Book Read Free


Page 13

by Nancy Gaskin


  Walking out of the large sleeping chamber the girl decided to go back to the entrance and have another look at the storm. Stopping at one of the many intersections Dagmar became confused, stopping in her tracks she found her centre and knew which tunnel to follow. Pleased that her innate sense of direction which her grandparents called her personal compass worked for her no matter where she was. After a short while she arrived back at the entrance, nearing the curtain of water she thought it sounded a lot louder than the last time she was there. Walking over to the side which they used as the entry point all she could see was a solid wall of water with no was past not through it. She walked all along the waterfall and found it to be one solid wall of rushing water.

  Turning around Dagmar faced the five tunnels, deciding to explore one of them, she chose the one furthest to the left next to the one she had already used. Heading down the tunnel, this was also lit by glowing crystals set into the walls and ceiling. Following the tunnel she found several openings which led to large caverns with similar curtains to the one she was assigned to. Remembering her promise to Dusk, the girl tip toed past these cavern entrances. She felt comfortable in the knowledge that she was not going to disturb anybody’s rest. Finding another entrance the girl quietly crept in looking around shyly. As Dagmar surveyed the chamber she saw that it was occupied by a handful of girls, some were reclining with a book open in their hands whilst others looked as if deep in study at large tables piled high with books of varying sizes. A dark haired girl looked up from her book “What can I do for you tadpole?” “Um, I was wondering if I could look at the books.” Said the girl all of the sudden feeling very timid. “If you want, but DO NOT damage them. Understand?” the dark haired girl was looking sternly at the child. Dagmar nodded hastily and turned towards a large book case near her. Trailing her fingers along the spines of the books she tried to read the names but realising that she could not read the lettering.

  “Do you want some help tadpole?” said a quiet voice behind the girl, who jumped, squeaked and spun around all in one movement. Holding her tummy the dark haired girl was laughing uncontrollably and being shushed by some of the other occupants of the chamber “Oh, you jump well tadpole. Merry Meet little one, they call me Ripple. You are the little halfling that Moonbeam found!?” Having regained her composure “My name is Dagmar and Moonbeam DID NOT FIND me, she dragged me here!” stepping back with both hands raised in mock defence “Whoa there little tadpole. Well then Merry Meet Dagmar, it is a pleasure to meet you.” The girl could not help but smile back at Ripple who had a cheeky dimply smile “Merry Meet Ripple, I just get so angry that Moonbeam is telling people she found me. She dragged me here.” Still feeling a little out of sorts the child had her small fists pressed against her sides, seeing this Ripple smiled and ruffled the girls’ hair affectionately. “Never mind little one. You have spoken with Sunna? You have told her your story? All will be well.” Said Ripple soothingly “now then……mmmmm let me see what would be a good book” mumbled the older girl, scanning the shelves with her index finger firmly pressed against her bottom lip, then without warning she swooped down to one of the shelves closer to the ground “Aha! Here they are!” turning triumphantly to Dagmar, the older girl held several large books in her arms “Come tadpole, these will be just perfect for you. Come and sit with me over here” pointing to a pile of cushions with a low table in the centre.

  They settled amongst the cushions, having moved and adjusted their seating and Ripple had placed the books onto the table and was now reaching for the top volume. Turning to the girl Ripple said “These books are for tadpoles your age. They have lots of pictures and I can help explain, that’s if you like?” the girl had her eyes already glued to the cover of the book. The leather bound book smelled of ancient forest and autumn rains but the design on the cover and the colour of the leather binding looked new. The cover was a deep green with three spirals interlocking in red. She reverently touched the design with her fingertips tracing the spirals, lightly touching the cover. Ripple slowly opened the book to its first page “This is a book which teaches writing and reading to little tadpoles like you.” explained the older girl “The first line here means ‘Merry Meet’. What do you think the second line means?” Asked Ripple, the girl looked closely at the letters, which were nothing like the letters Oma and Opa had been teaching her. These letters were more like lines with smaller lines like arrows and ticks “The first word is ‘Merry’ and I can guess the second word is ‘Part’, so ‘Merry Part’” “Well done little one” praised Ripple. Turning them page the older girl began teaching in earnest.

  Over the next few hours the two girls were engrossed in the books, with Ripple explaining “We call our writing runes, just like you call yours letters. Here let me find some bleached leaves and charcoal” with that Ripple leapt up and skipped to a large table which was piled high with books, returning in a flash smiling broadly. Placing several items on the table in front of them “Now little one, here is a bleached leaf and charcoal stick. Write your name at the top, here.” Pointing to the top of the sheet Ripple then handed the girl a sharpened charcoal stick.

  Focusing intently on her neatest writing she wrote DAGMAR, and then the older girl asked “Explain the letters to me, how do they sound and I will write them in our runes.” With that the child sounded out every letter and watched as Ripple began writing “There you are, now you copy and then write my name in your letters and we will do it again “beginning to enjoy herself, having missed Oma’s lessons, this felt right to the girl. She wrote Ripples name, sounding out each letter as she wrote it and slid the leaf over to the other girl who began immediately “There! Now you have a go” she slid the leaf back in front of the girl. They were so involved they did not notice as the other occupants leaving the chamber nor the small bell which tinkled in the corner.

  Having looked for the girl a quite some time Dusk wandered into the chamber of books and spotted the two deeply engrossed in their work. As she walked over to them she watched as the two heads, one dark and one light were leaning close together “Ahem!” clearing her throat so as not to give them too much of a fright. Both girls jumped slightly bumping heads as they both turned around, causing a lot of head rubbing and giggling “So this is where you have been hiding. Ripple, have you been doing your own lessons? Let me have a look at what you two have been working on?” Handing up the leaves the girls began to put books in a neat pile “Yes Dusk, I had finished all my work and was doing some leisure reading.’ Replied Ripple to the question. Dusk looked very pleased with the answer “Good! I am pleased you are beginning to have some self-discipline AND I am also very pleased to see you passing your knowledge. What have you learnt little tadpole?” directing the last of her comment at the girl. “I can write a few things and I am learning to read.” Replied the child, with a very pleased look on her face. Ripple was nodding in agreement “She is a very fast learner Dusk. She can write some sentences and she is nearly fluent in reading.” Reaching for a book she opened it and randomly pointed, saying “Go on little one read and show Dusk how clever you are.” The girl licked her lips nervously, took a deep breath and began “….is one way of training pixies to return borrowed items.”, “That’s WONDERFUL little tadpole” cried Dusk clapping her hands “Come you two, you need food to keep up your strength for more learning” “Has the storm and rain stopped yet?” asked the girl with hope written all over her small face as she looked up at Dusk “No little one, if anything it is worse. The wind is howling and the rain which turns to hail stones the size of small pebbles. Come have some food and then I will show you.” guiding the girl gently towards the communal dining chamber.

  As they walked into the dining chamber all conversation stopped and every head turned their direction. All eyes were on the girl who was becoming very embarrassed and turning bright red in the face. A tall mad appeared at her side and smiled down at he
r “Merry Meet Dagmar, it is so good to see you hale and hearty!” The girl blinked up in confusion, looked up at the man and was met by large emerald green eyes “Merry Meet Sir.” She replied politely, the man chuckled “We met at your welcome feast, remember? I can see you have had many adventures since then. I will have to get a message to your….to Titania, who was when I last saw her, inconsolable. The poor woman fears the absolute worst and is ready to mobilise the whole fae army. She even mentioned going through the curtain as soon as it is thin enough to see your grandparents. She has sent search parties and is a little mad with fear for you sweetling.” Hearing this reduced the child to tears “But I didn’t want to come here! It’s Moonbeams fault! She dragged me here!” cried the girl as she turned to run. “Whoa there little tadpole!” said Eclipse as she approached the small group “You can’t go out there little one. All the streams have become dangerous white water rivers. You will drown just by leaping through the water wall!” she positioned herself so she could intercept the child if need be. Dagmars face crumbled and she began to cry in earnest.

  Sunna arrived in time to comfort the sobbing girl up and walk to where she was sitting only moments before. Rocking and cooing in a smooth practiced way and humming gently “Shh sweetling, all will be well. We will get you home as soon as we can. Shh sweetling shh shh sh sh sh sh shh shh shh” slowly she began to calm down, hick upping and snuffling and then in a muffled voice “Titania will hate me now because I am causing so much trouble.”, bottom lip trembling “OH NO! Sweetling she does not nor will she ever hate you. She is very worried as was Blade when he arrived back here at Four Falls” looking affectionately at the tall man “But…but I…. I have brought so much concern to your lives and I was really enjoying learning to write runs. Now I will never be able to come back!” after having gently stood the girl on her feet and straightened “Oh sweet little tadpole. You will always be welcome here and I think Titania will feel the same way.” Sunna gently guided the child to a seat and served her some fresh bread, cheese and a small bowl with a lovely smelling vegetable soup. “Here little one, have some food and drink” smiling down at the girl Sunna turned and walked over to the man she called Blade, standing side by side they spoke in unison “Let us give thanks to Our Mother, Gaya for providing us with this food so that we can nourish and protect Her.” Dusk and Ripple sat down on either side of the child and chatted amiably. Dagmar sat gloomily and looked around, she saw many faces from the patrol which brought her here, but she did not see Moonbeam or Eclipse at any of the tables. A little relieved the girl sat and watched Sunna and Blade, wondering why he looked so familiar. His hair was a golden colour and the emerald green eyes, deep in conversation with Sunna, his head tilted close to hers. “Who is Blade? I feel like I have met him before’ asking no one in particular “Blade is Sunna’s life partner. He was visiting the King and Queen when you arrived.” Informed Dusk “Oh I remember now! He was at the big table!” exclaimed Dagmar with delight “He knows everything about how I got here. He can get Moonbeam and Eclipse to understand that I AM telling the truth” Dagmar said with a relieved look on her face.

  After the meal the girl left the dining chamber, turned right into the tunnel and briskly walked toward the entrance. She stopped in front of the water curtain hearing the roar of the water as it rushed over the edge. Moving towards the entrance side of the ledge she tried to peek past the rushing water. She tuned back towards the cavern just in time to see Moonbeam rushing towards her screaming “AMIN DELOTHA LLE! It’s your fault! It’s ALL YOUR fault” with every word she tried to punch or kick Dagmar “AMIN DELOTHA LLE!” and with one lucky punch the girl lost her balance and vanished from sight “I hope you drown!” said Moonbeam to the spot where she last saw the girl.


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