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Submitting To Her Professor

Page 19

by Coleen Singer

  "That's right; you're a naughty girl who doesn't eat breakfast." Jack punctuated the final word with a smack to the seat of her panties.

  Annie inhaled sharply then relaxed again as Jack resumed his gentle message.

  "And I get up so early; it's a long time till lunch."

  Jack gave her another swat. "That's right; you go too long without eating."

  Annie reached back and pushed her panties down in the back before resettling herself over Jack's lap.

  * * *

  Jack took a deep breath. Of course, he'd seen Annie's bare bottom while spanking it several times now, but never in a context like this. Ah, Annie, you're testing my limits here, he thought to himself.

  The two swats he'd given her over her panties hadn't even colored her bottom, so he gave her two more quick smacks, one on each cheek. As a light pink began to bloom, he rubbed the area before giving her a couple more smacks. He had never before been able to give in to the temptation of rubbing her smacked bottom, and he enjoyed it immensely. Perhaps even more, he enjoyed Annie's enthusiastic response to his ministrations.

  Neither Jack nor Annie even noticed that the snow had begun falling heavily again. They were aware of nothing but each other as they passed the afternoon in front of the unlit fire.

  Chapter 18

  Night had fallen and Annie looked up at Jack. She'd been dozing, in front of the fire. "Was I dreaming?" she asked.

  He chuckled softly. "Well, if you were, we were having the same dream. Are you hungry? I can warm up some veggie soup and make grilled cheese sandwiches, if you are."

  "Let me help you," she replied shyly.

  He stood up and stretched, before helping her up. The spot in front of the fireplace was so cozy; she almost didn't want to move.

  "I can't believe we slept so long." They were in the kitchen now and she was pulling various packages of cheeses from the refrigerator.

  "Being snowed in, with no place to go, does have its advantages," he teased.

  "I won't be able to sleep tonight, though."

  Jack had to turn away from her to keep from telling her there were other things they could do to pass the time in his bed. He'd promised to take it slowly and he had to live up to that.

  He pulled a pot of soup from the refrigerator. He had made vegetable soup, in addition to the pumpkin and, now, he was glad he had. There was nothing like a bowl of hot soup on a cold, snowy night. He placed it on the stove and turned on the burner.

  When he turned back around, Annie was preparing the bread.

  "What kind of cheese are we having on our sandwiches?" he asked as he walked over and stood behind her. He leaned over and placed a light kiss on the back of her neck.

  Annie shivered slightly before replying. "I am going to put a few different kinds on each sandwich, along with tomato slices. Is that okay with you?"

  "Hmm, never had tomato on grilled cheese before, it sounds interesting. Go for it," he murmured as he continued to nuzzle her neck.

  "Jack!" she exclaimed. "I'm trying to concentrate here."

  "Sorry, sweetheart, I just can't seem to resist this delicious neck of yours."

  Nervously, she said, "Go stir the soup. I'll make the sandwiches. Can we eat in front of the fire?"

  "I think that's a great idea. It's warm and cozy in there." He returned to the stove and stirred the soup, turning down the heat to let it simmer.

  When the food was finally ready, he produced a tray from the cupboard and helped her carry the food into the living room. They settled among the cushions again and began to eat.

  "This soup is amazing," she said. "I can't believe you're such a chef."

  He laughed. "I have to admit, the sandwich isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Actually, it's quite tasty. You may turn me into a vegetarian yet, baby."

  Baby – oh, how she loved the sound of that word on his lips. Annie looked over at him and smiled. He wanted to take things slowly but could they? Strange things happened to her body whenever he teased her, touched her or kissed her. Did she really want him to take it slowly?

  He handed her a bottle of water and opened one for himself. Taking a big swig to wash down his food, he said, "Annie, you don't know how many times I've imagined us, here, like this, in front of the fire. It just seems so…right."

  She looked at the fire wistfully. "It does, doesn't it?"

  When the meal was finished, Annie stood up to take their dishes back to the kitchen. When Jack got up to help her, she stopped him. "No, let me. You should probably check outside and see what's happening with the snow."

  Reluctantly, he agreed. If the roads were clear, would she want to go home? He went to the front door and opened it – or tried to, anyway. Apparently, while they had been cuddling, kissing and napping by the fire all afternoon, several more inches of snow had fallen. So much that it was stacked up against the front door and he couldn't even get it opened all the way. The one good thing about this situation was that he had a good excuse to keep Annie right here with him for another night.

  A few minutes later, Annie came in from the kitchen and saw Jack attempting to move some of the snow away from the door. She walked over to him.

  "Oh, my, did we get more snow? How did we not realize that?" she asked in awe.

  He grinned when he turned to her. "I think we were otherwise occupied. Anyway, I don't think you're going anyplace tonight. I hope that's not a problem."

  She shook her head. "N-no, it's fine. As l-long as y-you don't m-mind if I stay another night, that is."

  He took her by the shoulders and shook her slightly. "Annie, when are you going to get it through that stubborn head of yours that I would keep you here every night, if I could? I want you here, with me, always. We've had way too many misunderstandings over the past few days. I want everything out in the open."

  "Really?" she asked. "You aren't just saying that?"

  He sighed. "Do I have to spank you?"

  "N-no, no, you don't."

  He closed the door. "I'm letting too much cold air in. Let's go back over by the fire." He led her back to the cushions on the floor.

  "Annie, may I ask you something?" he asked, once they were comfortable again.

  "Sure, I guess so," she said skeptically.

  "Earlier, when I was working in the study, why didn't you want to be in there with me?"

  Annie grew quiet, fidgeting. She turned her head away from him, but not before he saw the blush staining her cheeks.

  "Annie, what is it, baby?" he urged, growing concerned. "Is there something in that room that frightens you? Did I do something?"

  It took a few minutes for her to form the words. Quietly, in a voice so low he could barely hear her, she said, "Th-that's the r-room where y-you…s-spanked me." She lowered her head, embarrassed.

  Jack was dumbfounded. He didn't know how to respond. Finally, he said, "So, let me get this straight. You don't like that room because of that? You don't ever want to go in there? Baby, it's okay, come here."

  Gratefully, she went into his arms, thankful for his loving embrace.

  "I think we should show you that pleasant things can happen in that room, as well. What do you think, Annie?" he asked, after a while.

  She looked up, meeting his eyes. "Do you think it will make a difference?" she asked.

  "It can't hurt to try, now, can it?"

  "I-I g-guess not," she answered in a voice barely above a whisper. She wasn't convinced.

  "Why don’t we go on up there and put a movie in. We can snuggle on the couch and watch it together. You'll see that the room is nothing to be afraid of."

  Not wanting him to see how nervous it made her to return to his study, she let him lead her back up the stairs. When they got to the door, she hesitated.

  Jack looked down at her. She seemed to be rooted to the spot so he turned and lifted her in his arms, carrying her in and depositing her on the couch.

  Her eyes flew open wide as she realized what he was doing. She sat, not uttering
a word, as he looked through his vast collection of movies and chose a comedy for them to enjoy. He popped it in the player and sat down next to her, pulling her onto his lap and covering them both with a blanket that hung on the back of the couch.

  "Now, isn't this nice and cozy?" he asked.

  She tried to smile. She was still apprehensive as she spied the 'spanking chair' on the other side of the room. Turning her attention back to the opening credits of the movie, she tried to concentrate on that, instead.

  As if he could feel her growing apprehension, Jack pulled her close to his chest and kissed the top of her head. "It's all right, baby. Just watch the movie. I've seen it and it's really lighthearted and funny. I think you'll like it. It's just what you need right now."

  Annie settled in and actually began to laugh at some of the scenes in the movie. Jack smiled and they talked about the actor who had the lead role.

  "He does an excellent job in this movie. I think I like this better than any he's done," Jack said.

  "They chose the right actress. They seem to have good on screen chemistry," Annie added.

  He looked at her. "Like us, we have good chemistry, Annie."

  "Yes, I-I think s-so, too."

  "You are so cute when you stutter," he said as he tweaked the tip of her nose.

  She flushed bright red at his remark. "I-I don't mean to s-stutter. I get so nervous."

  "Honey, there's never any need for you to be nervous around me."

  They turned their attention back to the movie. By the time it was over, Annie was feeling less anxious. She had to admit it had been a good idea for him to bring her up here for something other than a spanking. She turned to tell him that, but he kissed her the minute she opened her mouth to speak.

  "Mmm," she murmured as the kiss grew passionate.

  "I'm sorry," he said when he ended it. "I know I promised to take things slowly. Maybe we should just get ready for bed. Are you tired?"

  "Do you know what I would really like to do?" she asked timidly.

  "What's that?"

  "The very first time I was here, I noticed that nice big bathtub in your bathroom. I would love to take a nice, hot bath. Would you mind?" she asked.

  "Not at all, let me get you a towel. I promise to be a better host tonight." He moved her off his lap and got up. "Come on, I'll get you all set up."

  He led her into his bedroom and on into the bath. He filled the tub with warm water and took a towel and washcloth out of the cabinet. "Here you go, do you need anything else? A clean shirt to sleep in, maybe?" he asked as she stood, waiting for him to leave before undressing.

  "That would be nice," she said.

  Noticing her discomfort, he let himself out of the room and went to fetch a shirt for her. Choosing a light blue oxford, he set it on the bed for her and went back downstairs. He went to the laundry room to check on her jeans. Taking them out of the dryer, he folded them and carried them back upstairs.

  * * *

  She was still in the bathroom, so he laid them on a chair and made himself scarce. The last thing he wanted to do was spook her by lurking around in the bedroom, waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. What he would really like to do was join her.

  Instead, he went back downstairs and into the kitchen, where he made two mugs of hot chocolate, the same way he'd made them for her before. He thought about the way the afternoon had gone. He couldn't believe he was so lucky to find that she had feelings for him, the same way he did for her. He knew he had to proceed with caution with her, but the growing erection between his legs told him it wasn't going to be an easy thing to do.

  Thoughts of Annie, upstairs in his bathtub, made it even harder to control the desire coursing through his veins. He wanted her.

  When she came downstairs, a little while later, she looked relaxed and comfortable in his shirt. If she only knew what she was doing to him, running around his house like that! He turned to her and smiled, handing her one of the mugs of cocoa.

  "Thank you," she said with a shy smile.

  "How was the bath?" he asked as he took a sip of his own hot liquid.

  "Heavenly, we only have a shower at the dorm. I would love to have a tub like that." She walked to the table and sat down.

  "You know, you're welcome to use mine any time you like," he said as he joined her.

  "Thank y-you." Annie lowered her eyes.

  "Are you okay?" he asked.

  "Jack, I…uh…are we going to have to keep our relationship a secret? I mean, can you get in trouble if anyone finds out?" She sounded concerned for him.

  He grinned. "I checked that out a few weeks ago, when I first realized I was interested in getting to know you better."

  "Y-you did?" she asked in obvious surprise.

  "I did."

  "What did you find out?"

  "It isn't against the university laws for a professor to date a student, however, there are some rules, and we should probably be somewhat discreet, to avoid tarnishing your reputation."

  She breathed a sigh of relief. "I-I just wouldn't want you to lose your job because of me."

  "I won't, trust me."

  After a while, Annie got up and took their empty cups to the sink.

  "I-I guess I'll go up to bed now," she said.

  "Let me get the lights and the fire and I'll walk up with you. I'll get you settled before I get a quick shower."

  When they got upstairs, she started to turn into the guest bedroom. Jack stopped her, pulling her gently toward his own room. "Nah, I don't think so. I can't stay awake all night, worrying about whether you are freezing or not."

  She looked up at him nervously.

  "I won't do anything you don't want me to do, Annie. I already promised you that."

  "It's not you I don't trust," she murmured under her breath.

  Jack led her to the bed, turned it down and waited until she crawled in, before tucking her in. Planting a chaste kiss on her lips, he excused himself and went into the bathroom.

  * * *

  Annie lay in the bed and worried. What would he think if she let him go too far, if she let him go all the way? Would he think her too forward, too slutty? He'd said they should take it slow and easy, but she wasn't at all sure she wanted to do that. Now that he'd admitted he felt the same way she did, she didn't want to wait any longer.

  She didn't have too much time to ponder the matter, because Jack was back just a few minutes later. When he'd said a quick shower, he'd meant exactly that!

  "Miss me?" he asked as he climbed in beside her. They snuggled under the covers, seeking warmth from the cold winter night.

  She nodded. "I did miss you," she said shyly.

  "Well, I'm here now, baby. I won't leave you. Are you warm enough?"

  She nodded again. How should she proceed? Maybe it would be best to let him take the lead.

  She didn't have to wait long before he was pulling her into his arms again. He kissed her, first her lips, then her neck and on down. Unbuttoning the blue shirt, he licked both her nipples in turn, sending shooting flames throughout her body.

  He moved down to her belly and kissed it in several spots before moving back up to her lips. Then, he lay on his side and pulled her to the spooning position, once again.

  "Jack," she said shyly.

  "Yes?" He cocked his head to the side, waiting to see what she said next.

  "D-don't…I-I don't want you to stop." There, she'd said it.

  "Annie, I told you we'd stop there, for now. Are you saying you want to go further?"

  She nodded slowly, unable to form the words.

  He sighed deeply and ran a hand through his hair. "Are you absolutely sure?" he asked.

  She nodded again.

  * * *

  Annie, his Annie, was giving him the green light. Now that his dream was about to be realized, Jack was nervous. It was her first time. He had to make sure he didn't hurt her and that it was a pleasant experience for her.

  Tenderly, he turned her to
face him. Looking deeply into her beautiful eyes, he caressed her face with his hand, then took her chin and raised her faced slightly. Bending to reach her, his breath blew softly across her face just before he touched her lips with his. This kiss was different, somehow, gentle, yet more passionate than the others. He trailed down her neck, breasts and belly again. Helping her to slip her arms out of his shirt, he then slid her panties down and off her ankles, throwing them to the floor. God, she was gorgeous. He continued the trail of his lips down her body, down one thigh and leg and up the other. When he reached her mid-section, she flinched.

  "I can stop, if you want," he reassured her. "Just say the word, Annie."

  She shook her head. "N-no, don't stop."

  * * *

  When his tongue touched between her legs, she gasped. It felt exquisite! It was like nothing she'd ever experienced before. He continued to love her there, and she instinctively arched her hips. A white-hot fire raged within her body; it seemed to be seeking release, but how?

  She found out how, soon enough, as Jack continued to tease the secret place between her legs while his hands played havoc with her nipples. She felt a rush, like waves crashing all around her. Her body shook, she felt as if she was floating on air.

  "That's it, baby, that's it. Does it feel good?" Jack asked as she tried to come to grips with the delights wracking her body.

  When she recovered, he held her close and whispered, "That's good, baby. I told you it would feel good."

  "But…you didn't even—"

  "Shh, we will, that was a warm up. It will make it better for you when I… You know it will hurt, just a little, at first, right?"

  She nodded again.

  Carefully, he shed his shorts. He began kissing her again.

  Annie wanted to feel him, the way he'd felt her, but what would he think of her if she tried?

  Gingerly, she placed her hand on his chest, rubbing the hair-covered muscles. Sliding her hand around to his back, she drew circles on his skin while he continued to kiss her. She got a little braver and moved down to caress his buttocks. He groaned. Was that a good groan or a bad one? When she moved around to the front and felt his erection, she gasped.


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