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Ashes of the Realm - Greyson's Revenge

Page 12

by Andrew, Saxon

  “No, no. Do as you’re ordered.” Canton thought a moment about contacting Daulun but feared he would give away the King’s location if he did. “He’s probably afraid that he’ll need cover coming out. Once he gets back we’ll take care of him. Death is always the penalty for treason.”

  “William, did you just tell a lie?”

  “No, didn’t you ask me to go with you? I didn’t say Daulun asked.”

  Gilene laughed, “I guess I did.”

  Varner jumped into the New Ulmerton System and Daulun said, “I want you to move in as close as you can to the planet in stealth mode. I do not want anyone to know I’m here. Is that clear?!”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  Jessica contacted Scotty, “That Searcher is broadcasting everything the Duke says on an open frequency.”

  “Can you relay it into the planet wide communications net?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “I think it will help us if you could.”

  As Varner moved closer to the planet he said, “Why are we coming here in stealth mode Your Majesty? This is your home.”

  “Shut up and do as you’re told. How close to a planet would you have to be to destroy it?”

  “About five hundred miles. Why do you ask?”

  “How far are we now?”

  “We’re about to move inside five hundred miles from the planet.”

  “On New Ulmerton, every communications device on the planet showed a picture of Daulun staring at a display on the bridge of a small ship. Everyone wondered what was going on. Some of Daulun’s military leaders tried to contact him through his com but Varner had communications to his frequency blocked. Then everyone on the planet heard the unbelievable, “I order you to fire on the planet and destroy it. Do it now.”

  “Your Majesty, surely you aren’t serious. These are your citizens that support your rule.”

  “I’m not going to repeat myself, fire on New Ulmerton now. You have taken an oath to obey me. Do it!”

  “Why Your Majesty, just tell me why?”

  “Those traitors in my family are living their last day. Do it now!!”

  The people on New Ulmerton were stunned by what they heard. They looked up at the sky and waited for death to arrive. Then the citizens heard, “This is Mallory Jongo and I am assuming the throne from my father as of this moment. His treason is obvious and he will be dealt with as soon as we apprehend him. I’m asking all citizens to stay indoors and avoid going outside until I am able to prevent my father’s plan to destroy the planet. I will communicate with you later after this situation is resolved. I am ordering all military forces on New Ulmerton to stand down and stay in their bases. Failure to follow these orders will be dealt with severely.”

  Daulun heard Mallory speaking over the speaker in Varner’s control room. “Carry out my orders!”

  Varner said, “I’m finished carrying out your orders. If I had doubts before about the validity of your right to rule, you have now removed them. You are a disgrace to the spirit of why the Province was established and you represent everything the Stars Realm fought to defeat.”

  “Don’t lecture me. Those tyrants should have been destroyed just like this planet.”

  “Hello, Varner, need some help?”

  “I was hoping you would be here. I need something done to this piece of filth on my bridge.”

  “I’ll take him off your deck if you want?”

  “I do.”

  Greyson heard Daulun screaming in the background until he was teleported away.

  “When did you get teleportation?”

  “Just a few months back. Are you alright?”

  “It was all a lie, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes it was.”

  “So what happens now?”

  “We’re going to take the planet and free the slaves. Would you like to help us?”

  “Don’t leave us out.”

  “Gilene, what are you doing here. You were ordered to stay away.”

  We’re all here and now we know the truth about what happened long ago. Jongo just confirmed our belief. If you’re going to correct the wrongs we’ve done, we want to help.”

  “Are you willing to swear your loyalty to an Emperor that upholds the principles of the former Realm?”

  “We are.”

  “Then prove it. We need to bring the military on this planet under control and prevent the fleet from coming to support them.”

  Varner said, “Kelly, you handle the fleet. The rest of us will go where you need us. Greyson, it’s good to see you again.”

  “Thanks. It’s good to have my family back. Jess, we have four new ships to help us.”

  “We can use them, here are your assignments. Keep the ground troops contained and under control. I’m assigning two riders to each of you. They’ll teleport in, momentarily.”

  Mallory and fifty Riders teleported into the throne room and spread out. The Riders were wearing their Zeckas and were not seen by the guards. They scattered and moved out into the large room where they could observe everyone present. Mallory turned off her Zecka and three guards started raising their blasters when they saw Mallory appear; they were burned instantly. Mallory looked around and said. “Unless you all want to die, lay down your weapons and sit down with your hands behind your heads.” She looked at her Uncle and Cousins, “That includes you as well.”

  A guard in the back swung his blaster up and his head flew off his shoulders. The guards saw what happened and threw their blasters to the floor and sat down with their hands behind their heads. They saw the blasters move away by an invisible force.

  Jeramiah Jongo remained standing and said with sarcasm in his tone, “Just what do you think you’re going to do? You’ll be killed by our guards in a few moments.”

  Mallory looked at Jeramiah and smiled, “Do you want to bet your life on that?”

  “Before I allow another tyrant to take the throne, I might just take that bet.”

  Mallory stared at him and said, “Uncle, we are currently bringing the military and the fleet under our control. Once that is done we are releasing the slaves and taking them to centers where they can be fed and given proper health care. We are no longer in the business of world conquest.”

  Jeramiah stared at Mallory, “Your family is nothing but liars. Why should I believe you?”

  “Quite frankly, you shouldn’t. I know you question why I did nothing about the slaves and I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t know what was going on. However, now I do and my new friends will not tolerate what my father has been doing. We are going to end it today. Now, if you want to see if I’m lying you will need to sit down and watch. However, I don’t know how much you knew about what was going on and I don’t trust you either. So decide. I will not ask you again.”

  Jeramiah stared at Mallory and saw she was serious. He looked at his children and nodded. They sat down on the floor and put their hands behind their heads. As soon as he sat down he felt someone behind him take his hands and bind them. He looked and didn’t see anything. What was going on here?

  Mallory spoke into her com, “I have the throne room. Initiate the next steps.”

  The ones sitting on the floor heard, “We’re on it. The fleet has been brought under control.”

  Mallory went to the communications board next to the throne and keyed the board, “I know that many of you are frightened by what’s happening around you. You have watched as my father has brought millions of captured slaves to our world and forced them into hard labor. I have just recently learned that he has been dishonest about who they are. He has been invading innocent civilizations and forcing his heavy handed rule on them. That ends today. Our core principles since the founding of our Province has always been to detest slavery and all its forms. Somewhere along the way, we lost ourselves. It started when we attacked the Stars Realm thousands of years ago. I am the successor to my Father and I command that we return to those values. You’ve all heard how he was going to kill you.
I give you my oath that I will protect and defend you against all enemies that seek to destroy your peace. I ask that you stay in your homes until this is over. It will not be safe in the streets.”

  Jeramiah listened to Mallory and said, “Do you think you can do what you just said?”

  Mallory looked at him, “I will or die trying. It’s time the ruler put the well being of their subjects ahead of his own.”

  Jeramiah saw she meant it. Maybe things were going to be changed. He looked at his two sons and daughter and said, “Wait and see.”

  James Silvey watched the four hundred thousand slaves milling around in the huge holding compound. He had been made a guard six months earlier and was stunned at the brutal way the other guards had brutalized them. He tried to treat them with kindness when he could and his fellow guards had beaten him twice for not using their tactics. Colonel Grame threatened to make him join them if he didn’t toughen up.

  He listened to the broadcast of King Jongo’s command to destroy the planet and was shocked at his total disregard for his subjects. The guards around him were angry and frightened as they stared at the sky waiting for death to come. When Princess Mallory came on the com and said that her father was captured and was going to be tried for treason, there was a huge sigh of relief. Then they heard, “All guards currently assigned to the slave compounds will turn off their weapons and gather at the compound entrance. You will have ten minutes to comply.”

  James turned off his blaster and walked away from the fence and turned toward the entrance. He noticed that no one else was joining him. Most of the guards were talking among themselves wondering what was going on. Several noticed him headed toward the entrance but turned back to their arguments. Colonel Grame went on the com and said, “Hold you posts. We need some hostages to make sure no one tries to blame us for any wrong doing.”

  James continued to walk toward the entrance and Col. Grame stepped away from the fence and moved in front of him, “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I’m following the orders of my Queen, Sir.”

  “She’s not your Queen yet.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because we haven’t had our say in her selection and until we do, you will keep your post.”

  “Sir, I respectfully decline to disobey my Queen.” James stepped around Grame and continued moving toward the entrance.

  Grame sneered and raised his blaster, “You’ve always been too soft.”

  Grame was hit by a white spark that flew in almost faster than the eye could see. His arms burned off and then the rest of his body was consumed by flames. The guards heard on their coms, “You will not be asked again. Move to the entrance or die.”

  James continued walking toward the entrance. Many of the guards raised their blasters to fire but all were burned. The guards saw the small bright sparks flying in from over head and they began raising their blasters to fire at whatever was hitting them. James continued his walk to the entrance as two thousand sparks flew in and killed the guards lining the fence. He arrived at the entrance and laid his inactive weapon on the ground. He looked around and smelled burning flesh. There was no one else at the entrance but him, so he walked up to the gate where there were thousands of slaves gathered. Some of them started yelling at him but a woman screamed at them, “This is the only one that showed us kindness.” The slaves grew silent. “He’s been giving my daughter and son his meals. He’s never hurt any of us and I know he hates what’s been done.” She looked at James, “Am I right?”

  James said, “Yes, you are.” James reached up and punched the code into the gate and opened it. “I don’t know what you can do on a world away from your homelands, but I will never help anyone harm another being.”

  A loud voice rang out over a loud speaker, “We know you are ready to escape this camp, however, we want you to go where you can be fed and cared for. You are now free and we will help you recover from your imprisonment. Officer, will you please show our friends how to get to the barracks next to the Medical Center.”

  James looked at the slaves and said, “If you will follow me, I’ll show you where to go.” A young boy and girl ran up and took his hands. Their mother walked forward, picked up the little boy, and put her arm on James’ elbow. James looked at her and smiled. He unbuttoned his jacket and put it around the young girl and started walking toward his base. He wondered about the division stationed there but he didn’t care. The thousands of slaves saw the four walking away and fell in behind them. Carol looked at James and saw his heart. Her husband had been killed four years earlier when their planet had been invaded and she still mourned him. She had watched James for months and saw that he was not like the others. He had saved her little boy by sneaking him meals and antibiotics when he was close to death. She knew he could have lost his life if he had been caught but he took the risk anyway. She had decided that whatever the future brought, she was going to repay him for his kindness.

  James continued walking and felt Carol tighten her grip on his arm. He looked at her and saw her smile. Even through the dirt she was beautiful. He said, “I’m so sorry.”

  She leaned over and kissed his cheek and said, “I know.”

  As James topped the hill leading into the Military Base he saw thousands of soldiers marching in the opposite direction toward the slave compound. They were being herded by what looked like giant lizards with a human riding them. The soldiers looked scared and some of them were dazed by what was happening. The slaves began to stop and were barely restraining themselves from attacking the troops. They heard a voice in their minds, “They will receive justice. Please continue to your destination.”

  The slaves watched as their tormenters were marched toward their former compound. Something was happening. They topped the hill and found a four armed being standing beside a huge yellow creature waiting on them. They were right. Things were changing.

  General Weis listened to the open broadcast from King Jongo and immediately tried to contact him and let him know he was being heard by everyone on New Ulmerton. He immediately stopped his effort when he heard the King order the planet destroyed. “What was going on?!” He hit his alarm and the twenty thousand soldiers under his command were immediately rushing to their assigned posts. He walked out of his headquarters and headed toward his ship. He needed to get into orbit if the planet was going to be hit. As he approached his ship he saw fifty military skimmers begin lifting from the landing field. All fifty were hit and disintegrated. Then he heard over his com, “This is Searcher Ship Greyson of the Bristone Empire; you will assemble in the field next to your base immediately. You will take no weapons with you and any violators will be eliminated. You will comply at once or I will burn your base down to the planet’s bedrock.”

  The twenty thousand troops looked at each other and were paralyzed. Six defense laser batteries began raising their barrels toward the sky and were vaporized. Your time is up; anyone not moving toward the field will be killed. The thousands of troops began running toward the marching field next to the camp. Scattered among the thousands, some were not moving. They were hit with an intense small beam from space and burned into gas. Those that were moving slowly began running with the others. General Weis was furious at the tone of the Searcher and shook his fist at the sky. That was his last act and his staff joined the others running.

  They arrived at the field and heard, “You will form into your individual units now.”

  The troops milled around talking among themselves until a white hot beam hit the ground next to the field. The troops fell over each other moving into their companies. Once they were formed up the troops were stunned as three hundred giant beasts appeared surrounding them with a Human on their back. One of the Riders slid to the ground and moved into the ranks of the assembled troops. The troops were shocked at the size of the yellow colored being walking into their ranks. He was easily seven feet tall and massively built. It walked up to an officer and ripped his jacket open and p
ulled out a hand blaster and shot the officer with it. The yellow creature looked around and said loudly, “You were told no weapons. You have ten seconds to remove them.”

  Thousands of the troops ran out of ranks and threw hand blasters, grenades, and blades into a pile. They quickly ran back into ranks as the yellow creature walked through their ranks pushing soldiers out of his way. He stopped in front of a soldier and stared at him. The soldier looked uncomfortable but looked around wondering what was going on. The yellow creature raised his gun and shot the soldier to the right of the one confronted. It reached around behind the soldier and pulled a hand blaster from his hood. The soldier’s eyes grew large and the yellow being said, “You just can’t trust anyone these days. He slipped it in your jacket when you weren’t looking.” Grang shook his head and turned back toward the mass of soldiers.

  The Yellow being then looked over the mass of troops and a four armed being said from the front of their formations, “We know those of you that are still holding weapons and, though we enjoy the scavenger hunt to find them, we will kill anyone else still hiding a weapon. There are still four hundred of you thinking you can get away with it. You have ten more seconds and then we will eliminate you.”

  This time the rush was over quickly. The four armed being said, “Grang, there are two of them that just can’t take good advice.”

  The Yellow being grunted. It then went to the back row and grabbed a soldier and snatched a hand blaster out of his belt and shot him with it. He casually carried it forward and threw it on the pile. Suddenly, a hand blaster sailed over the heads of the front ranks into the pile of weapons. The four armed being said, “Hey, nice arm there.” It then walked in front of the soldiers and said, “You will now march to the former compound of the slaves and settle in. That will be your home for the near future. There was a large grumble until a beam hit between two of the companies. You will also remain silent during your walk.”

  One of the soldiers attempted to run from the ranks and a Zord rushed up and bit him in half. The speed that huge beast moved was incredible. The division moved out with their giant escorts surrounding them.


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