Book Read Free

Inked Chaos

Page 4

by Grace, M. J.

  “Hi Ross. Please call me Jorgi.” I reply as I make a mental note to myself, that I must remember not to slip up and call him Tiny by mistake.

  He gives his head a nod, and gathers all my luggage without any sign of effort at all. With Jen and I linking arms, we turn towards the exit, with Jen talking ten to the dozen.

  “I’ve got so much planned, but don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to write and do your thing, honest.” she informs me.

  Somehow I don’t believe a word she says. Knowing Jen, she will have every minute of my spare time allocated.

  She starts chatting away as we travel through the streets of LA. The scenery passes by in a whirl, and all I notice are signs about the freeways, as I listen to all her news. We used to talk almost every day; but since she moved to LA, it’s only been once a week or so. So we have so much to catch up on.

  She informs me that she has arranged a little party in a couple of days’ time, “just a quiet get-together, for a few friends to welcome you”. I almost groan out loud. Firstly, because I just didn’t want her to go to any trouble while I was here. Secondly, because a party means the band will probably be there. That means AJ will be there, and although I know I’m going to run into him at some stage, I was hoping for a few more days grace before I did.

  “I can read your thoughts Boo. Your expression is giving them away.” She leans towards me and quietly whispers close to my ear. “Don’t worry, he won’t be here. He’ll be in New York doing a chat show. That’s why I arranged it for then. I knew you’d be apprehensive.”

  I smile at her and mouth “Thank you.”

  Leaning back in my seat, I listen to Jen as she tells me all about the joys of living in LA, with the man you love. Things are really good between them. It might have been a whirlwind romance, but it seems that’s its really working. Jen is so happy and content. It sounds like Razor is definitely the man of her dreams, and for this if nothing else, I’m glad she and Davy made me go to that party.

  As we pull up outside, I look out of the window at the apartment complex. First impressions are good, as we walk up to the entrance. Second even better, as I open the door and walk inside. The floors are all dark polished wood which complements the white walls perfectly. The furniture is all contemporary white and dark oak, which makes the feel of the place very open and spacious. I stroll through, observing each of the rooms, noticing the well-appointed kitchen with all the facilities you could wish for, and the two bedrooms each with an en-suite. Best of all, is the small garden that can be reached through the French patio doors in the lounge. Oh yes! I’m looking forward to sitting out there in the sun, writing to my heart’s content.

  The only problem is, that this is not the apartment I rented. I know it and as I glance at Jen, I can see she knows I know it.

  “Jen…?” I question.

  “Don’t start.” She says in a rush, holding her hands up. “I went and checked out that apartment you were going to rent, and it was the pits. Razor said no way in hell were you staying there, and as you were so adamant you wouldn’t stay with us, we rented this one.”

  The words tumble from her mouth and I’m disconcerted. I have no choice other than booking into a hotel, or going to stay with her, so I give in gracefully. For now anyway.

  “Okay.” I say as I give her a hug.

  “What! No argument? Hell! You must be tired.” she laughs. “I’ll leave you to settle in and unpack, and I will pick you up about seven. Is that okay?”

  “Fine.” I confirm, thinking that gives me a good few hours to unpack and have a nap.

  Jen walks towards the door and at the last minute swings round.

  “Oh, by the way, there’s a pool and a fitness room if you feel energetic later. It’s all included, so go for it.” She smiles, gives me a hug and walks down the path.

  I close the door and lean against it, suddenly feeling elated and excited.

  Hell! I’m in LA!

  I quickly move through to the bedroom where Tiny has put my suitcase, deciding to unpack, phone Davy, and let her know I’ve arrived safely. Then maybe I’ll check out the pool.


  We’re sitting in a sushi bar, and at last I’m totally relaxed, after running around in a panic. All my plans had gone askew, due to the fact that after unpacking, I didn’t make it down to the pool. No! I fell asleep, and woke up several hours later. So I then had limited time to get myself ready for when Jen showed up. This meant that I quickly had to choose what to wear, and throw it all on in a hurry. That’s why I’m wearing my skin tight black jeans, with a kick ass black belt with a plain white T-shirt, and high heeled ankle boots. Yep, smart casual, that’s me all over. That will teach me a lesson to ‘just have a quick nap’.

  We’ve caught up on all our news, and I informed Jen of my wish to reimburse her for the apartment rental. Jen being Jen, told me where I could stuff the money, and believe me, it wasn’t a pleasant suggestion. So I’ve given up gracefully and let her win that one. For now.

  Jen informs me Razor hadn’t come for the meal as he doesn’t like sushi, and that he wanted to give us some time alone, to catch up on our gossip anyway.

  “By the way,” Jen announces, “AJ was really pissed about that party. Razor said that Melody wasn’t supposed to be there. She was supposed to be in the South of France filming. In fact, they don’t understand why she turned up at all. She and AJ had broken up a couple of weeks before the tour started. Razor said, that rather than cause a scene, AJ put up with her shit to keep the peace. Apparently, they took her to the airport, and she got another flight back to France. So the only thing I can guess, is that she was trying to get back with him. I’ve seen her since at a couple of functions we’ve been to, but apart from acknowledging her, AJ has stayed well clear.”

  “And you’re telling me this why?” I enquire.

  “Look Boo, all I’m saying, is that he didn’t give you the brush off or anything like that. Razor said, if Melody ever saw him looking at another woman, never mind talking to one, she would have a hissy fit. He probably stayed away so that wouldn’t happen. In fact, Razor and I are damn sure it was. Razor thinks AJ was all up for meeting up with you.”

  I look at Jen with an amused expression.

  “Sweetie, I understand you have good intentions here, but seriously, it’s not going to happen. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the band. I still think AJ is sex on legs walking, but let us be realistic here. He knows I’m your friend; if he had really wanted to speak to me, he could have asked you for my number at any time over the last few months. It’s all water under the bridge as far as I’m concerned. I’d feel a little strange meeting up with him now anyway, so let’s just not go there okay?”

  I watch, as Jen pulls the pug face she always pulls when she doesn’t get her own way, but she gives in anyway.

  “Oh, alright,” she sighs.

  “Good.” I reply and change the subject “Now tell me all the things you have planned for us while I’m here.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief, as Jen smiles and starts filling me in, ticking them off on her fingers as she goes. Crisis averted. For now anyway.


  I’ve been walking around the neighbourhood for a while, getting my bearings whilst enjoying the sunshine. I’ve already made a note of the nearest supermarket, so I can buy some provisions on the way home. There’s an abundance of cafés and places to eat to choose from, and I’ve even come across a quaint little book shop I’m planning to lose myself in, when I have more time. It seems they are all in close vicinity, and handily within walking distance of my apartment.

  I glance at my watch, and realise that while I’ve been indulging myself on my fact finding mission of getting to know the area, time has slipped by and it’s lunch time. No wonder my stomach has been protesting for the last half hour. I decide the next café I come across, I’m going to park my backside and enjoy the sunshine while I eat lunch. Then I’ll head back to the apartment to change, as Jen
is coming over and collecting me later, and I’m having dinner at their place.

  I come across a café that has several tables outside. Just perfect. I can sit here resting my weary feet and people watch, while I make notes in my ever handy trusted notepad, which I always carry with me. You just never know when something is going to come to mind; and many a time I’ve forgotten something, through the lack of a pen and paper to hand.

  The service is quick, and I order myself a coffee and a club sandwich, which will keep hunger at bay until dinner.

  I’m halfway through my lunch, happily scribbling away, jotting down ideas, when I hear a motorbike coming down the street. Now I’ve never denied I’m into bikes. I just can’t help it; just the sound of the pipes draws my attention every time. I observe as it nears the café, indicates to turn in and parks just outside. It’s a Harley, and it’s so damn beautiful. Its chrome sparkling in the sunlight, the paintwork immaculate. I watch as the rider removes his helmet, rests it on the bike and turns towards the entrance of the café. It’s at this point my breath catches, as I recognise none other than AJ. Even with his shades on, I can plainly recognise him. Bloody hell! Jen said he was in New York. What is he doing here? Surely being so well known, he can’t just drive and stroll around like he is? Doesn’t he get recognised by his fans? Not to mention the paparazzi following him around.

  Luckily, I still have my sunglasses on, so I dip my head down to look at my notepad, and carry on scribbling, hoping that he doesn’t notice me. Although he probably wouldn’t recognise me anyway, it still makes me feel uncomfortable.

  Behind my glasses, I surreptitiously watch as he enters the café leaving his helmet on his bike.

  It doesn’t take long before he comes out, a paper bag in hand, which he tucks into his jacket. He puts his helmet back on, throws his leg over the bike and starts the engine, before looking behind him for a break in the traffic preparing to drive off. I forget to keep my head down, and watch as he does a U-turn, and roars off up the road.

  Well, he obviously didn’t notice me, I think to myself. Or he did, and chose to ignore me. Either way, it suits me just fine.


  A few hours later, Jen and I are sitting in her garden up in “the hills” as she calls them. No wonder she loves it here. The house is amazing; it has several reception rooms, and a kitchen to die for; which is so big I swear my whole apartment would fit into it. There are four bedrooms all en-suite. Then there’s the pool, and Razor has a gym in a separate building.

  I’m amazed that Razor would buy a home like this. I would have thought an apartment was more his scene, but apparently all the band have places in the hills, and like theirs, they all have private access roads and high gates. Jen explains and assures me they are a must if they want privacy. They keep out the groupies, the paparazzi and anyone else who takes it upon themselves to try and acquire a photo, or a glimpse of the guys.

  Razor arrives looking like the typical rock star that he is. Wearing jeans, with a sleeveless T-shirt that puts all his tattoos on display. His trademark shaved head covered with a bandana, his kick-ass goatee beard and wearing customary shades.

  I watch as he walks over to Jen, proceeds to give her a quick peck on the lips and whispers “Hi babe,” before walking over to me, arms outstretched for a hug.

  “Jorgi, welcome girl.” he smiles, wrapping his arms around me. “Sorry I wasn’t here when you arrived, but the recording session ran over.”

  I smile at him and return his hug, telling him that it’s fine. Jen and I have had a relaxing chat while waiting for him.

  “So what do you think of LA so far?” he enquires.

  “Well, I’ve only seen the local area so far, except for the sushi restaurant last night, but so far I love it. I had a stroll around the shops today and got the lay of the land, so at least I won’t get lost.”

  “Yeah, AJ mentioned he thought he saw you outside a café.” he replies.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Jens head swivel around towards me so fast, it’s a wonder it never broke her neck.

  “Boo? You never said anything?” she says questioningly, her eyes narrowed at me.

  “What?” I glare at her. “A, I wasn’t sure it was him,” I fibbed, “and B, I wasn’t going to say anything in case he didn’t recognise me and I looked a plonker.” I reasoned.

  “Oh, he recognised you.” Razor smirks. “I’ll just go and grab a shower, then we can eat.” And proceeds to walk into the house without waiting for a reply. Which is good, because Jen is peering at me with an expression of disbelief on her face.

  “What?” I repeat, hunching my shoulders and gesturing with my palms upwards.

  “Oh come on.” she laughs. “I wasn’t sure it was him.” she mimics in a squeaky voice. “Who are you trying to kid?”

  “Oh Jen! I wouldn’t say anything would I? I really didn’t think he’d noticed me. He never acknowledged me, and I’m not going to humiliate myself by putting myself out there, and risk him just staring blankly, not knowing who I was. Besides, you said he was in New York, you flaming liar.”

  “No.” Jen defends herself. “I said he wouldn’t be around for the party. He flies out first thing tomorrow apparently.”

  “It doesn’t matter anyway, for crying out loud. If we run into each other we do. Although, I’ve got to knuckle down to my writing, so chances are it won’t happen anyway. Now I’m starving, when can we eat?”

  As if on cue we hear Razors voice, I presume talking on the phone. So Jen and I walk into the kitchen, and I give her a hand to dish up dinner.


  While we eat dinner, Razor keeps us entertained with tales of the bands early days. He tells us about the one time he and AJ, after a heavy drinking session, got locked out of a hotel room only wearing their boxers. They had to hide in a store cupboard, until they saw a staff member who was able to let them back into their room.

  “Luckily, that one never ended up on YouTube.” he laughs. “Unlike some previous exploits.”

  He’s a really funny guy, and I can understand why Jen is so taken with him. To look at him, you would think he was some hard ass kind of guy. It just goes to show, how appearances can be deceptive.

  For the first time in weeks, I’m having a good time. I’m with friends and I feel relaxed. I just know I’m going to enjoy my time in LA.

  I haven’t yet mentioned the apartment to Razor, and I feel guilty about him paying for the rental. I know that kind of place can’t be cheap, and even though Jen is adamant about not giving them their money back, I feel obliged to mention it to him. I don’t want to insult him by offering to pay for his gift, and I’m nervous as hell, but even so, I decide to gather my courage and get it over with.

  “Razor about the apartment…” I start.

  “Boo.” Jen warns at the same time as Razor leans forward, and cuts me off.

  “Jorgi girl, don’t sweat it. You’ve had a bad few months, what with your mother passing. It’s a gift from both of us. Jen has already told me you offered her the money. Don’t you insult me now by doing the same. Okay?”

  Well, that didn’t work. I have no choice but to accept their gift graciously.

  “Thanks.” I smile at them both.

  “Told you.” Jen says with a smirk, and I burst out laughing.

  We spend the rest of the evening happily chatting away, swapping tales of our youth, and before I know it, it’s late and Tiny appears as if by magic to drive me home. We say our farewells, and I ride back to the apartment, thinking about how during the evening, I had observed Razor and Jen when they weren’t aware, and witnessed the way they gazed at each other. The secret smiles that passed between them, the touch of each other’s hand. Yep! They have both got it bad.

  Arriving at the apartment, Tiny accompanies me to the door.

  “Thank you Ross.” I say as I unlock the door.

  “It’s a pleasure Miss Morgan.” he replies.

  “Oh please, it’s Jorgi.” I request

  Smiling and with a nod of his head he says “Goodnight Jorgi.” I say goodnight and watch as he walks down the path, before closing and locking the door.

  Tomorrow I’m helping Jen get ready for the party. Although what that entails is anyone’s guess, as she has already told me she has a caterer coming in.

  I walk through to the bedroom, remove my make-up and crawl into bed. Today has been a good day. Bring on tomorrow, is the last conscious thought I have, as sleep claims me.


  The party’s in full swing, and I’m having the time of my life. There are so many people here, it’s a good job the party’s being held in the garden and around the pool area. It appears that in LA, parties are held on a huge level, and I smile to myself as I wonder what happened to Jens “quiet get together.”

  Earlier, I’d made my way outside, to find music playing, and such a copious amount of food available, I felt full just looking at it; this being accompanied by every drink you can imagine, being available to wash it down.

  Of course, all the band are here with their partners; April and Naomi who are with Jason and Travis, and Zack; who is unattached at the moment, but watching him work the crowd, I have a feeling that it won’t be long before that status is altered. Of course, much to my relief AJ isn’t here.

  Jen is in her element, playing the perfect hostess, mingling among the guests. I’m pleased that she hasn’t felt the need to stay by my side all evening. I have to admit, that earlier on I did feel a bit like a fish out of water, but the band and their girls, have made sure that I have not been left alone for long. I feel that I have been welcomed wholeheartedly by them all into the fold as a friend.

  At the moment, I’m standing telling the girls about my day, which has been the best day in LA so far. Apparently, Jens idea of helping her get ready for the party didn’t include caterers. No. It included a spa day of pampering for us both, an appointment at the hairdressers, and a shopping session for an outfit. So I’m standing here, having been massaged, manicured, and styled.


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