He didn’t want anything.

  “I made you pancakes.”

  “Oh, you didn’t have to.” There was something comforting about it, though. Like it was theirs.

  “I wanted to. Real maple syrup, too.”

  He smiled, touched. “Thank you.” One bite wouldn’t hurt.

  Matt cut the pancake up and poured on the syrup before grabbing a fork and offering him a bite.

  His lips parted and the maple hit his tongue. The first thought in his mind was, “You haven’t worked out. You can’t eat. You’ve been in bed for days. Days.” He almost spat the bite out.

  Matt was smiling at him, though, looking at him like he was the center of the universe.

  “How does it look? My back?”

  “It looks bad.” Matt fed him a second bite. “It’ll be awhile before you can work again.”

  “Oh.” He didn’t know what to say to that, really.

  “I’ve called your appointments, made sure everyone knows you won’t be keeping them.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Matt’s head tilted. “For what?”

  He chuckled, the sound shaky. “I don’t know.”

  “Oh, lovely.” Matt stroked his cheek, and offered him another bite. “This wasn’t your fault. The man was a good client, you had no reason to believe he’d become unhinged.”

  “I just...” He shook his head at the bite. “I think I’m full.”

  “Lovely, two bites isn’t enough. You haven’t eaten in days.”

  He looked at Matt. “I haven’t worked out.” He’d get fat. Swollen. Gross.

  Matt stared at him for a long moment, and then took a breath. “You need calories just to stay at your current weight. Like probably a couple thousand. Just to maintain status quo. And you’re healing right now. That takes extra energy, too. You need to eat, lovely. If you want, we could ask Manning to come back, he could let you know what your calorie intake should be. We can hire a nutritionist to help...”


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