Physical Education
Page 4
At her bed, Amanda tucked her goodies into her locker and went in search of Claire. Their earlier excursion into the Punishment Pavilion had bonded them together. Just picturing Tatiana stretched out again, with that hunk lapping between her legs, was making Amanda feel more than a little excited herself. Combined with the pressure of the plug, it wouldn’t take much to set her off. She certainly didn’t want to get the attention of the wrong instructors on her first night there, though. No public spankings for her, thank you very much. No, for now, she’d definitely be a good girl. The summer offered plenty of time for exploration of new pleasures.
In the co-ed bathroom (no privacy anywhere), Amanda splashed water over her face and met up with Claire coming out of one of the stalls.
“How’s my favorite dom?” she asked, lightly.
Claire blushed from the tips of her ears and across her cheeks. Though she flushed pink from embarrassment, her eyes shone with excitement.
“It was totally cool, and you should see some of the instruments that I got to pick out,” she gushed. “Gonna let me practice on that tight booty of yours?”
Now it was Mandi’s turn to shudder. A few hours could certainly change a person, she thought. Claire seemed to be getting into her role right away. Well, there probably was a reason why she’d chosen that track to begin with, right?
“Only kidding,” Claire quickly followed up. “You should have seen how white your face got, girlfriend! What’s the matter? Afraid of a little spanking?”
“Not much I’m afraid of,” Mandi said, while thinking: If she only knew the truth. She may have signed up to be fucked in the ass, but there were still certain acts that she wasn’t quite comfortable with. Public display. Bondage. Losing control in front of others. All high stress points. That might have been a reason why she hadn’t been so successful at previous attempts at anal sex, to really think about it. She hadn’t wanted to give up control. The fear of the unknown was just too great, and she was afraid of letting someone else take the reins in the relationship.
For some reason, the thought of giving up control quickly made her thoughts turn toward that hunky instructor Reed again. She’d figure out his story soon enough. And maybe he’d be willing to work with her on a few of her issues. Definitely perks to the school.
Her growling stomach once again interrupted her sex thoughts. If this coitus interruptus was going to be the norm this summer, she was going to be washing a whole lot of underwear.
The rest of the crew was heading out the door, so Amanda and Claire joined up. Once again, they found themselves winding through the pathways. Soon enough, she hoped to learn her way around this place without getting lost. For now, she simply followed the person in front of her to the mess hall.
Inside, it looked like something one would see in the opening dining room scenes of a Harry Potter flick. That is, if most of the inhabitants were not underage and mostly nude. Five long rows of tables crisscrossed the floor, with sparkling white table cloths draped over them. Each dorm was assigned their own table with a nameplate. In addition to their tribe, the Hump’sa, the others were: The Pile Drivers, The French Ticklers, The G-Spot and The Hot Tub Honeys. Amanda and her bunkmates quickly found their table.
The room mixed classic Roman architecture with a definitive modern flair. White columns lay interspersed along the way, with shimmering gold and black drapery accents. Amanda took in the raised ceilings and elaborate paintings on the walls. Each scene depicted a graphic and abundant sexual act. She was going to eat in the presence of images of orgies? She realized that she was absolutely gaping, staring in wonder with her mouth hung open, so she quickly shut it.
The pictures themselves looked so complex, Amanda was tempted to get up and run her fingers along the brushstrokes to feel the texture. Not too many people took kindly though to others touching the artwork on the walls, though, so she resisted the urge.
In the front of the room was a raised platform where all the instructors sat facing out, with Ms. Lucy occupying center stage. After making sure everyone had taken a seat, Yvette left their group and set out for the “special” table. This made Amanda think of the “head” table of a wedding party; except here, there’d probably be a different meaning to “head.”
The room smelled like slowly simmered meatballs, buttered corn on the cob, and freshly baked peach pie. From her seat, Amanda took it all in, looking around. She could smell the food, but where was it?
The excited chatter hushed as Mistress Lucy stood up from her seat and became an instantly commanding presence.
“Thank you all for joining us this evening,” she started. “We hope that you’ve all settled into your sleeping quarters and find the arrangements to your liking.”
A murmur of approval spread through the room, and Amanda found herself nodding her head “yes,” too.
“While not every meal that we have will be as formal a setting as this one, we like to kick off the summer’s session with a memorable night of festivities,” she continued. “I hope that you all enjoy what the staff has prepared for you tonight, and that you’re inspired by the entertainment.”
With a sweeping flourish of her hands, Ms. Lucy gestured toward the twins Blaine and Wayne, both decked out in saucy tuxedo-inspired black shorts and crisply tailored white vests, to open the golden drapery covering one wall. Brightly costumed acrobats strolled out from behind it. A man wearing a unitard with one purple and one red leg performed multiple back flips between the rows of tables and came to a headstand in front of Mandi. His multi-colored crotch floated precariously close to her. She could easily reach out and grab his growing cock. He gave her an upside-down smile and flipped up to his feet.
The table erupted in applause, and he bowed low at the waist. Once again embarrassed by the display, Amanda wasn’t quite sure where to look, so her eyes went back to the head table and quickly found Reed. He was watching her, and if she read him right, he didn’t quite like the attention the performer had given her either.
“Will you pass me the amphora, please?” asked Claire from a few seats down. She seemed to be addressing Amanda.
Mandi looked over the table in front of her with no clue as to what Claire was asking. “The what?”
“The amphora,” Claire repeated, pointing toward a ceramic vase on the table. “It’s that two-handled jar. It’s an ancient Greco Roman name. Historically, they were much larger. And that amphoral probably contains wine, so please pass it down.”
As she picked it up, Amanda was surprised by the heft of the jar. Even if it were empty Mandi guessed that it would be heavy. Using proper etiquette, she didn’t pour herself a glass first. Although upon hearing that there was wine at the table, her mouth automatically started to water. She could definitely do with something to help her relax about now. Too bad imbibing spirits also tended to make her horny. After the long day, she definitely didn’t need anything else to help her get amorous between the sheets, especially an amphoral of wine, she thought humorously. Who knew she’d be learning so much at a sex education school? She’d be leaving the university more well-rounded than she originally figured.
With the sounding of a few trumpets to call attention, a flurry of dancers and servers took the floor. While the servers carried trays of delicacies to each table, the entertainers intertwined with both, moving gracefully down the aisles. Amanda kept waiting for them to bump into each other, but obviously they had perfectly orchestrated their moves. As the wine made its way back to her, Amanda poured herself a glass and luxuriated in the refreshing white wine as it tantalized her tongue.
Once all the tables had been served, the room darkened and another drapery was pulled back to expose a full stage. Silence spread across the room as all eyes took in the scene before them. Amanda looked quickly to one of the images painted on the side wall, and then back to the stage where it was replicated in set design.
Two nude figures, one male and one female, came out on stage. The woman was tall with her blonde hair wrap
ped up in a Grecian ponytail. The bottom part of her hair draped down her chest, covering one breast. Thick gold bands wrapped around each of her ankles and wrists, and an even wider one graced her neck.
In sharp contrast, the man was dark-skinned, a warm bronzed tone. Even from where she was sitting, Amanda could see the muscled strength of his arms and his six-pack abs. What she would do to rub her tongue over those curves, she thought. And then she saw the pièce de résistance, the crowning glory of his jutting cock.
As the two performers met in the middle of the stage, her paleness blended with his darkness, and they intertwined their limbs. The woman raised one of her legs, propped it onto a bench, and he came between her legs. No foreplay, no warning, his cock deftly slid into her. Throughout the room, Amanda heard a collective sigh, and even she held her breath. Amanda looked toward the image once again, and she knew what was coming next.
The man grabbed the woman by her ass and lifted her up. Pale legs wrapped around the trunk of his body, and her head came forward, just showing over the top of his shoulder. Eyes half-mast in the throes of passion, she clamped down on his shoulder with her mouth. And then they froze, capturing the exact pose of the picture on the wall.
Years ago, Amanda had gone to see the Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach. It was part of an art festival where classic pieces of artwork throughout history were reproduced. First, all the performers took the stage in their positions, and as the lighting adjusted and the actors froze, the picture would come to life. That’s what was happening on the stage here, except they were representing the erotic arts.
Turning back toward the far wall, which was beyond her line of vision in the darkness, Amanda reflected upon how each scene trumped the last until the final mass orgy. Would they dare do that one? She looked back at the head table, meeting Reed’s eyes once again. This time, he was smiling at her. He raised his glass, as if in a toast, and then took a sip. Feeling herself blush, Amanda pushed past that feeling of insecurity and lifted her own glass toward Reed. Two could play at that game.
The lights came back on stage, and the room exploded in applause. The actors separated and bowed. He was obviously still aroused. The troupe d’ sex had made it through several of the depictions, but not that final climatic orgy. It was only the first night of the session, though. The drapes pulled shut, and Amanda wondered what was going to happen backstage. She had a feeling that she wasn’t going to be eating a whole lot this evening.
After dinner, Ms. Lucy approached the table, pausing to stand directly behind Claire. Amanda felt herself freeze. Being the focus of Ms. Lucy’s attention was an unwanted situation. She hoped not to attract too much attention from the school’s headmistress.
Tonight the tall woman was wearing her usual black bustier, but down below she had donned a long, flowing purple skirt. Her red hair hung in waves down her shoulders. She placed a hand on Claire’s shoulder.
“Clarissa, I hope that you are adjusting well to our school,” she said.
Claire blushed in return. “Yes, ma’am.”
“After reviewing your files, I have some high hopes for you,” Ms. Lucy said.
Amanda took in Claire’s flushed complexion and the way Ms. Lucy was gazing at her. Something seemed to pass between the two of them, and she shook off the feeling that they were somehow intimate. That was a crazy thought: Claire was engaged to someone else. A man at that. Why would Ms. Lucy be interested in her as anything but another student?
“I’ll do my best, ma’am,” Claire said.
Chapter Five
A stack of reading material, “required books” sat on each desk. Next they’ll be handing out a syllabus. Mandi thought she had finished with “school” a long time ago.
After the dinner the night before, the entire tribe returned to the dorms and turned in early. Amanda had laid in her bunk for a long time, thinking about everything that had happened, the special little purple toy in her trunk and what would be in store for her the next day. She heard a few whispers in the room and tried to get to sleep. Usually if she couldn’t fall asleep, she’d masturbate to relax, but that wasn’t allowed here. After a hard night’s sleep, this morning she felt like she was lagging behind.
If she was going to be in a classroom all day long, she needed some type of pick-me-up in order to perk-her-up.
On the top of the pile of her books was “365 Sex Positions: A New Way Every Day for a Steamy Erotic Year.” Opening the book, Mandi immediately thought that there was going to be plenty to learn inside. How exactly she’d get her body to do a few of those poses, she had no idea. She glanced further through the books, stopping at “The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women, 2nd edition,” by Tristan Taormino. Oh, my, she’d never known such a book existed, let alone a second edition!
Next was “The Glass Stiletto,” by Rachel Kenley.
“Erotic fairy tales,” one student asked out. “I gotta read Cinderella?”
“Never underestimate the power of erotic literature,” the professor said. “It possesses the power to bring strained marriages back together, to give comfort and satisfy a person alone, to encourage those who are too shy to speak about their most private thoughts, and an outlet to unleash one’s deepest fantasies.”
“Isn’t this considered smut,” asked another student?
“Smut?” the instructor repeated. “By whose definition? Remember where you happen to be right now, in a sex school. We’re here to explore all avenues of sexuality, and erotic literature happens to be one of them.”
Ms. Brianna walked down the aisle until she reached the offending student’s desk. Amanda couldn’t help but follow her path through the classroom. Black heels clicking against the tile floor. Each step accented the sway of her hips until she stopped, riding crop in hand, leaning over the student’s desk, definitely invading her personal space.
“And, what makes you so judgmental, Ms.? What is your name?”
The woman being addressed studied her desk, as if it held all the answers in the world. She was pale, with straight light-brown hair that hung over her face.
“Jessica. Jessica Nunamaker,” she replied, looking up and showing off a classically beautiful face. If Amanda had to describe her in one word, it would simply be: “innocent.”
A few snickers broke out in the classroom until Ms. Brianna stood up to her full 5 feet, 9 inch height and looked around the classroom. “Does anyone find this exchange, or our study of literature, to be particularly entertaining?”
Amanda looked down at her desk. Anything but meeting eye contact with Ms. Brianna, and perhaps being singled out.
“I didn’t think so.” She turned her attention back to Jessica. “Well, Ms. Nunamaker, what do you find particularly offensive about books that you have never even read? Do you always judge something by its cover?” She gestured toward the pile of books.
“No, ma’am. It’s just growing up, my mum and pop told me to watch out for the evil that can be contained within books,” she stumbled.
Listening to her halting, subdued voice, Amanda almost felt sorry for her. But, speaking out in the classroom? She certainly had brought this attention upon herself.
“Ah, I see,” Ms. Brianna said. “And, may I ask what brings you here to Sex U? What’s your field of study?”
Amanda turned toward the back of the classroom again, curious as to what Jessica was going to say.
“I’m to be married,” Jessica explained, “and my mum and pop thought it would be best for me to get a bit of ‘experience’ before the wedding night.”
Amanda was surprised to hear the answer. Sure, the university had all sorts of “majors,” but Amanda was surprised to find virgins like Jessica mixed in with all the “commonfolk.” Surely those strict parents would have expected some sort of preferential treatment, for them to be isolated from everybody else.
Not skipping a beat, Ms. Brianna picked up on the situation instantly. “So, you’re telling me that your parents sent you here to basically ‘br
eak you in’ before you get married?”
A red blush flushed up from Jessica’s pale neck all the way to the tips of her now-red ears. Amanda could almost feel her embarrassment permeate the room.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Wonderful. Then it looks like we have our first volunteer of the day,” Ms. Brianna said. “If you’d come up to the front of the classroom, please.”
Ms. Brianna strolled to the front of the class, not even stopping to see if Jessica was following her. With a squeak of the metal legs against the floor, Jessica pushed her chair back from her desk and stood up. Amanda didn’t think it could be possible, but she actually seemed to be blushing more.
As Jessica passed her, Amanda caught a whiff of perfume that smelled like caramel apples. Could this girl be any sweeter? she thought.
Jessica reached the front of the classroom and stood with her arms crossed over her pale lavender floral-print dress. Really, they were each issued a wardrobe, and Amanda wondered who had picked up little Ms. Innocent’s attire. It certainly differed from what she had found in her locker.
Giving her the once-over, Ms. Brianna directed her attention to the rest of the class. “All right now, if we don’t have any other complaints, I’d like everyone to open up their ‘sex positions’ book to page 299, ‘Up Against the Wall.’”
Turning to the assigned page, Amanda took in the alluring sights of a man’s firm ass and muscular legs. The description read: “Sitting while he stands lets her use her whole body to move her mouth back and forth on him without tiring out her neck.”
“Over the next few weeks,” the instructor explained, “we’ll be going through a number of these positions. You are to study them and, in gym class, you’ll work different muscle groups in order to help your physical stamina. Ladies, especially, you’ll also have to work on your flexibility.