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Mahabharata: Vol. 5

Page 50

by Debroy, Bibek

  ‘“The Kouravas then remembered Karna, who was like Devavrata himself. He was foremost among those who wielded all weapons and he was as resplendent as a guest. They resorted to him, like a person confronting a calamity turns to a friend. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! All the kings cried out, ‘Karna. Karna. Radheya, the son of a suta, is prepared to lay down his life for our welfare. Together with his advisers and relatives, the immensely illustrious one has not fought for ten days. Summon him quickly.’ While all the kshatriyas looked on, when Bhishma counted the rathas in accordance with their strength and valour, the mighty-armed one was counted as only half a ratha.7 Karna, bull among men, is twice that.8 Though he was thus enumerated among rathas and atirathas, he is foremost and is revered by all brave ones. He is keen to fight with Yama, Kubera, Varuna and the lord of the gods. O king! At that time, he angrily spoke to Gangeya. ‘O Kouravya! As long as you are alive, I will never fight. O Kourava! But if you manage to kill the Pandaveyas in the great battle, I will take Duryodhana’s permission and leave for the forest. O Bhishma! But if you are slain by the Pandavas and ascend to heaven, I will kill all those whom you think to be rathas on a single chariot.’ O great king! Having thus spoken, the immensely illustrious Karna did not fight for ten days, with your son’s permission. O king! Bhishma exhibited valour in the battle and in the encounter, bravely killed innumerable warriors on the side of the Pandaveyas. The greatly energetic and brave one, who never wavered in his aim, was then brought down. Like those wishing to cross with a boat, your sons thought of Karna. Together with all the kings, your sons exclaimed and said, ‘Karna! This is the time for you to come.’ He is unassailable in his manliness and he received instructions in weapons from Jamadagni’s son.9 Our minds turned towards Karna, as if towards a friend in times of hardship. O king! He is alone capable of saving us from this great fear, like Govinda always saves the thirty gods from extremely grave calamities.”’

  Vaishampayana said, ‘Thus did he10 speak about Karna, supreme among warriors. Dhritarashtra sighed like a serpent and spoke these words to him. “Your minds then turned towards Vaikartana Karna. You saw that Radheya, the son of a suta, was ready to lay down his life. Did the warrior succeed in saving the distressed ones? Truth is his valour. They were depressed and frightened and sought safety with him, having honoured him. That warrior is foremost among all archers. But when Bhishma, the refuge of the Kouravas, was slain, did he succeed in filling the breach and did he fill the enemy with fear? Did he bring success to my sons, who were wishing for victory?”’

  Chapter 979(2)

  ‘Sanjaya said, “On learning that Bhishma had been slain, Adhiratha’s son, the son of a suta, wished to save the Kurus, who were like a shattered boat in the fathomless ocean. He bore fraternal feelings towards the distressed ones. He wanted your son’s army to cross over. On hearing that Shantanu’s maharatha and undecaying son, Indra among men, had been brought down, Vrisha Karna,11 the destroyer of enemies and supreme among those who wield bows, swiftly arrived. After Bhishma, supreme among rathas, was slain by the enemy, the Kurus were like a boat submerged in the ocean. He wished that your son’s army might be able to cross over.

  ‘“Karna said, ‘He possessed fortitude, intelligence, valour, energy, self-control, truth, all the qualities of a hero and divine weapons. Humility, affection and pleasant speech existed in Bhishma. He was always grateful and killed those who hated brahmanas. These attributes were eternal in him, like Lakshmi in the moon. That destroyer of enemy heroes has now obtained peace and I think that all the other warriors have already been killed. Because everything in this world is assigned by action, there is nothing that is permanent. When the one who was great in his vows has been slain, who can certainly say today that the sun will rise tomorrow? He possessed the power of the Vasus. He was born from the energy of the Vasus. That lord of the earth has returned to the Vasus again. O Kurus! You should sorrow for your riches, your sons, the earth and the army.’”12

  ‘Sanjaya said, “The granter of boons, the one who was great in his powers, was brought down. Shantanu’s son was foremost in the world and was greatly energetic. The Bharatas were defeated and dispirited. O king! Karna began to console your sons and your soldiers and hearing this, the brave ones lamented and shed tears from their eyes, as copious as the words of woe. But urged by the kings, they returned again to the great battle and roared again. The bull among all maharathas then spoke these delightful words to the bulls among rathas.

  ‘“Karna said, ‘This transient world is always moving.13 Noticing this, I think of everything as temporary. When all of you were present, how could that bull among the Kurus, who was like a mountain, be brought down in battle? Shantanu’s maharatha son has been brought down, as if the sun has resorted to the ground. The kings are unable to withstand Dhananjaya, like trees against a storm that uproots mountains. With the foremost ones killed, they are dispirited and their bravery has been destroyed by the enemy. I will be their protector now and protect the army of the Kurus in battle, just as the great-souled one did. Such a burden now devolves on me. I notice that this world is transient. Since that skilled one has been brought down in the battle, why should I have any fear about the battle? I will roam around on the field of battle and use my straight-tufted arrows to convey the bulls among the Kurus14 to Yama’s abode. Knowing that fame is the supreme objective in this world, I will kill the enemy in battle, or lie down myself. Yudhishthira possesses steadfastness, intelligence, dharma and spirit. Vrikodara is the equal of one hundred elephants in valour. Arjuna has enterprise and is the son of the lord of the thirty gods. That army is not easy to defeat, even by the immortals. The twins are the equal of Yama in battle and that army also has Satyaki and Devaki’s son. It is like death with a gaping mouth. A coward who approaches that army will not return. The learned ones say that austerities have to be countered with austerities and force with force. My mind is firmly fixed on resisting the enemy and protecting my own. O charioteer! I will go and counter the power of those intelligent ones and obtain victory today. I will accomplish this deed of a virtuous man, or give up my life and follow Bhishma. I will kill large numbers of the enemy in battle, or having been slain, will go to the world of heroes. The women and children are crying for help. The manliness of Dhritarashtra’s son has been defeated. O charioteer! I know my duty. Therefore, I will vanquish the enemies of the son of Dhritarashtra. I will protect the Kurus and slaughter the sons of Pandu, even if it means that I have to give up my life in this dreadful fight. I will kill large numbers of the enemy in battle and give the kingdom to Dhritarashtra’s son. Fasten my beautiful, golden and bright armour, radiant with jewels. Bring my helmet, like the sun in brilliance, and my bow and arrows, like virulent snakes. Fasten sixteen quivers and divine bows. Also bring swords, lances, heavy clubs and the conch shell that is decorated with gold. Bring my victorious and golden standard, with the complexion of a lotus and bearing the marks of a victorious and healthy elephant. Have it cleaned with an excellent garment and decorate it with colourful garlands and nets. Bring swift and white horses that have the hue of the clouds. They should be well-fed and bathed in water from golden pots, and sanctified with mantras. They should possess golden harnesses. O son of a charioteer! Quickly. Quickly. Bring an excellent chariot with nets of gold, decorated with gems and with the radiance of the moon and the sun. Let it be furnished with all objects and weapons. Let it be yoked to swift horses. Bring colourful and powerful bows with the supreme of bowstrings, so that they are capable of striking. Let the large quivers be filled with arrows. Let me be dressed with body-armour. Swiftly bring me everything needed for departure. O brave one! Let golden and brass vessels be filled with perfume. Bring garlands and adorn my body with them. Let the drums quickly announce my victory. O charioteer! Take me swiftly to the spot where Kiriti, Vrikodara, Dharma’s son and the twins are. I will confront and kill them in battle. Or I will be slain by the enemy and follow Bhishma. That army has King Yudhishthira, who is firmly devoted
to the truth, Bhima, Arjuna, Vasudeva, Satyaki and the Srinjayas. I think that it cannot be defeated by the kings. But even if Death, who robs everything, were to continually protect Kiriti in this encounter, I will confront him in battle and slay him. Or I will follow Bhishma’s path to Yama. I am not saying that I will go there in the midst of these brave ones. Those who create dissension among friends and those who are weak in their devotion are evil-minded and are not my aides.’”15

  ‘Sanjaya said, “He rode out on an excellent, supreme and firm chariot, which possessed a beautiful seat that was decorated with gold. It had a standard and was yoked to steeds that were as fleet as the wind. He rode out for victory. The bull among rathas, on white horses, was worshipped by the great-souled Kurus. The terrible archer left for the battle and went to where the bull among the Bharata lineage16 was. The army was large and had standards. Karna’s chariot was embellished with gold, pearls, jewels and diamonds. It was yoked to well-trained horses and roared like the sound of the clouds. It was as energetic as the sun. The archer was resplendent on his resplendent chariot. He was like the fire in his complexion and like the fire in his brilliance. Adhiratha’s maharatha son was stationed on his chariot, like the king of the gods established on his own vimana.”’

  Chapter 980(3)

  ‘Sanjaya said, “The great-souled and infinitely energetic one was lying down on his bed of arrows. He was like an ocean that had been dried up by a mighty wind. Savyasachi had used his divine weapons to bring down the great archer and shattered the hopes your sons entertained for victory and their armour and their peace. He was like an island for those who wish to cross an ocean that cannot be traversed. He was covered in a mass of arrows, like flows in the river Yamuna. He was like the intolerable and giant Mount Mainaka, brought down on the ground, like the sun which has been dislodged from the firmament and has fallen down on earth. This was as unthinkable as Shatakratu being vanquished by Vritra in earlier times. All the soldiers were confounded at Bhishma having been brought down in the battle. He was the bull among all the soldiers. He was the objective of all archers. Your father, great in his vows, was covered with Dhananjaya’s arrows. The brave one, bull among men, was lying down on a bed meant for heroes.

  ‘“On seeing Bhishma, the middle one of the Bharata lineage, Adhiratha’s son descended from his chariot. He was tormented and his voice was choked with tears. He joined his hands in salutation. Having worshipped him, he spoke these words. ‘O fortunate one! I am Karna. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! Speak sacred and auspicious words to me today. Open your eyes and look at me. No man can ever enjoy the fruits of his good deeds on earth, since you, aged and devoted to dharma, are lying down on the ground. O supreme among the Kurus! In filling the treasury, in counsel, in constructing vyuhas, in using weapons, I do not think I can see anyone like you among the Kurus. You are united with intelligence and purity. You have saved the Kurus from danger. Having deluged the warriors, you are now proceeding to the world of the ancestors. O best of the Bharata lineage! The Pandavas will now cause a destruction of the Kurus, like enraged tigers destroying deer. The brave Kurus are acquainted with Gandiva’s roar and will be terrified by Savyasachi now, like the asuras by the wielder of the vajra. In today’s battle, the Kurus and the other kings will be frightened by the sound released from Gandiva, like the clap of thunder. The brave one17 will be like a fire before kindling and will be like a great conflagration that burns down trees. Kiriti’s arrows will destroy the sons of Dhritarashtra in this way. O illustrious one! Wherever the wind and the fire advance together in a forest, they burn down as they wish. There is no doubt that Partha is like fire before kindling. O tiger among men! There is no doubt that Krishna is like the wind. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! On hearing Panchajanya’s roar and Gandiva’s sound, all the soldiers will be overcome by terror. The destroyer of enemies will advance on a chariot with a monkey on the banner. O brave one! Without you, the kings will not be able to withstand that sound. Other than you, who among the kings is capable of fighting with Arjuna on the field of battle? The learned ones speak about his celestial deeds. The encounter between the intelligent one and Tryambaka18 was superhuman. As a result of this, he obtained a boon that is difficult for those with unclean souls to get. If you permit me, I will fight with that excellent Pandava today. I am incapable of tolerating him. He is like an extremely terrible and poisonous snake which kills with its glances alone. I have placed death, or victory, at the forefront.’”’

  Chapter 981(4)

  ‘Sanjaya said, “When he spoke in this way, the aged grandfather of the Kurus heard him. His mind was delighted and he spoke words that were appropriate to the time and the place. ‘May you be established amidst your well-wishers, like the ocean among rivers, the sun among all stellar bodies, truth among the virtuous, fertile ground among seeds and clouds among all beings. May your relatives depend on you, like the immortals on the one with a thousand eyes.19 Through the strength of your own arms and your valour, you did what brought pleasure to Dhritarashtra’s son. O Karna! You went to Rajapura and killed the Kambojas.20 You went to Girivraja21 and vanquished the kings, with Nagnajit at the forefront, and the Ambashthas, the Videhas and the Gandharas. O Karna! In earlier times, you brought those who dwelt in the Himalayas and Kiratas, who were harsh in battle, under Duryodhana’s suzerainty. In every such place, you fought for Duryodhana’s welfare. O brave one! O Karna! You conquered many greatly energetic ones. O son!22 Just as Duryodhana, with his relatives, his kin and his friends, is the refuge of the Kouravas, so are you. I am granting you an auspicious permission. Go and fight with the enemy. Lead the Kurus in battle and bring victory to Duryodhana. You are like my grandson, just as Duryodhana is. According to dharma, all of us are yours, just as we are his.23 O best of men! Learned ones say that in this world, association with the virtuous is more important than a relationship resulting from birth. Do not make your relationship with the Kurus false. Protect Duryodhana’s army, as if it were your own.’ On hearing these words, Vaikartana Karna honoured his feet and quickly went to the spot where the warriors were. He saw that large and extensive mass of men. The broad-chested and well-armed soldiers were arranged in battle formation. On seeing the great archer, Karna, arrive for battle, the Kurus honoured him. They slapped their arms and roared like lions. They twanged their bows and made other kinds of sounds.”’

  Chapter 982(5)

  ‘Sanjaya said, “O king! On seeing Karna, tiger among men, stationed on his chariot, Duryodhana was delighted and spoke these words. ‘Now that it is protected by you, I think this army has found a protector. Now do what we are capable of, and what seems to be appropriate.’

  ‘“Karna replied, ‘O tiger among men! O king! You are the wisest. You tell us. Someone whose objective is at stake, sees things in a way that another person never can. O lord of men! All of us wish to hear your words. It is my view that you will never say anything that is inappropriate.’

  ‘“Duryodhana said, ‘Bhishma was our commander. He was senior and valiant. He was well-endowed with learning, possessed knowledge of weapons and had all the qualities. O Karna! He obtained great fame by slaying large numbers of the enemy. The great-souled one fought well for ten days and protected us. He performed extremely difficult deeds and is ascending to heaven. Who do you think should be our commander after him? Without a leader, the army cannot last for an instant in battle, like a boat in the water without a boatman. Just as a boatman steers a boat, a charioteer controls a chariot, a commander ensures that an army is not led astray. You are the best in battle. Look at all the great-souled ones among us and find a commander who can succeed Shantanu’s son. O venerable one! Whoever you mention will be accepted by all us as our commander in this battle.’

  ‘“Karna replied, ‘All these supreme among men are great-souled. But we should not examine details about who should be our commander. All of them have been born in noble lineages. All of them know how to withstand onslaught. All of them possess strength, valour
and intelligence. They are grateful and modest and do not retreat from battle. However, all of them cannot be the leader at the same time. There must be only one, who possesses special qualities. All these rival one another. If one is specially honoured, the others will be dispirited. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! It is clear that they will not fight. Among all us warriors, the preceptor is aged and is our senior. Drona, supreme among those who wield all weapons, should be made the commander. He is supreme among those who know the brahman. He is unassailable. If Drona is made the commander, who can stand against that? He is the equal of Shukra and Angiras in his learning.24 O descendant of the Bharata lineage! When Drona advances into battle, there is not a single warrior among all these kings who will not follow him. He is foremost among all the leaders of soldiers and among those who wield weapons. He is foremost in intelligence. O king! He is also your preceptor. O Duryodhana! Quickly make the preceptor the commander, just as, wishing to defeat the asuras in battle, the immortals chose Kartikeya.’”


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