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Poker Face (Chimera Club Stories)

Page 5

by Cybill Cain

  When her body went limp I kissed her clit before moving planting a slow trail of kisses up her inner thigh. First the right and then the left before moving up to rest my head on her belly. She had released my shoulders, but when I spoke her hands came back to touch me again.

  “You okay, baby?”

  Yes. I turned my head to kiss her belly again, and wondered if she could feel my smile against her damp skin.

  “Ready for more?”



  There was more? My God, what more could there be? My bones felt like jelly, and my muscles were completely gone. Still, my hand answered yes. Through my hazy orgasm vision I saw him flash that devastating smile again. Immediately, my insides tightened, the wetness between my legs growing again as he shifted his big body back up onto the bed.

  “Guide me to the head of the bed.” I managed to stand on shaky legs, and help him get there, standing back to watch as he positioned his back against the headboard, stretching his long legs out on the bed. The bulge in his jeans looked less scary now, and before I realized it I was caressing it with my hand. He hissed, as if I had hurt him, making me pull back quickly.

  “No, baby, it’s all right. Touch me all you want to. You just surprised me.” Slowly, I reached back out, cupping him in my hand, and then rubbing with my finger tip to find the shape of him beneath the denim. When his hips started to rock in time with my touch I was hypnotized.

  “Do you want to see me?” His voice was filled with tension. “You can take me out. I want you to touch me.” I squeezed out my yes, so I wouldn’t surprise him again, and started to unbuckle his belt. When I reached into his underwear to free his engorged flesh, the sound he made triggered a dripping hot response between my thighs. Instinctively, I wanted to satisfy his hunger and remove his pain. I wanted to make him feel good, too. For one wild second I thought of forgetting about the rules, and tossing it all away to ride him. The image made my hand tighten around him, causing him to grunt in response. “Easy, baby, please.”


  I looked down at the massive hard on in my hand, and a sense of wonder and dread filled me again. He was at least nine inches long, maybe ten, rising up from his jeans wide and thick like nothing I had seen before. My hand loved on him wanting to feel him in all the ways I could.

  When I saw the tip of him leaking, I hated the ball gag all the more because I wanted to taste him as he had done with me. As my hand continued to move on him he made a series of guttural sounds that made my nipples hard and my pussy ache to feel him inside me. His ragged whisper begging me to stop finally broke through to me.

  “Please,” he managed to get out, sounding as if I were torturing him. Immediately, I stopped, unsure what to do. “I don’t want to come this way,” he told me when he’d caught his breath. “I can’t penetrate you tonight. They told you that?”


  “There are other ways for me to please you though.” I waited. “Pull my jeans off, please.” I stood and went to the foot of the bed, tugging the bottoms as he raised his hips from the bed to assist me. “Now, put my cock back into my underwear.” He was wearing black boxer briefs that clung to his hard physique like a second skin. Before I tucked him away I ran my thumb over his leaking tip again, loving the slick sensation of him in my hand, and the way he shuddered under my touch.

  “Come here and straddle me,” he ordered. “Position your body over mine so that I can rub your clit with my dick.” My eyes opened wide in surprise, but my body was eager to comply. “I want to feel you come on top of me like that. Use me, baby, make us both feel good.”

  Hesitant, and unsure at first what to do, I pressed down against him. The heat of his arousal and the hard feel of him was good. I moved again, rocking against him with more confidence until our bodies aligned, and I felt him hit against my throbbing clit. “Ugh!” I screamed around the ball gag, rocking harder as my vision went dim with pleasure.

  “Fuck, yes,” he growled beneath me, bucking up and pressing harder against me. I felt him shift up, his nose tracing the lines of me until his lips closed over my nipple sucking hard in time with my rocking motion. I could feel my body starting to tingle. He remained upright, kissing my neck and jaw line furiously as I rode him, speaking dirty sweet words that unzipped my mind.

  “When I’m inside you, baby it’ll be even better. I promise. I’ll make you so wet and fuck you so hard until I make you come all over my dick. Nothing else will matter, baby. I’ll make it all go away until there is only you and me.”

  I pressed down hard, rocking deep as he thrust up against me. My body flexed into another bone dissolving orgasm as he shuddered beneath me. I felt his hot release against my hot core, seeping through his underwear as he came in wave after wave. My hips pressed harder against him, my body screaming to feel him closer as he groaned hotly in my ear. I held on to him when he fell back, curling around him as complete satisfaction filled me from head to toe. I felt his lips kiss every part of me they could reach, peppering my skin with his warm breath and soft lips.

  “I need you to remember this. The way we make each other feel. I need you to not be scared of what comes next, baby, because you are not alone. I’m with you. Do you understand?” I squeezed his arm once under my hand. He kissed me one last time on my cheek and relaxed beneath me.

  I didn’t realize I had fallen asleep until a loud knock came at the door. “Ten minutes,” a loud voice called. I was still spread out over him. Brandon. He’d said his name was Brandon. My Blue Eyes. I probably should have been embarrassed, waking up with him after what had passed between us, but I wasn’t. I felt incredible, the way I imagine a cat feels after napping in the sun all afternoon. I stretched on top of him, feeling light hearted until he made an unmistakable sound of pain. I sat up, quickly rolling off him as my eyes darted over him looking for the source of his hurt.

  “It’s all right baby, it’s just my arms. I fell asleep on them, and now they’re waking up.” Without another thought I climbed behind him, massaging his shoulders and hands. After a couple of minutes he laid back against me, resting his head on my shoulder.

  “Thank you.” I caressed his face with my hand, loving the feel of his scruffy face. I bet he got five o’clock shadow five minutes after shaving.

  “You okay?” he asked me.


  “FIVE MINUTES!” Someone yelled from the hall, banging on the door more insistently this time. Brandon growled low in his chest before sitting up.

  “Any chance you might help a man find his pants?” He flashed me that smile again, and even if I had been the kind of person to leave him hanging, it would have convinced me to rescue the fair knight from his predicament. I grabbed my robe and his pants, kneeling to get his feet through the legs, before pulling them up.

  There was something unexpected about dressing him that seemed far more intimate than undressing him. These gestures that spoke less of driving passion and more of patient caring. My hands froze, I froze as the idea that I cared for this beautiful stranger coalesced in my mind. Sensitized to my every breath, Brandon immediately knew something was wrong.

  “You okay?” he asked me again. I put my hand on his arm, meaning to say yes, but didn’t. Instead, I held it there. There weren’t enough squeezes in our improvised method of communication to even begin. “Hey,” he whispered, leaning down slowly to where he sensed me to be standing in front of him. I knew what he wanted, and raised my head to meet him. We stood there for at least one of our precious remaining five minutes with our foreheads pressed together, breathing slowly in and out before he spoke.

  “I don’t know if I can do this if I don’t know that you’re all right, baby.” I melted right there, and pressed my body to his, as I slipped my arms around his neck, never breaking the contact of our foreheads. It was Brandon who finally did that, by placing a kiss on my forehead. He was going to say something, I could feel it, but before he could, the door swung open and a big muscle man I’d never s
een before came in to lead Brandon away.

  6- The Space Between


  None of that went the way I expected. I’m not sure what I expected, exactly, but this woman, my partner was extraordinary. The way she had touched me, the way she’d held me just before Stacy had come to get to me. I’d never felt anything like it before. It wasn’t the mask, I’d played variations of 50 Shades like the rest of the world. It was never that good. It was never that real. I was still lost in my thoughts when I felt the car stop.

  “You can take your mask off now.” I removed it, blinking owlishly even in the dark of the night. I glanced at my watch, it was almost midnight. I’d been gone for six hours. How was that even possible?

  “Here, this is for you.” He held out a smartphone. “It’s only enabled for text messages. No calls, no pictures, and it only has her number programmed in it. You can use it up to the night of the game to text her, but there are rules.” Of course.

  “You’ve already told her your name, which was against the rules, but I took the heat for that one. I didn’t make that rule clear to you before you entered the room. To be clear now, you may not ask hers, and she has been told not to give it you. You may not arrange a meeting prior to game night. Don’t get clever and blow this now. Your messages will be monitored, and any infraction of the rules will result in disqualification for you both.”

  I took the phone, already formulating what I could say to her when he added, “The game starts in seventy-two hours. I will be here to pick you up at 4PM sharp on Thursday. The timetable for the game is 6PM to 6AM. More details on that will be provided then. Keep this phone on you at all times. You may be contacted by the game master if needed, and your immediate response is required.” He shoved a charger into my hand, and waited for me to get out.

  “Is Meenan the game master?” His lip curled slightly. It was almost a smile.

  “What do you think?” Right. “I’m not going to hug you. Get the hell out.”


  After the fastest shower of my life I sat down on my sofa holding the phone. My hands were shaking. I laughed, and the sound startled me. I was still recovering from the sensory deprivation and overload of the last few hours. I pulled up the contacts and found only one, as Stacy had said. It was labeled “C”. I hit the text button, and typed the first thing that came to mind, hitting send before I could over think it.

  B: Hello? Is there anybody in there?

  As soon as I sent it, I freaked out. It was a dumb thing to say. She probably wouldn’t get it. Jesus, you’re in idiot. The phone buzzed in my hand.

  C: Just nod if you can hear me.

  My heart turned over in my chest, and I burst into laughter. My lady C was a Pink Floyd fan, too!

  B: Christ, you’re such a delight, woman.

  C: I’m not usually. It must be you that brings it out in me.

  B: You bring out things in me that I didn’t expect as well.

  C: Like what?

  B: I’m not a rookie at the kinds of things we did tonight, but nothing has ever come close to that experience with you.

  C: I am a rookie, but I can tell you it was…amazing. I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t stop thinking about you.

  B: Same here.

  C: You can’t stop thinking of you either, huh? Should I be worried about this level of narcissism?

  I snorted with laughter, my fingers moving so fast I could barely see them. This conversation was pure stream of consciousness, and it felt incredible.

  B: Haha, very funny. You know what I meant.

  C: I do, but someone who is not a rookie should know that a woman likes to hear these things.

  B: I can’t stop thinking about you.

  C: See how good that felt? I bet you didn’t even pull a muscle being all suave like that. :) Are your shoulders all right?

  Her gentle teasing thrilled me, but her concern took me right off the high and down into the ball of warmth that was growing inside me whenever I thought of her.

  B: They’re good. I had a nice massage a little while ago, thank you, again, and a hot shower took care of the rest. How about you? I’ve worn a ball gag before, they can be a challenge.

  C: My jaw still feels funny, but I think it’s all right. I hated that thing. I wanted to kiss you.

  B: And I wanted to be kissed.

  C: It’s settled then. The next time we have a date, no ball gag. Unless you want to wear it again?

  B: No, I’d rather kiss you.

  There was a slight pause on her end before her next message.

  C: Do you think there will be time for kissing when we get down to it?

  B: I’ll make time.

  C: I have to remember the rules. I want to ask you so many questions right now that are out of bounds.

  B: Same here.

  She paused again, and I could feel she was struggling to not break the rules. I understood completely, because I was afraid I was going to cross the line any second now myself.



  I squeezed the phone in my hand and reminded myself of all that I was risking. Tony had told me our messages would be monitored, and that I was not to give him my name. Which meant I couldn’t tell him that we knew each other already. It felt like lying to him, and with what had already happened, and what was going to happen in three days, keeping that information from him was making me a hot mess. Or maybe it was what he did to me that was making me the hot mess.

  I didn’t know what Brandon had on the line, but I was sure it was at least as much as I did. Even if I could be reckless and stupid with my own future I couldn’t be that way with someone else’s. Unable to think of anything that I was allowed to ask or say, I was typing good night when a message came in from him.

  B: Tell me your favorite song.

  I deleted my good night and thought for a second.

  C: Too many to pick one.

  B: Then just tell me the most recent one.

  C: All Alone by David O’Dowda. And yours?

  B: I Need My Girl by The National. They’re probably my favorite band.

  C: I’ll check it out.

  B: Yours, too.

  C: I should go now. Maybe try and get some sleep. I’ll check in with you tomorrow?

  B: Please. I’d love to chat some more.

  C: Good night.

  B: Good night, baby.

  I could hear him say it. Baby. In the same deep gravelly tone he’d used when we were together. I felt my body respond to it again, and sighed restlessly, starting to get a clue about what so many people raved about all the time. This was powerful stuff he had stirred inside me, strong enough to sweep away most of the things I thought I knew about myself, and replace them with…something else, something I didn’t have a name for yet.

  I had one credit card that was about a hundred dollars away from the max limit. I used it to download the song he’d told me about onto my own phone, and climbed into bed with my headphones to listen. I was surprised to find I really liked it, and that it suited him. If I had money to burn I would have gotten the whole album, but the one song would have to do for now. I fell asleep curled around my pillow, trying to pretend that I didn’t want it to be Brandon, while the band he loved sang me to sleep.


  The sun was barely up when I awoke. I Need My Girl was still playing in my ears, but the battery on my phone was nearly dead. I plugged it in, showered and made myself some toast and coffee. I was full of restless energy, and unable to keep my thoughts away from Brandon and all the wonderful things he’d made me feel last night. I could feel my face reddening as I squirmed in my chair repeatedly. Finally, I gave up and started to clean.

  I wasn’t a neat freak, so there was dusting and vacuuming to do as well as laundry, and before I knew it the whole morning had sped by. I took a deep breath of my nice lemon scented air, and picked up the phone that Tony had given me last night to text Brandon. I smiled when I saw three messages waiting for

  B: Morning, baby.

  B: What are you plans for the day?

  And an hour later.

  B: You must be busy. I’m going a little stir crazy. I’m going out for a walk, but I’ll have the phone with me when you’re free.

  The last message was nearly two hours ago, and I felt bad that I left him hanging all this time. I plopped on the sofa and texted back.

  C: Hi! :) Sorry I missed your messages. I woke up buzzing with energy and started cleaning. When I looked up the whole morning had passed without me realizing it. How was your walk?

  He responded immediately.

  B: Still happening. I seem to have a lot of energy to burn today, too. Wonder what that’s about? ;)

  C: You did not just winky emoji me!

  B: Hey, if this was a better phone I would be strip emojiing you.


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