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It's Our Time (Carolina Rebels Book 4)

Page 18

by Lindsay Paige

  “I know, right? What is she doing with him? How could she forgive him after what he did to her?”

  “Hell if I know. This is why she was hiding her new boyfriend; because it’s him.” The distaste is obvious and I can’t blame him. “Go drag her over here, so we can talk to her and ask her what the fuck she’s thinking.”

  Turns out, we don’t have to drag her over to us. Carey comes voluntarily and leaves the dickwad sitting alone in a corner. Her arms are folded over her chest, so she’s already guarded and defensive. This isn’t going to be good; I can just tell.


  Logan balks. “That’s all you have to say after you bring that asshole to Savannah’s party? What the ever-loving hell, Carey?” Thank goodness he keeps his voice low.

  Her eyes narrow, so I jump in, thinking I can defuse the situation. “He cheated on you, Carey. With multiple girls. You were heartbroken. Why would you give him another chance?” There ended up being five or six girls that he cheated on her with over the course of their relationship. “Once a cheater, always a cheater. You said that.”

  “Yeah, and what does that matter? I also said that if he’d cheat with you, he’d cheat on you.” That’s like a slap to the face. Ian appears just in time to hear that as well. Carey barges forward. “You got back together with Ian, didn’t you? I don’t see you listening to my advice when it comes to your relationships, so don’t hand any out to me, especially if I don’t want it. Neither of you asked what happened to bring us back together.”

  “Because it doesn’t matter!” Logan whispers vehemently. “He fucking cheated on you, Carey.”

  “I don’t know what the hell is happening over here, but it needs to stop,” Ian says, taking my hand and interlocking his fingers with mine.

  “How about we just leave?” Carey asks.

  “Carey—” Logan starts, but I interrupt him.

  “I think that would be best,” I whisper.

  The three of them seem shocked. Carey is the quickest to gather her wits. She motions for Jerry to come over and they leave without even saying goodbye to Savannah.

  “She’s just pissed that we’re pissed,” Logan says. “She probably brought him here hoping that things would go more smoothly since it’s her party. You okay?”

  “Let’s focus on Savannah, all right?”

  So, that’s what we do.

  Starting with the food.

  The cake that Lizzy makes is not only amazing with the design (The Little Mermaid, of course), but it tastes even better. Marc grins every time I tell her how good it is and I tell her like every three seconds. Lizzy doesn’t seem to know what to do with the feedback.

  When I hear someone call Ian Bruiser while we’re eating, I giggle and glance at him. “Can I tell them how you got that nickname?”

  “Babe.” It’s a warning and an answer all the same.

  “What are you talking about?” Marc asks. “There’s a specific reason?”

  I say, “Yep,” as Ian answers, “No.” He glares at me.

  “Just tell us,” Zane says. “He loves you; he’ll get over it.”

  When Ian shakes his head and takes another bite of cake, I somehow take that as his acceptance of me spilling the beans. I took at his teammates. “Y’all haven’t ever noticed that he always has bruises after a game?” Their dumbfounded looks says no. “I can pinch him,” and I do to show what I mean, earning another glare from Ian, “and there will be a little bruise there tomorrow. They called him Bruiser because he bruises like a peach!”

  Everyone laughs, except Ian of course. However, there’s a small, barely-there smile on his face. They reach over to playfully hit him on the arm, and it’s funny to hear Ian tell them to stop because he really will have a bruise there tomorrow from them doing so.

  Next is presents. Savannah loves that almost as much as the attention she gets. She’s excited about the toys, of course, but she oohs and aahs over the necklace Ian bought her, demanding that he put it on right then and there. I still can’t believe he bought that or my own new necklace. Maybe Savannah will take care of it. She wears her bracelet like I wear all of my jewelry that he’s given me. It doesn’t come off.

  The party winds down, people begin to leave, and soon, it’s only the four of us: Ian, Savannah, Jimmy, and me. I decide to let Ian spend time with his dad while I take Savannah to the bathroom for her traditional bubble bath. We’re not in there ten minutes before Ian pops in.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Daddy, look!” She lifts bubbles in her hands and makes a bubble beard on her face, grinning.

  “That’s awesome, Savannah,” he says to her. To me, he answers, “I need a break and I don’t want to miss out on this.”

  “It’s a bath.”

  “No, it’s a birthday bubble bath,” he corrects as if there’s a difference. I raise an eyebrow at him. There has to be more going on. “Not now, babe.”

  I leave it be for a few minutes. “You can’t spend her entire bath in here. Someone has to be out there.”

  He takes a deep breath and leaves. We’re only going to be in here for ten more minutes anyway. I let Savannah play before getting on to the actual bathing portion of the bath and by that time, more than ten minutes have passed and it’s nearly her bedtime.

  “Read to me, Grandad!” Savannah demands.

  “Hey, where are your manners, little Miss?” Ian asks her with the slight touch of sternness in his voice.

  “Please?” she adds.

  Jimmy seems surprised, but he lets Savannah take his hand and lead him to her room where he can tuck her in and read her a bedtime story. We told him that he could sleep in Savannah’s room, but he insisted that he’d be fine on the couch.

  Ian is sitting on the couch, so I sit next to him, resting a hand on his thigh.

  “What happened?”

  “Things got a little heated is all. He thinks I need to go ahead and get her last name changed, and he made some other comments to butt in where he has no right. I reminded him that he was to keep his opinions to himself. I also reminded him that had he told me you were pregnant like he said he did, then she would already have my last name.” Ian shrugs. “I just needed to get away from him.”

  “Did he apologize when you came back?”

  “Yeah. We’re fine now.” He turns his head, which is leaning against the back of the couch. “Can she have my last name?” he asks softly.

  My eyes tear up immediately. “Yeah, Ian, she can. She should’ve had it all along. I want her to have it.”

  He grins and kisses me hard before changing the subject into something not as great to discuss. “What happened with Carey?”

  I sigh. “I don’t know. We knew she was being super secret about who she was seeing, and then she shows up with him. They were only together for a little over six months, but Carey was head over heels for him. Then, come to find out, he cheated on her.” At this, Ian’s face pales a little. “But it wasn’t just that he was cheating on her. As if that wasn’t bad enough, it was like he’s a serial cheater. There were like five other girls that he was with while also with Carey.”


  “Yeah. So, that’s why we’re confused why she’d get back together with him.”

  He nods. “You never answered Logan’s question,” he points out.

  “I’m fine. She was angry and what happened with us is that you were an idiot. I like to think that you’ve grown up since then.”

  Ian smiles. “Yeah, babe. I’ve grown up and learned my lesson.” He leans over to kiss me. “Love you so much,” he whispers.

  “Love you too.”

  Overall, it’s been a good day. The best part is that I’ve spent it with Savannah and Ian and I’m ending it on the couch, next to my man, hearing him sigh with contentment as he holds me in his arms. This is what I’ve been waiting for since I met Ian. To be this happy and to have him all to myself. To truly have him.

  Later, we’re lying in bed. I’m on clo
ud nine as I realize my life is exactly where I want it where Ian is concerned. I didn’t think it was possible to be this happy. Ha. I didn’t think it was possible for him to be what I needed him to be, but he surprised me. All I had to do was give him a chance.



  “Want to know when I realized I loved you?”

  I quickly prop myself up on one elbow. “Tell me.”

  “When I came down to take you to prom, I realized it. Knew I was crazy about you after you came to visit at Christmas, but I don’t know. Coming for prom was when it hit me just how crazy. Even then, I was worried about what I would do if you were in love with me because I knew the timing wasn’t right for me. But it all worked out, didn’t it?”

  “Yeah,” I whisper. “We’re here.” I lie back down and rest my head on his shoulder.

  “I don’t know what your actual plans for the future are since you decided to test me, but I do know what I want.”

  “What’s that?” I ask curiously.

  He doesn’t say anything right away. His hand is resting on my hip and he gives it a squeeze. “I’ve loved you for a long time, Sydney. I want to keep on loving you and taking care of you and Savannah. You two are the most important people in my life.” Where is he going with this? Ian takes a deep breath. “Will you marry me? Be my wife? Be mine so completely, let me be a part of your life, and give you the kind of life you want?”

  I sit up, my eyes wide. “What?” He’s proposing?

  Ian chuckles. “You’re supposed to say yes; not what.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He frowns. “What the fuck kind of question is that, babe?”

  “I don’t know! I was half asleep when you started talking and now you’re proposing!”

  “What’s your answer?” That warning tone is in his voice. Who knew he’d lose his patience when it came to one of the most important decisions of my life?

  “What do you think?”

  He starts to smile. “Say it. Make it real.”

  Leaning over, my mouth only a breath away from his, I whisper, “Yes.”

  I took my dad to the airport this morning. I think we’ll be okay as long as he stays out of my relationship and keeps his opinions to himself unless he’s asked for it. I didn’t tell him about how I’m now engaged either. Today has been good and busy, but now, we’re sitting down having dinner like a family. Never would I have thought something so simple and mundane would make me so happy.

  “When do you want to get married?” I ask Sydney. “This summer?”

  She glances over with surprise. “So soon?”

  “You want to wait?” I frown. “What’s the point? If you want to marry me, why would we wait a year or two?” Her mouth opens, but I can’t stop just yet. “We were practically together for two years when we were teenagers and then again the past two years. It’s not like we don’t know one another and we need time to make sure we don’t discover something that could be a deal-breaker. So, what’s the problem, babe?”

  Sydney avoids looking at me, pushing around her green beans or trying to find a way to help Savannah, which means I’m not going to like what she has to say. “I said yes because I love you and I think that is our future—”

  “But?” I interrupt.

  “But…” She shakes her head. “I don’t know. It seems so soon and this entire thing doesn’t seem real. I don’t want to rush us or push into something before we’re ready.” My mouth opens, but she holds up a hand to stop me. “Our relationship has never run on the timeline we’ve wanted and I just don’t want us to somehow screw it up by making it happen when we actually want it to.”

  “So, this is about you being scared?”

  Sydney sighs and with that one sigh, I can tell that she truly is worried.

  “Babe.” She lifts her gaze to mine. “It’s different now than it was. It doesn’t matter what happens or if we make mistakes as long as we’re both fully committed to making it work. I’m not going anywhere. Ever.”

  Sydney seems to think about this for a minute. “It’ll be small with just the people we’re really close to?”

  “Whatever you want. Once I find you a ring, we’ll tell everyone and pick a date, okay?”

  She nods. “All right.”

  I grin. This is good. I told her to give me a week to pick out the ring. I did give her the option of picking it out herself, but apparently, I seemed too eager to do it myself, so she declined.

  Tonight is a family date night, so to speak. Sydney and I haven’t been out in a while, and we didn’t really want to put Savannah on Logan again, even though he probably would watch her. So, I told her that we’d go out and take Savannah with us. Hence the family date night. We’re having dinner a little earlier than usual. After this, we’re going to the movies to watch one for kids.

  Sydney is a little nervous because she’s never taken Savannah to the movie theater before. The movie we’re watching has been out for a little while, so hopefully there won’t be that many people in there. Plus, it is a Monday. That has to help. Then, it won’t be so bad if we have any issues with Savannah. I don’t think we will because she loves to watch movies at home. If she can sit and watch it at home, why can’t she do that in a theater?

  When we get inside the theater, Savannah doesn’t want her own seat. She wants to sit in my lap. So far, there’s only us in here. Sydney holds out the small bag of popcorn. She didn’t want to get any, but this is Savannah’s first experience. She needs to have it done right with a bag of popcorn and a soda.

  “Mmm. So good,” Savannah says. “What we doing?”

  “We’re going to watch a movie, buttercup,” Sydney explains.

  “And there are some rules, okay? When the movie starts, we have to be quiet unless something funny happens and you want to laugh. If you do need to talk, you have to whisper. And you sit in your seat the whole time unless you need to go to the bathroom.”

  “I should take her before it starts,” Sydney says.

  “Think you can follow the rules, little Miss?” I ask.

  She nods. Sydney hands me the popcorn and takes her to the bathroom. Two more families come in while they are gone, but that’s it. Savannah climbs into my lap when they get back and starts munching on the popcorn. She shouldn’t be hungry since she ate all of her supper before we came, but maybe the popcorn is just that good.

  When the lights dim, Savannah freaks out a little, sitting up and glancing around. “What happen? I scared.”

  “Ssh,” I whisper. “When the movie starts, they turn the lights down a little. It’s okay. There’s light from the screen and those lights there.” I point to the lights lining the walkway.

  “Don’t like it,” she whispers back.

  “You’re with me and Mommy. You’re okay. Let’s watch the movie.”

  It takes her a minute before she leans back against my chest and relaxes. She jumps once or twice from the sound, as she’s not used to it being so loud. Once she gets used to it, she’s fine. There are a couple of times where she talks about what’s happening, but she does whisper. It’s a win in my book. After the movie, I have Savannah in one arm and Sydney next to me, my hand in hers.

  “I think we should have some ice cream, don’t you think so, Savannah?”


  “Ian,” Sydney says.

  “Uh-oh. Sounds like Mommy doesn’t want to go. How can we convince her?”

  “Please, Mommy!” Savannah begs. “Please, please, please!”

  Whispering, I tell her, “Remind her that you were good during your first movie.”

  “I was good, Mommy!” Savannah says, not wasting a second.

  “A small ice cream,” she says to me.

  “Or a big one that we can split,” I counter.

  “You’re spoiling her,” she says as we walk toward the adjacent strip of stores, one of which is an ice cream parlor.

  “You deserve to be spoiled every now and then, don’t yo
u, little Miss?”


  I laugh and Sydney shakes her head with a smile. Savannah picks out her favorite ice cream and then we find a small table to share the bowl. I place a hand high on Sydney’s thigh, which earns me a wary look.

  “Having fun?” I ask.

  “Yep!” Savannah answers before making her spoon dive into the ice cream.

  I laugh and look to Sydney, since I was asking her. “Yeah. We should do this more often.”

  “We will, especially in the summer.”

  “Daddy.” Savannah taps my arm. “We go swim.”

  I look at my watch to check the time. By the time we leave here and make it home, it’ll be time for her bath and then bedtime. “Not tonight. We’ll try to go soon, okay?”

  “Nooooo,” she whines. “Today.”

  “When we get home, you need a bath and then it’s bedtime. We can’t go today.”

  “I wanna go!” She slams a fist on the table.

  At that, I pluck her from her seat and put her in my lap so she’s facing me. She folds her arms over her chest and pouts. I haven’t even said anything yet! “No. We went to the movies and got you ice cream because you were a good girl. We can’t go today, but maybe if you keep being good, you and Mommy can go tomorrow while I’m at work. Or, you’ll have to wait until later this week for all of us to go. Either way, we’re not going today.”

  I’m feeling pretty proud of my little speech until Savannah bursts into tears, blubbering about how she wants to go swimming today. Sydney stands to throw away our trash. I rub her back, not sure what else to do. When she comes back, Savannah reaches for her and leaves me for her mom.

  “C’mon, buttercup. It’s okay. We can’t always do what we want when we want to do it.” Sydney holds her hand out to me, so I stand and take it for us to head out while she keeps talking to Savannah. “We’ll go swimming. Just not today.”

  “Daddy has to go,” she says through a hiccup.

  “We’ll wait until Daddy can go with us,” Sydney promises. “He’s busy with work this week, but that’s a good thing. Do you know why?”


  “That means we have plenty of time to go shopping for a bathing suit.”

  Savannah lifts her head and frowns. “I wear Daddy’s shirt.”


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