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Inked Chaos

Page 7

by Grace, M. J.

“Boo I didn’t lie about the other apartment, it was the pits. When I told Razor he told AJ, and before I knew what was happening, they had arranged everything between them. I told them you wouldn’t be happy, but they kept saying you would be safer, so in the end I agreed with them. Please don’t be mad, we all had your best interests at heart. I nearly died when Razor told me what had happened, and said he had rung AJ and you were at his place. Have you gone to a hotel yet?”

  “It isn’t through the lack of trying, but no, I’m still at AJs. AJ wouldn’t hear of it and drove me back here. I’ll sort out a hotel today. Have you been to this place? I can’t catch my breath.”

  “Several times; I have to agree it’s an amazing place. Listen, Razor and I will be heading home today. Forget about the hotel, you can come and stay with us. Ask AJ to drop you over there whenever you’re ready, and I’ll let Alice our housekeeper know you’re coming.”

  “No. I’ll sort out a hotel. Don’t worry about me, everything will be fine.” I answer and knowing she is going to argue, I decide to quickly end the call.

  “Look honey, I’ve just got up. I’ll have to go and have some breakfast and sort things out. I’ll call you later, okay?”

  “Okay. Let me know when you’re sorted, but remember the offers still there. Speak later bye.” and she hangs up.

  Heading down to breakfast, I pass all the paintings I briefly saw last night, and some of them truly take my breath away. They are mostly abstracts; the way the artists have worked the colours are breath-taking.

  I reach the bottom of the stairs, and as instructed turn right. I first come to a large lounge area with comfy leather sofas, book lined walls and a huge television hanging on the wall above a fireplace. Nope, this is definitely not the kind of place I would have associated with AJ.

  It’s also not the kitchen. Noticing a hallway leading off the far wall I walk in its direction, as it’s the only place that the kitchen could be. At the end of the hallway, I reach a door and freeze as I am about to push it open, when I hear AJ talking, presumably on the phone.

  “No, she’s not down yet. Don’t worry, I’ll be cool. No man, that’s not going to happen. I’ll get it sorted, no hassle. Okay, talk later.”

  I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, at first I thought there may have been someone in the room with him. Suspecting that he was talking about me, I’m now apprehensive about going in. However, my stomach is letting me know that it’s been over twelve hours since I last ate. So taking a deep breath, and gathering all my courage, I push open the door and walk into the kitchen.

  AJ is sitting at a breakfast bar, a coffee and some toast in front of him. He turns as he hears me enter and smiles.

  “Morning. Did you sleep okay?”

  “Like a log thanks. In fact, I’ve never slept this late in my life. Sorry about that.”

  “It’s understandable. You had a late night. I’ve not been up too long myself. Coffee?” he questions holding up the coffee pot.

  “Please. Thanks for my suitcase and laptop by the way. I never heard them being brought in.”

  “Take a seat.” he points to a stool and I walk over and sit next to him. “I put it in your room last night after Ross delivered it. I bet you’re hungry.” As he passes me a mug of coffee.

  “Starving. Thanks.”

  Oh My God he brought it into my room. That means he has seen me sleeping.

  “What do you fancy? Eggs, toast, fruit, cereal, bacon?” As he stands and moves around the kitchen.

  “Oh, just some toast will be fine thanks.”

  I watch as he walks to the toaster, and pops in some bread. With his back to me, I can’t help but study him. He’s wearing faded blue jeans with a long-sleeved Harley T-shirt. The sleeves pushed up, giving a tantalising peek at the tattoos hidden beneath. Even dressed casually he takes my breath away.

  The toast pops up and on turning around, much to my embarrassment, he catches me staring and smiles, placing my toast in front of me with some butter.

  “There you go.”

  “Thanks.” I murmur blushing, reaching for the butter.

  The smell of hot buttered toast is something that gets me salivating every time, and this is no exception. With my mouth watering, I take a bite, close my eyes and enjoy.

  On opening my eyes I find AJ’s eyes resting on me, and feeling self-conscious I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

  “Don’t you just love toast?”

  Oh for crying out loud!

  “Don’t you just.” he comments smirking, and I feel even more conspicuous.

  I decide I’ll finish breakfast, and then call a taxi to take me to a hotel. Maybe he can recommend one.

  “I’ll be out of your hair shortly. As soon as I’ve finished eating I’ll call a taxi. I don’t suppose you can recommend a hotel can you?”

  The air in the kitchen suddenly becomes electric, and I look at him to find he’s staring at me, and he doesn’t look a happy man.

  “You’re not going to a hotel, you can stay here. Seems stupid paying money out when I have plenty of room. I have a lot going on this week, so I won’t be here much anyway.”

  No way can I stay here. It just wouldn’t feel right. It’s bad enough he’s already let me stay in the apartment. I can’t and don’t want to impose upon him further.

  “I can’t do that. Look, I’m really grateful for everything, but I would only cramp your style. The last thing you want is me wandering around the place, or tapping away on my laptop annoying you. I’ll just go to a hotel or I can even go to Jens; I’ve just spoken to her and she’s offered me a room.” I sound desperate even to myself, and that’s because I feel desperate.

  “You’re more likely to cramp Raze and Jens style, than mine. I said I won’t be here much. If this is about what went down at the party, don’t sweat it. I’m over it and hope you are too. Let’s just move on. Come on Jorgi, why pay out money unnecessarily because of a stupid argument. I’d like to think we’re friends, and friends help each other out. What do you say?”

  He has me backed into a corner. If I continue to refuse, it will seem like I’m holding onto that confrontation we had, and refusing his friendship. There’s nothing for it but to accept his offer. Maybe after a few days, circumstances and the status quo will change.

  “Thank you. I’d like to accept your offer, as long as you assure me, that at any time you want me to leave, you’ll tell me. I won’t be offended honestly. Is it a deal?”

  “Deal.” he confirms with a smile. “Now let me show you my home.”


  It’s been a few days since AJ and I called another truce, and true to his word he hasn’t been around much. If he’s been here at all, it must have been before I rise or after I go to bed. I haven’t even heard him around the house. I have however, met his housekeeper Millie, when I walked into the kitchen to make myself breakfast the next morning. I’d almost jumped out of my skin, not expecting to come across anyone in there. However, we got on well, and even though I had refused her offer of making me breakfast, she had brushed aside my refusal, stating it was what she was paid for.

  That first morning when AJ had shown me around his home, my first thought was that I’d get lost the first time I was on my own, as it is so large. Nonetheless, I have become comfortable in my surroundings, and I’m really enjoying my stay here.

  I’m now lying by the pool. After working on my manuscript all morning, it’s finally finished. I’ve emailed it over to my publisher, and now I’m lying here in the sun, wondering if I have the energy to swim a few laps. I decide that it’s high past time I got myself some exercise, so I rise out of my sun lounger, walk to the end of the pool and dive in.

  Oh, that feels wonderful. The waters cool when I first submerge, but I soon acclimatise to the temperature, and move through the water, picking up the pace, pushing myself harder. It’s been a while since I last swam so vigorously. Growing up by the sea, I used to be a real water baby in my youth, but over the years my in
clination to swim has declined. It’s not so inspiring when you have to go to the local pool, instead of the local beach, or have your own pool such as this one. I reach thirty laps and stop at the end of the pool, resting my arms upon the edge, trying to catch my breath.

  “You swim well.” calls a voice.

  Jerking around startled, my eyes fall upon AJ, sitting on the sun lounger I had occupied. Damn how long has he been there?

  “Hi, thanks. It helps when you have sole use of a pool.” I respond with a smile.

  Typical, I don’t see him for days and the day he turns up I’m in his pool. I want to climb out of the water, but there’s no way I’m going to expose myself wearing this bikini. So I clutch onto the side of the pool, trying to casually give the impression that I’m having a rest. Yeah, right!

  “Sorry I’ve not been around, but I’ve had a busy few days.” he says.

  “No worries, you told me you had a busy week. I didn’t expect to see you.” I answer.

  “Have you managed to occupy yourself for the last few days?” he enquires.

  “Yeah, I’ve worked on my book, then of course I’ve had the taxing job of sunbathing and relaxing. It’s been so stressful, you just can’t imagine.” I tease smiling.

  He laughs out loud, and I find it’s a sound I like. I witness his face lighting up with his laughter, his eyes sparkling.

  We’re smiling at each other, and it feels easy and comfortable. Until he blows my equilibrium straight out of the water.

  “How about I make up for your stressful day of sunbathing, by taking you out to dinner?”

  I feel my smile slip away. Now I feel uncomfortable. I don’t want him to feel obliged to entertain me, just because I’m staying here.

  “I don’t think I like that smile disappearing.” he says. “Why don’t you get out of the pool, and we’ll talk it over.” He says picking up my towel from the lounger, and walking to the edge of the pool, reaching down to help me out.

  I now have no choice, but to climb out of the pool in front of him; and I’m cringing inside, knowing that there’s no way I’m going to be able to hide this bikini. Flustered, I take hold of his hand and try to distract his attention by saying with a smile.

  “You don’t have to do that. I’m fine, I was just going to grab myself something from the kitchen. I’m sure you’re busy, and I don’t want to take up any more of your time.”

  He pulls me out of the pool, and standing behind me wraps my towel around my body, seeming to keep his arms around me a little longer than is necessary, before releasing me.

  “How about you be ready for seven. I’ll take you to dinner. We’ll talk and get to know each other a little better. We both have to eat, it’s no big deal.” He replies, whilst moving towards the French doors that lead back into the house.

  He stops by the doors, gazes back at me, shows me those dimples smiling and says, “Oh and dress up.”

  With that, he walks through the door and disappears. Leaving me standing by the pool, dripping wet and totally dumbfounded. So much for talking it over. Shaking my head, I strive to make sense of what just happened. Failing miserably, and holding my towel around myself, I rush into the house, with the intent of catching up with him and politely refusing his invitation. There’s no sign of him. Talk about making a quick exit. That leaves me the choice of either totally ignoring his invitation, and sneaking out and avoiding him. Or give my confidence a good talking to, and start preparing for a night out. I decide on the latter, head for my room and the shower, and start panicking about what I’m going to wear.


  I’m sitting opposite AJ at a secluded table in the restaurant, and after glancing around the room as we walked in, I’m glad he advised me to dress up. The navy dress I wore for my birthday, and silver sandals are perfect, and I’m holding my own in the fashion stakes with the beautiful women I have noticed in the room.

  I’d been such a bag of nerves preparing for dinner. Not knowing where we were going, I didn’t want to let myself down wearing something totally unsuitable. So I’m happier now that I feel I’m not standing out like a sore thumb.

  I’d hovered in my room for a while when I was dressed, my nerves getting the better of me; leaving my room, only after I heard the bedroom door opposite open and close, and footsteps heading downstairs. Knowing that I couldn’t delay any longer, I’d inspected my make-up one last time in the mirror, taken a deep breath to calm my nerves, put a smile on my face, and made my way downstairs to the lounge.

  When I had entered the room, AJ had been standing over by the French doors looking out into the garden, but had immediately turned towards me with a smile as I entered.

  “Hi. You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” I’d smiled, feeling myself blush, just as I knew I would. Watching, as he’d slowly walked towards me, taken hold of my hand and enquired.

  “Ready to go?” At my nod he’d pulled me after him towards the door.

  “Then let’s go. I hope you’re hungry.” He’d smiled as he led me outside, held open the door to a Mercedes, and waited for me to climb in.

  “I thought you’d find this easier to climb in and out of in your heels.” He’d quipped with a smile as he saw me looking at the car.

  I’d lowered myself into the seat, and took a minute to watch him as he’d walked around the front of the car. Subconsciously, I’d held my hands up in surrender. Wearing a black suit that fits him to perfection, with a white shirt and red tie, he looks sophisticated, and not at all like the music man normally seen, jumping around on stage, rocking out.

  Climbing into the drivers’ seat, he’d leant closer to me as he closed his door, and I’d caught a hint of his aftershave, and boy does he smell good.

  “Buckle up.” He’d said as he started the engine, and we’d slowly made our way down the driveway, heading towards the bright lights of LA.

  On arrival at the restaurant, AJ had jumped out of the car and walked around to help me out, whilst tossing the car keys to the parking attendant, who had greeted him by name. With his hand on my elbow to guide me, we had quickly been ushered into the building and led straight to our table, bypassing people who were obviously waiting to be seated.

  I heard voices murmuring as we passed by, as AJ was obviously recognised. So by the time we reached our seats, I was feeling a little self-conscious, and grateful for the seclusion of our table.

  “Are you alright?” He enquires, placing his hand over mine, bringing my attention back to him.

  “Sure, it’s just a little unsettling, feeling as though everybody in the room was watching us.” I smile nervously.

  I’m conscious of the fact that he is holding my hand again, and I’m not sure which is making me more nervous, the hand holding, or the knowledge that people have seen us together.

  “Nobody can see us now. I asked for this table specifically for that reason. Don’t worry, we have total privacy. Now what would you like to eat?” he asks passing me a menu.

  I notice a bottle of white wine already on the table, and raise an eyebrow inquiringly at AJ.

  “I ordered it when I booked the table.” He enlightens me smiling, whilst lifting the bottle and pouring me a glass.

  Looking at the menu I’m grateful for the distraction, even if momentarily, and bend my head to study it.

  Unfortunately, this doesn’t last long, due to the fact of being faced with such delicious sounding choices. Unable to make up my mind, I chance a glance at AJ, to see that his menu is resting on the table and he’s just sitting there, watching me.

  “It all looks so tempting.” I say with a tentative smile.

  “It sure does.” He murmurs, looking into my eyes, causing my skin to heat. “How about you let me choose for you? Is there anything you really don’t like?” he questions.

  “No, I have to admit I like all food. Please go ahead.” I respond, handing him my menu.

  AJ presses a button on the side of the table, and as if by magic a waiter
arrives. I listen as AJ places our order. He has obviously been here before, as he has no need to peruse the menu, ordering Pan fried scallops for starters, Lamb chops with couscous salad, followed by lemon sorbet with raspberries. It all sounds so delicious.

  I pick up my glass of wine and take a sip. It’s light and refreshing, and I’m conscious that I’ll have to watch what I’m drinking. I could easily forget and drink too much, and the last thing I want to happen is for me to become drunk and out of control, and totally embarrass myself. I place my glass back onto the table as the waiter leaves.

  As we are in a secluded corner so we aren’t observed, this means I also cannot observe the other occupants of the restaurant, making AJ the prime focus of my attention. I wonder if he asked for this table primarily with this in mind, or just because of the privacy aspect.

  I look across the table at him, and to hide my awkwardness I pick up my glass and raise it to him. “Cheers.” I toast and take a sip.

  “Cheers.” He retorts, and follows me in taking a sip before replacing his glass on the table.

  “So tell me how the books going. I hear on the grapevine that it’s already been accepted by a publisher.” He enquires.

  Jen has evidently divulged this fact to Razor, who has apparently passed on said information to AJ, and I wonder what other titbits have made their way back to him.

  “It has.” I answer brightly, the pleasure and my excitement spilling over. “I’ve finally finished it. I emailed it to them this morning. Now it’s a case of waiting to see if I have to do any more rewrites, before it goes to print.”

  “So, if there are no rewrites, it won’t be long until we will see your name in print. Congratulations. That’s quite an accomplishment, you should be proud of yourself.”

  “Thank you. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. A pipedream that I thought would never happen. It’s taken many long months, and many a time I questioned my sanity in trying to write. If I hadn’t had the support network I have, I think I might have thrown in the towel many months ago.” I suddenly become aware that I’m rambling on. “Sorry, I tend to forget myself and babble on when discussing the subject of writing. If I do it again, please stop me or I’ll carry on until your ears start to bleed.” I quip.


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