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Page 14

by Sean Michael

  He pressed their lips together and lingered in the kiss. Adam tasted like heaven to him, like the best of everything.

  “There’s breakfast,” he murmured, lips still mostly glued to Adam’s.

  “Mmm. You?” Little flirt.

  His prick reacted eagerly, though, lifting in his jeans, pushing at the zipper. “I suppose I could be dessert.”

  Adam went to his knees, the move graceful and easy, fingers already baring him.

  Matt groaned. “Lovely...” He’d meant for Adam to eat the pancakes first, but how could he deny what they both wanted so badly?

  Adam’s lips wrapped around his cock, the touch soft, gentle. Matt closed his eyes, moaning softly. That sweet touch wrapped around him, the suction sure, strong, hungry.

  “I’ll never tire of your mouth.” It was always magic, always sent him barreling along to his orgasm.

  Adam’s little moan felt amazing around his cock. He slid his hands around Adam’s skull, holding his lover’s head in his hands. Those pale eyes looked up to him, so turned on, so pleased.

  “So good, Adam. You make me feel so good.”

  Adam swallowed around his prick, throat working the tip.

  “Fuck. Gonna.” It was always so quick.

  Adam nodded, head bobbing over his prick. He pushed deep, coming with a jerk. His lovely one sucked him dry, throat working around him. He went weak in his knees, his hands sliding to pet Adam’s head. Adam smiled up at him, tongue cleaning his cock.

  He smiled back, took a deep breath. “You’re far too good at that.”

  “You enjoy it.”

  “I love it. I love you.”

  Adam’s smile was brilliant. “Ditto.”

  He reached down and tugged Adam up. “Come on. There’s whole wheat pancakes.”

  “Mmm. I love pancakes.”

  “I know. That’s why I made them for you.” He led Adam to the table, sat his lover down.

  Adam beamed at him, drank the coffee happily. They were soon munching away at the pancakes, butter and syrup dripping from his, a far lesser portion of those on Adam’s. Adam ate three-quarters of his plate, humming over each bite. It was good to see his lover eating, to not hear excuses for why he shouldn’t.

  “I have a scene planned,” Matt murmured when Adam began to clear the table.

  “For us?”

  “Yes. For us.”

  “Oh.” The dishes rattled in Adam’s hands.

  He took them from Adam, smiled. “For you and for me.”

  “Sorry. I just. We never have.”

  “I know.” There had been sex, some light play, and some punishments, but never a real, planned-in-advance scene. “I think it’s about time we had one that belonged to us, don’t you?”

  “Yes. Yes, I would like that.”

  “Good. Let’s leave the washing up for later.” He put the plates down and took Adam’s hand, led his lover to the living room.

  Adam looked over at his set up, nodded. “Do you want me to bathe first?”

  “No. I like the smell of you au naturel. Even with a little sweat on top. Pure Adam is heady.”

  Adam’s cheeks flared. Oh, now, that was indeed lovely.

  “Undress yourself and then me.” He smiled, touched Adam’s hot cheek. “If you happen to stop for kisses and touches, that would be a good thing.” This wasn’t going to be like one of Adam’s working scenes.

  “Yes, Master.” Adam turned, kissed his palm, then slipped his sandals off, the loose pants.

  Matt leaned back against the wall, enjoying the show. He loved watching the lean body slowly appear. The shirt went next, then Adam came to him, lips on his jaw as his shirt was unbuttoned. He tilted his head back with a groan, enjoying each of Adam’s touches, both with hands and lips. Adam worshipped him, from his lips to his ankles, fingers and lips adoring him.

  By the time they were both naked, his cock was hard and leaving soft, wet kisses on his belly. Adam’s lips wrapped around the tip, the suction unbearably light. His balls ached, his cock going even harder. No one would ever have guessed that he’d just come a short time ago. Adam made him need so badly.

  That hot tongue slid through the slit, gathering up his flavor, loving on him.

  He groaned, hand running through Adam’s hair. “Okay, lovely. Enough.”

  One last kiss was pressed to his cock.

  “You may look at the flogger if you want to. Otherwise, I want you bent over the couch.”

  Adam nodded, moving to bend over the sofa, trusting him.

  Matt groaned, letting Adam know how aroused he was by the sight of that pale, naked ass. The marks -- other men’s marks -- were gone for the moment, leaving Adam a bare canvas for him. Moving in, he rubbed Adam’s ass, slid his fingers along the hot crack. Adam relaxed more deeply over the sofa back, letting him in.

  He played with the sweet little hole for a moment, teasing, stroking the wrinkled skin and pushing the very tip of his finger in. Adam didn’t respond, really, just moaned and rocked. He rubbed his cock along Adam’s ass, his hands moving to knead his lover’s shoulders. Adam groaned, stretched, moved for him.

  Staying right there, snugged up against Adam’s ass, he leaned a bit and grabbed the flogger, the leather firm in his hands.

  “Do you want me silent, Master?”

  “God, no. I want to hear every sound. I want to hear what I’m doing to you.”

  “You’re letting me be who I am.”

  He tilted his head and then nodded. “Yes. That’s who I want here with me. You.”

  “Yes.” Adam hummed softly, the sound incredibly pleased.

  He stroked Adam’s spine, and then left a kiss at the base of Adam’s neck “I’m going to start now.”

  “Yes, Master. I love you.”

  He stopped a moment, his hand in the middle of Adam’s back. “Thank you.” Then he stepped back and let the flogger fly.

  Adam hummed, stretching under the blow. It was beautiful watching Adam take the hit. The sweet skin pinked for him, and he hit again. He laid the blows down, criss-crossing the hits to leave a pattern. Adam began to move, hips rolling in a lazy circle.

  “Mmm. Nice.” He let the next hit land on Adam’s ass.

  Adam’s ass muscles clenched. He groaned and hit the other cheek. Adam’s ass started to pink for him. He moaned again. His sub was so lovely, sexy. He hit the pale flesh again.

  “Mmm. So good. Thank you, Master.”

  “Trust me, it’s my pleasure.”

  Adam groaned and moaned, arching for him. He colored the sweet ass, and then began to leave more patterns across Adam’s back. He could see Adam begin to move, begin to rock with it. Feel it. He found a rhythm, giving his lover something to work with. Soft moans filled the air, Adam’s hips bucking slowly and carefully. It was like a dance, beautiful and strange and theirs.

  Adam could take and take, more than any other sub he knew. He moved the hits down to the backs of Adam’s thighs, the skin growing pinker and pinker. It was stunning. Adam was stunning.

  The groans faded, Adam trying to catch his breath, center. Matt sent the flogger thudding across Adam’s ass again; he didn’t want Adam’s control, he wanted Adam to fly. Adam’s toes curled, the man fighting him. He grabbed the lube with one hand, trying not to interrupt his rhythm as he worked it open, slicked up the fingers of his left hand. Adam’s skin was turning a deep, rich red.

  Without warning, he stopped flogging Adam and pushed two fingers into the tight little hole.

  “Master!” Adam’s head came up, hands slamming on the couch cushions.

  He pressed his fingers deeper, pushing against Adam’s gland.

  Adam grunted. “Oh, fuck. Fuck, Master. I never. Oh, God...”

  He kept fucking Adam with his fingers, reveling in the sounds.

Please. More.”

  He used the flogger to smack Adam’s ass, and then pushed in another finger, making it three.

  “Thank you!” Adam’s head tossed, asshole gripping his fingers.

  “Love you.” He threw down the flogger and grabbed a condom, tearing the wrapper open with his teeth and then putting it on one-handed. In no time at all he was yanking his fingers out and driving his cock home.

  Hot and tight -- that sweet ass gripped him, held him in deep.

  “Yes. Oh, fuck, Adam.” Groaning, he grabbed hold of Adam’s hips and used them as leverage as he pounded into the fine ass over and over.

  Adam nodded, letting him in. He leaned down, whispered low. “You don’t get to come until I say so.”

  Adam’s response was a soft whimper. It made his balls ache, his whole body on fire, loving Adam.

  He found Adam’s gland, pegged it hard. The response he got made him shout and stay right there, pegging it again.

  “I’ll shoot!”

  He smacked Adam’s ass. “Not yet!” He wasn’t ready yet.

  “Oh, fuck!” Adam jerked, feet shifting on the floor.

  “Yes. Yes, so good.” He slowed his thrusts, making Adam feel each one. His fingers dug into Adam’s ass as he pulled the man onto his cock.

  “Master...” Adam stood, taking him to the root.

  “Adam!” He cried out, thrusting several more times, hitting hard.

  Adam groaned, “Please. Please. I.”

  “Just a moment more. Hang on for me.” He didn’t want this to stop, to end.

  “For you.”

  “Yes. For me.” He slammed in a few more times and then nodded, close enough that Adam’s coming should be good to drag him over the edge. “Okay. Okay, lovely. Now.” He reached for Adam’s cock, finding it and squeezing.

  Heat sprayed over his fingers, Adam’s hole convulsing around his prick.

  “Yes!” He cried out, body jerking as he filled the condom.

  Adam slumped forward, groaning, body working his cock. He leaned over Adam, pressing breathless kisses on his lovely’s shoulders. Sweet, lovely man.

  Groaning, he pulled out, his hands staying on Adam’s body. The skin was warm, bruised, marked with his blows.

  “Love you,” he whispered, kissing his way along Adam’s spine.

  “Love. Master.”

  He got rid of the condom and helped Adam up, drawing his lovely over to sit on the couch with him. The long spine was covered in welts, Adam resting hard against him. He leaned against the pillowed arm and drew Adam between his legs. Pressing kisses over Adam’s face, he moaned softly, enjoying the moment. Adam was right there, lips clinging to his.

  He ran his hands up and down Adam’s back, enjoying the welts, the heat of them, the feel of them. He loved knowing that he’d done that, these were his marks. Every time Adam shivered, Matt knew it was for him.

  This had been a good idea. Long overdue, maybe, but it was theirs now. All theirs.

  Adam’s cheek rested on his shoulder, heavy and solid. It was perfect, and he held on to it.

  Chapter Eleven

  Adam grabbed his phone, wincing as he saw Isaac’s name come up. “Good morning, Sir. How are you today?”

  “Where have you been, boy?”

  “I was taking a few days off.” Loving his Master. Relaxing. Laughing a lot.

  “Since when can’t you answer your phone and make an appointment?” Isaac sounded pretty angry.

  “I’m sorry, Sir. My phone was off. Would you like to make one now?” He had his calendar in front of him and he was booked for the month, really -- there were fewer days now that he only did four scenes in a week -- but he’d make an exception for Isaac.

  “I’m supposed to be giving a private demonstration tonight, but I had to cancel because I didn’t know if I would be able to reach you in time.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir.” It had only been three days. “How can I make it up to you?”

  “I want you for the day tomorrow.”

  He looked at his calendar. He had Marcus in the evening, but he’d just double up.

  “I can be at your house in the morning, Sir.”

  “Eight a.m. And I expect you to stay right up until six.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll be there.”

  That gave him two hours to get cleaned and to the Hammer. Then he’d have the night to be with his Master.

  “Lovely? Did I hear you make an appointment for the morning tomorrow?”

  He looked over, nodded at Matt. He had to. Isaac was his biggest private client.

  “You don’t work in the mornings, lovely.”

  “Who the hell is that, boy?” Isaac was raging now, and Adam winced.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, Sir.” He hung up the phone, rubbed the back of his neck.

  Matt was frowning fiercely. “Adam? What’s going on?”

  “One of my private clients is unhappy. Wants to book a full day. It’s only a one-time situation. He’s used to more access.”

  “You’re already working tomorrow night, lovely. This is not a part of the rules.” Matt drew himself up. “And I didn’t hear what he said, but I didn’t like the way he said it, at all.”

  “I’m sorry, Master. I just... It’s a one-time thing.” He had to make this right.

  “Does he treat you better than it sounds like he does?”

  “He’s never been mean to me.” Adam had never given the man reason to be.

  “A one-time thing, lovely. My rules are in place for a reason.”

  “Yes, Master. I swear. I’ll talk to him.” He could help Isaac understand.

  “Good.” Matt opened his arms.

  He went, easily, eagerly. There was something inside him, something worried, that needed comfort. Matt’s arms wrapped around him, holding him close.

  “Mmm. Master.” His eyes closed and he luxuriated in the contact.

  “My lovely.” Matt’s soft kisses slid over his face, warming him through.

  “Yours.” He lifted his chin, offering Matt everything.

  Humming, Matt took his mouth, the kiss gentle, but also thorough. That was what he needed. Matt’s touch. Love. Care. Matt’s warm eyes smiled into his own, the kiss becoming stronger, beginning to steal his breath. He cupped Matt’s cheek, thumb moving on the strong chin. Matt pressed closer, their bodies rubbing.

  “Come to bed, Master. Let me love on you.” Tomorrow was a work day. Not today.

  Today he was Matt’s.

  And happy.


  Matt supposed it was too early to be waiting for Adam’s phone call, but he was anyway. He hadn’t liked the Dom’s tone of voice on the phone, and part of him said that he should have simply forbidden Adam to go, but he didn’t want to be a jealous ass. He didn’t want to interfere with Adam’s work.

  His phone rang and he grabbed it, “Yes?”

  “Matt? Matt, it’s Marcus Goodfellow. I need you down here. Now.”

  He was out the door before he even had a chance to reply. “What’s happened?”

  “Your boy’s been beaten. Badly. This is... This is inappropriate, Matt. Absolutely inappropriate. He’s close to hysteria, in shock, feverish. And he came in to work here.”

  “God damn it. I’m on my way. I’ll be there in ten minutes. You take care of my boy until I get there, Marcus.”

  “I have him in the back, room three.”

  “Ten minutes, Marcus.”

  He hung up and started the car, forced himself not to break every speed law known to man. He was going to beat the animal who’d done this to his lovely. HIS Adam. He was going to beat the asshole who’d done this over and over again.

  He pulled into a parking space, headed into the Hammer. He didn’t stop until he hit the door of room three.

bsp; Adam was there, naked, draped over the arms of a chair. The man was black and blue, swollen.

  Marcus was at the sink, chilling rags. “That’s the best position for the least pressure.”

  Oh, my God! He managed not to say the words out loud, going straight to Adam’s side. “Lovely? It’s Matt. I’m here.”

  “Master. I need you.”

  “Who did this, Matt? Tell me he isn’t one of us.” Marcus sounded like he was going to kill something. Matt figured Marcus had to get in line.

  “I’m right here, lovely. Right here.” He moved so Adam could see him. “Adam’s calendar is at home. The man’s name will be there.”

  Marcus started putting cold cloths on Adam’s back. Adam gasped. “Just for a minute, Adam, just to help the swelling. There’s warm ones coming.”

  “It’s okay, lovely. We’re here to help you.” He stroked Adam’s cheek. “Right here. Marcus, what have you given him for the pain?”

  “Nothing but topicals. I know he has a thing about what he puts into his body, and you were coming.”

  “You’re right, he doesn’t usually use painkillers, but we’ll make an exception.” He shook his head. “Why didn’t you safeword, lovely?”

  “I did.” The words landed in the room like a boulder.

  He looked up and met Marcus’ eyes. “Call the cops, Marcus.”

  “No. No. Please. Just take me home.” Adam sounded panicked.

  “You safeworded, and he didn’t stop, lovely. That’s assault.”

  “No one will believe me. I was there willingly. I was paid to be there.”

  “That doesn’t give him the right to beat you.” He looked at Marcus again. “Marcus?”

  “Adam’s right, Matt. They won’t press charges.”

  He shook his head. “That’s not right.”

  “No.” Marcus sighed. “That’s why I urged you to drop the private clients, sweet boy.”

  “I...” Adam’s shoulders started to shake.

  “Marcus.” He snapped the word out, glaring at Marcus. “This isn’t your fault, lovely.” He pressed a kiss to Adam’s lips. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Your Master’s right, Adam. I’m sorry.” Marcus headed back for the sink. “You’ve got me all stupid with your poor back. I swear to you, we’ll take care of this.”


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