With Kol (Daniels Family Book 2)

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With Kol (Daniels Family Book 2) Page 7

by KL Donn

The resignation in her tone is prominent. “Yes. I wish I could stop this conversation from happening, but I can’t.”

  “I know.” She pats my chest. “I have a favor to ask, though. I don’t want you in the room at that time.”

  Hurt, I ask, “Why not?”

  Thea turns her body so that she’s sitting facing me with her legs on either side of my hips and our faces are mere inches apart. “Because, I have to talk about the worst time in my life, and I know that when you hear the details, nothing will stop you from finding Richard and doing something you’ll regret. I’ll regret.”


  “I don’t want you going to prison for me, Kol.” Tears gather on her eyelids, and I’ll do anything to make them disappear.

  “Okay, Thea. I won’t be involved.” Not in the initial interview. “But you have to let Noah in there.” I won’t compromise on that. She needs someone in there that will have her best interests at heart.

  “I can do that,” she says reluctantly.

  “Thank you.” Pulling her into my chest, we sit for a while and enjoy the connection that can’t be broken between us. “You ready for bed?” I have every intention of bringing her up to my bedroom. She’s not sleeping on this couch.

  “Yes.” As she stands, she looks around the room. “Is there a linen closet? I can make the couch up myself.”

  Standing, I grasp her hand in mine and say, “You’re not sleeping here, Thea. You’ll come up to bed with me. I’ll help you fight this fear.”

  Staring at the stairs, she takes a sharp intake of breath before nodding her head. “He’s safe,” she reassures again, and I can’t help but grin.

  I’m safe, now.

  My thoughts, not so much.


  * * *

  “Richard!” Mom screams after I tell her what happened. What he did to my fifteen-year-old body. After I confessed what he stole from me.

  It’s been forty-eight hours since Richard touched me, raped me, and I knew my mother wouldn’t believe me without proof, so I went to the hospital. I made them do a rape kit but refused police involvement, knowing without doubt that Mom would take me away from here. I could move on and have nothing to do with him ever again.

  “What is with all the shouting, Alex?” He storms into the room, and my entire body shakes, the color drains from my face, and I’m not all too sure I’ll be able to keep from vomiting on his fancy carpet.

  “This, you sick son of a bitch!” Mom throws the file at him, and I flinch. My mom doesn’t usually yell or get violent, but now, I can see the rage on her face. The tears in her own eyes.

  “What is this?” He looks through the papers, and before he can mask it, I see wrath flash across his features.

  “You raped my baby!” Mom screams this time. Her fist flies, and she connects with his jaw. At first, I don’t think he’s going to do anything, but then his hand comes out of nowhere, hitting mom so hard across the face that she flies to the floor and hits her head off the bookshelf. Blood drips from a gash in her head.

  “I didn’t touch the little whore!” He leans down to her and whispers something in her ear that I can’t hear, but Mom pales and tears rush down her face. Richard gives me a thunderous glare before leaving the room.

  “Mom! Are you okay?” I rush to her aid, but she pushes me away.

  “Go to your room, Thea,” she hisses out, sounding pained.

  “But, Mom?”

  “Now, Thea!”

  Racing from the room, I run upstairs, passing Richard’s office where I hear him on the phone. Slamming my door behind me, I slide down until my butt hits the floor and confusion encases my heart.

  Did she just ignore the evidence? Believe his lies?

  My eyes pop open, and I remember that day with so much clarity. The agony, the confusion, the anger that my own mother ignored my pleas for help. Until that day, she was the mom everyone wanted. She’s was loving, caring, my best friend.

  If I knew then what would happen in the future, I’d have run away sooner.

  “You okay?” Kol whispers from behind me. His hand is wrapped around my waist, holding onto my hip as he rubs circles on my bare thigh. Despite everything the nightmare brings up, I’m not waking up terrified and ready to run.

  I’m sad. I’m hurt.

  I want justice.

  “Sometimes the dreams are so real, I feel like it’s happening all over again, you know?” Glancing back over my shoulder at him, I see the sympathy and understanding in his eyes as he nods.

  “I do. I wish I could make it easier on you, Thea, I really do.” His free hand brushes the hair out of my eyes, and whether he knows it or not, he does make it easier.

  “You do. If this had been last week, I’d have just run, screaming silently. You give me strength, Kol.” Cupping his jaw, I lean up, and for once, I’m the one to kiss him. Light and soft as it may be, I savor the feelings of love he ignites in me.

  Turning my body, Kol lays back so I’m on top of him. I’m the one in control of the intimacy, and I feel powerful in the moment as his hands hold my hips steadily, but I know I can break free if I want. The feel of his body underneath mine awakens something deep inside my heart that I never thought I would feel for a man.


  My breasts feel heavy, my womb tightens, and my pussy throbs. My body crackles with the desire to have Kol touching bare skin instead of clothing.

  “I want more, Kol.” I’m breathless as I pull away from his addictive mouth. “But I’m afraid I’m not ready.” His lopsided grin and passion-filled gaze give me confidence as he smoothes his hands up my back.

  Lifting his head up, he says, “We’ll go as slow or as fast as you want, when you want. If it becomes too much, we stop. No matter how much it pains me.”

  This is why I love him. His understanding and acceptance are always at the ready for me.


  I stare at him as he waits for my next move, and I take a few seconds to process the thought. Love…yes. It’s overwhelming, powerful, all-encompassing. When I’m with Kol, nothing else matters. Even when I’m mid-freakout, all I think of is him.

  I love Kol Daniels.

  “I want this.” I’m just not ready to say the words yet.

  Rolling me to the side, Kol tosses all the pillows and blankets to the floor, clearing the bed before he kneels at my feet. I’m splayed out in the center of the bed, and he stares at me as his hands rub up and down my legs. His breathing is heavy, and his muscles ripple with unrestrained need as he bends forward to kiss my thighs. His touch is firm yet soft, leaving me wanting more. I close my eyes as he pushes up the hem of my shorts, kissing each inch of flesh he uncovers. I don’t waste a moment on feeling anything but desire for this incredible man.

  “Kol,” I whisper when he traces his fingers across my most intimate areas. I can feel the warmth of his breath, the heat of his stare as he watches for any inclination that I’m not ready. But I am. I know it in my heart that he is who I was always meant for.

  “Blue eyes, look at me.” The husky command in his voice has me acquiescing to his demands. “Eyes open. Watch me.” The gravelly tone of his voice and deepening of his gaze is hypnotic, and I do as he says.

  His powerful hands continue their journey as they caress along my hips to my shirt, pushing the material up my chest. As he reveals my breasts, I have a moment of panic. I freeze, and he does, too.

  “With me, baby, stay with me.” His voice helps pull me from the edge, falling back into the moment as he kisses my belly button, dipping his tongue in the tiny indent. “You taste like peaches,” he comments.

  “My body wash.” I clear my throat to tell him.

  “No, this is all you.” His gruff tone and deft fingers make my breath catch as he leisurely pulls my sleep shorts and panties down my legs. “Watch me, Thea. Undressing you is like Christmas morning.” He grins wickedly at my giggle.

  “I love that sound,” Kol whispers as he tosses my clothes ove
r his shoulder. Spreading my thighs, his gaze holds mine as his fingers touch me for the first time.

  I freeze. I moan. I want to cry.

  The man I love is giving me far more than I ever imagined, and I couldn’t be happier. “More, Kol,” I plead, and I can feel the tears welling in my eyes.

  “Why the tears, baby?” He stops all movement as I try to get myself under control.

  Rising to my knees in front of him, I hold his hand between my legs, showing him that I’m ready. “The tears are happy, Kol. I’ve wanted this moment for so long, and I never thought I would experience what love truly was until you.”

  “Thea.” He groans as his hands slide up to cup my chin and grip my hair. His mouth crashes down over mine, and I realize, now, that I’m getting the unfiltered Kol. The passionate man who desires nothing more than to give me every ounce of pleasure he possibly can for as long as he can.

  “Now, Kol, please.” I’ll keep begging for as long as I have to.

  Laying me on my back, he removes my shirt before pushing down his shorts and reaching for his nightstand. I watch as he comes back holding a condom. Taking it from him, I’m grateful he remembered, and I want to put it on him.

  “Can I?” He nods. “I’ve never…” I let the sentence hang. He’ll know what I mean. His hand grips over mine as I roll the rubber over the large head of his cock. He shows me just how much pressure to use and even manipulates my hand to pump the shaft up and down before lifting my hand up to his mouth to kiss my palm.

  Spreading my thighs, I make room for his muscled body as he lowers down on top of me. Panic attempts to swell, but I push it back and watch Kol’s face as he gently works himself into my body. With my inexperience, it’s a tight fit, and I worry this isn’t meant to happen for us.

  “Breathe for me, blue eyes.” Kol’s cocky grin never fails to relax me.

  “You’re too big.” I bite my lip.

  “We’re perfect, Thea.” He steals a quick kiss as I feel him slide into my snugness. There’s discomfort and a pinch of pain, but the pleasure quickly blossoms, and I’m panting. “See,” he murmurs. “Perfect.”

  As his hips begin to move, I’m lost in the ecstasy his body brings me. The absolute rapture my body is taken away on. I’m lost in the feeling of Kol owning every possible inch of me that it all feels new and so right, and for once, I forget that I’m anything but Kol’s girl.


  * * *

  I don’t know how it happened or why, but I’m not letting it go. This love that’s consuming every inch of my soul as Thea gives herself to me freely is almost more than I can handle.

  The moment she lets go of all her pain and bad memories is the moment I know I’ve got her for life. Whether either of us is ready to say the words or not doesn’t matter because our bodies do the talking for us. Thea’s eyes are closed, her face is relaxed, and she claws at my back, moaning out her pleasure as I move inside of her.

  For a split second, I almost lost her, but my Thea is the toughest girl I know, and she fought back. She broke the chains of her past and is now accepting her future.


  “Thea.” I groan into her ear as her walls tighten on my aching cock.

  “More, Kol.”

  Fuck. If I give her more, I might scare her.



  Hiking her legs up my back, I lock her ankles together over my ass before I reach for her milky thighs. Thea is a small woman, but she has silky, thick thighs that prove to be a good handle for leverage as I quicken the pace of our loving.

  “One day,” I grunt as I slam inside of her. “I’m going to take you bareback. Feel this tight pussy heat wrapped around my cock with nothing in the way.”

  “Mmmm,” she moans in my ear as I pant in hers.

  Her nails dig into my shoulders, and her walls tighten again. She’s close, and I want to come with her. “Give it to me, baby,” I demand.

  “Kol!” She cries out into the room. Her cunt is milking my cock for all its worth. My hips pump faster, thrusting in and out of her as intensely as I can. The carnality that washes over my body darkens my vision, and there’s ringing in my ears.

  Who knew making love to someone who owns your soul would be so satisfying?

  “Thea!” I call out as I wrap my arms around her back and bury my face in her neck, expelling my seed into the tip of the condom and praying for the day to come sooner rather than later when I can take her without it.

  Out of breath and muscles turning to jelly, I roll to the side, pulling Thea with me as we gasp for breath. Her hands explore my body as I watch her face.

  Her eyes are closed, and a small smile plays on her lips. She’s more relaxed now than I ever thought I’d see her. I like this look on Thea. It makes me feel like I’ve done something right by her after all she’s been through.

  Kissing her forehead, I suggest, “Let’s go shower,” wanting to get the condom off my dick.

  “That sounds wonderful.” But she doesn’t make a move to get up.

  Chuckling, I pick her up as I get off the bed and carry her to the bathroom. “Come on, Sleeping Beauty, let’s get you smelling like peaches again.”

  After turning the water on and disposing of the condom, I follow Thea into the spray and watch her like a hawk. I’d hate for what we just did to bring back any bad memories. She’s been through enough; I don’t want to be the cause of any more pain.

  “Thank you, Kol.” She kisses my chest and rests her head against my thundering heart.

  “For what?” I wash her hair as she rests against me.

  “For loving me.” Her words are quiet like she’s afraid I’ll deny them.

  Not on her life. “You make it easy to love you, Thea.” I don’t say anything else, and she holds me tighter. The moment is tender and exactly what we both need.

  Chapter 13


  I’m deliriously sore and over the moon with happiness. I had no idea that I could ever feel this way. So heavenly. I thought I would be forever lost in my nightmares.

  Walking into the kitchen, the smell of coffee invading my nostrils, I can tell from Kol’s body language that something is wrong as he turns around with two cups in his hands.

  “Sit down,” he requests before I can say anything.

  Sitting at the table, I wait for the news, knowing it must have something to do with my mother and Richard. “Tell me,” I beg. I seem to be demanding that a lot lately.

  He watches me for a full minute before answering. “My captain wants you to come in this morning and make a formal statement.”

  That’s not as bad as I thought it would be. “Okay.”

  He blows out a deep breath. “It’s not going to be me and Noah handling your case, Thea. Special Victims will be brought in. You were tender-aged when everything happened. They have special investigators who will handle this.”

  That makes me slightly more nervous, but I understand. “I only want to do this once, Kol.” I’m not sure I can keep reciting what happened. If I’ll survive it.

  He nods and grabs my hands. “I’m working on getting Noah into every interview with you. A social worker, too. Captain Pearson has asked his sister-in-law to come in as your lawyer, as well.” He looks frustrated about that.

  “Why?” I’m not entirely certain I understand why I need one either.

  “Because this isn’t going to be your typical case. Judge Dane has a lot of friends. He’s going to fight tooth and nail. He’s going to make you look like the bad guy.” I can tell saying the words pains him.

  Taking a deep breath, I fortify myself for the fight of my life. “I’m ready, Kol.” I have to be. If I want a life with this man, I need to find closure with my past and move forward. I must slay my own demons.

  After that, everything happens in a haze until we arrive at the police station. People stare with questions in their eyes as Kol guides me up to his squad room and into his captain’s office. Half a dozen people a
re already in there waiting for us.

  Noah stands off to the side while an older man and woman talk in hushed voices in the corner, and two more men are sitting on the sofa against one wall. They stand when they notice Kol.

  “Detective Daniels,” the older man greets.

  “Captain Pearson, this is Thea Matthews.” I frown at his use of the false last name, but I remain silent. I know he must have a reason for it.

  “Miss Matthews, thank you for coming in. I am Ralph Pearson, and this is your attorney, Cynthia Knight. She is solely here for your benefit, so please put your trust in her.” I nod. Insecurity rears its head as he makes more introductions. “These are Detectives Lance Dawes and Tom Titan from Special Victims. They will be the lead investigators on your case.”

  “Hi.” I’m so out of my element here.

  “Gentleman, can Thea and I have the room, please?” Cynthia’s voice is friendly, but she has a sharp look in her eye. As they slowly filter out of the room, Kol remains by my side, and for now, I’m grateful for his strength. “You, too, Detective Daniels.”

  I can feel his scowl. “I’m not leaving her.”

  “You’re not protected by privilege, Kol. Please allow us to talk. Send in Lauren when she gets here.” Cynthia doesn’t budge from her stance as Kol stares her down.

  “I’ll be fine.” I gaze up and try to reassure him.

  Leaning down, he kisses me softly, and I relish the moment before he pulls away. “I’ll be right outside.” I nod and hold my breath until he leaves.

  “Alright, Miss Andrews, let’s get down to business.” I’m shocked she used my legal name. “Trust me, it’s best they refer to you as Matthews for now. May I call you Thea?” Cynthia is very no-nonsense.

  “Yes, that’s fine.” I sit on the couch as she waves towards it.

  “First, I need to know, while using the Matthews name or any other, did you rack up debt? Please be honest with me. The first thing that’s going to come into question is your use of false names.”


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