Book Read Free


Page 14

by Nancy Gaskin

  The Village

  Her arms wind milled frantically trying to regain balance and then everything went cold, wet, dark and loud. She tumbled over and over and then what little air there was left in the girls lungs were knocked out of her when she hit the water at the base of the waterfall. Gasping for air everything went black for Dagmar.

  “Take those wet things off her Autumn! Fetch another blanket Slate dear. Fawn could you hand me that mug please. Thank you dear.” Cool hands rubbing frozen toes and feet and then the feeling of ointment being rubbed into the soles which made the skin tingle and everything began to feel warm all the way to the bones. “Ah I see you are beginning to come back to us. Sleep sweetling you have a lot of healing to do yet.” a soothing and warm voice to the child, who willingly fell into a deep sleep. Gentle hands busily rubbed the heating ointment into arms and legs and then wrapped her in warm blankets and placed in a soft bed near a warm fire.

  Warm liquid was trickling down her throat and it felt very pleasant but then tickled and made her cough. “Welcome back to the living, sweet child.” As the girl opened her eyes she had to squint because it was very bright where ever she was. She tried to sit up when a wave of cold shivering took hold of her body. Pulling blankets up tight to her chin she tried to find a warm spot but failed, a cool hand on her hot forehead told her she was ill and must have a fever and Oma was taking care of her. “Oma, I’m sorry that I have been causing you worry. How long have I been sick for because it feels like forever. I have had magical dreams about faeries and nymphs but I have missed you so much.” The child spoke to the cool hands which did not stop in their ministrations during the whole time “Here little one, drink this. It will help make you better.” Her head was held while warm sweet liquid rolled down her throat and soon she felt all fuzzy and fell into a deep dreamless healing sleep only waking momentarily when given cool drinks. She began to wake up properly while everything was very quiet and she assumed it was night, looking around from where she lay, Dagmar could see simple furniture such as a rocking chair and a stool, she also saw a table with many pots and bowls on it and a fire merrily burning in the hearth.

  The girl moved her arms and legs and felt an ache but no pain; she pulled back the blanket and sat up, falling back onto the pillow due to sudden weakness and dizziness. Pulling up the blankets the child decided she was better off staying where she was until she felt a lot better, she fell asleep. A rustling noise was what next woke the girl and as she opened her eyes she could see it was a bit lighter in the room and the fire was slowly burning down. A figure appeared carrying some wood, bending down the person placed wood into the hearth and blew gently to rekindle the fire, straightening with a little groan the figure turned and took of a hooded cloak. A tall figure with waist long hair began to get busy mixing things from small bowls and jars into a large pot. Dagmar was watching intently when the persons head came up and their eyes locked. “Ah I see you are feeling better little one. You had us all very worried for a while there. Would you like a drink of water? I must let Fana know.” bringing a small cup of water the lady handed it to the child and touched her forehead and cheeks then turned and rushed out to go tell the others. Slowly sipping the water, Dagmar sat up slowly and found this time she did not get all dizzy. “Well Slate I am so glad the child is finally awake. Poor little thing did get banged up a bit from the fall and then the near drowning. Let us have a look at our little foundling.” walking in a brisk manner a lovely lady came over to the bed and touched Dagmars cheeks and neck. “Well looks like you are going to stay with the living for a while longer little one. Merry Meet little sweetling my name is Fana and these inquisitive creatures are my daughters Slate who you have already met, Autumn who found you and Fawn over there who refused to leave until you were better. How are you feeling?” Dagmar looked around and smiled “Merry Meet. My name is Dagmar. How did I get here? I remember being pushed and falling through the water curtain and then everything sort of went blank.” The girls had all moved to the table and began mixing and grinding while Fana tidied up the bed and sat down on the chair near the bed “Now then sweetling. Tell me what happened.” “I was at the water curtain and Moonbeam came at me and started to punch me and push me telling me she hated me and then I fell. I don’t remember anything after that.”, “Mmm that explains a few things. Are you talking about Four Falls when you say you were at the water curtain?” The child nodded her head “Yes and they were so nice to me except for Moonbeam, she really hates me.” Smiling at those words Fana stood up and beckoned for Dagmar to follow, the child stood up carefully but found she was steady and did not feel faint at all. Following the woman, the girl saw that Fana had the most beautifully coloured hair she had ever seen. In a plait which ended near her knees was hair of all shades of brown and gold and looked as if alive when the light played over it. “Come and sit on this stool so I can have a proper look at you sweetling. Up you go!” with strong hands Fana hoisted the girl on to the stool and then deftly inspected the girl from head to foot stopping to push here and to have the child flex this limb or that digit. “Well looks like you escaped that adventure with a few bruises. The fever you had was also from the fall but it was the shock and near drowning and freezing which caused that. Now you are nearly as good as new. When you are feeling stronger we will go see the Wise Ones and ask for their advice. I think in a day or two should do nicely.” “I don’t mean to be rude Fana but I would like to go back to Titania. That’s if you know the queen and know how to get there.” said Dagmar in a small voice, “Why sweetling, of course I know Queen Titania and I also know how to get to the palace. But that is not here nor there at the moment. You have been causing a lot of concern and worry so I am going to take you to the Wise Ones and we will speak to them and they may have answers which we all seek. The Queen Titania has gone beyond the veil to speak to human friends and visit kin.” “Oh no she has gone to see Oma and Opa! Oh NO! They will be so angry at me. Why take me to the Wise Ones when all we need to do is go to the palace and I can then wait there for everybody to get back and accept my punishment.” said the girl with her hands covering her face and tears running down her cheeks. Fana sat and waited until the child recovered some of her composure, leaning forward she pats the girl on the knee “don’t worry yourself about anybody hating you and being angry with you. Yes she has gone beyond the veil but that is not here nor there sweetling. We have you safe and sound and that is what matters. The Wise Ones are indeed wise and will hopefully help us understand what/who you are. I am not being mean by saying what little one. The what, is you are half elf and faery or human/elf, oh dear there are a lot of mixtures and you my little sapling are a wander to behold. You have the hair of a faery and the eyes of an elf but you also have some water and earth in you. We will find out soon enough though little petal, let us get to know each other a little better. What questions have you for me?” smiling broadly Fana sat back and waited.

  The Dagmar digested what Fana had said and agreed that until they all returned there was nothing that could be done. Looking at Fana she saw deep green eyes with flex of gold in them merrily looking back from an oval face with skin the colour of Oak tree leaves in autumn. “Where am I Fana?” “Well that one is easy, you are in the oldest part of the forest which is called ‘Forest of Karnayna’ a wonderful place for shelter and food.” Fana sat silently waiting for the next question “How did I get to be here? I don’t remember much after I fell.” “Ah well there we have sort of pieced things together from where we found you. As you have told us this girl Moonbeam pushed you out of ‘Four Falls’ caverns and you must have lost consciousness. We found you a long way away from there in a shallow lagoon. You were barely breathing and coughed up a lot of water, so we believe you nearly drowned. The girls carried you to our home and we have been tending to you by rubbing your arms and legs because you were so very cold and going blue in places that we had to get the blood flowin
g again so that you didn’t lose your life. Now I have a question, are you hungry?” smiling broadly Fana stood up and went to a shelf and brought back a bowl filled with lovely fruit in exquisite juices “Well yes I am a little hungry Fana. Oh they smell like summer afternoons!” eagerly tucking in the child soon demolished the fruit and was offered another bowl with different fruit and she also ate all that.

  Watching the child eat were Fanas daughters Fawn and Autumn, looking pleased that the girl had a good appetite. Moving around that Dagmar now realised was the kitchen were two very pretty girls, one with hair which seemed to vary from brown to gold to black, a constant movement, and golden eyes hiding under delicately long lashes in an tanned oval face. Flashing shy smiles when ever their eyes met Fawn soon moved closer “Merry Meet. My name is Fawn and I looked after you while you were sick. I am so happy to see you up and about. We will have to find you some clothing soon.” smiling broadly Fawn skipped off to do some other chores. As Fawn left Autumn came into the room, smiling and nodding to the girl as she moved about putting things away and picking things up “Merry Meet. My name is Dagmar” said the child shyly and the girl stopped “Merry Meet little one I am Autumn and I am very pleased to meet you. I see you are feeling better. It is good after what your young body has been through that you have a good appetite. Whatever you want to eat sweetling just let me know and I will prepare it for you. The more energy you have the better for your body to recover.” “How sick WAS I? You make it sound as if I nearly died! Was I THAT sick?” asked Dagmar sounding and looking very shocked “Actually sweetling yes you nearly died and we were very worried. You had a very bad fever and we could not get the water into you as fast as you were sweating it out when the fever raged.” replied Autumn in an even voice stopping in front of the child, bobbing down to be eye level with her, Autumn smiles “but we have helped you heal and now we will have answers and hopefully ideas as to what to do next.” Straightening up Autumn picked up a basket and walked out the door leaving Dagmar alone. Hopping of the stool the girl walked over to one of the many windows. Looking out she saw something she was not expecting, she did not see ground, and she saw the canopy of a forest. Gripping tightly to the window sill the child looked out further and noticed that there are many houses perched in the massive forks of huge trees. As she watched she saw a hive of activity on many braches which were walkways and went in all directions. She knew she was high up in an ancient tree but how she got up here was yet to be discovered. Fana walked in with a bundle of cloth and dropped them on the big table “Now then let us see what we can find so that you are dressed a little more appropriately. Look at this lovely skirt all bright and happy with so many different blues in it I am sure it would look absolutely divine on you and look another skirt and this one is so pretty, come look at the stitching sweetling.” said Fana showing the tiny beads that the girl did not see before, to her the material just glittered being it was such a brilliant white. Looking closer the child saw that each bead was like a dew drop and the pattern they created was spirals inside of spirals. Fana had found a white shirt with the same beads and placed that with the blue skirt, she then discovered another shirt of the purest white which she promptly placed with the white skirt. After some searching they found stockings and even two pairs of pretty boots, one made of the softest brown leather which fitted all the way up to the knee and the other pair made of the whitest skins adorned also with beads as if they were made for the shirt and skirt. Ushering the girl to another room where a large wooden bath was waiting with steaming water looking very inviting. Without a word Dagmar undressed and slid into the hot bath and felt all her aches literally dissolve “Ah that feels SO GOOD. I love having a good hot bath, it makes you feel so clean.” Fana reached over and showed the child the soap “Here sweetling I will wash your back for you and then we will wash your hair. It is all smelly and matted in places after your long illness.” “How long have I been here Fana?” “You were with a fever for five days and then sleeping another three, so eight days all up little one. Here dunk your head under the water so we can soak it all.....GOOD up and let me get the hair soap worked into your hair, we are going to have to do a couple of rinses to get it all perfectly down you go.....Good girl......and again rub rub rub.....maybe one more and then I will put in a lotion which helps untangle knotted hair......down you go......swish your head for the lotion. We leave it in the hair and then with a comb we work it through and it also smells just wonderful.” Busily rubbing and working the lotion through the girls hair Fana kept up a constant stream of chatter. When Dagmar was finished with the bath Fana wrapped her in a large soft towel which was bigger than the child and began rubbing to dry her off.

  Dagmar dressed in the white shirt and blue skirt with the brown boots, she then sat and submitted to the ministrations of Fana and a comb. It took a lot of work to untangle the ringlets but once they were free it felt to the girl as if her hair had grown a lot in the past weeks. Fana was enjoying playing with the curls and was trying to find a hair style which will control some of them “stay there sweetling and I will have your hair under control in a moment. I have to go and fetch something.” walking briskly through the main door Fana returned in a heartbeat with a beautiful net which she placed over the back of the girls hair and the ringlets were immediately under control and looking very neat. “Come sweetling, here is a looking glass and you can see your new hair style and how nice you look in the skirt and shirt.” walking towards the oval mirror Dagmar saw a very pretty girl with a beautiful long skirt and lovely shirt and hair which was now well past her waist and in glorious golden ringlets. “Oh Fana. Is that truly me? I think I have grown up a lot in the past few weeks. I look taller and my hair was only to my waist when I arrived here.” “Sweetling you are growing up fast because it is getting close the awakening and all sweetlings have growth spurts around that time. More things to speak to the Wise Ones about.” leading the child back to her bed, which had been neatened up with clean sheets and pillows “Now my little one, I want you to have a rest. You have been very busy this morning and you are starting to look a little pale. Rest is what you need now. Just rest on top of the blankets and later we will have some food.” hopping on to the bed Dagmar realised that she was feeling tired and a little sleep would make her feel much better. Settling back into the soft pillows she felt almost at home. She fell asleep thinking about her bed in her room and a smile was paying around her lips.

  Fawn and Slate were busy making the evening meal when the child woke up to the wonderful smell of freshly baked bread. Sitting up and rubbing her eyes sleepily the child slid of her bed and walked to the kitchen table inhaling deeply trying to identify the herbs used, a game she played with Oma all the time. The girl could smell all kinds of mixes, there was the basil and marjoram as well as spring onions and garlic and there was also the smell of rosemary, how they were all used was beyond the child, turning to Slate and Fawn “Oh it smells lovely in here. Can I smell garlic and spring onions?” looking at the two girls expectantly and then continued “there is marjoram and basil and rosemary as well. But there are a few I just can’t work out!” the two girls were nodding their heads “Yes you got them right and Fawn can explain the others to you. I have to go and fetch some berries for our sweet breads and other yummy things.” Slate said as she picked up a basket and skipped out of the room, leaving Fawn and Dagmar looking at each other bemused. Fawn walked over to one of the many benches and picked up a few jars, bringing them back to the table “Well sweetling, you have a sniff and see which one is which. We will then see what you already know.” opening the first jar the girl could immediately identify the juicy smell of the basil and said so to Fawn who nodded “This one is rosemary and this one is mint” opening jar after jar being very pleased with herself “OOH I can’t work this one out, it smells a bit like mint and basil with something else.” “Ah sweetling you sniffed too
many smells too quickly and now they are all mixed up. Go to the window and have some nice fresh air and clear your nose. Slow down and appreciate each individual smell, it is the only way to learn each individual characteristic of the plant.” Dagmar obediently went to the open window and sat on the sill inhaling deeply, she could smell the earthiness of the tree bark and the heady smell of spring flowers bursting with life. Looking across to some of the other houses she could see a lot of activity with people preparing the evening meal, as people spotted her they waved a friendly greeting and soon there were many young ones heading towards her on the many walk ways that zigzagged the whole canopy. “Fawn I think we are going to have visitors soon. There are a lot of children coming this way and they are all waving and smiling!” Fawn came to have a look and true to Dagmars word there was a throng of little ones heading their way “No this will not do, no not at all. Come sweetling we are going to have to head them off at the door.” walking swiftly to the door Fawn opened it just as the first children were going to knock on it. “Why Merry Meet little ones, we were about to take a walk so I could show our guest our village. I wonder if there are any well behaved sweetlings who could help by making sure we do not get bothered too much by inquisitive little ones.” there was a lot of commotion as Dagmar emerged from the door but within a few moments everything settled and all the little ones were so quiet “Well Dagmar I would like to introduce you to our little ones, a general Merry Meet I think would suffice.” smiling broadly the girl waved and said “Merry Meet everybody. So nice to see you all.” “MERRY MEET” came the reply from many throats. Leading the way Fawn directed the girl from walkway to walkway which reminded the child of roads but up in the air. “Here were are sweetling. This is the home of one of the most marvellous cooks I know. What she does not know about herbs is not worth knowing. Lavander are you home?” Tapping on the door loudly “She is a bit hard of hearing although she always says that she was just very absorbed in something or other.” the door opened just as Fawn finished speaking. Out came a lovely lady with the most interesting hair Dagmar had ever seen. “Hello there Fawn dear so nice of you to pop by, and who is this?” ignoring all the other children the lady looked straight at the girl “Lavander I would like to introduce you to Dagmar our foundling” “Merry Meet Lavander” bobbing down to do a small curtsey the girls hand was caught by a hand with long slender fingers with amazing strength “Don't curtsey to me sweetling, save that for royalty. Merry Meet little one. Oh my, you are as lovely as a blossoming rose bud. Come in, by the Goddess where are my manners.” ushering Fawn and the girl into her roomy sitting room, offering them comfortable seats and then bustled around for refreshments. “Please Lavander don't bother yourself too much it is getting close to the evening meal and we don't want to spoil our sweetlings appetite.” Lavander laughed at that but returned with a small tray laden with sweet breads and a small jug “Here we go. Now then which one would you like to try first little one?” offering the child a plate to fill with goodies from the tray, indicating for the girl to help herself “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit Fawn my darling?” turning to Fawn with an interested look on her face “I do love your visits, we have such wonderful discussions about herbs and spices.” “Lavander, we came because our sweetling here has a nose for herbs. She is very good and I thought that she may benefit from a visit to you, that’s if you are not busy off course.” looking in the girls direction, who had found a couple of sweet breads which looked and smelled delicious.

  Lavander beckoned for the girl to sit beside her “So little one, Fawn here tells me you have a nose for herbs. Where have you learnt this?” she asked looking kindly at the girl “Oma and I have played a game ever since I can remember. She cooks the meal and I try and sniff out which herbs and spices she used, it’s a lot of fun especially when I get them all right.” the girl said with pride “Ah so you have a wise Oma that is good to hear sweetling. What do you know about how these herbs look, not just smell? Do you have a nice herb garden with your Oma?” Lavander got up to go over to a particularly sunny window sill while asking “Come here sweetling. What can you see?” walking towards the window the girl saw the deep green of the mint plant and large light green curly leaf parsley “You have some beautiful mint and curly leaf parsley and over here you have some rosemary and marjoram as well. What are these ones Lavander?” pointing to a large pot in which was a small shrub with large grey leaves with small white flowers at the top “That is sage sweetling. We use the leaves for insect bites and also boil up the leaves as a gargle for sore throats or a mouth wash for bleeding gums and it is also useful tummy upsets” answered Lavander “How would you like to come for a walk with me into the forest and we can discover more wonderful plants. That is if Fawn doesn't mind.” “Oh I don't mind Aunty, I think you will both enjoy your time together. If you could bring her back by meal time then all is good.” answered Fawn. “How do you feel about that Dagmar, we can go for a nice walk and make lots of discoveries.” asked Lavander the girl, who was already standing up getting ready to go “I would like it very much. I have looked out of the window at the other house and I have wanted to get out and explore but all those hanging walk ways worried me a little.” admitted the child as she was edging to the door ready to go out and explore “Well that is settled then, come little one we will go exploring. When you walk out the door take the path to your right and then the second path branching off to the left. We have to stop and pick up two baskets and then we will be ready.” Said Lavander as she was ushered the two girls out of the door, Dagmar turned right and began confidently walking along the path until it began to bounce and sway a little.

  The girl stopped dead in her tracks, holding on tightly to the guide rail which was on every path looking around wildly “Calm down sweetling, here, take my hand. Now you will have to learn to have a little bounce in your step which will stop the path from bouncing. Just try walking with your knees slightly bent and relaxed.” said Lavander showing her what she meant. A few tentative steps later the child was walking along as if she had been born on the path ways. Walking confidently along the directed paths they reach a very large door, walking in Lavander called out “Halloooo there, where are you Clove. I have a visitor for you and I would like one of your smaller pretty baskets for berries.” Walking around the kitchen Dagmar saw movement out of the corner of her eye, in the other room. The girl turned and saw a silver haired lady slowly walk towards them. “Why do you always have to barge into people’s homes like a whirl wind Lavander? Did you stop to knock or did you just walk in?”, ”I knocked first Clove and since the door was wide open so I walked in calling all the time. I am sorry if we startled you or gave you a fright. I know that when you get to your great age some things startle you more. Here would you like to sit down?” the elderly lady pushed Lavenders helpful hands out of the way, instead looking at the girl “Who have we here then? Are you the little one Fana and her girls found floating face down? You must be because I would know your face.” Lavander stepped in and spoke firmly “Yes Mother Clove this is the sweetling found. She is a very nice little one who seems to have an eye and nose for herbs. I wanted to take her for a walk and came by to get one of your smaller berry baskets for Dagmar to use.” Bobbing a quick curtsey “Merry Meet, Mother Clove. It is very nice to meet you.” said the girl brightly. “Ahh, well then let us go and find a suitable basket for you little one. Come over here, I have some lovely ones here they are in all the prettiest colours. Let me see is I can find one that feels right for you.” Clove became very serious and began to walk slowly with her eyes closed and her hands floating over the top of the baskets without touching them, slowing at times and then with a flick of the wrist dismissing it and moving along further. After what felt like an eternity she stopped and plucked out a basket which was like a rainbow of every colour imaginable. Clove inspected it grumbling to herself a little, then turned and walked towards Dagmar “I rememb
er making this basket. For the life of me I had no idea what possessed me to make one so colourful and such an odd egg shape instead of my usually beautiful baskets. I think I made it in preparation for you sweetling.” Handing the basket, which did have an odd egg shape more like a jug then a basket with the handle in the right place for a basket but the rest looked like a jug. The colours were innumerable and all blended into the other as they do in a rainbow “Oh it is SO pretty! But why do you think it is for me?” “Sweetling everything belongs to somebody, a lot of the time those items never get to meet their true owner because if they do just as it is with a broom and a wand so it is with other things as well. Baskets are a personal thing and everyone ends up having a favourite, it is that favourite, which has then found its true owner. Do you understand what I am saying little one?” slowly nodding her head thinking about the brooms Oma has and she used to say that they were all good BUT there was one which is her favourite. Looking closely at her new basket the girl saw that it had a small bottom and then it rose in an egg shape with a big belly and then up to a small opening. “Well what do you think little one? Do you like it?” asked Clove as she walked back to her chair. “Yes I do Mother Clove. Thank you very much. Can we go now Lavander?” the girl asked turning towards the younger woman, laughing Lavander nodded and they began leaving “Merry Part, Mother Clove. We will bring back some juicy berries for you.” closing the large door firmly behind then, they walked down to the forest floor.

  Reaching the ground Lavander set off towards a very large tree, looking around as she walked stopping every now and again to inspect something and then briskly walking towards the tree again. The girl skipped to keep up with Lavander, who noticed and slowed down a little so the girl could keep up. As they drew closer to the tree Dagmar could see the bark of the tree was different to bark on the other trees. This one had bark of all hues of green and brown in no particular pattern and as they arrived at the base of the tree a door appeared and opened in an inviting way. Following Lavander the girl walked into the tree and found it to be so much roomier then she ever expected it to be. As they walked up an internal staircase doors branched off on different levels and eventually they stepped off the stairs and into a very bright room with pretty white lace curtains gently moving in the breeze. Near a window in a beautiful rocking chair sat a very fine-looking elderly lady with long flowing silver hair with skin so pale it had a translucent sheen to it. “Merry Meet, Elder Genova. May I introduce Dagmar our little foundling.” Slowly the head turned on a very slender neck “It is so nice to meet you little one. I have heard much from all the others but have not been able to bring my old bones to make the trip to visit while you were still ill. Merry Meet sweetling. It is so nice of you to bring her to me Lavander. Come and sit with me for a while and chat to an old crone.” Dagmar went and sat on a small stool at the foot of the rocking chair and Lavander found a chair and brought it closer so they could chat quietly. “So tell me Dagmar how old are you? Your human age sweetling.”, “I will be twelve years old soon, Elder Genova.” Answered the child without hesitation “How long have you been in our realm little one?” “I think I have been here about fourteen to sixteen days” looking for confirmation from Lavander, who nodded her head in encouragement. “That makes you a lot older than twelve, now that you have been here for fourteen or so days. Everything here is very different and time is one of those things. Every human I have ever met has had different reaction to our time scale but I have never met a little one like you. Let me have a look at you sweetling, come and stand in the light here.” Obediently the girl hopped up and stood in front of the old woman and let the elderly lady inspect her. She looked deeply into Dagmars eyes and then touched her cheeks and throat, and then her hands were regarded closely, both the length and slenderness of the fingers and her palm. The fingers that were tracing the lines on the girls palms were long and very thin with skin that was dappled in many shades of brown and fingernails that were filed to points but not once pinched or scratched.

  “You are close to the emerging of the gifts. I do believe you are in for an adventure.” Genova turned to Lavander and said “Have the Wise Ones met this wonderful child yet? Fana must get her to them before the next night fall, they do not have much time, and she will be in full blooming very soon.” “Fana is gathering everything as we speak to go and see the Wise Ones in the morning. She has only just recovered from her injuries and the fever so surely a day will not matter that much.” The elder shook her head “Why is it that you young are always in a rush when there is no rush yet when there is a need to rush, you take your time?” frowning as she looked out of the window. Looking around the room while the two ladies spoke, the girl noted that everything seemed to be a part of the tree. The bench was growing out of the tree as was the bed in the other room, the rocking chair was different but looked as if it was also part of the tree even if it was separated from it. Dagmar walked slowly over to one of the other doors and peeped into the room which seemed to be dedicated to old odd looking items and book. The room was not dark and yet it was light enough to see everything clearly. Feeling as if drawn into the room the girl walked in and started to look at all books eagerly wanting to put her new found skills to use. Slowly reading the spines of the books mouthing each rune ‘The Hidden Herbs’, ‘Bark and its uses’, ‘Chronological History of The Forest Folk’, “Are you understanding the runes sweetling? a voice behind her made the girl jump a clear two steps forward, nearly bumping into the book shelves. Turning around she was face to face with the smiling face of Genova “I didn’t mean to startle you little one. Can you understand the rune writing? Where did you learn? Who taught you?”, “I learnt at Four Falls, Ripple taught me.” Answered the child keen to show her knowledge, she walked back to the book shelves and pointed at a spine “This one is ‘Healing Herbs’ and this one is ‘ Dragonology’ and this one is called ‘Raising and Feeding of Frosties and Europeans’ a strange title that one”. Genova and Lavander had astounded looks on their faces as they listened to the girl read the titles of the books. “How long were you with the Four Falls?” asked Genova ”I only spent a little while there and Ripple taught me for one day from the midday meal to the evening meal. Why? Is there something wrong?” asked Dagmar innocently, suddenly feeling deflated “No nothing is wrong sweetling, we are amazed at how well you read the runes after such a short time of learning. I am wondering if your Oma and Opa had taught you runes at home.” replied Lavander reassuringly. “Come sweetling let us be off before I get into trouble for not bringing you back in time for a evening meal. Let us go and find some lovely herbs and other goodies. Merry Part Elder Genova” “and Merry Meet Again Lavander and Dagmar” waved the elder as they turned and walked out the door and down the stairs, once they reached the forest floor they began walking away from the tree village and the elder tree house.

  Lavander walked with a purposeful stride looking for something particular, as they reached a very sunny area which had odd looking plants with nasty looking spines growing all over them. “Be careful where you walk sweetling. These spines can be pretty nasty and if they get into your skin you will get an infection and that is guaranteed.” warned Lavander as she gathered her skirt in a bunch and began carefully walking around always looking down “I am looking for a special cactus little one, it does not have spines. It is green and has lovely little pink flowers growing out of the top. It is not very big, sort of like a button. If you spot any let me know.” they walked in silence, both searching for these button cacti. “I think I have found it Lavander. Is it a very small one that grows in clusters?” “Yes sweetling they can grow in very large clusters or in small family groups. Let me have a look” inspecting the find, Lavander reached in to her basket and produced a beautiful knife, smiling she handed the knife to the girl “Here sweetling, you cut it. Right at the base so we get the whole little cluster but we leave enough for it to grow back.” watching closely as t
he child bent and expertly handled the knife while cutting just as she herself would have done “Well done. I see you have done this sort of gathering before.” “Yes with Oma and Opa, to find nice mushrooms and other nice roots and berries. We go out gathering from spring to autumn and Oma dries or pickles a lot so we have plenty for the cold times when people get sick and ask Oma to make poultices and syrups for sore throats and coughs.” answered the girl as they walked out of the cacti field and back into the shade of the trees. Seeing something familiar the child skipped over to a very pretty plant. It had tall stalks which had little white flowers from half way up to the top and that always reminded her of the round brush Oma used to scrub her preserving jars before she made her lovely jams and delicious pickles. “I think this is the plant Oma always hunts for when we go out because it helps with women pain and arthritis. She uses the roots for most and I think she uses the flowers as well. Can we cut some and maybe give it to Lady Genova?” nodding Lavander pointed into the girls basket, looking into it the child saw a lovely knife with a beautiful white handle with a green ribbon tied around it. She reached in and took the knife out in awe, having looked into the basket earlier and not seeing anything in it and then finding a knife was surprising “Go ahead sweetling use it and cut well. I am sure Lady Genova will appreciate the thought greatly. I am very pleased to see you have been educated in the art of herbs. Now I think we had better go get some juicy berries for the evening meal. I know where there are some glorious blueberries and raspberries grow, follow me sweetling and we will have a belly full, oh and a basket full of berries soon.” walking briskly towards another sun lit areas and saw huge bushes of raspberries and blue berries and all looked ready to burst with juice “Oh yum, I love eating berries and then I end up with a tummy ache. I am going to be responsible today and not eat too many so that I don’t get a tummy ache!” announced Dagmar as she began to skip towards some lovely raspberries getting ready to pluck then and drop them into her pretty basket, Lavander watched the child skip away and chuckled to herself. She decided that she did have to have a taste test first to make sure they were ripe and sweet enough. Popping one into her mouth she bit down and her whole mouth was awash with the wonderfully sweet juice of the berry. Contentedly she worked at picking juicy raspberries and when she could find no more she moved to the next section of berries and recognised them as blueberries. Wondering how much more she could fit into her basket she looked into the basket and saw that she had much more room then she thought. The raspberries which she had picked only reached half way up the basket, pleased with this discovery the girl proceeded to pick blueberries until she heard Lavander call “I think we had better head back now sweetling, the sun is going to disappear behind the ancient tree in a short while and that means it will be meal time soon. Let me have a look at how much you have picked little one. Oh my that is a wonderful basket you have and by golly that is a lot of berries, well done Dagmar.” she said after looking inside the basket and seeing the large amount of berries that had been picked “I do believe between the two of us we have picked enough berries to share with the whole village.”. Hand in hand they strolled back to the village enjoying each other’s company without saying a word.

  As they arrived at the base of the village they were met by a gaggle of little ones some fluttering with little wings and some hopping about in excitement, all wanting to catch a glimpse of the human foundling. Lavander shooed them away with stern words and then ushered the girl up the path ways to Fanas house, where they were greeted with much laughter and singing. Dagmar put her basket on a free bench and began unloading the blueberries into a large bowl, she filled that bowl and had to ask for another one which she also filled with blueberries and then she asked for another large bowl so she could unload the raspberries discovering that she also needed another large bowl to finally empty the basket. Looking into the basket the child could not see any berry juice stains as she expected and then looking at the amount of berries that were in four very large bowls and then inspecting the inside of the basket again, she shook her head and turned to Lavander asking “What is it about this basket? It seems to be able to carry much more than it actually has room for. The amount of berries that are on the table could not fit into that basket if it were a normal basket.....” looking expectantly at Lavander and then Fana the girl waited “Remember when we went and got that basket from Clove? She went around and chose one especially for you? When she makes baskets sometimes she has no idea what magic she weaves into them until they find their true owner and then they give their gift. I think your basket is like a deep well where you only see the top bit where you have the bucket. Do you understand what I mean sweetling?” “Yes I understand. I am surprised that a basket can do that though.”. Fawn walked in just as the girl finished speaking and looked with huge eyes at all the berries on the bowl “Oh yummy, we are having berries for sweets. They look absolutely delicious. Did you pick them little one?” looking at the child “Yes I did and my basket is a magic basket!” answered Dagmar proudly. A little perplexed Fawn looked at her mother, Fana and then at Lavander for an explanation “Well the basket has found its true owner and it has the gift of depth. It held all those berries and it was still light enough for the little one to carry without noticing.” explained Fana.

  The evening meal was a merry affair after Fana did the candle lighting and the saying of the prayer to the Goddess. There were people coming and going all through the meal, either bringing a basket of something in exchange for something else which had been prepared. Slate explained it as having a huge feast but still at your own table, where everyone knew what had been prepared during the day so if they wanted some they brought something else in exchange and everyone was happy. This evening though Slate commented it was a little more busy because everybody wanted to see the little human guest. After the meal was finished Fana began to fuss over what they were going to be taking to the Wise Ones, sorting through small parcels and then looking at the clothing they had prepared. Not happy about something Fana began searching in big trunks, boxes and wardrobes until finally she came up triumphant “I knew it was somewhere in this place. You need a cloak my sweetling. I have also found another dress for you as well as stockings. Now where is that clever basket of yours?” looking around as she asked the question, Dagmar reached behind her and produced the basket in question “let us see how much we can pack into this little thing. You have a skirt and shirt and you have a dress, then there are the pants and shirt, well they fit in nicely! Now there are the shoes and then the stockings and dainties, oh look I think there will even be enough room for the cloak. By the Goddess I think if we were to put a nice big lunch in there it would accommodate that too. What a clever basket you have sweetling.” the girl watched in stunned amazement as Fana folded and placed each item into the basket and could still fit in more “I like this basket!” she said with a grin. Sitting on a window sill the girl watched as other houses were settling for the night when a big yawn escaped her, Fawn was sitting next to her and began to giggle and then produced her own jaw cracking yawn “I do believe it is time for some of us to go to bed.” said Fana laughing as she watched the two take turns yawning. “Come sweetling you will be sleeping in your own room tonight. We were afraid of not being able to hear you when you were ill. Follow me little one, I have a lovely night down laid out for you after you have had a nice bath.” leading Dagmar down a small hall Fana then entered a lovely room with windows on three sides. A lovely large bed took up the centre of the room and that is when the girl noticed that the room was round, absolutely delighted by this she skipped around the room saying “I love it. Oh it is just so pretty! Thank you Fana!”. Pleased with the reaction Fana began to sort out the bath which was hidden behind a screen, which blended perfectly into the wall that if you didn't know it was there you would bump into it, making sure the water was not too hot. “Come little one, lets get you bathed and then into bed. We ha
ve a big day ahead of us tomorrow.” helping the girl out of her boots, shirt and skirt and helped her into the bath which smelled of lavender and roses. As the girl slid into the water she began to relax and feel how tired she actually was. Fana began soaping up the childs back with very special soap made purely out of lavender, calming the body and the soul. By the time Fana had finished washing the girls back and hair and then drying the golden ringlets and helping her into her night gown the child struggled to keep her eyes open. Fana tucked her into the bed and giving her kisses on her cheeks, eye lids and forehead Fana left knowing she would have a good deep night’s sleep.


  Dagmar woke up to the sound of much commotion and chatter, she tried to snuggle further under the nice warm blankets but the tantalizing smell of freshly baked bread and the bodies morning needs made that an impossibility. Reluctantly the girl crawled out from under the lovely warmth, bracing herself for the chill of morning only to realise it was comfortably warm. After her morning ablutions she walked down the hall and into a kitchen, which was a hive of activity “Good Morning little one, did you sleep well?” asked Fana as she walked past with an arm full of wrapped bundles “Would you like some nice fresh bread with cheese and a cool cup of honey dew to break your fast?” asked Fawn who was about to cut her own bread and cheese. “Yes please Fawn, I am absolutely starving. Can I help you?” asked the girl ready to tackle any task given “Go to the cupboard over there next to the big box and bring me two bread boards and two cups, please” answered Fawn.

  Skipping to the indicated cupboard the girl took out the needed items and delivered them to Fawn, who was slicing thick chunks of bread that was still steaming. Handing a board laden with bread and cheese back to the child Fawn pointed to a sunny corner of the kitchen that had no activity in it “Let us break our fast in peace and sunshine sweetling. Come, follow me.” Fawn lead the way with a board filled with bread and cheese in one hand and a large jug plus two cups balanced in the other hand. They put down their burdens and then negotiated sitting in the sun partially on the window sill and partially on the bench. With their food between them they began biting hungrily into the lovely soft warm bread with fresh cheese that tasted of a hint of chives. They ate in companionable silence feeling the hunger slowly being satisfied “Are you excited sweetling?” asked Fawn between mouthfuls “Excited about what?” replied the child also between mouthfuls. With a surprised look the older girl chewed and swallowed hastily “You are going to see the Wise Ones! That is a very special thing. We all get to see them BUT to actually spend time with them THAT is exciting!” “Have you seen them Fawn? What are they like? Are they nice? What do they look like?” the older girl held her hands up in mock defence and shook her head “I have seen them at some of the major festivals but only from a distance and I have no idea what they are like because I have never actually met them. I am told by the elders that they are very gentle and kind and they are very old. That is all I can tell you little one.” the girl looked a little disappointed but soon shrugged it off and enjoyed the lovely food. Fawn went to cut another slice asking the girl “Do you want more? Would you like to have honey on it this time?” “Oh yes please! I just love honey.” replied the girl in absolute delight.

  Fana was in the meantime making certain that everything was in order and nothing was forgotten. She was in the process of cleaning the kitchen when she saw the two girls merrily eating “Oh by the Goddess girls. Why are you not dressed yet? We need to be on our way soon. Fawn you are not being a good example to our sweetling here. Come Dagmar you will have to eat and dress at the same time. Fawn I am expecting you to be dressed and ready when we are ready.” ushering the girl from the kitchen and into the bedroom where she immediately went to work getting the child dressed. She pulled out the dress that she had packed into the basket the night before shook it out and nodded in satisfaction “Here you go sweetling. This is a good travelling dress, and the boots you have will do nicely for walking. Come let me brush your hair and try and get it under control.” Fana took a hair brush and, whilst the child was chewing the last of her bread, began brushing her hair vigorously to bring out the shine. Then Fana helped Dagmar put on the dress and do up the buttons. As she moved the girl saw that the dress never stayed the same colour, it shimmered from brown to green to black and every hue in between. She stood and swirled the dress about this way and that admiring the lovely colours as Fana impatiently began putting things into the basket and handing it to the child.

  As they reached the kitchen Fawn was waiting patiently with a little grin on her face “I did it! I was ready before you came back out. Does that mean I am coming with you Mama?” giving her biggest brightest smile to Fana, who was laughing and shaking her head at the antics. “I did not tell you because I know how excited you get and the last thing we needed was Fawn the whirlwind. Yes you are coming and yes you will meet the Wise Ones, IF you behave.” said Fana with a serious look on her face, belied by the twinkle in her eyes. Finding her staff and handing Fawn a walking staff, she looked around with a frown playing over her brows “Where is that staff I made for the child? I know I put it with the others last night!” turning around she began to peer behind and under things until a triumphant “AHA there you are!” Fana produced a lovely staff made of a white wood, which had fallen and rolled underneath one of the benches. “Here you go sweetling. This is for you. It will make walking a little easier and it is wonderful to lean on. It is made of a special wood from a tree that is like a ghost, so we call it ghost wood tree. If we see one on our way I will show you.” and with that she handed the staff to the girl. “Thank you Fana it is very pretty. Oh are those carvings? They are runes! Mmm let me see. This says 'Safe Travel over mountain and stream' and this one “In perfect love and perfect trust’ did I read them right Fana?” asked the girl “yes sweetling you read that perfectly. We are going to have to teach you how to say them in our language. That could be fun while we travel.”

  As they were making their way to the forest floor many people came out to cheer them on their way and wish them a safe journey. Some came out and gave Fana small colourfully wrapped bundles, which promptly were placed into the leather satchel Fana, had swinging off her right shoulder. Fana set a brisk pace as they reached the forest floor and began walking towards what to Dagmar seemed the centre of the ancient forest. As they progressed Fawn began teaching the girl basic words “Let us begin teaching with numbers, now say after me. Meen. Tahd. Neh-led. Kah-nahd. Leh-ben. Ehn-egg. Oh-dohg. Toll-oth. Neh-dare. Kire. There, that was counting from one to ten.” The girl copied the older girl finding the words strangely familiar. “Now let’s see, ah yes! Ear is Law and eye is hehn.”The girl obediently imitated “Law and Hehn.”Fawn nodded “Very good, you are a natural. Finger is Leh-bed. Foot is Tahl. Hair is Finn. Hand is Kahm. Heart is Oh-ray”. “let me see is I got them righ Fawn. Law is ear. Hehn is eye. Leh-ded is finger. Tahl is foot. finn is hair. Kahm is hand. Oh-ray is heart. Did I get them right?” looking astounded Fawn nodded her head. “Count for me now.” “Ummmm, Meen. Tahd. Neh-led. Kah-nahd. Leh-ben. Ehn-egg. Oh-dohg. Toll-oth. Neh-dare. Kire.” The girl skipped along counting her steps. Fana watched all this with quiet pride, looking around as was her habit in case there is a nice mushroom or herb which may need plucking. As they walked Fawn kept up a running commentary “Oh look sweetling this is a ‘Lohth, a blossom and there is a will-wahr-in a butterfly! Can you repeat them?” ‘A will-wahr-in is a butterfly and Lohth is blossom. Look there is a red lohth.” “haha” laughed the older girl “That’s a kah-rahn lohth, a red blossom.” replied fawn impressed with the girls ability to learn the language. “We are going to visit the Hod-oer-ea, Wise Ones. Sen ah-mar Silmataurea, their home is in the Neverwinter Woods” explained Fawn as they walked through a sunlit meadow and so they continued Dagmars lanuage class as they walked.

  Fana decided to stop as they reached a
lovely small stream, as she began setting out their mid-day meal she opened her leather satchel and pulled out a cloth and then many small parcels emerged from the small satchel that should not hold more than the cloth and a few small parcels. As the girl watched, more and more bundles were brought out as well as several jugs, some cups and plates to finish the setting. “Fana. Is your satchel the same as my basket?” asked the girl “Yes sweetling I found my satchel many seasons ago. It was a gift from a story teller who owned it but it just never felt right for him. It was functional but not big enough to hold anything of substance and when he saw me it felt to him as if the satchel was trying to get to me because whenever he walked near me there was an incredible tugging from the satchel. He came up to me and told me that he believed he knew the true owner of the satchel and handed me the bag and whatever tugging he was feeling immediately stopped.” explained the woman as she set out their meal. Fawn had joined them after having fetched some cool water from the stream “I remember that time! That was old Saeldur who gave you the bag, wasn't it? He is a funny man who appears and tells a tale and then disappears just as quickly.” “I remember him, he arrived at the palace the second day I after I arrived. He turned up just after breaking fast and told a sad story about a fae princess who fell in love with an elven prince who left and ran away to live in the human realm where they lived and eventually they were having a baby but it turned out to be twins. After the mother died, shortly after giving birth, one is taken to people in the human realm and the other was taken to the fae realm.” exclaimed the girl. Fawn had listened intently to the child “I remember him telling that story at one of the calling ceremonies. I am not sure if it was meant to be a warning or just a reminder that it does not matter where love calls you as long as you listen to what it tells you.” she said when the girl finished.

  “Let us eat now girls, so that we can continue on our journey or we will have to sleep in the trees more than one night. Here Dagmar, have some bread and cheese, sweetling. Fawn, you also have some bread and cheese with a little less talking and then you can both have some fruit.” Fana said with an exasperated look of a long suffering mother. Leaning against a large ancient oak the girls began to eat in earnest with Fawn teaching new words to the girl. “Bread is Lereth, Water is Alu, Juice is Pirya and Milk is Limpe.” “Um, Fawn amin anfaug ten’ alu.” The child said with a cheeky grin. “You thirst for water eh? Well done sweetling. You are picking up the language very quickly.” Replied Fawn with a smile as Fana brought out the water jug and filled a cup up for the child. “Soon you will be fluent in elven as well as human. Now eat up so that we can clean up and be on our way.” said Fana to both girls as she stood to walk to the stream to rinse her plate. After eating, both girls also rinsed and dried their plates and cups and gave those to Fana to put into her satchel and they set off following the stream.

  As the afternoon progressed, the stream became a gentle river and the trees also changed. The trees seemed to change as they travelled and the feeling of the forest changed as well. The sun was slowly setting and Fana began looking at trees in which to make camp for the night when the girl asked “When will be arriving where the hodoerea live Fana? Are we in the silmataurea yet?” “Oh, all the questions sweetling. Yes we are in the Neverwinter woods and we will be arriving to see the Wise Ones in the morning. We will have to camp in a tree tonight because we had such a late start. I was looking to find a nice tree to sleep in for the night and I think I have found just what we need. Come little one, Fawn come over here please. We will be making camp soon and I want to have a closer look at that beautiful oak over there.” Leading the way to a particularly large tree, that had branches form a natural platform as well as other branches which formed steps for them to comfortably and safely get up the trunk. As Fana climbed up the steps and onto the platform the child observed that the tree was also hollow and went to explore.

  Dagmar slipped into the hollow and immediately found that she was in a massive cavern. Turning to call out to Fawn and Fana the girl could not find the entrance. The caverns was lit by a source the child could not see but the entrance she only minutes before had come through was not to be found. The girl began to panic and started to call out to Fana and Fawn wishing she had not climbed into the hollow to explore. Climbing internal steps which curved all the way around the inside of the trunk and calling frequently in the hope that Fawn or Fana heard her. As she reached the end of the steps she found herself at a door. Not knowing what else to do the girl knocked on the door timidly, unsure of what to expect. She jumped slightly when a voice answered form the other side of the door “Quel andune.” “Good afternoon to you as well. May I come in?” called the child. “Yes. Enter.” was the response. Hesitantly the girl opened the door, to her surprise there was no one inside “Mae govanen! Well met child.” came the greeting from all around the child “Merry Meet. May I ask where I am?” asked the girl politely. “You are within me child.” responded the voice to which the child replied “How did I get to be here? I would like to find my friends again, I am a little frightened”, “you are safe and your friends are making a nest within my branches. Why you are here within me, I do not know. You have gifts yet to be recognised.” The words were spoken and then the caverns changed and became a dark with light coming in from a hole on one side, climbing out of the hole Dagmar looked around in confusion for Fana and Fawn. “Where did you go to sweetling? I was calling for you.” asked Fawn “I went into that hole there and ended up talking to the tree.” replied the girl. Fana was approaching the girls at that moment “Where were you little one? We called for you to show you our lovely nest in the branches.” “I was inside the tree Fana and the tree told me that you were building a nest in its branches. I was a little frightened and then it told me that I have gifts yet to be recognised. What did it mean?” explained the child. Fana looked at Dagmar a little surprised but indicated for the girls to climb up to the branches before she answered.

  As they climbed up the branches to the platform the child could see bedding and food set out in a homely fashion. Fana made sure the girls were settled before she decided to explore the girls statement about the tree, once they all had food on their plates she turned to the girl and asked “Tell us what happened sweetling. You said you were inside the tree talking to it.” “Yes Fana. I went in through the hole and I was in a huge cavern and the entry had vanished. There was a stairway and I climbed it and then there was a door. I knocked on the door and a voice said ‘Good afternoon’ and then I was invited in but there was nobody in the room. When I asked where I was the tree told me I was inside it. It told me you were making a nest in the trees branches. When I asked why I was there the tree didn’t know but it said I had unrecognised gifts.” Fana listened intently to the girl whilst slowly eating some small nuts and berries. “Well it sounds to me like you have met a tree spirit. You are a very lucky girl to meet one let alone have one let you in and talk to you. We will have yet more questions for the Wise Ones tomorrow. It will be getting dark soon girls, and I want a very early start in the morning, so let us get settled in our beds and have a good night’s sleep.”

  Fana showed the child a very comfortable looking nest of blankets and pillows set near the trunk of the tree with Fawn next to her. As she made herself comfortable in amongst the blankets she wondered how Fana could have carried all this in her satchel. Snuggling down into the softness of the blankets and pillows it did not take long for the girl to fall into a deep sleep. She began to dream that she was inside the tree again and this time the spirit of the tree sat in the room on the floor. He had skin which looked like tree bark, his hair and beard were long and also the colour of bark. His eyes were a deep brown with a gentle look about them. He sat and waited patiently for her to sit opposite him. “I am the spirit of this tree, child. I wish to get to know you a little better. You are different for the others. Where are you from?” �
��I am pleased to meet you, Yaaraer. I am from the human realm. Why do you say I am different?” asked the child “Yaaraer, ancient one, mmmm you have learnt our language well. The human realm you say. Well I can see through the glamour that has been placed on you. You are not what they think you are. Do you know who you are sweetling?” “No sir, I am becoming more and more confused. Why are they taking me to meet the Wise Ones? What answers can they possibly have about me?” answered the girl. The tree spirit smiled at that and nodded understanding “They only want what is best for you and regretfully they believe that the less they tell you the better off you are. They believe because you are but a child that they are protecting you. I can understand why they are doing this and I can also understand your frustrations little one.” Feeling a little braver the girl asks “Then could you tell me what it is they are protecting me from?” “No sweetling I cannot because I do not know for certain and I cannot with a clear conscience guess at what it is. I do know that you belong in both realms and that you have many things yet to discover about your heritage, your family.” With a gentle smile the tree spirit touched the girls face with fingers that looked like wood but were very soft and gentle “I am called Lithonion. If you have the need for calm, just call my name and I will provide the peace you crave. Now sleep my child and all your questions will be answered in due time.” With those words the child found herself waking up to birds singing and the sun rising, yawning and stretching she sat up and looked around. Fana and Fawn were awake and preparing food to breakfast “Ah sweetling, good, I was about to wake you up. Here, have some nice cool water to drink and fruit to eat. Did you sleep well little one?” taking the cup and bowl off Fana the girl nodded “Yes thank you I slept well. I had a dream that I was talking to the tree spirit. He was very nice.” Fawn looked up in surprise “You did what? You dreamt about the tree spirit, do you mean the spirit in THIS tree?” “Yes this tree. And we had a lovely conversation.” answered the child and taking a large bite out of a lovely peace of sweet summer meat fruit. Fana came and sat down to listen to what the girls were talking about “So the spirit in this tree spoke to you twice. You are a very lucky girl to have been honoured in such a way and twice at that. I wonder what it means. What did you talk about?” “He wanted to know where I was from and told me that I belonged in both realms.” answered the child around a mouthful of fruit. “Well that is all very interesting and I have to do much thinking. Let us pack up and clean up so we can get going. We will be with the Wise Ones by mid-day.” With that comment Fana got up and began folding blankets and placing them in her satchel while the girls cleaned the plates and cups they used in the stream and brought them back for Fana to put away. They set of shortly after that.


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