Book Read Free

Physical Education

Page 5

by Bacio, Louisa

  “Now, do I have any volunteers to help Ms. Nunamaker demonstrate the proper positioning of ‘Up Against the Wall?’”

  More than a few guys in the class shot their hands up, along with a few girls. One was her tribe-mate Clyde, and that’s who Ms. Brianna chose.

  Clyde stumbled over the leg of the desk as he got up too quickly in his willingness to help out. More laughs rang out in the room, only to be silenced by a stare from the instructor.

  “Now, Jessica, I’d like you to sit down against this wall,” she said, indicating a bare spot next to the whiteboard. “Back flat on the wall, knees raised and legs together.”

  Ms. Brianna walked over to the spot, helping to position Jessica. When she was seated, Ms. Brianna lifted Jessica’s skirt so it settled over her thighs, giving a brief glimpse of striking blue panties and shapely calves.

  “Now, Mr. Sotherson, if you could come over here, please,” she said with a touch of formality in her voice. “I’d like you to drop your shorts and underwear.”

  Now it was Clyde’s turn to get embarrassed. But that didn’t stop him from shucking his khaki shorts as quickly as possible. Then went his tightie-whities. Clyde didn’t have the worst looking ass that she’d ever seen, but it certainly ranked among one of the whitest, Amanda surmised. Must be all that time spent on the farm, without much time for nude sunbathing.

  “So, Ms. Nunamaker, ever suck a man’s cock before?”

  At the front of the class, Jessica blanched, stripping all the redness from her face. Her eyes fluttered, and finally she answered in a hoarse whisper: “No, ma’am.”

  “For some reason, I didn’t think so. How about hold a man’s privates?” the questioning continued.

  “Not exactly,” she said. “I’ve kinda felt one before through his jeans.”

  “Ahhh, I see,” Ms. Brianna said. “Much different creature when it’s bare, isn’t that so, Mr. Sotherson?”

  At the mention of his member, Clyde’s penis jumped to attention, as if ready to reply all on its own.

  “Well I guess this is where your training is going to start. Do you understand, Ms. Nunamaker?”

  “Yes, Ms. Brianna.”

  The instructor directed Clyde to stand in front of Jessica, with his back to the class. Then, she told Jessica how to fondle his soft folds, testing his hardness, and how to see if any pre-come was seeping out of his cock. Just watching and listening, Amanda felt herself getting excited. Her mouth watered at the thought of taking the long, thin cock into her own mouth. Feeling the velvety smoothness beneath the wetness of her tongue. She glanced around the room. Everyone else had their eyes cast forward, not able to look away from the in-depth display happening right in front of them.

  “Now, Ms. Nunamaker, I’d like you to take his cock into your mouth, gently.”

  Clyde sucked in a breath at the moment of contact. “Pull your lips down a bit, over your teeth. It’s fine to run your teeth a bit along the tender skin, but it’s better to let him feel the suction of your lips,” Ms. Brianna explained.

  Amanda had given plenty of blow jobs in her time, starting in high school, but aside from the incident the other night in the quad, had never had she seen someone else being pleasured in such an intimate setting. Voyeurism proved to be definitely more exciting than watching porn.

  Standing behind Clyde, Ms. Brianna rested her hands on his hips and started a back and forth thrusting motion. “Learn his rhythm Ms. Nunamaker, feel the tension of his cock beneath your tongue. Rub your hands down his shaft when you raise your mouth up, and you can softly fondle his balls. And remember, each lover will be different. Some may want it hard and rough. Others respond quicker to a soft touch. Some may even want a little bit of teeth.”

  Jessica mumbled something from around Clyde’s cock, and Amanda could only imagine that it was another “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Now, if you’d like, you can reach one or two hands around his body, and firmly hold onto his ass,” the teacher explained. “This position will help guide him into your mouth, and you also can help set the pace. For those not afraid of a little backdoor action, this also is the time to tickle his ass, which most men – gay or straight – also enjoy.”

  With the mention of anal play, Amanda felt her own butt plug even more distinctly. Great, now that she was aware of it, it was just about all she could think about.

  Clyde’s movements became even more frenzied and, by the clenching of his ass cheeks, Amanda imagined that he was just about ready to spew. Ms. Brianna also picked up on the tell-tale signs.

  “Be aware of your lover’s signs,” she explained, “and be ready to take in his offerings. In this case, Ms. Nunamaker, when you feel him start to come, I want you to swallow. All of it.

  “I don’t want any messy clean-ups in my classroom,” she insisted. “You hear me?”

  As if the talk of coming was more than he could take, Clyde’s body suddenly tensed up, arms resting against the wall and he let out an elongated moan, bucking his hips in final surrender.

  With a few final thrusts for good measure, Clyde leaned against the wall, shoulders slumped forward in relaxation. Amanda couldn’t see Jessica’s expression, but her body language was quite stiff.

  “Thank you for your help, Mr. Sotherson. Now if you’d please step back, pull up your trousers and return to your seat,” Ms. Brianna said.

  Clyde quickly obliged Ms. Brianna’s instructions. As he slid into his seat, he slouched down low.

  At the front of the class, the instructor wasn’t quite done with Jessica yet. Rather than the embarrassment of before, now Jessica looked flushed with excitement. Her eyes glowed, and her lips were puffed up and swollen from exertion.

  “How did that make you feel, Ms. Nunamaker?”

  Jessica’s pink tongue darted out and licked her red lips. “Good,” she said, “knowing that I was in charge of his pleasure.”

  “Ah, I think you’re going to be a fast learner, Ms. Nunamaker. Maybe if you’re an obedient student, next session we’ll have you demonstrate ‘The Cheerleader’ on page 171.”

  Flipping through the book, Amanda found the referenced position. A nude woman did a handstand against a wall while a man dined al fresco.

  Amanda heard the reply in her head before Jessica uttered a word.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Chapter Six

  Back at the cabin, with a pillow tucked beneath her chest, Amanda lay stomach-down on her bed, reading all about the specifics of anal intercourse. It felt a little bit odd reading a book on such a subject, but the author took such a professional approach that Amanda slowly grew more comfortable with the topic.

  The book was broken down into chapters, starting with some of the history and myths, and then it went into more specifics like if enemas were really important – more a matter of personal choice and if too many could NOT be a good thing – to lubricants to actually doing the deed. After reading the table of contents, she first flipped to the back of the book. Why not read some of the more “juicy” material before the clinical stuff?

  “Looking for a little anal loving?”

  The crass question shocked Amanda, and she was even more surprised to see the usually shy Clyde standing there. He looked much more intent, less happy-go-lucky, and honestly, less goofy, than normal.

  “What makes you ask that?” she asked, leaning back on her elbow.

  “It’s what I’m hearing,” he said in his regular country drawl. His eyes roamed over her body and seemed to linger right on her ass.

  He took in her expression and then nodded toward the book in her hands. “Well, and then there’s the book you’re holding.”

  Amanda blushed, really where else could she be reading, and why be embarrassed here, anyway? It had something to do with Clyde’s attitude. His demeanor was throwing her off.

  “What’s wrong with being well-rounded and well-versed?” she replied, a bit haughtily to even her own ears.

  “Nothing, but let me tell you, a pretty ho
t filly like you, interested in some kinky backdoor action, and well, you’d be quite popular back home at our stables.”

  She was having a hard time following the mixed metaphors. Fillies? Stables? And backdoor action? Individually, she understood. Combined? Then she remembered that Clyde was at the school to learn how to run a whorehouse.

  “I don’t sell sex for money,” she said as forcibly as possible. She shut her book, put it into her bag and stood up to leave.

  Clyde stepped to the side, blocking her way, and she really took in how formidable his presence felt. She looked up, realizing how much taller he was than her, really more than eight inches. He had to be at least 6’4”. The muscles on her body tightened up, as if she were going to have to run to get away from him.

  “All I’m saying is we could make a pretty penny for someone to take your backdoor virginity. Dang, we could even put it up on eBay.”

  Amanda’s mind skipped to an image of her asshole online, and that was enough for her. She pushed past Clyde. His muscular frame felt like it wasn’t going to give at first, and then he gave her a good-natured smile that didn’t make it from his lips to his eyes, to his heart … and then he shifted aside to let her by.

  Once past him, she could still feel his stare on her back. As she neared the common room, and reached the safety of others sitting there, lounging and talking about the day’s learning, she briefly thought about reporting Clyde’s actions to Yvette, the dorm leader. But, really, what would she say? Hey, Clyde asked me about the book I was reading? He seemed a bit too curious? Sure, that would go over well. In general, she usually trusted her instincts, and something told her to watch out for being alone with Clyde. And that’s exactly what she would do, for now.

  Chapter Seven

  The days fell into a steady rhythm. Mandi would wake with her fellow classmates in the morning, and each would do their best not to step on each other while getting ready. Then, they’d file into the dining hall for some early-morning chow and head to various classes throughout the day. For some reason, when she signed up for “sex” school, Amanda thought her days would be somewhat more fun.

  More like a million orgasms a day and lounging in bed, rather than a sore callus forming on the inside of her right middle finger from taking so many notes. There were days when she absolutely wished for something to happen. Anything to happen. Even if it was something untoward.

  Nothing, though. The monotony set in. Maybe she should have chosen to hitchhike across Europe, after all. She’d certainly get laid more often then.

  Maybe others on the campus were having a bit of extracurricular fun after hours, but it certainly didn’t involve her, or her closest friends. That’s how Mandi found herself up late one night, planning to break a few rules with her bunkmates. Their “dorm mother,” Yvette, had already turned into her private room for the evening. They were supposed to be in their bunks, “resting up” for the next day’s activities. If it was going to continue on like it had been, Mandi, surmised, then she really wasn’t going to need any additional energy. She could coast through the day on little sleep. Not like much was going to happen on a Sunday, anyway. Not when every single day so far had been more of the same old, same old.

  Four of them sat in the Commons Area, the lights dimmed low to keep from waking Yvette. How anyone expected them to get to bed early, on a Saturday night, Mandi had no idea. So far she’d been at the school for exactly two weeks. And, while they’d read about plenty of sex, and even watched a few tapes, there had been no sex in this microcosm of a city at all.

  Along with Claire, the ever-present sex-a-holic Sam was with them, and also Johnny, an international student who’d traveled from India to attend the school. Mandi was quite fascinated with his exotic looks, hooded dark eyes that promised a night of mystery, and the rhythmic way that he spoke.

  “Let’s break some rules,” she said aloud, sounding far braver than she actually felt. If she had any true guts at all, she’d kick off by herself and find out where Reed spent his nights. She could easily imagine crawling into his bed. And, she was damned if he would have thrown her out. Unfortunately, she had yet to be scheduled with a class with him. He taught Physical Fitness, for those who needed a little extra help in shaping up. Still, something about the way just being near him made her skin tingle told her that the feeling was most likely mutual. She didn’t usually have the kind of radar that would make her put herself out there for someone who definitely wasn’t interested.

  “What do you have in mind, sweet cheeks?” Sam asked.

  Sometimes Amanda really wondered about Sam. Could he really be that sleazy all the time? Or, was it some type of act? Was he overcompensating for something else? Despite his coarse and sexist language, Mandi was starting to actually like him. He was all bark and no bite. Beneath all the macho behavior, he was actually quite sweet. She was more than ready, though, to see the real him.

  “We’re already breaking some rules just by being up now,” Claire reminded them. “Are you willing to pay the consequences if we’re caught?”

  “That’s part of the excitement, isn’t it?” Amanda said. “The potential of being caught doing something that you shouldn’t be doing?”

  “I’ve read,” Johnny chirped in, “that’s why some people like having sex in public places: The thought about someone finding them, or maybe just watching them…” he trailed off. “But I wouldn’t know because I’ve never had sex in public before.”

  Amanda sized up her potential playmates. All three were equally attractive, in their own way. Hell, everyone in the school proved to be quite do-able. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to have sex with one of them yet, let alone all of them at once. Although the thought did intrigue her. She was here to learn and experiment, right? So, why not?

  Well, first of all, as Ms. Lucy had pointed out during their introduction to the “rules,” the school’s instructors were supposed to say when and where each one of them had sex. And, if they were even allowed to come during the session.

  “Anyone have one of those sex position books handy?” Sam asked. “I think we should just pick a page from it and have some fun.” He raised his eyebrows for emphasis.

  Checking out Sam, Johnny nodded his head. “Sounds good to me. I’m in.”

  Of all of them, Claire looked the most uncomfortable with the recommendation. At first, it seemed like Claire had been enjoying her S&M classes. Lately, though, she seemed to be retreating into herself. Mandi didn’t know if there was a correlation, but she was worried about the mental state of her friend.

  “So what’s the hesitation, Clarissa?” she asked. “Don’t you want a little bit of co-curricular activities before we have to perform on cue?”

  Claire shook her head, as if she was unsure of the entire situation. She looked at Sam and then Johnny, both of whom sat with anxious and excited expressions on their faces. Amanda imagined them thinking: Free sex? Why not!

  Kind of like a dog waiting for the dangled bone.

  “I’m feeling a bit more tired than I thought,” Claire said. “Maybe I should just turn in.”

  The petite blonde stood up, stretching out her back and lifting up onto her tip toes. Amanda and the boys admired Claire’s lithe body. She may have been a bit flat-chested, but she still sported plenty of feminine allure.

  Definitely not one to lay on unwanted pressure, Amanda held back all of the “are you sures?” that she wanted to blurt out, and instead gave Claire a hug good night.

  She watched her friend walk down the hallway toward the bunks, and then turned back to the men. Both were anxiously watching her, awaiting her next move.

  “So what do you say? Time to have some fun?”

  “Hell, yeah,” Sam said, a bit too loudly, and then smiled sheepishly. “I mean, yeah,” he whispered.

  “Should we stay here, or go someplace else?” she asked.

  “Oh, definitely go someplace else,” Johnny added to the conversation. “If we stay here, we’re liable to make
too much noise, and would probably end up waking someone.”

  Reed was up, and he wasn’t going to be going to sleep soon. All he could think about was what he should be doing. It was a balmy Saturday evening, and he wished he could unwind. The school offered some extracurricular activities that he could take part in. In fact, he had done exactly that a few times earlier in the season when he was getting trained. While the students had limitations placed on them and their sexual encounters, the same didn’t hold true for instructors.

  A lot of the student experience came at the hands of the instructors themselves. Right now, what he would do to get his hands on a hot piece of ass like that Amanda. He could just imagine twining his fingers through her long dark hair and the feel of her lips against his.

  Yes, he definitely needed to get out of his bed, and his room, and get some air. He pulled on a gray pair of sweat shorts, a plain black tee and some running shoes. Maybe a jog around the campus grounds would do him well. Plus, he could make sure that everything was safe and secure. Things had been quiet lately. Too quiet. He needed a break in the case.

  Intimate nooks and secluded spots lay hidden all over the school. It was as if the builders had designed it with late-night sexual rendezvous in mind. Why else tuck a comfortable bench with plush pillows in an alcove? Amanda and her cohorts had no trouble finding an isolated area, cast in the warm glow of a few floodlights.

  The boys sat on the oversized red sofa, checking her out. Since the summer San Francisco night was unseasonably warm, she didn’t need to wear more than her short miniskirt and fitted white sweater. She’d cast her bra off in the name of freedom and easy access before heading out.

  Now she stood in control, holding the sex positions book. As she thumbed through the pages, she speculated about what she wanted to do, and what she wanted to see. Seeing Sam and Johnny sitting so close together on the settee – knee against knee, thigh just brushing each other’s bare thigh – gave her the needed inspiration.


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