Book Read Free


Page 15

by Nancy Gaskin


  They arrived a little after noon in the meadow where the Wise Ones lived. Fawn and Dagmar set up their camp under an ancient oak tree while Fana went to see the Wise Ones. When Fana returned she informed the girls that they will be sharing the evening meal with the Wise Ones and then told the girls to go and explore while she prepared a noon day meal for them all. The girls did not have to be told twice and skipped off to explore their new surroundings. Fawn wanted to go to the stream and watch for fish, Dagmar felt uncomfortable with that because it reminded how she thought Moonbeam was a fish and all the trouble THAT caused. They decided to walk amongst the trees and find flowers to make into gifts for the Wise Ones. They found some beautiful white flowers with the centre of it having dark pink colouring and it gave of a gentle mint smell. The next flowers they found were a dark pink with six very large individual petals and the core was an even darker pink with very dark pollen covered stamen. They smelled similar to roses. Wandering along with many beautiful blooms in their arms the girl then spotted very small and delicate. It was yellow with elongated slender petals which looked like fingers and had a blood red stained curved like a cup and had a red central stripe and a gentle smell that neither girl could identify.

  As the girls returned to their camp they noticed that fan had been very busy. The first thing they saw was a large dome shaped tent which was made of many rich colourful strips of material sewn together. As the girls stepped inside, the girl was stunned at the amount of space inside, belying its size from the outside. Fana was busy making their beds and sorting out their finest clothing for their meeting with the Wise Ones. Looking up as the girls entered the tent saw the amazed look on the girls face “Ah you have returned. What did you find?” The girls proudly showed her the flowers they had gathered, gently placing spreading them out on a small folding table that had a lovely white cloth on it. The deep green leaves attached to the individual flowers created a beautiful contrast to the magnificent colours of the flowers. Fana was very impressed and left the girls to put the bouquet together whilst she set out their mid-day meal.

  After finishing their meal Fana told the girls they had to have a bath and wash their hair, in the stream. “But mother, it will be freezing in there!” protested Fawn. “It won’t be as cold as you think sweetling, especially if you bathe just over there where the water is shallow and pooling in the sun. You will have to help each other and not dawdle.” instructed Fana patiently. The girl listened to the exchange with amusement and began gathering what she thought was needed for their bath. Fawn was not happy about the whole idea but began helping Dagmar to get what they needed together and then led the way to the stream.

  Fawn decided to wade in and wash first with the child helping her wash her hair and then once she was done, she was going to help Dagmar in the same way. After much splashing and laughter two wet but clean girls returned to camp and Fana began supervising the drying and dressing of body and hair. Fawn had a beautiful gold brown dress which ended mid-calf and lovely brown soft leather boots that were laced to the leg with gold straps. Her hair was brushed until it was shining with rusty gold high lights and then braided with small yellow and red flowers that looked as if they were dried. Fana then turned her attention to Dagmar who had already dressed in her white skirt that when she inspected it more closely was embroidered with tiny white and cream beads in intricate patterns. The shirt was also embroidered and made of the softest material the girl had ever felt. The sleeves were long and puffy with ribbons at the wrist to tie them in place for warmer weather above the elbow and in cooler weather to be tied at the wrist. The shoes were more like slippers which were tied to the leg with long white ribbons and were made out of bleached white leather that was a lot tougher then it looked. Fana inspected the child and not happy with the way the shirt sat, went to her satchel and rummaged around until she found a woven belt of green with beads worked in to look like flowers and leaves. Placing it around the girls’ waist over the shirt which was untucked, adjusting it so that it sat just right, to complete the outfit. Then Fana set to work on the golden ringlets which adorned Dagmars head, using a brush and comb to untangle it and then separate it into small bunches and began braiding with white and green ribbon woven in. Fawn found a few blue flowers and tucked the into the girls braid to add more colour. Fana was already dressed in a brown long dress which changed colour from brown to green when she moved. Her hair was also in a braid with yellow flowers placed in the braid. Without much ado Fana picked up her leather satchel and they set off to the home of the Wise Ones.


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