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Poker Face (Chimera Club Stories)

Page 4

by Cybill Cain

  Meenan had us both until this was done. I decided then and there that I would win, not just for me, but for her, and all the girls like her who were forced into using their bodies in trade for survival in this shitty dark world.

  I would convince her that we were in this together, because now that I saw what I could do, what I should have been doing all along, there was no way I was giving it up to a monster like Thomas Meenan.

  5- The Rendezvous


  I was in no way prepared for what was coming when a very large, very intimidating man knocked on my door promptly at 6PM, as Thomas Meenan had told me he would. “Camille?” he asked, glancing at a clipboard that looked miniaturized in his paw of a hand.

  “Yes?” I heard the fear I felt coming through loud and clear in my voice. I swallowed it down, making myself stand up straighter. I had made this decision, I needed to own it.

  “Tony,” he said by way of introduction. “Please come with me.” I grabbed my purse, and locked the door before following him down the hall of my apartment building. After we were seated in his car he handed me a black sleeping mask. “You’ll need to keep this on until I tell you to remove it. I’m obligated to remind you that if you fail to follow these directions you will be disqualified.

  “Right. Got it,” I took the mask, and put it on after buckling my seat belt. Tony was listening to Enigma on the radio. I tried to focus on the soothing techno tones and relax while he drove, but I was too nervous to do anything other than clutch my seatbelt with a death grip.

  Meenan had explained what would happen when I arrived, that I would be gagged for the duration of the encounter, but free to move about and see what was happening. “You can stop it any time you wish,” he assured me, “But if you do, the game will be over before it even begins.”

  This meeting was a ‘get to know you session’, he went on to explain. A chance for my partner and me to establish a connection prior to actual play. Whoever he was, he would be blindfolded, and his hands restrained for the evening. That was good. It eased the knot in my stomach to know he would be unable to grab me or paw at me while I worked to get my head around what was happening. It was only delaying the inevitable, logically I knew that, but I was still grateful for the illusion of safety. What was even better was that he would be blindfolded for our meeting.

  I shifted in my seat, curious about the tension that idea caused in my body. Every time I thought of a blindfolded restrained man exploring my body I pressed my thighs together seeking relief. I should have been more concerned about losing my ability to speak, but instead it was a relief. I was terrible at talking to people, this eliminated awkward small talk, and shifted the dynamic of the meeting in a way I didn’t quite understand.

  You’re not terrible at talking to everyone, the voice in my head piped up, flashing me an image of Blue Eyes in the coffee shop. He’d been my go to touchstone over the past few days whenever I needed a distraction from what was happening in my life. His smile and his laugh, the sensations he caused in me with just a glance. I caught myself rubbing my thighs together again as I felt the car shift during a left turn. Blue Eyes didn’t know it, but he was my first kiss. I could still feel the all over tingle I’d gotten when my lips had touched his.

  Had it been a mistake to not get his name or his number? To offer him mine? There was something between us, even I knew that, but at the time, considering the mess I was in, I had wanted to be in control, to seem mysterious and memorable. Now, I felt like a fool. I’d probably made the right decision. Now was not the time for romantic entanglements. I needed to be focused on pulling a life for myself out of this twisted hat Thomas Meenan had held up for me. No, it was better that it ended the way it did.

  I was still telling myself that when I felt the car stop, and heard Tony get out. He opened my door, and led me into a building and down a hall, opening a door. When it closed he removed my mask, and I found myself in what looked like a high end hotel suite, complete with a sofa, a bar, and a bed that could easily sleep a dozen people. Tony held up a ball gag.

  “Show me you can put this on without assistance and remove it.” It took a couple of fumbling tries, and at first my jaw hurt from the extension, but I soon got the hang of it. “Good,” he said, gesturing for me to follow him to the bathroom.

  “In here are bottles of water, and a mini bar in case you need something stronger. You will remove your clothes, and shower when I leave. There’s a robe on the back of the door here.” He showed me a standard fluffy white robe. “When you exit this room the gag must be in place at all times. If you require water or something else you may enter the bathroom alone, and take care of your needs, but again, when you come back out your gag must be in place. You are not to speak to your partner through the door, or at all, at any time, or you will be disqualified. Do you understand?”


  “Your partner will be present when you exit the bathroom.”



  I had been hit the realization that what I was doing was wrong at my last meeting with Meenan, but the idea that it was dangerous surfaced when I was blindfolded by a muscle man who told me his name was Stacy. He had an air that spoke of military service, and exuded a confidence that said plainly he was not to be fucked with. As he drove me to meet my partner I felt my heart speed up as just how wrong all this could go flipped through my head.

  She must be terrified. I stopped thinking of myself being murdered and left for dead while my fortune was being stolen because I was a moron, and started thinking of how an innocent would feel in this situation. If she had been greeted by someone like Stacy, and blindfolded she was probably ready to come out of her skin. My mind replaced the blank image I had of a woman I’d yet to meet with Coffee Girl. I felt my hands clench into fists when the unknown innocent became the green eyed beauty I’d met. Just the idea of someone like her being subjected to something like this made me crazy.

  “Calm down over there,” Stacy warned, making me realize that I was growling out my anger at imaging her in this fucked up situation. He was right. I had to keep my poker face in place, and my mind in the game if I was going to come out of this on top. I made myself take some deep breaths to relax.

  I can calm her, I thought. When I get there, I can talk to her and make this better for her. I consciously put away the image of my Coffee Girl, and started thinking of all the ways I could make this better for my partner. That was where my focus needed to be now.

  I felt the car stop, and heard Stacy open my door. I tolerated his hold on my arm as he led me into a building and down a hallway. When the door closed he removed my mask. The room looked like any one of dozen hotel rooms I had stayed in before. Not as high end as I was used to, but still more than I expected. The whole dark pall that had settled on this game for me had me picturing a dirty backroom where bad shit went down. I should have known better. A pretentious prick like Thomas Meenan didn’t deal in backrooms. He did his dirty in five star restaurants and hotels over thousand dollar buckets of bubbly, while pretending he was something more than a pimp.

  As instructed, I’d showered before Stacy picked me up, and dressed in a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. “Please remove your shirt and shoes,” he told me, picking up a pair of padded handcuffs from a table at the end of the sofa. When I was done he turned me, and cuffed my hands behind my back. The chain connecting them was about a foot, which allowed me some comfort in the awkward position. As I was testing my restraints I saw him press a finger to his ear, and listen. “Roger that,” he said into his sleeve before putting the black blindfold back over my face. “Time to go.”



  The light in the room was dimmed, but the first thing I saw was his broad bare muscular back that tapered down into a pair of tight black jeans. His hands were restrained as promised, but light from the bathroom reflecting off his cuffs made it all seem even more surreal.

  I walked slowly around to stand in
front of him, and felt my breath catch. His face was covered by a black mask like the one I had been given on the ride here, and I couldn’t be sure, but then he smiled, and I felt like my soul was going to come right out of my body. He’d followed the sound of my movement, his head turning as I moved. “Hello, my name is Brandon.” My partner is Blue Eyes!

  I stepped back quickly, the ball gag choking back all the words that wanted to spill from my lips. What are you doing here? Did you know it was me when we met? Was it all a trick? Is all this a trick? My hands reached for my gag, not thinking of the consequences, only that I needed to breathe, and I wasn’t getting enough air around the obstruction in my mouth. Before my hand touched the harness, and invalidated my participation, he spoke again.

  “I know you must be scared. I thought of you on the ride over when I was blindfolded and worried that an experience like that would terrify you. Don’t be scared. You’re safe with me.” My hands stilled. The same mysterious magic that had calmed me on the street once again put me at ease. He paused, searching for what to say next.

  “I’ve never done anything like this before either.” His entire body was tension spring, and even though he could not see me, I had never felt the level of attention he was giving me with his other senses. It was a heady feeling that only added to my sense of the world falling away. I tried to calm my breath to keep him from knowing how right he was about my fear, even if he had the reasons wrong.

  “I don’t have much to recommend myself. I’ve made some questionable calls in my life, hence this.” He tried to gesture to the room around him, remembering too late that he was restrained. I saw his cheeks redden, endearing him to me a little more. His face lit up, “I can tell you though that recently a friend told me I managed to save them from turning in their humanity card, and running for the woods.” Did he know it was me? Was he playing with me? I saw his blush return, deeper this time.

  “Well, friend might be an exaggeration. Truth is I don’t even know her name. I was a star struck idiot that let her get away from me.” His mouth tightened. “But it’s the way she made me feel for the few minutes I was with her that makes me think how this must be for you. No offense,” he hurried on, “It’s just that I’ve no idea what you look like, and well I’m a guy, so we visualize things. I don’t expect you to be her. You’re you, and that’s fine. I’m sure you’re quite lovely as well. God, I’m babbling, aren’t I? I didn’t know I was a babbler.”

  This was a side of him I never would have guessed existed from our brief encounter. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Under any other circumstances it might have been charming, but now it left me unsettled. I needed him to be the confident rogue who had swept me off my feet. Who was I kidding? I needed him to help me figure out what the hell to do.

  “Come sit by me on the bed.” He was only a step away, and he walked forward cautiously until he bumped into it, and turned to sit.

  Yes, I thought, like that. Tell me how to do this. His breath caught when he felt me next to him. I sat close, pressing my leg to his for reassurance, and to let him know I was there.

  “Put your hand on my arm.” Tentatively, I touched him, the warm feel of him making me inhale sharply through my nose. I caught a whiff of the same cologne he’d been wearing the day we met.

  My eyes wandered over his sculpted chest. Before I could stop it, my free hand reached up to run through the dark raven’s wing of his hair. He turned into my touch, giving me silent permission to touch him as a liked. He felt at once familiar and strange as I fell further under his spell. His voice had a catch in it when he spoke again, his tone lower and more intimate than before.

  “I’m going to ask you some questions. Squeeze my arm once for yes and twice for no, understand?” I squeezed once, still caressing his face with the other, wishing I could kiss him again, and hating the thing in my mouth that prevented it.

  “Are you scared of me?”


  “Good. I only want to make you feel good. I want to make this a pleasant experience for you. Do you understand?”

  Yes. He swallowed.

  “I need to find out how to please you, so my next questions may seem a little…intense. Is that okay?”


  “Is it true that you’re a virgin?”

  Yes. He tensed and shifted on the bed. My eyes fell on his crotch, and I saw that he was very turned on. I hoped what I was seeing was a trick of the dimly lighted room because I wasn’t sure I would be able to take all of what it looked he was packing.

  “Have you ever masturbated?”


  “And did you come?”


  “That’s good. Did you use your hand?”


  “A vibrator?”


  “One that you put inside?”

  No. I felt him shudder under my touch, and watched with wide eyes as the bulge in his jeans grew bigger.

  “I’m not scaring you am I?”

  No. God, no, but there was no squeeze to convey what he was doing to me with his nearness, his words and his obvious arousal. I’d been wet before, but it felt like river was running between my legs, and he hadn’t even touched me.

  “Good. I only want to make you feel good,” he said again, mistaking my quickening breath for fears that he needed to reassure.

  “Has anyone ever tasted you before?” A warm rush of liquid slipped out of me, the sensation was new and so distracting it was a moment before I could answer.


  “I want to taste you,” he said, his voice going impossibly low and gravelly. “Will you let me make you come with my mouth?”



  I was so hard I barely knew what I was saying. From the moment she entered the room I’d been focused completely on her. The sound of her breath, the warmth of her when she sat next to me. God, the scent of her was intoxicating, so fresh and clean with a hint of something else beneath it all, that my mind scrambled to identify.

  I’d been lost when she touched me, this mysterious woman who held my whole life in her small hands. I knew they were small and delicate because she hadn’t stopped touching me, not once since we’d sat down together.

  Maybe it was because I couldn’t see her face, maybe it was because I was still pretending she was my Coffee Girl, because I had wanted her to touch me exactly as this mystery woman was doing. Whatever it was there was caring in her innocence that touched something deep inside me. I might be three kinds of a fool for giving in to this, but I needed to make this as good for her as I could, and that meant giving myself over to the experience body and soul. I took a deep breath and asked her, “Will you let me make you come with my mouth?” There was a pause, and then God save us both, she said yes.

  “I haven’t seen this room, so I don’t know what we are working with here. I’ll need you to help me. Is that all right?”


  “Are you wearing anything?”


  “Take it off, please.” She stood, and I heard something slide to the floor. “God, I wish I could see you right now.” I felt the warmth of her body come closer to me. Her hands took my face, and slowly guided it to her breasts. I turned a little to the left and then to the right, getting a sense of her. Her breasts were heavy and round, soft and perfect. My mouth opened seeking a nipple blindly. When I closed around her sucking hard before circling it with my tongue, she groaned pressing into my face. I sucked harder before releasing it to seek the other. Her hands guided me, threading through my hair and holding me to her. My hands itched to touch her, and I pulled that cuffs until my shoulders hurt. “Fuck, I want to touch you so much right now.” Her hand left my hair to squeeze my arm.

  Yes. She wanted that, too.

  “Sit down on the bed again, beside me.” I slipped off the edge, landing on my knees and slid between her thighs my head up as though I could see her. “Put your legs over my shoulders and lay back. You can keep your
hand on my shoulder. Remember, two squeezes for no, and I stop immediately if you don’t like it. Understand?”


  I leaned in closer, turning my face to touch her skin. Her soft belly quivered under my cheek. I turned and gave it wet hot open mouth sucking kiss that made her moan around the gag again. I moved over a little, and did it again. A few more kisses and her hand tangled in my hair pushing me down between her thighs. I smiled, enjoying an unexpected sense of triumph to have seduced her so.

  She pressed me down to her, putting my face so close that one breath drowned me in the sweet scent of her arousal. My tongue slipped out into her slick folds making her jerk in surprise. “Shhh. It’s all right, baby. Trust me.” I took another swipe with my tongue and another, seeking the nub hidden in her folds. I found it, swollen, engorged and begging for my attention. As I had done with her nipples, I sucked on it gently at first, then harder.

  Her hips bucked and she pulled hard on my hair, lost in mindless sensation. Rather than scold her and risk breaking the moment, I took the pain. After few more intense sucks of her slick nub, I pulled back to flick my tongue against her in a quick pace that had her writhing on the bed so wildly I could barely keep up.

  If my hands had been free I would have slipped a finger into her, letting her ride it while I got her off, but I had to improvise. I slid down a little and speared her leaking entrance with my tongue, making it hard and stiff, going as deep as I could before pulling back and then doing it again. I felt her knees pull back from my shoulders as she folded up from the intensity of what she was feeling. When I moved back to her clit and gave it a long hard suck her scream around the gag made my cock jerk. She was undone, and even muffled by the gag it was a glorious sound to my ears. I moved back down to lick her entrance as her body rocked with the orgasm I had given her, lapping up the juices that her body released. She tasted so sweet I was nearly as lost as she was in the moment.


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