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It's Our Time (Carolina Rebels Book 4)

Page 17

by Lindsay Paige

  I step closer, lock an arm around her waist to hold her against me, and slide my hand between her hair and her neck, placing my thumb under her jaw to push and make her look at me. Her face is pale and her gaze isn’t quite right. Her arms are limp by her sides. “Babe, you okay?”

  She blinks.


  “Sydney.” His voice is harder now as his concern grows.

  The black dots in my vision start to disappear and I blink a few more times as if that’ll help. I just can’t believe it. He would marry me in six months if that was my timeline? He would have another baby with me? He’d let me not work and stay at home with the kids if that’s what I wanted? I think my heart is beating too fast and my head is still woozy from hearing him have no hesitation. Hell, I was kidding!

  “Just kiss me,” I finally whisper.

  “No,” he says, rearing his head back like that’s the craziest thing I’ve said tonight. He’s ushered me into the bedroom and I’m sitting on the bed now. “Are you okay? You were for real about to faint.”

  “I’m fine. I feel better.”

  “Are you sure? Because that’s not normal, babe.”

  “I’m fine,” I stress, grabbing his face. It’s not like I need to make him look at me because he already is, but I felt like I needed to do it. “You’d marry me in the next six months and have another baby with me?” I whisper.

  “I’d marry you yesterday, and absolutely.” He says it so calmly and with such certainty. What the hell? I can’t handle this, even though I’m thrilled to hear it. My face grows hot and I start to feel lightheaded again. “Babe!” Ian grabs my shoulders. “What the fuck? You’re flushed now.”

  “I’m overwhelmed.” I wave his concern away. “You’d be okay if I never worked?”

  “If that’s what you wanted and if that’s what made you happy. Is that what you want?” His brows crinkle, which is no surprise because this has never come up before.

  “I was just throwing shit out. The only thing I was for sure serious about was the library. I mean, you already know I want to get married and eventually have another baby, but there’s no timeline on those. Not really. I’ve never been able to entertain the idea of being a stay-at-home mom before. It’s a bit appealing, but I do want to use my degree.”

  “Okay, okay. Let’s table this entire conversation for another day. You’re worrying me with your reaction, so I don’t want to discuss it anymore. Let’s go to bed.” He does actually look troubled and worried. I don’t want that. Not on his first night back after being away for ten days.

  I pull him closer and kiss him. It’s a hard kiss to start, sure to get his attention and let him know my intentions. For possibly the first time ever, he hesitates. My tongue becomes more demanding in his mouth as it wars with his. To hopefully seal the deal, I reach down and cup him. Ian gives me a little groan. That’s all the warning I get before he picks me up and tosses me further onto the bed. He’s hovering over me within a second it seems, kissing down my neck as his hands slip under my shirt and grasp my breasts.

  I sigh heavily with happiness. Ian, his mouth, his hands, his body. He is heaven. He’s everything. Has been since I met him and he told me my accent was cute.

  “I love you.”

  “Love you too, gorgeous,” he replies as he grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it off. “Let’s get you undressed so I can feast on this body until you’re begging for me.”

  I quickly get naked because that’s something I can’t wait to happen.

  “Birthday breakfast! Birthday breakfast!” That’s what I hear a second before I feel Ian securing the blanket around us and making sure it’s up to my neck on the off chance that she notices my bare shoulders. We’re still naked. We were supposed to get dressed, or wake up before her, but that obviously didn’t happen. I open my eyes to see Savannah lifting herself onto the bed with a grunt as Ian’s bed sits a bit high, so it takes effort for her. “Get up,” she huffs once she’s made it.

  “Don’t be bossy, little Miss,” Ian rumbles.

  “I’m hungry.” She gives us a stern look as she folds her arms over her chest. “I want birthday breakfast.”

  “Go find your tiara, buttercup, and we’ll be right there.”

  “Oh! Yes! I want that!” She scrambles off the bed and runs out of the room.

  I get out of the bed and close the door. “Hurry up. We have to be quick!” The last thing I want is her coming back in to find us both naked. Ian listens, thankfully, and we get dressed as quickly as possible.

  Last night was amazing. Ian had to cover my mouth quite a few times to keep me quiet. You never realize how quiet the apartment is until you have a three-year-old sleeping in the bedroom next to yours and you’re having fantastic sex over and over that just begs you to be loud.

  I want more, still. It doesn’t help that Ian is being all touchy-feely this morning. Trailing his fingers down my arm here. A kiss there. Standing close and smiling while we cook the birthday girl her breakfast. When Logan comes to sit with Savannah while we go shopping and then to swing by the airport—thank goodness Savannah woke up as early as she did—he gets worse. The moment we step outside of the apartment, he has me up against the wall, kissing me hard and long enough to leave me breathless before he’s pulling away and dragging me down the hallway.

  “I know one thing I want to get her,” he says when we get to the mall. He has his hand in mind, that’s it, but I feel like our bodies are flush against one another for the heat traveling between us.

  “What’s that?”

  “A necklace. Maybe one with her birthstone? I don’t mean to copy what I’ve given you, so if I see something else that I like better, I’ll get that. Are you going to pierce her ears? I could save her birthstone for earrings?”

  “I was going to wait until she was older to see if she wanted them pierced.”

  He nods as he leads us into a jewelry store.

  “Ian, this isn’t going to be cheap jewelry. I mean, don’t you want to buy something that won’t be expensive? She might lose it or break it or—”

  “No,” he answers simply, cutting me off. He peers into a glass counter.


  “No, Sydney.” Ian looks at me. “You could lose it or break it, too. If you’re that worried, then tell her she can only wear it on special occasions or something. I’m not skimping out. Yeah, it might be crazy, but if she doesn’t lose it, then I want it to be nice enough to last.”

  Okay. He’s really serious about this. There’s no way to talk him into buying something from somewhere else that won’t cost as much. I nod.

  “You can look at engagement rings if you want.” It’s said casually as he assesses the necklaces. Is he serious? I don’t get a chance to say anything because an associate comes up and asks if we need help. “Yeah, what’s the smallest chain size you guys carry in here?”

  “Fourteen inches, which is a size smaller than what’s considered a choker length for women.”

  Ian glances at me. “That should fit her like a regular necklace then, right?”

  The woman takes his attention. “Who are you shopping for?”

  “Our three-year-old daughter.” Her eyes widen just slightly, but Ian misses it because he’s back to looking at possible pendants. “I don’t want it to be too long on her.”

  “You could always try it and if you’d rather her have a smaller size, come in and order another. It’ll be good to keep the larger one for as she grows.”

  I frown. I feel like she’s trying to make a sale rather than be genuinely helpful. It doesn’t help that she hasn’t acknowledged me yet. Her full attention has been on Ian the entire time.

  “Silver or gold, babe?” he asks, giving me a quick glance.

  “Her bracelet is gold, so if you wanted to keep doing that, you could. Which pendant are you thinking? It might go better with silver.”

  “Now, the necklace you’ll buy will come with a twenty-inch chain already, so you’ll
be buying the smaller chain separately,” the woman pipes up.

  “No problem,” Ian murmurs. He first points to a pendant that is stunning with the aquamarine birthstone sitting in the middle. I want to tell him no on instinct because the damn thing is surrounded by tiny diamonds. They may be small, but they are diamonds nonetheless. Then, he points to a heart design. Also diamonds. It’s beautiful, though. I’d want that necklace.

  “What about this one for the birthstone one instead?” I point to another one that only has accents.

  “Yeah. That one is better. But which one between the two?”

  “How much are they?” I ask the woman, finally reading her name tag. Katie.

  She reaches in to pull the two we pointed at and a moment later reveals that the birthstone necklace is under two hundred dollars, but the heart necklace? A little over a thousand. A thousand dollars! On a necklace for a three-year-old? No! It’s bad enough that he’s considering the other one, but that’s outrageous. I can’t help but keep glancing at it. So freaking gorgeous.

  “Not about the money,” Ian reminds me.

  “Ian,” I start. “She’s three!”

  “And it’ll last her a lifetime,” he replies calmly. “You’re not going to change my mind, so either help me pick or be quiet.” He looks to Katie. “Can you go ahead and get me that chain? In silver, please.”

  “Of course.” She seems relieved to be able to walk away.

  “I know you want to do it, and I know why, but it’s outrageous to spend that much on her at this age, Ian.”

  “So, you’re saying you like the heart one better?”

  I sigh and look down at it. “I really love it, but I’ll strangle you if you buy that for her.”

  “Good to know. Now, for real, go look at engagement rings while I make my final decision.” He gently pushes me away.

  Please, dear god, do not let him spend a thousand dollars on our child. I walk in the general direction of the engagement rings, but it seems silly and I’m too worried over what he’ll do. I know he can afford it because I’ve seen his bank account. Ian, I’ve learned, is mindful when it comes to spending his money. He doesn’t spend money unnecessarily or ridiculously. Except when it comes to Savannah, apparently. You could count me too, I guess, since he’s paying for everything for me and let me go on a shopping spree and redo Savannah’s room.

  I’m looking without really looking when Ian comes up with a small bag. “Well?”

  He hands it to me. I look inside and see three boxes. One would be the smaller chain.

  “You got her both?” I glance up with wide eyes. “I’m going to kill you!” I whisper with vehemence. “Ian!”

  He laughs and shakes his head, reaching in to grab one of the boxes. “I got the heart one for you.”


  “Turn around, babe.” I do. “You kept looking at it and drooling. So, it’s yours. Happy You Gave Birth to My Daughter and I Love You for It Day or Birthing Day for short. You deserve something, too.” The necklace rests on my chest and a moment later, he clasps it, lifting my hair so the chain lies on my skin instead. He removed the birthstone necklace he gave me and put it in the box, so now I’m wearing only this one. “You’ll have to alternate or something. I don’t know. Can’t wear both, though.”

  I turn to face him, speechless, so I kiss him. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to do that.”

  “Welcome. Let’s keep shopping. You can thank me again tonight.” He grins and I roll my eyes.

  We took too much time in the jewelry store, but that’s okay. It doesn’t take us long to pick out a few toys for her. Then, we’re on our way to the airport. I probably shouldn’t be this nervous about seeing Mr. Rhett, but I am. Ian said he didn’t actually dislike me, but what if he did just a little bit? That had to play a part in why he didn’t tell Ian about me being pregnant. Or maybe I’m being selfish in thinking I had any part in it.

  “Stop worrying, gorgeous.”

  “What makes you think I’m worried?”

  “Your legs do the nervous jig. Dad knows he’s on thin ice. He’ll behave.”

  Mr. Rhett doesn’t just behave. Ian and I are standing in the open lobby-like area of the airport. Ian sees him first, tapping his fingers against my lower back where his hands rest to get my attention. When I see him, my first thought is that he hasn’t aged at all. Mr. Rhett looks exactly as he did when I last saw him. Then, it’s a flashback to our last conversation.

  “I haven’t heard from Ian. Did you tell him?”

  “Yes, I told him.”

  “Oh.” And he hasn’t messaged me at all? My throat tightens. He must have taken advantage of the fact that I said he didn’t have to be a part of the baby’s life if he didn’t want to be.

  “I’m sorry, Sydney,” Mr. Rhett says.

  My throat tightens now, just as it did then. It’s always bothered me that he outright lied to me. I’d rather that he tell me he hadn’t talked to him yet and then ignore my calls than to lie to me. That broke my heart, him telling me that. My eyes well with tears, remembering the days of tears that came after until I found the resolution to accept it and continue moving forward.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” I suddenly whisper.

  Ian’s head jerks down to look at me. “What?”

  “I know it was my idea that you give him a second chance, but,” my chest heaves as the whirlwind of emotions from that time overwhelm me, “I don’t think I can do this.”

  “Babe,” Ian begins, but he’s cut off because the distance between us and his father has finally been eliminated.

  “Son. Sydney,” Mr. Rhett says. Gulping, I face him. Would anyone think I’m crazy if I suddenly break down into tears? Ian takes my hand and squeezes it hard. Mr. Rhett steps forward and hugs me. Me! I don’t think he’s ever hugged me. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers, his voice rough like Ian’s when he first wakes up in the morning.

  That breaks my already fragile state and I start crying.

  “Worst decision in all my life,” he adds quietly.

  “Okay, Dad, give her back to me,” Ian orders. Mr. Rhett releases me and Ian pulls me into his arms, my face going straight to his neck. “What’d you say to her?”

  “He said sorry,” I answer for him.

  “Can you give us a second?” I hear Ian ask. A moment later, his lips are lightly brushing against my ear. “You okay, babe?”

  “Yeah, sorry.” I look up at him. With a hand on each side of my neck, his thumbs wipe away my tears. “I panicked because I remembered my last conversation with him, and I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about what happened with you and your dad. Not me and him. I’m good now. Let’s not make it any more awkward by making him wait longer.”

  He hesitates for a moment before nodding. Thankfully, Ian keeps his dad talking as we leave and head home to where Logan is entertaining Savannah until we can get there. I hope today goes well.

  “I decided on Grandad, by the way,” Mr. Rhett tells Ian when there’s a lull in their conversation.

  That’s good to know. When we arrive to the apartment, I walk in first.

  “Mommy! Mommy!” She runs into me, her tiara falling off from the impact. Savannah picks it up, places it on her head, and grins at me.

  “Someone is very excited for her birthday party. Back up, buttercup. We’re trying to come inside.”

  “Who you are?” she asks the moment she sees we have company.

  Ian crouches to be eye level with her and Savannah takes a step closer to him. “I’m your daddy, right?” She nods. “That’s my dad. He’s your grandad. So, you have Papa, Gramps, and now you’ve met Grandad.”

  She studies him for a moment. “Hi.” There’s a touch of shyness in her voice, but that’s it.

  “Hey, Savannah. It’s nice to finally meet you.” He holds out his hand, but Savannah shakes her head.

  “Fist bump. Z does it.” She holds up her little fist and bumps it with Mr. Rhett’s. She turns to Ian after th
at. “Is that my presents?” She points to the bag in his hand.

  “Present?” Ian gawks. “Are you supposed to get presents for your birthday?”

  She giggles. “Yes!”

  And that’s how the day goes. Someone is always around to make Savannah laugh. It ends up being Mr. Rhett and Logan while Ian and I wrap her presents in our bedroom and do other things here and there to get the house ready. Then, Mom and Chris arrive with my dad, who they picked up from the airport for us since his flight came in later; he’ll be going back home tonight, so I don’t have to worry about where he’ll sleep. They came early to spend more time with Savannah, even though I told them not to make it too early so she could spend time with Ian’s dad with as few people around as possible. I worried that she’d ignore him.

  Nope. She hangs out with him and asks him a bunch of questions. She reminds me of Sylvia when I first met her and the other wives and girlfriends. Sylvia was on me like I was fresh meat that night. Savannah is too interested in the new guy to care about Lo-Lo, Nana, Papa, or Gramps. She did introduce him to everyone else, though. Ian went behind her to say their actual names, so Mr. Rhett, who I’ve been told to now call Jimmy, would know what to call them.

  Soon, the apartment is overflowing with people. Savannah is loving all of the attention, of course. Ian seems to be in an element of sorts with having so many people around. It’s nice to see him be around both his teammates and Savannah. There’s a knock on the door, and finally, Carey is here.

  I stop short when I open it and see her. She’s with her ex-boyfriend, which means they must be back together. No wonder she didn’t want to tell anyone and was being all hush-hush!

  “Hello to you too,” Jerry says when I can’t find any words to speak. God, I hate him now as much as I did before. Why did Carey give him a second chance?

  “Are you going to let us in?” she asks.

  “Oh, sure.” I step aside for them to walk by.

  Logan hobbles over within seconds. “What the fuck, Syd?”


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