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Holt's Holding part two (The Holt's Series)

Page 7

by a dagmara

  “Honest, I’m fine. I suppose it has just been a long day for me. And I haven’t really adjusted.”

  “Forgive me…I suppose it has been a long day for you”, he shook his head and sat down “You have to forgive my ignorance, as I have no idea how I would fare in your situation…meaning the coma, pregnancy, and now me.” he sighed.

  “It’s been a lot Charlie. However, I think of myself as a very resilient person and this is no more than a slight adjustment for me. You and I…whatever this is…may take me a little longer” I didn’t see the need in covering…it was the truth. The idea of him and me? I didn’t even know what to call it. Were we a couple now?

  I shook my head to my thought.

  “What are you questioning now?” He looked to my quizzically.

  “What are we…let me qualify…you’re moving in, we’re having a child…but what I don’t know is…what do you want from me Charlie? Not that I need a label but what do I say when someone asks?” I wasn’t sure what answer would do but I needed one. Looking to him, he sat back in his chair and cocked his head with a crooked smile. What I wouldn’t do to know what was running thru his head right now?

  “It’s pretty obvious Lilly that we are not casually fucking, you are pregnant and with our child. Are you asking how I feel about you? Then I would say I thought I had made myself clear. If I have not then let me state it for the record, I care very deeply for you. I think we have skipped over the entire ‘dating’ process wouldn’t you say? But to answer your question I want you in my life, I want a future with you and our daughter.” Pausing he sighed then moved up to me “What do you want Lillian?”

  What did I want? I wasn’t sure I had an answer.

  “I want to trust you. I want to let go of all this fear…I want to know that this isn’t some game for you.” Looking down at my now empty plate I wasn’t sure what more to say.

  “This is not a game for me. This is as real as it gets.” He offered.

  Chapter 4

  Watching him do dishes was rather interesting. I would have never thought him to be so domesticated.

  My mood had instantly shifted from the conversation during dinner. I found myself teasing him.

  It was nice having this moment of just casual play. No scheming –no motives, just he and I as normal as two people could be.

  Henry my computerized security chimed in breaking the playful banter he and I had engaged in.

  “Elizabeth…vehicle approaching, Hotel name registered: The Hyatt, One male driver.”

  “Henry no alert needed lower spikes.”

  “Spikes?” Charlie looked to me, eyes wide and shaking his head.

  “Yes…when I’m home the drive way is kinda armed from unwanted guests,” I laughed

  “A bit over the top?” he raised his eyebrows and cocked his head.

  “Maybe” I smirked

  I laughed as he rolled his eyes at me in amusement.

  I could hear the van doors open and shut, followed by a ring on the doorbell. Charlie walked up and answered it, as it was his things being delivered.

  “Thank you” Charlie nodded to the delivery guy and tipped him adding instructions to take the bags to the bedroom. I noticed he had two garment bags and three large suitcases. I moved to the sofa as Charlie led him to my room.

  I wrapped myself in a blanket and turned the TV on. I hadn’t watched TV in such a long time I realized that the ‘on demand’ feature was perfect now. Catching up on last season of ‘True blood’ seemed like a good idea since I had no idea how long he would be. The delivery boy walked past and thru the front door closing it. I could assume that Charlie was unpacking if anything. He struck me as the type that liked to get things taken care immediately versus later.

  Jumping up I realized popcorn would be perfect…shit did I have any?

  Running to the kitchen pantry; yup movie time popcorn. I put in the microwave just as I heard Sam and Brady come in thru the front door. From what I could tell, she was riding him hard about something.

  “You drive like an old lady” I heard her belt out.

  “Do not…it’s icy” Brady was definitely on the defensive.

  “You drive a Hummer for god sakes!” she rolled her eyes walking my way

  “And how are you two doing? Dinner? I’m truly afraid to ask?” I laughed

  “How are you love” she came over and kissed me on the cheek.

  “I’m good”

  “Glad to hear it…so can I ask what happened?” she sat down on the sofa.

  “Yeah please do tell…I was afraid I was going to have to bail you out of jail,” Brady laughed as he found a seat on the opposing sofa pulling his tie loose and throwing his feet up on the coffee table.

  “Ummm…yeah.” The microwave beeped and I jumped up running to the kitchen. I wasn’t sure how I was going to explain.

  Pulling the bag from the microwave and emptying it into a bowl, I grabbed a fist full and started munching away.

  Walking back into view they both stared at me waiting for an explanation of today’s events. Like on queue; Charlie made an appearance in the hall. He had changed clothes and was in a t-shirt and a pair of drawstring pants.

  Brady must have sensed Charlie and turned to him, rising to his feet. Charlie quickly came around the sofa and extended his hand.

  “Charlie Vaihn, you must be Brady. We met once at the hospital.” Brady took his hand and smiled politely. I think he was in shock. I stood in my spot just popping popcorn into my mouth. For some reason I found this a bit amusing.

  I caught Sam’s expression as she mouth holy shit to me and gave me a quick thumbs up.

  Charlie released Brady’s hand and turned to Sam.

  “Hello Mr. Vaihn” she nodded

  “Good evening Samantha and please call me Charlie.”

  “Charlie it is then” She smiled and looked back at me making teasing gestures the moment Charlie turned from her and back to Brady.

  “I see no one got hurt today?” Brady laughed and sat back down. “She didn’t break anything with that bat did she?” He turned; looked to me and laughed.

  “No – she came to make a point; I believe it was made quite clear” Charlie smiled at me and shook his head.

  I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. I didn’t feel I needed explain myself.

  “Ooh are we getting into True blood? I haven’t seen this season either…oh; oh –can you pause it? I wanna go up and change out of this.”

  “Oh dear lord…Thanks Lil!” Brady scuffed in an annoyed but teasing voice.

  “What?” I looked to Brady

  “Watching this is like watching my brain cells fry” Brady stood up and shook his head “I’ll be back…might as well change too.” He looked to Charlie “I’m so glad she didn’t hurt you or your brother…shit I’ve never her seen her remotely lose control of her emotions…ever”

  “Hey…I told I wasn’t going to do anything bad…the bat was only for effect.”

  “Are sure about that? You had one serious grip around it?” Charlie laughed.

  “Ha ha…funny…funny” I teased walking into the family room. Stopping in front of Charlie bowl in hand

  Brady and Sam had made their way upstairs and it was just Charlie and me for the moment. I could tell he had something to say but he was holding back.

  “So; Samantha from HR? Your best friend I suppose?”

  “Yes, you are correct” I moved to the sofa as he followed.

  “Wow this sofa is deep?” his expression was interesting as I guessed that he wasn’t expecting it. “This is awesome…where in the world did you buy these?”

  “I had them ordered from a specialty catalogue. And they are insanely awesome. Probably one of my most favorite purchases.”

  I sat the popcorn down on his lap as he was angled into the sofa and climbed in-between him and the back of it.

  We both made our selves comfortable; he was more than eager wanting this type of attention from me.

  I snugg
led up with him holding me.

  “I can’t believe your still hungry…popcorn? That is so horrible for you”

  “Oh please…have you tasted this? Movie time popcorn is fabulous…have a bite”

  “I’ll pass”

  I turned up and looked at him… “You don’t get to criticize when you haven’t even tasted it”

  He leaned down and kissed me.

  “Salty” he pulled my lip ever so slightly and sucked just to release… “Buttery” he kissed me again this time pushing his tongue past my lips, as I was more than happy to take him in.

  Sam came in clearing her throat. Charlie broke the kiss and grinned just so at me. That grin almost had me undone.

  Sam sat down in the opposing sofa, making herself at home as she cocked her head looking from me to Charlie.

  “Well it seems this has definitely been an interesting day. You blow into the office, in full blown rage and now here you are completely the opposite.” She laughed. “I seriously thought you were going to kill someone”

  “I’ll admit I was a bit dramatic,” I laughed.

  “That’s one way to describe it” Charlie shook his head as he looked down to me.

  “What? I was pissed and rightfully so.”

  “Pissed? I don’t know what I would call that today…shit Lilly I’ve never seen you bat an eye lash to shit that perhaps the normal person would have…then today you go from 0 to 100 in 3 seconds flat.” Brady commented as he found his way to Sam.

  “I’m going to pull hormones as a defense” I slighted my head towards Brady.

  He sat there shaking his head at me. I knew what he was thinking; Charlie and me on a sofa, together. This was without a doubt the last thing he thought he would see happen. Hell, I wouldn’t have ever thought myself to be here like this.

  “Oh don’t mind them…they have this freaky silent mind link thing” Sam offered to Charlie.

  “Mind link?” Charlie looked to her confused.

  “We do not” Brady looked down to Sam then to me and Charlie “We’ve just known each other since we were really young, it’s hard not to know what the other is thinking.”

  “How long have the two of you known each other:” Charlie asked Brady and not me

  Ugh,…did he think I wouldn’t give him a truthful answer?

  “I’ve known Lilly since what we were ten…well I’ve known her since five but we didn’t start playing or didn’t become good friends until 10. Lilly didn’t start speaking until…”

  “I spoke…I just nothing to say to you” I cut him off

  “What do you mean she didn’t speak?”

  “Ugh I can’t believe you went there Brady” I looked up to Charlie. “I could speak. I just didn’t” I stuck my tongue out at Brady.

  “I’m just warning him in case your daughter is like you…don’t want him worried”

  “Oh stop it. And let’s hope she is like me!”

  “What’s that supposed to imply?” Charlie asked, looking from me to Brady for an answer.

  “It implies that you want your daughter to be like her…Lilly here was a child genius.”

  “You knew?” I looked to Brady.

  “Of course…everyone knew. You had college textbooks when we were ready Dr. Seuss. Everyone knew Lilly.”

  “Ugh, and here my dad made me attend normal school at the same time…he said he wanted as normal of a childhood for me.”

  “You’re a genius?” Charlie looked shocked.

  “You look so surprised…I don’t know how to take that?” I looked up to his shocked expression.

  “Oh this good” Sam added.

  “Fine …yes my parents thought I was autistic since I didn’t speak so they had me tested and to their surprise my test scores were off the charts…the therapist said I was bored so they found things to stimulate me…I guess you could say I was just in need of enrichment or some shit. I went to school like a normal child and took college classes at night.”

  “So how many degrees do you have?” Sam jumped in and cut off Charlie before he could even form a thought.

  “Hmm…a lot.” I laughed.

  “Wholly shit Lilly!” Charlie looked down at me “no wonder the trust was set up the way it was…your father knew you were more than capable.”

  “Yes…why do you think I tried to fight you both from go? I advised my legal team thru the entire process and the courts to give me a stay until I reach the trust maturity age.”

  “But you didn’t accomplish anything as it relates to the takeover.”

  “Sure I did…I kept you two from taking over for almost eight years Charlie…eight years. That provided time for those whom worked for my father to retire with a pension. It ensured jobs for those whom were employed by the company. I accomplished a lot in my opinion.”

  “I’m sorry you’re right you did do all that.” Charlie leaned down and kissed the top of my nose. “We were wrong to underestimate your abilities.”

  My eyes slowly skirted to Brady. He held one more piece of the secret and I knew this one would be held tight regardless of Charlie’s presence in my life.

  “I think we’ve had enough stories from the past and time to fry your brain cells with a little True Blood” I smirked his way.

  “Oh dear lord” he ran his hand down his face. “For as fucking brilliant as you are, why you watch this shit; I’ll never understand” he shook his head

  “Oh Brady baby…there’s lots of tits and ass…you’ll enjoy it” Sam laughed as she cozied up to him

  “Ok I can do tits and ass.” Brady teased.

  “Really? Soft porn” Charlie added

  “Yes…soft porn with a bunch of crazy shit” I laughed and kissed him quick.

  We started with episode one and somewhere along the way I noticed Sam passing out. I knew I was soon to follow. The boys however seemed to actually enjoy it after we caught them up. Charlie even looked to me a few times when I explained the whole love triangle…I wonder if his mind was still stuck on Sebastian and me. I guess if the roles were reversed, I would.

  My eyes heavy, I let the sleep take me…not fully but enough.

  Moments later I could hear Brady make a comment to Charlie and I was interest…I faked the sleep.

  “You hurt her, I’ll find a way and make you pay…no disrespect but I know your reputation.”

  “I have no intentions of hurting her Brady…I’m very much in love with her. When I thought she died then heard of the coma…I’ve never experience that type of loss.”

  “I hope for your sake you’re telling the truth…She’s strong, smart and she can pick up the pieces if you leave, but she will never recover and I know this. She’s never expressed this type of emotion…never … not even when she dated Chris in College and he is a very good man who would lay his life down for her. He was her first boyfriend and only…she’s had a very hard life and her experiences,” I could hear the trepidation and disgust in his voice. “Let’s say she has a very dark past when it comes to men. Her reputation of using men, not so. She’s just guarded and rightfully. I don’t doubt that she’s falling in love with you, even if she doesn’t know it. I see it. And that worries me.”

  “Brady, I appreciate your concerns. For the record I think I love her and always have. There was a moment between her and I, which had me questioning everything. I thought it to be some cosmic joke, she reminded me of the past.” Charlie laughed, “Clearly the person she reminded me was precisely who she was. When I was younger, the first time she and I met, I was floored and she scared the crap out of me. My feelings of jealousy and longing were at war. I was grateful that she was younger, giving me time to sort through it. I always knew that she would have me falling hard, even then.” His arms gripped me tight. “But, I understand your concerns. I have a reputation of toying with women for my personal needs. I don’t deny it. I am who I am and my lifestyle has afforded me with the ability to do as I see fit. That said, Lil is not a game or a toy for me. She never was. Even whe
n I had no idea who she was, I had already begun to fall for her.” He sighed, “The accident, I thought she was dead. In my entire life I have never grieved or felt the loss the way I did with her. I love her Brady.”

  “I hope you do, for both of your sakes.” I could hear Brady shuffle, “The accident was horrific, I saw the car. I couldn’t believe that she was alive. I got her the best neurosurgeons I could. I honestly didn’t think she would wake up. The swelling subsided after 5 weeks and they tried to pull her from the coma, but she didn’t wake up. When they finally called…I’ve never felt so much relief. I have to admit, when I came and heard her screaming I wasn’t sure if I should jump for joy or be seriously worried.”

  “Screaming? Why?” I felt Charlie’s body tense around mine.

  “She had just woken up and the dumb ass told her she was pregnant. How would you feel? Being in a coma for three months then to be told your pregnant?”

  “She hated me that much; didn’t she?”

  “Yes for eight years she’s been bent on hurting you and Sebastian, if we want to be honest. Can you blame her? She’s not much different from you and your brother. She idolized her father and yours. But the death of her little sister…and what happened immediately after, She’s been grieving all this time. I believe this pregnancy and the fact it’s a girl….well, I think this is the best thing that’s happened to her. Mark words she will protect her daughter fiercely and if today wasn’t a tiny taste of her will; I’m afraid of what would actually happen if she were forced to do so. I had a feeling Sebastian wasn’t the father; him and his stupid petition for custody.”

  “This makes sense…that’s why she was so up in arms today…the bat…nice touch; I had no idea what was going on when I got to the conference room. Security suggested I not go in. However, I just was too curious. At first, I thought it was some scorn woman that Sebastian fucked around with going bat shit crazy. So naturally, I wanted to witness it. When I realized it was she and that she was Elizabeth…the Elizabeth that I’ve spent my entire life,…It was so surreal. I was so confused and torn, then when I grabbed her and felt the baby…the way my brother looked to me…I knew it was mine…and the debate in my mind lost to my heart…yes, I have a heart and it seems she’s had it all this time.”


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