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Dark Souls

Page 6

by May Gordon

  So, he’s an outsider wanting to take Washington. Makes sense as it’s a powerful area with politics mixed in, and Lawson’s family has controlled it from outsiders for three generations. But I have faith in him. He won’t let my time away destroy his empire.

  Chapter 13

  Cleo- Two months later

  I’ve been carefully planning my escape. Arnold, Mr. Silver Fox, shipped me to this Mexican compound armed to the teeth with guards. I have no access to phones or internet and for the most part I’ve been treated well. They haven’t harmed me, but I’m always being watched. I’ve kept my pregnancy hidden. Luckily, they supplied me with clothes and I asked for them a few sizes bigger. I only have a small bump, but if I was in something tight you would notice. I’ve had enough, I’m ready to go home. I know Lawson must be going crazy. He probably found Smith and his men and has no idea who has me now. I know Arnold never contacted Lawson to tell him he took me because he wants to see him suffer, then take advantage of his weakened state. I won’t let that happen. I’ve been making plans with the housekeeper of the estate. She’s been helping me and it all goes down tonight. I’ve been playing the good little hostage, not once disobeying or breaking the rules. I’ve also established routines, becoming predictable and because of it the guards have become less alert, lazy almost. It will be their downfall.

  I finish eating dinner on the patio deck and take my plate to the sink, immediately washing it and putting it in the drying rack.

  “Goodnight.” I wave to the guard standing near the front of the kitchen, and the other at the top of the stairs as I pass.

  I walk down the hallway and enter my room, closing the door behind me. I work quiet and slowly, not wanting to alert the guards. I slip out of my sundress and pull on my jeans and sweater. My shoulder is still stiff from the bullet wound, but its healed well. I pull my go bag from the closet and walk to my balcony which overlooks the ocean. I check below and see no guards, though they usually don’t show up until about ten. As quick as possible I use the rope I collected last week and scale down. I practically dive into the bushes and crawl towards the beach. I lay low once I’m there, moving as fast as I can to the next house. Maria, the housekeeper, is waiting for me. She works for a few residents here.

  “Senorita, I was worried.” Maria quickly lets me in through the back door and closes it again. All the lights are off and we hurry to the garage and head to the street where her car is.

  “Thank you, Maria. I will find you and pay you back. I promise,” I say before giving her a hug.

  “Be safe, senorita,” she tells me.

  I jump in and start driving. I head toward Arizona because I have an in with the same Mexican cartel Lawson and I used to run inventory. I’m taking a chance as they may not be loyal to him anymore. I can’t call him though, not yet. I need to make it across the border first. I don’t stop, driving until I reach the meeting point. I arrive and park as far into the bush as possible. I get out quickly, grabbing my bag and head to the mark. I wish I had weapon on me, I feel naked without one, especially when meeting these guys is a risk. I have no Idea if Foster has gotten to them or if they’re going to jump on any chance to screw Lawson over. I hear them before I see them, slowing my pace and stepping on branches to get their attention. Their guns click in alarm.

  “Relax. It’s Cleo,” I call out.

  “Took you long enough, we were going to leave without you,” One of them snap out.

  “We’ll I’m waiting on you now, so let’s go,” I snap right back and walk toward them.

  We load up and take off to the second meeting point. Once there, I’m put into a fruit truck along with their hidden drugs and on the road again. It’s been pretty easy so far, then it wasn’t. Arnold’s men gained on us, and we found ourselves in a high-speed chase. I try to hold on as best as I can but it’s swerving hard left and right. I peek out to see two of my guards driving like mad men after us.

  God I really wish I had a gun so I could shoot out their tires. There’s a big jolt and the truck shakes uncontrollably until it feels like we were run off the road. I hear shots being fired, and one tears through the shitty truck, clipping me on the side of the arm. I quickly duck, protecting myself and my child as best I can while gripping my arm trying to stop the blood. It seems like a lifetime goes by before the yelling and shooting is over. I hear the back door start to jiggle and hide behind a few overturned crates. It opens, and I peak over the crate to see a tall beast of a man, clean shaven with a buzzcut. What’s most noticeable is the angry scar on the left side of his face.

  “There is no point in hiding.” His voice is deep and bold.

  I stand from my hiding spot and walk toward him. The closer I get the bigger he is. I see a bunch of other men behind him holding guns, a few of them are the cartel that helped me cross the border.

  “You’re hurt,” his gruff voice states as he sees me clutching my arm. When I get to the end of the truck he very gently helps me down, acting completely opposite as he appears.

  “Who are you?” I ask. I look around to see dead men littering the ground, though I don’t recognize any of them.

  “I was going to ask you that. Who are you and what are you doing paying my guys to get across the border?” He growls. I guess that answers who they’re loyal to now, but at least he didn’t outright kill me.

  “Who are you?” I ask again, ignoring him.

  “I asked first,” he snaps, obviously getting annoyed. Not that I care.

  “Too bad,” I tell him. He raises an eyebrow, seeming almost impressed that I am not scared of him.

  “The name is Foster,” he grunts out. I release a breath of air in relief. I’m just glad he’s not one of Arnold’s men.

  “My name is Cleo, I’m Lawson Westworth’s woman. I was escaping from a man named Arnold,” I explain.

  That seems to catch his attention and he perks up. “You were Arnold’s captive?”

  “Yes. He kidnapped me from Washington.”

  “Then you must be the mastermind I’ve heard so much about behind paying this cartel with pure drugs to get Lawson’s inventory across my state?” I just nod because there’s no point in lying and he could help me.

  “Assist her to the vehicle,” he tells his men and they escort me to the SUV not far away. Foster goes to talk to the men who helped me. Once inside, it doesn’t take long for Foster to join me.

  “You’re going to tell me everything. Do not leave a thing out,” he tells me, sounding angry.

  “Who were those men you killed?” I ask him.

  “Arnold’s. I thought he was trying to sabotage me again, but this time he was obviously after you,” he says, giving me a hard look.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “Somewhere safe. You’ll see a doctor soon.”

  I lean back and close my eyes, gripping my arm, finally feeling safe for the first time in two months. I don’t know what it is about Foster, but I know he won’t hurt me. That alone is enough to let me relax, hoping the next step will be getting back to Lawson. I close my eyes and dream of him.

  Chapter 14


  When I wake up next, I’m in a large luxurious bed, that felt like I was sleeping on a cloud. I open my eyes to see the room is white and beautiful but plain. I touch my arm and notice a fresh-looking bandage wrapped around it and an IV in my arm. I’ve also been changed because I’m now wearing a very long t-shirt that reaches my knees. I place my hands on my belly, worried about my child. I’m still trying to get rid of the cobwebs when the bedroom door opens. Foster walks in with an older woman.

  “Finally, you’re awake,” he says and walks toward the chair against the wall. “Cleo, this is Dr. Kelly. She’s been taking care of you.”

  “Hello dear, how are you feeling?” Dr. Kelly asks as she comes closer.

  “Where am I?” I ask, looking at Foster.

  “My home. It’s secure, you’re safe here,” he says, sounding a little impatient.

  I turn back to Dr. Kelly. “I’m feeling better, but I’m pregnant,” I tell her with concern.

  She gives me a smile. “I know, dear. You passed out on your way here, but you were rambling about your baby. Everything is fine. You just need rest and fluids.”

  I lay my head on the pillow again, feeling exhausted. “Thank you, Dr. Kelly.”

  “You should eat. You’ve been asleep for over seventeen hours.” She pats my hand and smiles at Foster. “I’ll tell your cook to make something light for her.” And she leaves the room.

  I’m now alone with Foster and he’s looking at me intently. “So, now that you are up, you can share your story.” He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

  Taking a deep breath, I sit up, and I tell him about my life in Bulgaria, living on the street in the states, working at the bar, the Canaries, Smith, Arnold, and my baby. He listens, asking the occasional question, but beside that he doesn’t show any emotion to what I said.

  “So, what now?” I ask him.

  “Now we call Lawson and you tell him I had nothing to do with your kidnapping and such. The last thing I need is an all-out war with him, Novak, and Quinn,” he grumbles out.

  I can’t help but ask my next question. “Why have you been against them? Every time they tried you’d confiscate their product.”

  “I have no real beef with your guys, I just don’t want them using my state to run their products. I have my own reasons and demons. Arnold being one of them.” I know there is more to the story than that.

  “You know Arnold well?”

  “Later. First, call your man, ask him to come here. In exchange for me helping you he can help me.” He stands, passing me a cell phone.

  “Thanks, Foster.” I give him a smile which he returns, his scar crinkling when he does.

  “I’ll be back with some food. Here are the directions Lawson needs. Tell him to come alone.” He passes me a piece of paper and leaves.

  I just stare at the phone, not believing I get to actually hear his voice. I’m so close to being back in his arms I can hardly contain myself. My hands shake as I dial his cell, and it seems like it rings forever, and I hold my breath the whole time.

  “Who is this?” Lawson snaps out angrily. I can’t hold back the sob that comes next. “Cleo?” His voice sounds shaky.

  “Lawson, I’m okay.” I cry, my emotions getting the better of me.

  “Where are you?” He demands. I can feel his emotions through the phone.

  “I’m with Foster.”

  “What the fuck!” He yells.

  I manage to gather myself enough to talk again. “Foster saved me Lawson. It’s a long story, but please just some come and get me,” I practically beg.

  “Where are you? I’m coming right now.” He’s in a full-blown panic. I tell him the steps Foster laid out on the paper he gave me.

  “He said no men,” I tell him.

  “I’m bringing Novak and Quinn. I’m going to keep calling you until I’m there,” he growls out and I hear him moving around quickly. “Let me talk to Foster,” he demands

  Just then the bedroom door opens, and Foster comes in with a tray of food. He walks to my side table and places it there. “Lawson wants to talk.” I hand him the phone.

  He takes it and sits on the bed, pointing to the food. “Eat. Doctor’s orders.”

  He brings the phone to his ear only to pull it away because of Lawson’s yelling. “Jesus, calm down. She was shot in the arm but is fine. I had her checked out, she needs some food and rest.” I hear more yelling but I can’t make out what he’s saying. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Call her all you want on this line, just follow the rules to get here and no guns. She’s eating right now so give her a few before calling back. Bye.” He ends the call, handing me the phone again.

  “Did you just hang up on him?” I ask, picking up a piece of toast.

  “Yeah. God he’s annoying, wouldn’t shut up,” he grumbles. I can’t help but giggle. It’s the first I’ve laughed in a long time. Foster smiles at me, or at least what could be considered one. “Eat. You’re free to roam the house, it’s secure.”

  “I think I’ll have a shower and sleep some more,” I tell him.

  “All right. I’ll come check on you later. Doc also said I could get rid of this,” he says, unhooking my IV before he leaves.

  I finish eating, and jump in the shower, trying my best to keep the water off my wounded arm. Once I’m dried I climb back into bed, the cellphone laying on the pillow beside me. Hopefully when I wake up Lawson will be beside me.

  Chapter 15


  “This is so fucking ridiculous,” I hear Quinn grumble beside me. We have our hands tied and hoods over our heads, getting driven to where Foster and Cleo are. The fucker made us jump through hoops just to get to him.

  “He’s being careful, can you blame him? Besides, he obviously isn’t hurting Cleo, so let’s play by his rules for now,” Novak says.

  The last two months have been hell on earth for me. A life without Cleo is no life at all. With her gone I saw what it meant to really have a dark soul, an empty, all-consuming darkness I thought was going to eat me alive every second she wasn’t by my side. Novak and Quinn came out to help me find her and Liam, Andrew, Owen, and Levi maintained the rest of the businesses they best they could. I had no other priority aside from finding her, and some of my companies suffered because of it, not that I gave a fuck. When she called me I nearly fell to my knees and balled like a baby I was so happy, but now I’m chomping at the bit to know what the fuck happened and still is. How did she end up with Foster?

  The van finally stops, and we hear the side open. We get shuffled out and I can sense we’re being walked into a house, and down some hallways. The three of us get stopped once we enter the room and the bags are removed. I look around the room to see we are in an office, and a large beast of a man is behind the desk. He must be Foster. I know we’ve been clashing over routes for shipping inventory, but I couldn’t care less about it at this point.

  “Where’s Cleo?” I demand. “And untie me!” I yell at him.

  “Easy, man,” Novak, always playing the diplomat, tells me in a low voice.

  Foster nods to the men behind me and they clip the zip ties off us.

  “Where is she?” I growl out again, having zero patience for him. I will not be delayed in seeing Cleo.

  “Jesus, you have a one-track mind,” he grumbles. “I saved your woman and in exchange I want your help,” he states calmly.

  “You aren’t getting shit from me or them until I see Cleo,” I snap out, staring him down, though he holds my stare. He’s a mean looking fucker, just as monster like as Quinn.

  “Now let’s pay nice. Allow Lawson to see Cleo, then we can sit down and discuss what happened and how we can help.” Novak steps up breaking the tense moment.

  Foster nods and stands. “Show the others to the kitchen, they must be hungry from their trip. Lawson follow me.” He leads me upstairs. He doesn’t talk much, and I have a lot of question for him, but that can wait. We get to a large door when we stop.

  “She’s been resting most of the time, but in good health overall. Don’t take too long, time is not on our side.” And he leaves.

  My hands are shaking when I turn the doorknob and walk into the room. Cleo is sleeping, her hair spread across the pillow and a peaceful look on her face. I quickly walk to the bed and sit beside her. With still unsteady hands, I stroke her face. She leans into my hand and hums with pleasure. I lean down and kiss her lips. God how I missed her. She wakes up, and I stare into her beautiful brown eyes. She smiles big when she sees its me.

  “Oh Lawson, I missed you.” Tears pool in her eyes and escape, rolling down her cheeks. I kiss her again and crawl onto the bed with her, gathering her into my arms, listening to her cry.

  “I missed you too, Cleo, so much. Fuck you can’t believe what’s it’s been like with you gone.” My voice is shaky, and emotions clings to it. I
just hold her tighter, smelling her hair. I feel her flinch and release her right away. “What’s wrong?” I demand, rolling her onto her back and leaning over her.

  “Nothing, my arm is still a little sore.” She lifts her sleeve and I see a bandage.

  “Shit. Cleo, I’m sorry. I forgot.” I gently touch her arm. “And your shoulder? You were fucking shot taking a bullet for me,” I growl, pulling down her shirt. I see the scar, it’s still bright and red, not fully healed yet.

  “It’s just tender now, I’m fine Lawson.” She cups my face and pulls me down to kiss her. It’s heated and passionate. I don’t want to, but I should stop as much as it pains me to.

  “Cleo, you’re still hurt, and we need to talk.” I stroke hair out of her face and wipe some of her tears away.

  “Right. Sorry. I’m so emotional lately.” She smiles up at me.

  “It’s understandable, you’ve been through a lot,” I say as I kiss her forehead. “Now tell me everything.” And she does. It doesn’t help my anger hearing all she’s been through, but I’m just glad she’s safe now. “What does Foster want?” I ask her.

  “He has some history with Arnold. I’m not sure what, but he’s been a problem for him for a while. I guess he thinks he can take advantage of the situation, and with our help it might be possible,” she explains as she runs her hands through my hair and snuggles closer. I hate to admit it, but I owe Foster a lot. Cleo is my life, without her living would be pointless.

  I feel her start to kiss down my neck. “Cleo, you’re injured and need rest.” I grit my teeth as her hands start to roam all over me.

  “Lawson I’m fine. I need you, so badly.” Her voice is soft but thick with her accent.

  I let out a moan when she reaches down and strokes me through my jeans, and with that my control snaps. I cover her with my body, then sit up and pull off my jacket and shirt throwing it onto the ground. I gently remove the oversize shirt Cleo is wearing. I run my hands all over her body, her skin still the amazing dark olive color I love so much. Her breasts feel bigger and she moans from the contact. I start kissing her, kneading them and playing with her nipples, and that seems to get her wild. My hands slide down her ribcage heading towards her sweet spot when I reach her belly and freeze. I pull my lips from hers and look down. Her belly is firm where it’s usually soft to the touch and has a small bump.


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