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Ashes of the Realm - Greyson's Revenge

Page 13

by Andrew, Saxon

  Scotty sat by the fire in the clearing staring at Daulun squirming against his bindings. He had quit screaming an hour earlier when Scotty had stuffed an old sock in his mouth and taped it shut. He was sitting on an old log with a giant reptile of some sort looking down on him. He had not known fear often but this was the biggest taste he had ever had.

  Scotty looked at Kreej, “Do you see anything we need to know?”

  “An ambassador from the other province is due to visit in three weeks.”

  Daulun jerked his head around at Kreej with wide eyes.

  “Ummmm. We’ve got to plan for that.” Scotty then looked at Daulun and shook his head, “I’m struggling with how to administer the appropriate justice for all the horrific acts you’ve done. I must confess it’s hard to decide what we should do with you. Now I’m going to remove the sock from your mouth. If you start screaming again I’m just going to allow Kreej here to eat you.”

  “Would you, Your Majesty? I’m really hungry.”

  Daulun started vigorously shaking his head.

  Scotty ripped the tape off his mouth and snatched the sock out. Daulun thought several teeth were going to come with it. “Who are you?”

  “Your worst nightmare. I am the Emperor of the planet that you ordered destroyed. More than forty million of my subjects were murdered by you.”

  Daulun knew he was as good as dead. “What are you going to do?”

  Julie walked up and joined Scotty at the fire. She reached over and took his hand. Scotty took a deep breath and stared at her. Scotty looked at Daulun and said, “I want to allow Kreej to have a meal but I am going to offer you an opportunity to live. I really, really, hope you turn it down.”

  “What opportunity?”

  “How many planets have you enslaved?”

  Daulun started to lie but remembered the beast could read his mind, “Two hundred and six.”

  Scotty smiled and said, “We are going to take you to each of those planets and you are going to order all your troops to board their ships and leave to join your forces at Crimeron. The first planet that refuses to follow your commands will be your death warrant.”

  “What if I refuse?”

  Kreej said, “I’ll eat you one small piece at a time starting with your fingers.”

  Scotty said, “We can go in and kill all of your outposts but there will be loss of life if we’re forced to do that.”

  “And if I agree.”

  “We’ll teleport you to one of the former Provincial Capitals and leave you alone.”

  Daulun looked at the huge beast and said, “I’ll do what you ask.”

  “Kreej, I want you to go with the King and make sure he keeps his word. If he doesn’t, he’s yours.”

  “I really hope he doesn’t Your Majesty.” Kreej looked at Daulun and said, “Please make a mistake. I’m really hungry.”

  “Why don’t you take him with you to the mountains and we’ll let you know when we need him to go.”

  Daulun’s eyes widened as Kreej grabbed him and lifted into the air. They watched him disappear and Julie said, “You’re making the right decision.”

  “I know, my Love. Let’s hope he can be persuasive enough to make it work.”

  Oh, I think Kreej will help his efforts,”

  “Yeah, me, too.”

  Mallory sat and watched the display on the Throne’s arm. Nathan walked in the throne room and said, “All of the palace forces have been neutralized.”

  Mallory looked up and tilted her head. “Most of them refused to surrender but several thousand have been sent to the compounds.”

  “Any word on how it’s going?”

  “The largest base was here with the First Division. They are now in the compound with minimal loss of life.”

  “How many?”


  Mallory smiled at Nathan, “That’s good.”

  “The other bases weren’t larger than a battalion so they were brought under control rather easily. Five hundred of them didn’t require a Searcher to help.”

  Nathan leaned over and whispered to Mallory, “Vring is in the back of the room.”

  Mallory nodded and turned to Jeramiah Jongo and said, “Uncle, we are now in control of New Ulmerton. The fleet is being held inside the jump limit and all of the troops on the planet are incarcerated.”

  Jeremiah looked at Mallory and said with disgust, “It appears you are just as efficient as you father.” Mallory just stared at her Uncle and didn’t say anything. “I suppose you will kill us now.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You know we’ve tried to assassinate your father. We will not give up in trying to remove you from power.”

  “Why is that, Uncle?”

  “You are tyrants who brutalize your subjects and commit horrific acts against innocent worlds. You are blight on this universe.”

  “Do you not think we should bring our Province under control?”

  “Not the way you do it. We should bring others into our Realm by helping them; not forcing them.”

  Mallory looked at the back of the room, “Vring?”

  “He’s being honest. I don’t know where he got it but he has seen the true history of the former Realm and knows the lies of the Dukes.”

  Jeramiah looked around and wondered where the voice in his mind was coming from.”

  “Does he believe in the Realm’s values?”

  “Yes he does and his children do as well.”

  Mallory smiled, “Uncle, you are so much more than I thought.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Mallory smiled and lifted the communicator, “Citizens of New Ulmerton, it is now safe to come out of your homes. You may go about your daily tasks and live your lives confidently knowing that your King will protect you and care for you. I am abdicating the crown and I’m surrendering the throne to my Uncle, Jeramiah Jongo. He is now the new King of our province and I know he will do an excellent job. Long live the King.”

  Jeramiah was shocked, “What are you doing?”

  “I’m placing the welfare of New Ulmerton in your hands. I wasn’t sure if you could be trusted but now I know you can.”

  Jeremiah stared at Mallory not knowing what to say. His son asked “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going back to the Emperor that showed me the evil that ruled us. I am too close to my father and our people will trust you more than me. I expect you to move your Kingdom toward the vision you have for it. Will you do that?”

  Jeramiah nodded still in shock.

  “You should also be aware that your Kingdom is in danger of invasion from another province that has more than 2,000 Searcher Class Ships. We have plans to delay that invasion but we will need your cooperation to make that happen. While you are getting things in order, we are going to take care of my father’s allies at Crimeron. Will you meet with my Emperor and let him discuss the danger we are all facing?”

  Alexander’s face hardened and said, “Yes.”


  Nathan looked at Mallory and said, “You don’t want to be Queen.”

  Mallory smiled, “I still have a window to look out. Remember?”

  Nathan smiled, “Yes, I do.”

  Chapter Eight

  Greyson’s Revenge

  Canton waited for Daulun to return. He had been gone a week and he had not been heard from. What could have happened? The five Searchers went with him. He should have been back days ago. He looked at his communication board and thought about what to do. He was not going out looking for Daulun in an ordinary ship and none of the Searchers had returned. “Crimeron, this is Delta Fleet requesting permission to enter orbit.”

  Canton looked at his display and saw thirty troop carriers approaching the planet, “Who are you?”

  “We are the shock and drop troops from Ionia. We’re reporting as ordered.”

  “By who’s order?”

  “King Daulun commanded us to leave Ionia and come
here to support his attack plan.”

  Then Canton heard, “Crimeron, this is Zeta Fleet requesting permission to enter orbit.”

  Canton began hearing fleet after fleet of Shock and Drop troops requesting permission to enter orbit. What was Daulun doing? Maybe he was discovered attempting to destroy New Ulmerton and now he needed the troops to take the planet back. But that didn’t make sense, he could just destroy it. I need to discuss this with Father. “You will hold your position in orbit until our King arrives and issues instructions.” Canton left the communications center and ran toward the throne room.”

  Canton rushed into the throne room and found his father looking at a list of military assets. Canton quickly explained what was happening over head in orbit and asked what to do.

  “It appears the King is not as dumb as I thought.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think it’s clear why he’s sending all of his shock troops here. He must have an informer inside our organization to tell him we were going to execute him when he returned. He sent the troops to take the planet from us.”

  Canton turned pale, “Can they do it?”

  “If they’re allowed to land, I’m sure they’ll overwhelm our forces. Those are his best troops and they’ve been battle hardened by years of fighting.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “Well, the fleet is still here and not far away. Send out orders to destroy those transports. Make sure they’re all here before you begin. If any start toward the surface, have the fleet attack at once.”

  Canton left for the communications room thankful that he had made sure the ships loyal to him had been brought to Crimeron. He was frightened at the massive number of transports overhead.

  Greyson was in stealth mode a hundred thousand miles above the planet. Daulun was sitting in a chair with his arms bound. Kreej was curled up taking up most of the room on the bridge. Daulun looked at the display and said, “Why did you bring me here?”

  Greyson said, “Kreej, was the Emperor right?”

  “I’m always surprised by his insight. The two on the planet are really frightened. They think that our King here found out they were going to execute him when he returned.”

  Daulun whipped his head around at the young Zord and yelled, “Liar. They are my strongest and most loyal supporters.”

  Greyson said, “Show him.”

  Daulun saw the throne room as Canton rushed in. He heard the conversation and his face turned deep red. “Order the troops down! Send them down!”

  Greyson said, “I think that does it. All of them have arrived and are in orbit. I’ve opened a channel. Order them yourself.”

  Daulun yelled, “The Pelos are traitors. Attack the planet and destroy them! They have ordered the fleet to kill you. Put your screens up and attack!”

  Greyson shut off the channel as the transports turned on their screens and thousands of drop troops fell from the ships toward the ground. Following the drop troops, thousands of small carriers with heavily armored troops dropped toward the castle. The fleet came roaring in and fired on the seven hundred transports. The warships beams were stronger than the troop transports and after a pitched battle that lasted two hours, all seven hundred were destroyed. The fleet lost three hundred ships when the transports started ramming them when they saw no chance of escape.

  Daulun watched with a hard smile on his face as the ground troops began landing and fighting their way through the troops on the ground. Thousands were being killed as the battle swarmed around the castle. The remaining five hundred ships overhead attempted to support the ground troops but the fight was too close to the castle and the troops were too mingled to fire. They watched helplessly as the drop troops rushed the walls.

  The defenders fell back and every inch of ground gained by the attackers was deadly. Beams and explosions were everywhere and troops were dying by the thousands on both sides until the palace wall was breached. Then the killing accelerated into frenzy. The fleet Admiral watched on his display as the shock troops rushed into the throne room and blasted everyone into dust. Daulun smiled as he saw Canton and his father killed. Then he heard the Admiral say, “They will pay for this.” The fleet fired a nuke into the castle and the city went up in a blinding flash. Greyson dimmed the scanners and then fired on the ships in the fleet. Every ship was vaporized and nothing remained in orbit over Crimeron.

  Greyson said, “Now I can let it go.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Our values prevent us from attacking those that are unable to defend themselves. We wondered how we could remove the evil of those soldiers that attacked and enslaved so many planets. Those scum reveled in the misery they caused. My Emperor suggested that I allow you to do it for us. I thank you for making that happen. All of the soldiers and shock troops were in the castle at the end of the battle and they are now gone. Crimeron lost a major city but they are now free of the evil that ruled here.”

  “The fleet couldn’t defend themselves against you.”

  “That’s true but they destroyed an innocent city. They had to be stopped.”

  Daulun stared at the display. He saw that he had lost control and now there was nothing. Well, at least he had one thing, “I held up my end of my promise. Now keep yours.”

  Greyson said, “My Emperor promised to send you to one of the Provincial Capitals. We will send you there now.”

  Daulun smiled as his bindings were removed by Kreej. Then he saw the planet on his display. That’s not a Provincial Capital.”

  “Ah, but it is.”

  “What planet is that?”

  Greyson laughed, “Welcome to El Prado. The current rulers will welcome you momentarily.” Daulun disappeared in a silver screen and reappeared in the branches near the top of a giant Ging Tree.

  He looked at the ground far below and saw two giant creatures that looked like cats. The cats were sniffing the air and then they looked up and saw him clinging to a branch two hundred feet overhead. The largest cat sunk his claws into the trunk and began climbing to remove the invader from their territory. Daulun cursed and screamed for twenty minutes as the cat climbed two hundred feet. Greyson and Kreej both made a record of the death that Daulun so richly deserved. Greyson said, “This is for Haldale.” Both of them watched the long fall of Daulun’s body as the cat threw him clear of the tree. Daulun screamed all the way to the ground. The giant female on the ground caught him in her mouth and savagely shook him before she swallowed him.

  Kreej thought about what had happened and decided that Greyson’s revenge was something he would share with the flock. It was always good to remove evil from existence. The extended time for Daulun to think about his death was always good for those whose crimes were punishable by death; maybe even better than the long fall that the flocks used to punish criminals. This death was a long one. Greyson teleported away and felt his spirit finally at peace.

  Jeramiah Jongo sat at the fire in the clearing just outside the Human community on Bristone. Emperor Robbins and his wife were sitting across from him staring into the flames. Two weeks had passed and miraculous things had happened on New Ulmerton. The former slaves were recuperating nicely and most were scheduled to be transported back to their home worlds. The Military had been brought under control and most of the former troops were now doing the work of the former slaves under the watchful eyes of the Zord and their Riders. They learned quickly that to even think about rebellion would end their life. The Zord were watching the former soldiers determining which of them could be possibly be salvaged. Jeramiah was surprised to find that the vast majority were repulsed by the treatment of the slaves but were forced to their brutality. There were a small percentage of them that enjoyed causing misery and they were all moved to one camp.

  Jeremiah knew that the former soldiers were going to have to play the role of slaves until the other Province could be faced. The Ambassador from that Province was due in a week and he was going to have to put on the
show of his life.

  “Your Majesty, we have enlisted the aid of Carrie and Ashley to send ambassadors to the planets that Daulun conquered. We have told them about Daulun’s demise and that a good government was not in power on New Ulmerton. They, unfortunately, do not want to have any dealings with New Ulmerton under any circumstances. I was wondering what you plan to do with them.”

  Jeramiah sighed, “I can’t really blame them for feeling that way. Daulun is a name that will go down in history as an evil tyrant.” He looked at Scotty, “I understand that you have promised protection to two other kingdoms.”

  “We have.”

  “Are they planets that you rule?”

  “Not yet. We will not accept any new members until they prove they will live by our values. Queen Carrie’s kingdom is close to being accepted. They have pleaded for membership and the Zord have confirmed the leaders of their worlds are committed.”

  “May I request your protection and possible membership in your Empire for those planets we conquered and for us when we can prove our commitment to your satisfaction?”

  “You have lost all the worlds that you’ve conquered and we will assist them in reconstruction. You’re alone now.”

  “Not really. We have you and the other two kingdoms to trade with and I think we can eventually win back the good will of those worlds we mistreated. I do know that without your help, we stand no chance against the other Province. My world had the most modern factories and up-to-date ship building facilities in this sector. We can assist you in preparing for the coming conflict.”

  Scotty stared at Jeramiah and then looked at Julie, “What do you think?”

  “I think you should be there when this Ambassador arrives to help King Jongo in the meetings. I also think that if it comes down to it, you should move New Ulmerton to protect it after the meeting.”

  Scotty and Jeramiah did a double take at the suggestion. “Are you able to move a planet?” Scotty looked at Jeramiah and nodded. “Well, I could certainly use some help. I’m not sure what we’re going to do when our shipments of raw materials stop. I suspect that will trigger the invasion.”


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