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Inked Chaos

Page 23

by Grace, M. J.

  Looking down at it, it seems just like a normal clam shell. Yes, it’s quite pretty, but nothing out of the ordinary. I don’t want to seem ungrateful, so with a smile and a thank you, I take it from him; looking at it briefly, before placing it down on the sand next to me.

  Tiny strolls away, in a happy, jauntily manner and I smile to myself, before directing that smile towards AJ.

  “Bless him, he knows I love shells.”

  “Let me see it.” AJ asks, reaching over me to pick up the shell. Holding it in his hands, he turns it over and frowns. “Seems like a normal shell to me.” He states before saying “Hold on, what’s this?”

  I watch as he holds the shell in both hands, opening it up before turning it towards me.

  The breath leaves my body and my eyes fill with tears, for sitting inside the shell, is the most beautiful princess cut diamond ring, I have ever seen in my life.

  I glance at AJ to see him smiling, but apprehension hovering in his eyes.

  “As I was saying. I love you Birdie. When I thought I’d lost you, my world stopped revolving. I can’t face that world without you in it. Will you marry me Birdie?”

  I can’t speak; I open my mouth only to close it again. The tears start to flow down my cheeks, and I can feel my heart thumping like it’s going to jump straight out of my chest.

  “Breathe Birdie. You’re going to pass out.” AJ reminds me and I take in a shuddering breath that seems to release my voice.


  “Tell me Birdie. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes.” I squeak out before repeating on a stronger whisper


  I watch as AJ takes the ring out of the shell, and places it on my finger. I don’t know how he did it, but it fits perfectly.

  “It fits!” I exclaim with a smile.

  I lean towards him and kiss him. His arms go around me and he pulls me tightly against his body, slowly lowering me down onto the sand, taking over the kiss. When we finally prize our lips apart, AJ brushes my hair back from my face and tucks it behind my ear, before leaving his hand cupping the side of my face.

  “Do you realise how happy you just made me?” On seeing my smile he continues, “I have to admit I was worried. After James, I thought maybe you wouldn’t want to try marriage again.”

  My mind goes back to the conversation I had with the girls, just after Jens and Razors wedding, when I had said I wasn’t sure about marriage. When AJ asked me, I accepted immediately, without hesitation. I guess I made my mind up instinctively.

  “Have you been speaking to Jen?”

  “No why?” he asks quizzically titling his head.

  “No reason.” Of course he couldn’t have, they were still on honeymoon for a start. Boy! Are they in for a shock when they return!

  “Umm excuse me AJ, Jorgi, but we’re going to have to get a move on.” We hear Tiny say. Turning my head, I find him standing behind me, an expectant glint in his eye, as he looks between the two of us.

  “Yes Ross. She said yes.” AJ tells him, and I laugh as Tiny turns around to face the others, and does a little dance, as he gives them the thumbs up. The others start to walk towards us clapping their hands, as AJ stands, grabs hold of my hands and hauls me to my feet. Standing with our arms around each other, we accept the congratulations from the four of them, then start to make our way back towards the bikes.

  “Needless to say guys, I don’t want this leaked yet okay. There’s people we need to tell before we go public.”

  Tiny stops walking, with an expression of disgust on his face. Taking a glance at him, AJ laughs and apologises, telling him he knows that none of them would leak it out, that he’s just feeling protective, with it being new and all. Tiny smiles and gives AJ a man hug with each tapping the other on the back.

  “Congrats’ man, happy for you.” Tiny says in his gruff voice and I’m relieved that the tension has eased. We reach the bikes, start them up and roll out, as I hold on to my fiancé tightly all the way home to LA. Feeling like the luckiest woman in the world.


  “WHAT!” Davy squealed down the phone after I gave her the news. AJ and I have kept the news to ourselves for a few days. Just enjoying each other’s company, spending our time talking and planning. AJ declaring, that he doesn’t want to wait too long before we marry, even joking that he wanted a ring on my finger, before we had another setback in our relationship.

  I told her AJs proposal was romantic and special to me, but that I’m not going to disclose how he proposed, as I want to keep that between AJ and myself. Yes, Tiny and the guys know about the shell, but they don’t know the words AJ used. They are mine to keep and mine alone. As I am flying back to the UK in a weeks’ time, and it is already arranged that Davy, Ben and Eva are coming to visit. I agreed to tell her more when I see her. I just didn’t tell her what that would be.

  AJ rung and informed his mother and sister of our engagement this morning, and we are meeting in a few days at a hotel to celebrate. As are the rest of the band, and the girls. Jen and Razor are the only ones not yet informed, but they will be back just before our celebratory meal, and I can’t wait to tell Jen.

  I turn on hearing the door open, and watch AJ enter with a small squat of a man carrying a briefcase.

  “Davy made me go deaf with the screech down the phone.” I tell him laughing.

  “I bet.” He smiles. “Birdie this is Marcus. We need to go over a few things. Do you have a minute?”

  “Sure.” I smile. “Hello Marcus, pleased to meet you.” I say, reaching out to shake his hand.

  “Miss Morgan.” he says, shaking my hand.

  “Shall we take a seat?” I say as I move to the couch and sit down.

  “Birdie, there’s some paperwork Marcus needs you to sign.”


  “Yes, it’s so we both know where we stand going into the marriage. So you know you’ll be looked after. Should the marriage……fail?” He says having the grace to look uncomfortable, even guilty.

  I know what he’s talking about. I don’t even blame him. What I do blame him for, is the snide attack with Marcus; instead of discussing it with me first.

  “We’re talking a pre-nup aren’t we?” I query, looking between them. Marcus nods his head, and starts to remove paperwork from his briefcase.

  “Birdie….” AJ starts to speak, but I cut him off.

  “Pass me the paperwork and a pen Marcus.” I say holding out my hand towards him with a smile.

  “Birdie!” AJ snaps.

  “Miss Morgan, I strongly recommend that you read the document before you sign it.”

  “I asked for a pen and the paperwork Marcus.” I retort, still holding out my hand.

  With a sigh and a resigned look at AJ, Marcus passes them to me, and I lean down on the coffee table preparing to sign.

  “Where do I sign?” I ask as I keep my eyes fixed on the document.

  “BIRDIE!” Cries AJ loudly, trying to gain my attention, but I ignore him.

  “Miss Morgan…”

  “Marcus.” I say, lifting my head to meet his embarrassed gaze. “What you don’t understand is that I love AJ. That would be AJ alone. Not his money or his house, but him. I also have money of my own, so I understand why he wants me to do this; but please understand me, when I say I don’t need AJ’s money. Now please, show me where you want me to sign, so we can end this fiasco and move on with the day.”

  With a sigh, Marcus points out where he wants me to sign, and I do so with a flourish. I watch as Marcus signs the documents as a witness, and I turn to look at AJ, who is now leaning back on the sofa, his eyes closed and his hands in his hair in a stance of I don’t know what, frustration maybe, or possibly despair. Either way I watch as Marcus turns to him, pen in hand.

  “AJ you need to sign.” He states.

  AJ lowers his hands, opens his eyes and looks at me. I can see he’s worried by the frown upon his face, but it’s the expression in his eyes t
hat takes my breath away, a look of hurt, but also a look of pleading for forgiveness.

  “AJ?” Marcus prompts.

  “Sign it AJ.” I say gently, keeping my expression blank, and with a sigh, he leans forward and picks up the pen. I watch as he begins to sign his name, before swiftly moving towards the door and out of the room. I hear him calling my name, but I ignore him.

  Moving quickly upstairs, I enter the guest room where I first stayed all those months ago. I close the door and lock it, before sliding down with my back to it, until I reach the floor. Wrapping my arms around my legs, I hug them, resting my head on my knees.

  I sit there for a few moments, thinking over the last few minutes. I truly understand AJ’s motives. He has worked hard on his career for many years, to earn what he has today. Let’s face it, there are no guarantees in this world. Whilst we both go into this marriage with our open eyes, who knows what’s down the line. Although, I think he has been a bit premature, we have only been engaged for a few days.

  “Birdie?” I hear AJ call, and I listen as it sounds as if he is searching our bedroom for me. “Birdie where are you?” he calls as the door handle behind me rattles. Obviously realising I’m in the room, he calls my name softly and begs me to open the door. Without hesitation, I get to my feet and open the door, and stand looking at him without saying a word.

  “I’m sorry Birdie.”

  “What are you sorry for AJ? The pre-nup? I’m not. I actually think it’s a good idea. Which I would have told you, had we discussed it beforehand, but then you didn’t give me that courtesy did you? Instead, you ambush me with Marcus. That’s not a cool move AJ, not cool at all.” Without waiting for his reply, I turn and walk further into the bedroom.

  “I know, believe me Birdie, I never meant to hurt you, or ambush you. I just didn’t think. I once told you that I would do stupid things, well the way I went about this is a doozy, just say you’ll forgive me.”

  “I forgive you.” I tell him.

  “Just like that?” he asks, his eyes wide with shock.

  “I guess, yes. Just like that.”

  “You’re not going to have a fit or leave? You’re just saying you forgive me, that’s it finished?”

  “I’m not going to have a fit, and I’m certainly not going to leave. Why would you even think that? AJ we are going to argue, it’s part of life, of getting to know each other. We are just starting out, learning about each other. There are going to be things that you don’t like about me and vice versa. I’d be more worried if there wasn’t. This is one of those things. Now you know you should have given me the heads up, and I trust you not to do anything like it again, that’s it, done.”



  “You do realise that you are a very special lady don’t you? I swear Birdie I will do my utmost to never hurt you again.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?” I smile, folding my arms in front of me.

  He gives me a quizzical look. “What?”

  “For heaven’s sake AJ! Move yourself over here and kiss me…... Oh forget it.” I say impatiently and I walk towards him, place my arms around his neck and kiss him.

  AJ takes over the kiss and before I know it, he’s shuffling me backwards and I soon feel the bed at the back of my legs.

  “Now look what I found. A bed.” he murmurs briefly, his lips a fraction from my own.

  “Well!” I whisper “Fancy that, a bed in a bedroom.”

  “Now that you mention the word fancy……” he replies against my lips, raising an eyebrow, before gently manoeuvring me so I’m now lying down on the bed, “I have a fancy for something sweet…” as he kisses my face intermittently between words. “Kind…wise… and beautiful right now.”

  “You do, huh?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?” I sigh.

  With a smile AJ lowers his head and shows me exactly what he means.


  I’m adding the final touches to my make-up, by smoothing on lipstick. I place the vial down on top of my dresser, turn and stand looking into the full length mirror. Not bad if I say so myself. My hair is gently falling in waves down my back, partially resting upon the delicate thin straps of my dress. A dress that I thought I would never have the courage to wear. That’s what AJ has given me. A confidence in myself that I never thought I would have. The dress is emerald green with, as I said thin straps, so thin, I fear for them breaking. Soft folds at the neckline hug my breasts before the material floats down, skimming my hips and falling to the floor. It also has an almost not there back, which dips down to the base of my spine.

  Nope, I would never have dared even look at a dress like this in the shop, never mind buy it.

  I’ve topped the effect off with strappy sandals, diamond stud earrings and my Tiffany cuff bracelet. My only other adornment being my engagement ring.

  It’s been a crazy few days. Once everyone close to us knew about the engagement, including Jen and Razor; Steve released the news to the press. My only reaction to this, could be classed as astonishment. The world of media went into madness overload. It seemed every magazine, television and radio show, were reporting about nothing else. Photos of us appeared everywhere, and even social media trends had gone wild.

  Because of the still tight security, we have avoided leaving the house as much as possible, but that didn’t stop the paparazzi setting up camp outside the gates, hoping for a photo opportunity. We have been inundated with invitations to appear on shows for interviews, all of which we have declined. The hype now reaching a stage, that now even I am sick of hearing our names.

  It seems that the majority of fans have taken the news of our engagement well, leaving messages via social media; but I’ve also been informed that there have been a few negative reactions. Which I wasn’t surprised to hear, although it made me more aware, and grateful, of the extra security we have at the moment.

  This brings me to now, dressed in my finery ready to go with AJ to a hotel; where we are meeting AJs family and our friends for an engagement party.

  Turning on hearing the door open, I watch as AJ comes to a sudden halt at the sight of me. I watch as he opens his mouth to speak, only to close it again before a smile spreads wide on his face.

  “Wow!” he exclaims.

  “I take it you approve then Mr Lewis?” I say giving him a twirl.

  “Baby I don’t just approve. You look so damn hot, I’m tempted to call the whole night off, and lock you in the bedroom for the next millennium.” He says, taking my breath away with his words, as he walks towards me.

  “Thank you.” I smile blushing, as he reaches me, curling his arms around my waist.

  I place my hands around his neck, reach up on tiptoe and gently give him a grateful kiss. However, AJ has other ideas, and it only takes a second for him to light the fuse within me, and I catch fire as the kiss burns into my very soul. Thoughts of our night out are lost to me as it becomes more heated, and of their own volition my hands start to undo his shirt buttons.

  Suddenly, AJ pulls away placing his hands over my own, halting my progress, and we stare at each other, both struggling to gain control of our breath.

  “Red.” He says smiling.

  “Red?” I repeat confused.

  “Yeah babes, red. Red hot.” He says as he wipes my lips with his thumb.

  “Oh Red!” I smile as I softly run a thumb over his lips, then turn it towards him, advising him of the lipstick transfer.

  “Guessed it. Worth it.” He states laughing, as he wipes his mouth with his fingers himself, then looks at his hand.

  Laughing I walk over to my dresser, grab a couple of wipes and pass one to him; then turning back to the mirror, begin repairing the damage caused by our impromptu make out session. Secretly agreeing that he was right. It was so worth it.

  I glance at his reflection in the mirror as we both clean up, and as I apply more lipstick, we share a knowing smile. A smile that sa
ys we both know that we will finish what AJ just called a halt to, when we return home.

  “Ready?” he asks as he straightens from the mirror, and with a

  nod I grab my satin clutch bag, following him downstairs to the waiting car, with what has to be said, a beaming smile on my face.


  I’m grateful for the heads up from Tiny during our journey, regarding the amount of press waiting for us at the hotel. It never ceases to amaze me how they find these things out. However, I guess I’m learning, that there is always someone willing to sell information for a quick buck.

  Still, the heads up didn’t quite prepare me for the madness, which began no sooner had we turned into the driveway leading to the hotel. Glad of the blacked out windows of our vehicle, I watch as the security keep the press behind a barrier, as we come to a halt.

  My nerves taking over, I reach across and grab hold of AJ’s hand, turning to look at him.

  Returning my gaze, whatever he sees, makes him squeeze my hand.

  “It’ll be okay. Just keep hold of my hand, and we will be inside

  in seconds. I promise there is nothing to worry about. Okay?”

  “Okay.” I whisper, with more confidence than I felt.

  “There’s always Plan B.” announces Tiny from the front seat.

  “No.” is AJs clipped reply.

  “Plan B?” I query, and watch as AJ closes his eyes on a sigh, then turning towards me, stares at me, almost gauging how worried I am, before making the decision to let me in on Plan B.

  “We knew it was going to be madness. It was suggested, that if we did a mini interview before we go into the hotel, that it might calm the mayhem down a bit.”

  “Do you think it would work?”


  “So why did you say no?”

  “Babe! Just watching you now, confirms that I made the right decision. You’ve only seen the crowd and you’re freaked.”

  I can see his point. I am freaked. However, if this is going to be a regular occurrence, we can’t go through married life hiding away. It’s a big part of his life and career. I also know I can trust him and the security crew, to protect me if need be. Turning in my seat to face him, I place his hand in both my own and make my decision.


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