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Inked Chaos

Page 22

by Grace, M. J.

“But we’re talking AJ. He loves you Boo.”

  “So did James. Or rather he made me believe he did.”

  “You can’t compare the two. Hell Boo! They’re so different it’s untrue.”

  “I know, I’m just saying that’s all. Besides, I think you’re jumping the gun a bit aren’t you.”

  “I guess. Oh well, it’s a nice dream.”

  “You’re just being selfish aren’t you? All you’re thinking, is that you’ll have someone to go eat sushi with. I know your ruse.” I laugh

  “Damn, you know me too well.” She giggles, then with a straight face tells me she is going to miss me. Feeling my eyes welling up, I give her a hug and hustle her to get a move on, as she is keeping Razor waiting.


  After we had all gone back downstairs, the happy couple had taken their leave with much laughter, tears, hugs and cheers. Jen had no idea where they were going. Only after they had left, did AJ reveal to me that Razor had booked a private island in the Maldives. A place that I know Jen has always wanted to go.

  We spend the rest of the night dancing and talking, and above all laughing. It’s good to feel happy and carefree again, especially after AJ assures me, that the estate is locked down tight, so there are no security worries.

  We are supposed to stay at the estate tonight before heading home tomorrow, but we decide we just want to leave tonight. Tiny and Wade aren’t too happy with the change of plans, but AJ can be quite persuasive, as I know. So they capitulate, and it isn’t too long before we are on our way.

  “You looked stunning today.” AJ whispers as he takes my hand.

  “Thank you. You don’t brush up too bad yourself.” I laugh.

  “No, seriously Birdie. You blew me away when you walked down the aisle. All I could think about, was how I had to make things right between us.”

  “Well, you did, and we’re back as we were. I love you AJ, you know that. I won’t lie and say I wasn’t hurt, because you know it hurt, so badly. Still, we will draw a line under this. You’re right, there was a good reason, and I should have listened to you. There always seems to be obstacles that get in the way of my fully trusting you. I promise you, that from now on, if anything happens again, I will give you a chance to explain and won’t go off in a temper again.”

  “And I promise you, that I will always be honest with you. I’ll never hold anything back, even if I think it’s in your best interest. No more secrets Birdie.”

  “All these promises. We sound like scouts.”

  “Yeah, but do scouts make out in the back of Range Rovers?”

  My heart starts to pound and my belly flutters. I cast an eye towards Tiny and Wade in the front. I can’t see them due to the darkened glass between us, but I still worry they might be able to hear.

  “Umm?” I’m not sure that’s a good idea. They might hear us.” I whisper.

  “Babe they can’t hear a thing. Watch. TINY.” He shouts.

  I glance towards the darkened glass; nothing happens, the glass doesn’t descend, so I turn to AJ with a smile on my face.

  “That’s a dirty grin you have there, Miss Morgan.” He leers.

  “Is it now Mr Lewis? Pray tell me, what are you going to do about it?”

  “Oh, I believe I can think of something.”

  He leans towards me and before I know it, my seatbelt is undone and I’m straddling his lap.

  Placing my hands on either side of his face I kiss his cheek before moving to the next, then slowly his lips; moving downwards to his neck, undoing the buttons on his shirt as I go, I pull his shirt from his trousers, pushing it along with his jacket off his shoulders, before feasting my eyes on his chest. Lowering my head, I kiss each nipple before nipping them gently with my teeth.

  Hearing him moan, I glance up and smile as I see his eyes burning, showing just how aroused he is.

  I return to my administrations, letting my hands travel lower over his skin, before starting to work on his zip.

  AJ grabs my hands stilling them, and I look up, seeing he has his eyes closed.

  “AJ?” I whisper

  “Birdie, if you don’t want to follow through, I suggest you stop now.” He sighs opening his eyes.

  I don’t say a word, I just raise an eyebrow and wait for his reaction.

  “Then you get your wish Miss Morgan.” He states and true to his word I did, and I have to say car sex is bloody amazing.


  I’m sitting out by the pool, letting the heat from the sun warm my bones, waiting for our visitor to arrive.

  The last week has been spent at the house, due to security reasons. Although even if those concerns hadn’t been there, I think the status quo would have been maintained. AJ and I have relished the time together, finding our good place again.

  The only interruption, had been the arrival of Detective Mason. Basically, by the time he left, I was in no doubt as to the seriousness of the situation. To the extent that in the beginning, I felt I would never leave the house again.

  I have been introduced to Spencer and Martinez the two beefcake security guards, that unbeknown to me, had followed my every move during those horrendous two weeks. Two more opposites you couldn’t have found if you tried. Martinez, dark with brooding good looks of Mexican descent, who I found had a wicked sense of humour under that bodyguard armour he wore. A guy who sometimes let slip he found something funny by a tiny twitch of his mouth, or by the sparkling laughter in his eyes. Although, when it came down to it, stood no messing around where his orders were concerned. Yes, I liked Martinez. Spencer? Well, he’s Spencer. A blond haired, average looking, younger guy. Who I suspect thinks he’s God’s gift to women. Absolutely no sense of humour, not even an inch, with eyes that are, it has to be said, far too close together. No, I don’t like Spencer one little bit, and his attitude even less.

  The next problem I have to face is our visitor. This is because Melody Forrester is paying a visit. Apparently, she wishes to see me face to face, to apologise for misleading me in New York. After several attempts at putting her off, I realised she wasn’t going to let it drop. So I allowed AJ to set up the meet. To say I’m apprehensive is putting it mildly, I did smack the woman after all; but AJ is going to be here the whole time, and has assured me, that he won’t hesitate to evict her from the premises, if he thinks she is playing her games.

  So as I said I’m sitting by the pool, a large glass of orange juice with lemonade in front of me, wishing there was also a large vodka in the glass; just for a little courage. I turn and glance towards the house as I hear footsteps, to see AJ approaching. He’s been in a meeting with Tiny in the office; he’d promised me he would be finished before she arrived, and thankfully, he has kept his word.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  “Nope. Any chance of a vodka?” I retort holding my glass up towards him, giving it a little shake.

  “Babe, its nine o’clock in the morning.”

  “Dutch courage.”

  “Honey.” He says, kneeling down in front of me, his hands resting on my knees. “She’s going to apologise and then leave. I’m here; do you think I’m going to let anything or anyone get outta line with you? No, it’s not going to happen, so just chill. We’ll get this over and done with, then the day is ours. Okay?”

  Staring into his eyes, I smile, lean towards him and give his lips a soft kiss.

  “Okay.” I whisper. I see his eyes change, but just as he leans towards me going in for a follow up kiss, he instantly pulls back at the sound of footsteps, and looks towards the house.

  Following his gaze, I watch Melody Forrester and a younger girl being shown the way by Millie.

  “Shit.” AJ mutters under his breath as he stands to greet them.

  “Morning Melody, Brooke.” He says as they reach us.

  I stand as they reach us and take them in. I should have suspected that Melody would pull out all the stops, and she has. She stands before me in a figure hugging white dress, which shows off her slen
der body and tan perfectly. This matched with high heels and handbag in black and white, make the whole outfit stunning; and here I am in shorts and T-shirt, but then so is AJ.

  My eyes take in the girl with her. A younger version of herself, with long brunette hair and the same slender figure. Although obviously quite young, you can see the promise of beauty to come. Or rather you would, if she didn’t have a miserable, petulant, look on her face. I have the impression that this is the last place she wants to be, and she’s going to make sure everyone’s aware of it.

  “Good Morning AJ.” Melody replies and leans in to kiss his cheek; much to my annoyance. “Forgive me, I have to care for Brooke today, so I had to bring her along.” She says as she moves towards me and leans in, to air kiss my cheek. “Hi Jorgi.”

  “Good Morning Melody.” I reply, totally taken aback by her show of affection.

  “Jorgi this is Brooke, Melody’s younger sister.” AJ explains.

  “Oh Hi. Nice to meet you Brooke.” I say with a smile.

  “Yeah, you too.” She sullenly replies.

  Well, that went well, I think sarcastically. Why Melody would bring her along, when she is supposed to be apologising, and clearing the air is beyond me.

  “Oliver rang last minute last night, begging me to have Brooke today, as he has a last minute audition. I couldn’t refuse could I?” she asks, looking between AJ and myself as she takes a seat, turning to me to explain, “Oliver is my brother, we have joint custody of Brooke since our mother died a few years ago. It works out quite well usually, but these little glitches crop up now and then.” She says offhandedly.

  “Melody!” AJ all but groans.

  “What? Brooke knows the situation. Don’t you Brooke? She’s quite happy really. Aren’t you Brooke?” She says turning towards Brooke, who doesn’t reply, but just stares at her for a few seconds, then shrugging her shoulders, turns to gaze towards the pool.

  My heart goes out to her. Obviously missing her mother, and being passed between Melody and Oliver as convenience suits them. Melody obviously having no idea how she feels, and I’d bet a thousand pounds she’s never asked her. No wonder the child was sullen and miserable, having no loving parenting or stable home life.

  “So” Melody interrupts my thoughts and turns towards me. “I’ll quickly say what I have to say, and leave you in peace. Jorgi, I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression in New York. It wasn’t my intention at all. I guess it was all the stress and strain of the weeks leading up to it. As AJ probably told you, I’d been trying to contact him and even Steve to give you the heads up, but…” and turning to frown at AJ, “neither would take my calls.” She turns back to me, “So I took drastic action, but in the end it solved the problem. Nothing and I mean nothing happened between AJ and I while I stayed in his suite, I swear. Oh, and don’t worry about the slap you gave me, it was just reaction. I understand that. So, are we okay?”

  “Umm, yeah sure.” I reply dumbstruck, and watch as she stands, with Brooke following suit.

  “Good. Then I’ll head off. Thanks for agreeing to see me. It needed to be said, and I hope you believe me when I say no hard feelings. I truly hope you are both happy. Despite everything, I will always want AJ to be happy.” She says, as she once again leans in to kiss the air at our cheeks. “Come along Brooke, time to hit the shops.”

  Before I know it, they are both heading towards the door. AJ gives me a quick glance, and follows them to see them out.

  I plonk myself back down on the seat, feeling like I’ve been run over by a train. What the fuck was that? We didn’t even get to offer them a drink. Seeing AJ heading back towards me, I feel relief that he hasn’t idled over the farewells.

  He flops down in the chair next to me, turns to face me with a wry expression on his face and announces.

  “And that is Melody Forrester.”

  “We didn’t offer them a drink.” I said.

  “Honey, you’re lucky you managed to say hello. She’s always been the same.”

  “I didn’t have my say.”

  “I know. Why do you think I tried so hard for today not to happen?”

  "Sorry, I know you had feelings for her, but she’s hard as ice and empty.”


  “Empty. No heart, no soul, and no clue that her sister is hurting and feeling unloved.”

  “You got all that, from a ten minute speech where she didn’t take a breath?”

  “AJ, the fact that it was a speech and not a conversation just about sums it up. Poor Brooke, shoved from pillar to post, or rather Melody and Oliver, with no thought for her or her feelings. Even stating the fact in such a blasé fashion, while she was sitting right next to her. Honey, that’s so wrong. No wonder she seemed so miserable.”

  “I agree with everything that you’re saying. When their mother died, Brooke was fifteen and went off the rails. Everyone knew it was due to bereavement. Melody and Oliver did everything they could. They arranged counselling, and took time off from work to try and sort her out. It kind of worked, but she still has problems. She’s now eighteen, and Melody and Oliver have had enough. She’s older now, and they expect her to clean up her act. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like she’s going to.”

  “Eighteen! God, she appears fifteen tops.”

  “I know. It doesn’t stop her getting into scraps though, and Melody never used to be so hard. Over the last few years she’s become like that. It’s what started the beginning of the end. I couldn’t be with someone who didn’t seem to care about anything or anyone, including me.”


  “Now, I’m not discussing her anymore.” He states standing to his feet. “She’s gone. We move on. Now, what do you fancy doing today?”

  I look up at him, it’s obvious that he isn’t going to continue this conversation any further. He has closed the door to that part of his life, and I guess I should be pleased. So I smile at him, and tell him the choice is his. He tells me he has a hankering to go back to San Diego, where we went on our first date.

  “On the bike?”

  “Yeah babe. On the bike.”

  “Won’t that give Tiny and the crew palpitations?”

  “It’s all sorted Birdie, that’s if you want to go.”

  “Is the sky blue?” I joke and squeal as AJ grabs my hand and pulls me out of my seat, starting to run towards the house. After a quick change into Jeans and T-shirts, we head out to the garage to find Tiny, Wade, Martinez and Spencer ready and waiting with their own Harleys.

  “It’s a convoy!” I cry, raising my arms into the air laughing, which causes all the guys to laugh out loud, even Spencer.

  “Goof.” Smiles AJ. I just grin stupidly at him. On this occasion I agree.

  We hit the road, and for a little over two hours I hang on to my man, feeling the wind and the sun on my face. There’s nothing like riding on a Harley, but riding on a Harley holding onto the man you love is phenomenal.

  Having no idea where we are going. I’m surprised when we all turn into the zoo car park, and ride as close to the entrance as we can. We then watch and wait patiently as Tiny climbs off his bike and walks towards the entrance kiosk. Within minutes, several staff arrive and show us a private entrance into the zoo. They explain that they couldn’t shut the zoo at such short notice, to which AJ clarifies that we didn’t expect them to. We want the true experience of the zoo.

  I have to admit I’m not only worried but confused. Okay, there are the four security guys, but can they keep us safe amongst the crowds we are bound to encounter, and what about the threat?

  So with my one hand in AJ’s, the other holding further up his arm, I move closer and on tiptoe whisper in his ear.

  “AJ, is it safe?”

  “It’s all good Babe. We’ve sorted everything.”

  I have to trust him and the guys. I know they wouldn’t do anything rash or stupid concerning the security. So I keep silent and wait while all the details are ironed out. What I didn’t know until
later, was that AJ had been planning this for days. We weren’t arriving unannounced as I thought. Also, just because the four guys had travelled down on the bikes with us, it didn’t mean they were the only ones present. For mingling amongst the crowds was an invisible army of security.

  We make our way around the zoo, sometimes feeling more like the exhibitions than the visitors. Yes, we are spotted; we even have fans asking for photos with AJ. A few even asking for some with me in them, although, I try to stay in the background as much as I can; the security issue in the back of my mind constantly.

  Unfortunately, AJ has other ideas and isn’t averse to pulling me into the shot with his arm around me. Whether the fans appreciate the fact that I am in the shot, I very much doubt, but at least they got their photo with AJ.

  Even with all the circumstances involved, it feels good to be out with AJ, having fun like any other person. Eating ice creams and enjoying ourselves.

  We leave the zoo, with AJ suggesting a run down to the beach before heading home. With everyone in agreement, we head down to Coronado beach, where we park the bikes, and stroll down to the sand. The guys keeping a respectful distance behind us, letting us have as much privacy as possible.

  Like I did the last time we were at the beach, I walk along hand in hand with AJ, sometimes stopping to pick up a pretty seashell, sometimes stopping to make out and sometimes stopping to just enjoy the view.

  We find a spot and settle down on the sand, just enjoying the moment.

  “Thank you for today Birdie, even putting up with Melody.” AJ says.

  “Nothing to thank me for.” I laugh “I should be thanking you. So thank you babe.” I reply leaning towards him to gently kiss his lips.

  “It’s been awesome.”

  Sliding his sunglasses to the top of his head, he gazes into my eyes.

  “Love you Birdie. With a love I never knew existed before now.” Before I can retaliate, Tiny appears at my side, all excited and puffing as if he’d been running, holding out a shell towards me.

  “Jorgi, I just found this; isn’t it amazing.” He declares handing me a shell.


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