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Submitting To Her Professor

Page 18

by Coleen Singer

  Jack didn't want to put off talking to Annie, any longer. He was afraid if he did, his self-control wouldn't last and he would end up kissing her before he had asked her permission. That would not only be ungentlemanly, but it probably also violated university regulations. The time had come to talk, and as soon as he revised his PowerPoint slides and sent them off, he wanted to ask her if she would consider a more intimate relationship with him. He had been thinking all day about how to broach the topic, and he was ready. He would get her all comfy in his study, and as soon as he finished with the slides, he would talk to her about their relationship.

  "Come in here and wait while I finish my revisions, will you, Annie? You can use my laptop while you're waiting, like you wanted to do this morning. Go ahead and check your email or whatever. I'll just be a few minutes and then we can talk."

  She surprised him when she stopped at the door to his study.

  "I-I'll just wait out here." She clenched her fists with nervousness. She didn't want to go into his study with him.

  "I thought you wanted to use my laptop?" Jack was in a hurry to get those slides sent so he could talk to her. "Come on in, Annie. It's right over there." Taking her by the hand again, he led her into the room.

  Jack turned his attention to his desktop and began reformatting his slides immediately, in a hurry to be finished. He barely registered Annie's anxiety.

  Annie stood in the middle of the room where Jack had left her, in almost the exact spot where he had spanked her the past two Friday nights. She felt so distressed that she wanted to flee from the room, but Jack had told her he wanted her to wait until he was finished so he could talk to her. What did he want to talk to her about? Her apprehension increased even more as she worried about their upcoming conversation. After waffling for several moments, Annie grabbed the laptop and headed back toward the hall.

  "I'll just take the computer out here," Annie called back to Jack from the hallway.

  Jack quickly completed the reformatting, saved his work and hit the send button to email the slides he had just reformatted. Then he turned his attention back to Annie. Why had she gone out into the hallway?

  "Wouldn't you be more comfortable in here, Annie?" Jack called to her, puzzled.

  Annie didn't know what to say. She most certainly was not more comfortable in there, but she didn't want to tell him why. "Umm, no, I'm fine on the floor out here. Go ahead and finish your work." She prayed silently that Jack wouldn't make her come back in.

  * * *

  Jack checked that the email had sent properly, then walked over to the door and looked out at Annie sitting on the floor in the hall with the computer in her lap. Her odd behavior perplexed him. Why wouldn't she use the laptop in the study with him? Was there something she didn't want him to see? Maybe she wanted more privacy to do her email. Suddenly, a terrible thought crossed his mind.

  "Annie, do you have a boyfriend?" Is that why she didn't want to check her email around him?

  "What?" Startled by his completely unexpected change of topic, Annie looked up at him standing in the doorway. "No, never."

  Jack was so relieved that he laughed aloud. "Well, I'm sure you don't mean never. You must have had a boyfriend at some point, Annie."

  Annie couldn't believe it. Was Jack laughing at her because she had never had a boyfriend? He was making fun of her?

  "No, Jack, never." Annie replied stiffly. "I've never had a boyfriend. I'm just not very appealing to boys. They don't find me attractive." This was the hard truth that Annie had lived with for years, but it was still difficult to voice out loud, especially to Jack. But she couldn't let him laugh at her.

  Jack looked at her, sitting there in his white dress shirt, looking so appealing that he could barely keep his hands off her, and he couldn't believe what she was saying. Not attractive? He had to laugh again.

  "Annie, that's ridiculous! How can you—"

  "I am not ridiculous!" Annie's voice cracked as she spoke. "I may not be attractive, but I am not ridiculous!"

  * * *

  Annie jumped up, leaving the laptop on the floor. Jack was making fun of her. He thought she was ridiculous. Annie couldn't stand it for another moment. "I want to go home now, Jack. Your driveway is clear and I want you to take me home, now." Before he could say another word, she had raced down the stairs and into the laundry room, leaving a stunned Jack standing in the doorway to his study.

  Annie shut the laundry room door behind her and leaned back against it. She was shaking with the effort of holding back her tears. "Just wait till you get back to the dorm," she told herself. "You can climb into bed and cry all weekend and no one will ever know."

  Annie was already regretting her response and her flight from Jack. As she thought about it, she realized that maybe she had overreacted. She didn't really want to go home; she wanted to spend the rest of the day here with Jack. But that was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She was just setting herself up for even worse disappointment. She should just get out of here right away, before she got in even deeper.

  Annie opened the dryer to get her clothes so she could get dressed, but what she saw led her to close her eyes and grit her teeth with frustration. Her jeans had gotten tangled up in the latch to the dryer and tightly twisted as the dryer had tumbled them. Her shirt was dry but her twisted jeans were just as wet as when she had put them in there.

  Annie shook out her jeans, determined to put them on, even though they were wet, but then changed her mind and stuck them back in the dryer again. Even a few more minutes of tumbling now that they were untangled would make a big difference, and she could let them dry for the time it took her to retrieve her bra and sweater and start getting dressed.

  Annie squeezed herself back in between the wall and the washer to try to reach the bra she had hung up to dry back there. She had to squeeze back farther to retrieve the bra than she had to when she had tossed it back there this morning, and she was stretching to try to reach it when she heard the knock on the door.

  "Go away." She didn't want to talk to Jack until she was dressed and had herself under better control.

  "Annie, please. Please talk to me. I didn't mean to upset you. I wasn't saying that you were ridiculous, just that… Please, Annie. Please let me in so we can talk."

  Annie could hear the distress in Jack's voice. Besides, it was his house, she thought. He ought to have the right to come in to his own laundry room if he wanted. Annie closed her eyes and sighed.

  "It's not locked," she said resignedly. Belatedly, she wished she had gotten to her bra before she had let him in. She stood on her toes and stretched her arm as far as she could in an unsuccessful attempt to reach it.

  "Annie, I'm so sorry what I said hurt your feelings." Jack was already speaking as he opened the door. He didn't see Annie in the small room at first, until he spied her back in the corner, jammed in between the washer and the wall. "I never meant to hurt you. It's just that… What are doing back there?"

  "Nothing." Annie didn't want to have to explain why she hung her bra back behind the washer. She could almost reach it with the tips of her fingers. She just had to get a little closer.

  "It's not that I thought you were ridiculous, Annie," Jack explained earnestly. "It's just the idea that you're not attractive that's ridiculous. You're…you're very attractive. I mean—"

  "That's okay, Jack. You don't have to say that just to make me feel better." Annie tried to wedge her body back a little farther into the space so that she could reach her bra. She didn't need or want his pity. "I know I'm not attractive."

  "Annie, that's not true. I find you very attractive. I've been trying to tell you."

  "Jack, please!" Jack's words were like a knife into Annie's heart. It was sweet of him to try to make her feel better, but even a little white lie can hurt when it's about something important. "I know you're not attracted to me. I know I'm not appealing to guys, I mean, not in that way, you know. You don't have to fib to protect my feelings."

; "I'm not fibbing!" Jack ran his hands through his hair in frustration. It was not easy to talk to the back of Annie's head, as she was crammed between the wall and the washer. "I do find you attractive. I've been trying to find a way to tell you how attracted to you I am. Please, Annie—"

  "Don't, Jack, just… don't!" The urge to cry was almost overpowering now, and she didn't want to give in to it. She was glad that she was facing away from Jack so he couldn't see her face. She jammed her hips farther into the space between the wall and washer, determined to reach her bra, as well as put even more space between Jack and her. "Of course, you're just saying that. You don't find me attractive. It's obvious. I mean, you've never even kissed me."

  Jack responded by quickly moving in behind her, trying to reach around from the back to kiss her, but she just batted him away with a flapping motion of her hands. "You can't just do it now! Now that I mentioned it, now that you're just trying to make me feel better. That doesn't count."

  "Listen, Jack, it's sweet of you and all, but you don't have to say anything. I'm completely aware that you're not attracted to me. I mean, it's perfectly obvious. You've seen me half naked, more than once, and you've never done anything."

  "But Annie—" Jack interrupted.

  "I mean, really, I even slept with you all night, and you never touched me. You—"

  "That's because you made me promise!" Jack cried, indignant. "You wouldn't stay until I promised not to touch you. Did you expect me to break my promise?"

  Annie waved his protests away with her hands. "Of course not, it's just, just… I know you're just saying that to make me feel better, but it doesn't."

  "Annie, you're going to get stuck back there. Come out of there, right now." Jack reached around and lifted Annie up and out of the space where she was crammed. He turned around and set her on top of the dryer.

  As soon as Annie's body made contact with the warm, humming dryer, she felt some of the tension that gripped her drain away. Maybe it was the warmth, maybe it was the hypnotic vibration, maybe it was the fact that she was no longer crammed uncomfortably against the cold washer. Maybe it was just the fact that she could finally see Jack's face, but for whatever reason, she felt some of her distress melt away, the moment Jack set her on the dryer.

  * * *

  Now Jack could look directly at her, and maybe, he thought, talk some sense into her. How could she think he didn't find her appealing? He looked at her, sitting there in his white shirt, looking more appealing than anyone had a right to look, and hoped he could reach her with the simple truth.

  He put his hands on the dryer on either side of her and leaned in close. "Annie, I have never been more attracted to anyone in my life."

  Annie's breath caught in her throat. He wouldn't have said that just to make her feel better, would he? "Really?" she asked softly.

  "Really," Jack replied firmly. The relief that she finally seemed to believe him was etched on his face.

  "Now do I have your permission to kiss you?" he asked, his head already moving in toward her.

  Annie nodded and had just begun to close her eyes, when Jack suddenly pulled back.

  "No," he said adamantly. "This isn't right."

  Annie's eyes opened wide with shock. Was this all just a big joke? Was he—

  "No," Jack continued determinedly. "I will not have our first kiss take place in the laundry room. We're going to want to remember our first kiss for years, and I want that memory to be of someplace more romantic than a room full of dirty laundry."

  With that, he picked Annie up off the dryer and carried her into the living room, where he set her down on the pile of cushions he had set up near the fireplace for the fire they had never gotten to last night.

  "I've been planning this for a long time, and I've thought of a dozen different places this could have taken place, but the laundry room was never one of them. I'm too much of a romantic to let our first kiss happen there. If I could make myself wait a little longer, I'd take the time to build a fire and maybe put on some nice music, but I don't want to risk any more delays. With your permission, I'd like to kiss you now."

  Annie gave the slightest of nods but didn't take her eyes off Jack. She was ever so slightly worried that he would back away at the last minute again.

  But he didn't back away this time. His lips found hers and kissed her gently, softly, tenderly. His hands reached up and cradled her head, kissing her more deeply now. He pulled back to look at her. "You're sure this is okay with you? I just want to make sure that I'm not pressuring you."

  Annie leaned forward and cut off his words by pressing her lips to his again. Jack kissed her deeply once more then slid his lips along her jawbone, kissing her all the way to her ear and down her neck. When he reached her collarbone, he started back up again, kissing her neck, her chin, her cheeks, her eyelids, her temples, and her brow.

  "I've waited so long to do this," he breathed into her ear while running his hands through her hair.

  * * *

  Annie was in a mild state of shock. Could this really be happening? Could Jack really be kissing her? It was like a dream, except in her dream, Jack had spanked her.

  Jack leaned Annie back against the cushions he had spread on the floor in front of the unlit fireplace. He lay next to her, kissing her face and neck. He ran his hands from her shoulders down her arms then down her legs to her knees. As he moved his hands back up her legs, he followed her thighs up to her hips, slipping under her shirt. He briefly ran his hands over the fabric of her panties then continued up, until he was circling her waist. He caressed the smooth skin of her belly then proceeded on up past her ribcage.

  His lips were gently brushing hers as his hands reached her breasts. He found her nipples and rubbed them between his thumb and finger. He pulled his hands back out and started unbuttoning her shirt.

  To his surprise, Annie turned her head and pulled away from him slightly. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked up at him nervously.

  "Umm, Jack? I-I know you didn't believe me that night you found me in your lab, but really, I-I never…"

  Jack reached out and stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. "I believed you. You're still a virgin, Annie."

  Annie blushed deeply, the blush extended as far down her chest as Jack could see from the buttons he had undone. He took a deep breath, then another. He needed to slow down, take the time she needed.

  Annie was biting her lip. "I-I just wanted you to know. I might not know what to do. I'm not very, umm, experienced, and I might not know what—"

  "We're moving too fast, Annie. We need to take it more slowly." Jack smiled at her, willing himself not to let her know how much control it took to hold back.

  "Oh," Annie said worriedly. "I didn't mean… I-I didn't mean…" She wasn't quite sure what she meant. She was concerned that if she made him slow down, he might get mad or want to stop. She didn't want him to change his mind. Maybe she should…

  "Annie, every step along the way is an exquisite pleasure, and we should take the time to enjoy it. There's no need to rush things. Let's take our time, stopping at all the bases before we go for the home run. I spent weeks, or even months, at each stage along the way, before my first time, and I don't want to deny you that pleasure. What have you done before, Annie? You've been kissed before, right?" he said, kissing her lightly.

  "Of course," Annie said, blushing. She knew that Jack had seen her kissing Paulie, and she didn't want him to think she was so completely naïve that she hadn't kissed a boy before that. It may only have been a couple of times, but she had at least that much experience.

  "Okay, good," Jack replied, kissing her again. "How about this?" His hands reached under her shirt again, cupping her breasts. He gently traced her nipple with the finger of his right hand. "Have you done this before?"

  Annie wasn't sure how to answer. Paulie had grabbed her breasts against her will, but that hadn't been like this. She felt the tingling spread through her body as Jack's fingers ge
ntly caressed her.

  "No," she replied breathlessly. "No, this is new."

  "Good," Jack smiled down at her. "Then, this is as far as we'll go, for right now. We can do things you've done before, and this one new thing, but that's enough, for now. We'll take it slowly and enjoy each step of the way."

  Annie tried to tear her attention away from what Jack's fingers were doing to her nipples and think about what he needed. "But, it's not your first time. Don't you need…umm, more?"

  "I'm enjoying this very much, right now. And it's like getting to have my first time all over again, if I can share it with you this way." "So we can do this…" Jack leaned down and kissed her. "And we can do this…" his finger traced circles around her nipple then rubbed it gently between his thumb and forefinger. Annie moaned softly in response.

  "And I'll spank you," he said softly, his lips gently brushing hers as he spoke.

  "Oh!" Annie's eyes opened wide as she stared seriously up at him. "Of course, I know I still have two more spankings coming. I didn't think that, just because we did this, I didn't still owe you—"

  "I wasn't talking about those spankings." Jack sat up quickly and flipped Annie over so she was lying across his lap, bottom up. He pushed up the tails of her shirt and rested his hand on Annie's panty-clad bottom.

  "There are lots of different kinds of spankings, you know." Jack's left hand, the one that usually held her firmly so she couldn't squirm out of position during a spanking, now reached forward and began to rub Annie's shoulders. Because Jack was sitting on the floor, most of Annie's body was well supported by the cushions and just her bottom was jutted up into the air over his lap.

  "Some spankings are just for fun," Annie heard Jack say as she relaxed into the massage.

  "Mmm, and you did say I was a naughty girl, just this morning," Annie hinted.

  Jack grinned. So that's how she wanted to play. His right hand moved from her bottom to the back of her right knee, and he gently trailed his fingers along her thigh all the way up to her bottom then did the same thing on her left thigh.


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