Revolution 1989
Page 54
arnogursk, Ján
Carol II , King of Romania
Carter, Jimmy
Casaroli, Cardinal Agostino
Casey, William
Castro, Fidel
Catholic Church, see also Church, the
Caucasus, north
Ceauescu, Alexandra
Ceauescu, Andrut
Ceauescu (nee Petrescu), Elena
at Bucharest rally
craving for honours
escapes from Party HQ
getaway attempt
and Gorbachev ‘s visit
meets and marries Nicolae
as Nicolae’s adviser
and People’s Palace
and Timioara demonstration
under arrest
visits Cartier in New York
Ceauescu, Florea
Ceauescu, Ilie
Ceauescu (née Borila), Iordana
Ceauscu, Marian
Ceauescu, Nicolae
admiration for Stalin
announces repayment of foreign debt
and Brucan
campaign against yoga
dream of increasing population
early life
economic policy
escapes from Party HQ
and Elena
and exports
fears of a coup
getaway attempt
and Gorbachev
Gorbachev’s views on
holed up in Party HQ
and Hungarians
and Iliescu
image abroad
and industrial unrest
‘Letter of the Six’
oil consumption reduction plan
and People’s Palace
plot to overthrow
and Prague Spring
rally in Bucharest
re-elected as Party leader
rise to leadership of Communist Party
and shooting of Milea
suffers from diabetes
‘systemisation’ policy
television news items
telexes Soviet Foreign Ministry to intervene in Poland
and Timioara demonstration
under arrest
visits China
visits Iran
visits London
visits North Korea
visits Paris
visits US
Ceauescu, Lt-Gen Nicolae Andruta
Ceauescu, Nicu
Ceauescu, Valentin
Ceauescu, Zoia
Chazov, Dr Yevgeni
Chebrikov, Viktor
Cheka (secret police)
Cheney, Dick
Chernenko, Konstantin
Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster
attempts to cool reactor
design faults
evacuation after
and Gorbachev
jail sentences following
press coverage
radioactive cloud
Chernyaev, Anatoli
Children of Arbat
China, demonstrations in
Chmielewski, Lt. Waldemar
Cho‘oupek, Bohuslav
Chojecki, Mirek
Chun Byung-in, Capt.
Church, the, see also Catholic Church
in East Germany
in Poland
in Romania
Churchill, Winston: ‘Iron Curtain’ speech
and Able Archer 83 exercise
and Afghanistan
and Chernenko
and fall of Berlin Wall
‘the Bleeders’
supports Solidarity
television signal interruption device
view of Soviet Union
Cibin, Camillo
Ciosek, Stanislaw
Civic Forum (Czechoslovakia)
civil rights, campaigns for
Club for the Support of Perestroika and Glasnost (Bulgaria)
Cluj, Romania
Cold War
COMECON (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance)
Commentary magazine
Committee for Historical Justice (Hungary)
Communist Party
advancement in
East German
and Gorbachev
plan for economy
rewards for members
Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE)
Congress of People’s Deputies
consumer goods
Corciovei, Mircea
Cornea, Doina
Crimea, the
Crowe, Adm. William
Csilla, Baroness von Boeselager
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cumpnau, Ion
Cywiski, Bohdan
Czech Communist Party
Czech secret police (Státní Bezpeènost - StB)
Czech Writers’ Union
against reforms
border with GDR reopened
broadcasting station
and Danube dams project
drops ‘People’s Republic’ label
GDR refugees
Gorbachev tours
Human Rights Day
improvements after World War Two
nuclear missiles
‘Palach Week’ rallies
People’s Militia
plot to oust Husák
pop music
Prague Spring (1968) purges
samizdat literature
‘Velvet Revolution’
Danube Bend
Danube Circle group
Danube dams project
Davis, John
Deaver, Michael
Deca, Dr Nicolae
Dementsev, Vladimir
Democracy Now civil rights group (East Germany)
Democratic Forum (Hungary)
Democratic League for Human Rights (Bulgaria)
Democratic Party (Poland)
Deng Xiaoping
deterrence, theory of
Deutsche Handelsbank
Deutsche Welle Radio
Die Leipziger Volkszeitung
Dienstbier, Jií
Dierhagen, Thuringia
Dimitrov, Georgi
Dinescu, Mircea
disarmament talks
in Bulgaria
dealing with
dislike for term
in Georgia
in Hungary
in Latvia
in Lithuania
in Romania
Dobrynin, Anatoli
Doctor Zhivago
Dohlus, Horst
Donáth, Ferenc
Donea, Adrian
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Draská, Drahomíra
Dubek, Alexander
in the ‘Velvet Revolution’
Dubiski, Krzysztof
Dukakis, Michael
Dunaújváros steel plant and town
Dürrenmatt, Friedrich
Dvoák, Antonin
Dyatlov, Anatoli
Dyulgerov, Nikolai
Dzhurov, Dobri
Eagleburger, Lawrence
East Germany, see German Democratic Republic
Eastern Bloc countries, see also entries for individual countries
as drain on Soviet economy
in the early
ign debt
leaders told to assume greater responsibility
‘liberated’ by Russian troops
post-war life
Soviet ‘advisers’
Soviet Union sets down non-intervention policy
economic Plan
Ehrensperger, Günter
Eigenfeld, Frank
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Elizabeth II , Queen
Ensor, David
Eppelmann, Father Rainer
Estier, Claude
European Community
Falin, Valentin
farms, collective
favours system
film, Soviet, renaissance in
Fischer, Oskar
Fischer, Werner
Fiszbach, Tadeusz
flags, national, changes in
Fodorova, Sarah
Fojtik, Jan
Fomin, Nikolai
Ford, Gerald
Foros, Crimea
Forsmark nuclear power plant
France, Gorbachevs’ holiday in
Frank, Josef
Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper
Frasyniuk, Władisław
Freudenberg, Winfried
Friedrichs, Hans Joachim
Führer, Pastor Christian
Fulton, Missouri
Fyodorov, Gen. Vladilen
Gabe‘ikovo, Czechoslovakia
Gabrielescu, Valentin
Gamsakhurdia, Zviad
Garton Ash, Timothy
Gates, Robert
Gaudian, Christian
Gazeta Wyborcza (Solidarity newspaper)
Bush visits
martial law imposed (1981)
Monopol Hotel
Pilotów Street
riots (1970)
St Brigid’s Church
Wałsa’s home
workers move to
Zaspa suburb
Gdask, Lenin Shipyard
after martial law imposed
Kalugin’s visit
living conditions for workers
ship explosion
strike (1980)
Gdask Accords
Gdynia, factories strike in (1980)
Gebert, Konstanty
Gehlert, Lt-Gen. Siegfried
Geneva Accords
Geneva summit (1985)
Geneva talks on missile reductions (1983)
Geneva talks on Afghanistan (1987)
Genscher, Hans Dietrich
Gerasimov, Gennadi
Geremek, Bronisław
German Democratic Republic (East Germany)
40th anniversary
availability of Western media
Berlin Wall opened by mistake
communism collapses
Communist Party
dire financial state
ending isolation
files on all citizens
foreign debt
fruit shortages
government replaced
human trafficking
Hungary as ‘holiday’ destination
loan repayments
Miss GDR beauty contests
municipal elections
as nuclear missile base
peace groups
plan to ‘sell’ Berlin Wall
recognised by West as a country
and reforms
refugees going to Hungary
religious opposition
and Soviet army
Stasi (secret police), see Stasi
as success story of socialist bloc
travel laws
Volkspolizei (Vopos - People’s Police)
German Federal Republic (West Germany)
compared with GDR
GDR refugees arrive
and GDR’s foreign debt
and GDR’s plan to ‘sell’ Berlin Wall
and Gorbachev
Honecker visits
human trafficking from GDR to
and removal of Kádár in Hungary
German minority in Romania (Szelkers)
German reunification
Gheorghiu, Octavian
Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe
Gierek, Edward
Gimes, Miklós
Giscard d’Estaing, President Valéry
Giurgiu chemical plant
glasnost (‘openness’)
Glemp, Archbishop (later Cardinal) Józef
Glenn, John
Gniech, Klemens
Godek, Maj. Bernie
Golos, Mirosława Danuta ‘Danka’
Gomułka, Władisław
Good Soldier Svejk, The
Goodman, Melvin
Gopkolo, Panteley Yefimovich
Gopkolo, Vasilisa
Goranov, Goran
Gorbachev, Andrei
Gorbachev, Irina
Gorbachev, Maria Panteleyevna
Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich
40th anniversary of GDR celebrations
and Afghanistan
and aircraft landing in Red Square
alcohol, drive against
and Andropov
and Armenian earthquake
arms limitation agreements as objective
birth and early life
and Brezhnev
and Bulgaria
and Bush
and Ceauescu
in charge of Soviet agriculture
CIA view of
and Chernobyl disaster
and Communist Party
and Czechoslovakia
and Korean Airlines Boeing
and Eastern Bloc countries
failed coup against (1991)
and fall of Berlin Wall
and GDR
and GDR refugees in Hungary
and German reunification
and glasnost
governing method
holidays in Western Europe
and Honecker
and Hungary
and Jaruzelski
and Kádár
and leaders of satellite countries
and Lenin
and Ligachev
Malta summit
and Margaret Thatcher
and non-interference in Eastern Europe
as Party boss of Stavropol region
and perestroika
and Poland
and policy on satellite states
popularity in West
public image
and Reagan
and reductions in Red Army
and Romania
and Shevardnadze
Shultz’s opinion of
‘Sinatra Doctrine’
and Solidarity
and Solzhenitsyn
and Star Wars project
succeeds Chernenko
UN speech
unpopularity in Soviet Union
visits capitals of the West
visits Hungary
visits London
visits New York
visits Romania
visits to satellite states
visits US
visits Vatican
visits Warsaw
war games exercise
and West Germany
and Yakovlev
and Zhivkov
Gorbachev, Raisa Maximova (nee Titorenko)
influence on husband
visits Romania
visits Vatican
popularity in the West
Gorbachev, Sergei Andreyevich
Gordievsky, Oleg
Gotse Delchev, Bulgaria
Grachev, Andrei
Graham, Billy
Great Patriotic War (World War Two)
Gregory XVI, Pope
Grenada, US invasion of
Gribkov, Gen. Anatoli
Grishin, Viktor
Gromov, Andrei
Gromov, Lt-Gen. Boris Vsevolodovich
wife of
Gromov, Maksim
Gromyko, Anatoli
Gromyko, Andrei
and Afghanistan
and Korean Airlines Boeing
and Gorbachev
and Helsinki Accords
and Poland
and the Pope
made President
visits Budapest
Grósz, Károly
and Gorbachev
Grushko, Gen. Viktor
Gueffroy, Chris
mother of
Gul, Saher
Gwiazda, Andrzej and Joanna
Habsburg, Otto von
Hackenburg, Helmut
Hafizullah Amin
Hagen, Eva
Hager, Kurt
Hainburg, Austria
hairpin production
Helmand Province
Hancu, Viorel
Harasiewicz, Wojciech
Haraszti, Miklós
arrested and jailed
at demonstration
becomes President
manifesto for Czech opposition
and Plastic People pop group
and prison guards (bonzaks)
released from prison
returns to Prague
speech at Prague Castle
task to remove totalitarian system
Hegenbart, Rudolf
Heinrich, Ingo
Malmi Airport
Helsinki Accords on Security in Europe
Helsinki Watch groups
Hermann, Joachim
Heym, Stefan
Hírmondo (Messenger) magazine
Hlavsa, Milan
Hof, Bavaria
Hoffmann, Heinz
Honecker, Edith (nee Baumann)
Honecker, Erich
40th anniversary of GDR celebrations
authority drains away
and Berlin Wall
and citizens leaving through Hungary
concern for Poland
critical of Kremlin leadership
and demonstrations
early life
and elections
and GDR’s finances
and GDR’s foreign debt
and Gorbachev
and Hungary
and perestroika
and power
in prison
and refugees from country
returns after surgery
shoot at hunting lodge
signs Co-operation in Europe Treaty
and Stasi files
visits West Germany
Honecker, Lottie (nee Grunel)
Honecker, Margot (nee Feist)
Honecker, Wilhelm
Horn, Gyula
Horthy, Adm. Miklós
Horváth, István
Hradec Králové
human rights
human trafficking
Hungarian army
Hungarian border guards
Hungarian Communist Party
Hungarian Democratic Forum
Hungarian minority in Romania
Hungarian Reformed Church
Hungarian Revolution (1848)
Hungarian Uprising (1956)