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Temptation Page 9

by Victoria Christopher Murray

  “Always the counselor aren’t you, Mom? You never should have retired.”

  “Child, it’s in my blood,” Lynn said running her thin fingers through her hair. “But, I didn’t learn this from being a guidance counselor. This is from time served.” She chuckled. “Your father and I have been married a mighty long time.”

  “Oh good, Mrs. Carrington. You got her up. Come on, Kyla,” Alexis ordered as she shivered into the room wrapped only in a towel. Kyla sighed and went into the bathroom.

  “Well, I’ll get out of here so that you can get dressed, honey. Just come into the kitchen when you’re ready.” Lynn patted Alexis on the shoulder.

  Alexis bent over and hugged her. This tiny woman had treated her like a daughter from the first day they’d met. “Thank you for such a great weekend. I don’t know which was better—the King’s Daughters Program or all the shopping I did.”

  Lynn threw back her head and laughed, her dimples deepening.

  “I always love coming up here to your church. Just walking in, you know the Holy Spirit is there.”

  “Yes, Winston and I have been blessed. But you guys are too. You know how we love Pastor Ford. Now, you’d better get moving before Winston has a fit. You know how he is. Everything has to be right on time.”

  Alexis dressed, then threw her suitcase and bags on top of the bed. Waiting for Kyla, she sat in the rocking chair at the window enjoying the sound of the crashing waves. As the first light tried to peek through the early morning’s darkness, she allowed her mind to wander to thoughts of Brian. Seeing his face in her mind’s eye made her smile. She couldn’t wait to see him again.

  “Okay, I’m awake now.” Kyla scooted into the room. She threw on her jeans and a T-shirt and tossed the rest of her clothes into her weekend bag.

  “Why don’t you go ahead and get something to eat. I want to say goodbye to Nicole.”

  “Okay.” Alexis struggled with her bags. “Kiss her for me too.”

  Tiptoeing into the small room that her parents had added on and decorated in yellow just for their granddaughter, Kyla eased onto the canopy bed and stroked her daughter’s hair. The early morning light cast a warm glow on Nicole’s face and she stirred in her sleep. Kyla smiled, remembering how Nicole had begged to spend a few extra days in Santa Barbara and after all the pleading, she had finally agreed. Her daughter would have a wonderful time with her grandparents: here she could romp on the beach with her friends and bask in the center of her grandparents’ love.

  Nicole moaned and Kyla leaned over to kiss her, then wiped the lipstick imprint she’d left on Nicole’s cheek. All of God’s wonders and miracles were etched in this face that she loved so much. She kissed her again. “I love you, sweetheart,” she whispered as she left the room.

  “Good morning, Dad,” Kyla said as she pecked him on his shaved ebony head. This weekend was the first time she’d ever seen him totally bald and she had teased him about his Michael Jordan look the entire time.

  Winston Carrington’s hearty laugh echoed through the large front room. “I wondered if you girls were really going to get up this early.” He took off his glasses and folded the newspaper he’d been reading onto his lap. “Have a little something to eat and we’ll be ready to go.”

  “I don’t want anything. Too early for me.”

  “Well, not for me,” Alexis said as she chewed on the last of her bagel. “I’m ready.”

  “Then let’s get going, ladies. We still have to make sure that you can get on this flight,” he said to Kyla.

  “Oh, I’ll be able to exchange my ticket. Who else will be leaving Santa Barbara at dawn on a Sunday?”

  Winston chuckled, picked up a few of the bags and stooped low as he ducked his six-foot-six-inch frame under the door frame.

  Lynn hugged Kyla and Alexis. “Kyla, make sure you call me when you get home. And don’t worry about Nicole. She can stay as long as she likes.”

  “Don’t tell her that! She may never come home. Come on, Dad.”

  “Now, you want to rush me?” he asked teasingly. “Y’all the ones doing all the kissing and hugging.” He grabbed his wife around her waist, lifted her from the floor and swung her around.

  “Put me down!” Lynn protested playfully as she slapped his hands. “You’d better stop acting the fool and get these girls to the airport!”

  It was only a few miles to the town’s small airport and just as she thought, Kyla exchanged her ticket without any problem, allowing Winston to leave them and return home for his early morning fishing date with his granddaughter. The boarding of their flight was announced after only a few minutes.

  “Ladies, you can take any seat,” the flight attendant smiled.

  They struggled down the narrow aisle of the commuter plane, hands full of extra bags. Kyla chose two seats and handed her bags to Alexis, who managed to stuff several bags into the overhead bin.

  “Girl, there’s no room for these up there. I’ll have to squeeze the rest under the seat.”

  “I think you overdid it this time, Alexis. And I always end up carrying your extra bags.”

  “Oh, stop complaining. Here, take these and stuff them under your seat.”

  Kyla sucked her teeth. “I’m surprised they let us on the plane with all of your stuff.”

  “Girl, just sit back and be happy that you’re going home early to see your husband, all because of me!”

  The jet’s engines revved up and they settled back for the short flight to Los Angeles. Alexis thumbed through the airline magazine while Kyla leaned back, closing her eyes.

  “You know, Brian’s going to church with me this morning.”

  “That’s right, I forgot.”

  “We were probably going to go out afterwards. Do you think you and Jefferson would like to join us?”

  Kyla cracked open one eye. “Are you sure you really want us old married folks tagging along?”

  “Actually, I’d appreciate it. I think I need to be chaperoned.”

  Kyla sat up. “Why?”

  “I think I’m falling for this guy.”

  “Well, what did you expect? He’s smart, fine and funny . . .”

  “And I’m scared.”

  “That always happens at the beginning of any relationship. You’re getting to know one another.”

  “That’s the part I’m scared of. Getting to know one another.” Alexis paused. “And . . . I mean ‘know’ in the biblical sense . . .”

  “Oh . . . so, it’s gotten to that point, huh?”

  “I think so. I mean, the other night when we kissed . . . if we weren’t in the hallway . . .”

  “Really?” Kyla’s eyes opened wide. “He kisses that well?

  Mmm, I want all the details.”

  “I don’t know if it’s his kisses or if it’s because it’s been sooo long. But honey, if he had kissed me any longer, my clothes would’ve just fallen off right there in that hallway!”

  Kyla giggled. “That would’ve been a sight. Can you imagine what all of those hoity-toity neighbors of yours would have said?”

  “Kyla, I’m serious!”

  “I know, honey. I’m sorry. So, what are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know . . . I mean, I know that I’m not going to go to bed with him.” She paused for a long moment. “Whew! That’s the first time I’ve said it out loud and I mean it. I’ve been too good and I’m just too committed to the Lord to mess up this way now. But the thing is, I don’t know how to bring it up with Brian.”

  “Well, he’s a Christian. It should be something that’s easy for you two to talk about.”

  “Spoken like someone who’s been married for a trillion years. It’s not easy no matter who you’ve got to talk to about it. And just because he’s a Christian doesn’t mean that he will agree. Lots of people say they’re Christian, but you don’t know what that really means.”

  “That’s true . . .”

  “And Christians are people too. We all believe a lot of different things.” />
  “But there are some things that are pretty basic.”

  “Well, maybe to you and me, but I don’t know what side of the fence he will be on. The man is a red-blooded African man. I can tell you that for a fact.”

  Kyla arched her eyebrow. “Really,” she smirked. “And, how do you know that?”

  “Never mind.” Alexis sighed. “I just don’t know how to bring it up. I mean, over brunch should I just say, ‘Brian, you really turn me on, but there’s no way I’m going to go to bed with you’? Or do I wait and talk to him about it when we get to . . . that moment? And, suppose we get to what I think is that moment and I say, ‘I’m not going to bed with you’ and he says, ‘I never asked.’ Anything could happen.” She flapped her hands in the air in frustration.

  “Alexis, I think you’re making too much of this. It’ll come up naturally and knowing you, you’ll handle it just fine.”

  “Probably . . . but let’s say we even make it through all of that. Let’s say that Brian and I do become an item. How are we going to practice this? How do you really remain celibate in today’s times?”

  “I know, girl! It would be a struggle for me.” Kyla turned to face Alexis. “Look, I know you’re serious about maintaining your relationship with God . . .”

  “That is so important to me.”

  “Well, just remember to hold on to yourself. Don’t let go of what you believe.”

  Alexis nodded.

  “And, bring it up in the Singles’ Fellowship,” Kyla continued. “That’s why you guys meet, right?”

  “There are other reasons, but we do talk a lot about sex.”

  “Well, get their perspective. And take Brian with you!”

  “That’s a good thought. And along with that, I’ll be doing a lot of exercising.” Alexis sighed.


  “Yeah, ’cause, girl, the only way I’ll be able to keep my hands off of that man is by getting on my knees, then up again, then back on my knees and up again. Whew! That boy is fine!” she said, fanning herself.

  Kyla laughed. She leaned back and closed her eyes once again.

  Alexis looked out at the clouds and sighed in peace. Yes, she would pray . . . just like she always did. But even though she was concerned about Brian’s views on fornication, she was grateful that she would be talking to a Christian man. The last man she’d gone out with told her that he believed the “supreme being was a seven-foot man who lived on Mars.” She had barely been able to sit through that dinner, and after that disaster, she had made a commitment to herself—only a man of God would do. “Thank you, Lord,” she whispered to the clouds. And, as she said that, she knew there was something else she had to do.

  “Kyla, are you awake?”


  “I have something I want to talk about.”

  “Please. I am tired of talking about your new man!”

  “No, it’s something else. I want you to know that I do try to hold my tongue, but sometimes I have a hard time. I try to walk as a Christian, but there are things that just get under my skin, especially when it comes to my friends.” She took a deep breath. “I just want to apologize for getting you upset the other day. About Jasmine.”

  Kyla cocked her head and stared at her friend, waiting for the catch that she was sure was coming. But when Alexis just smiled back, Kyla said, “Apology accepted. Thank you.”

  “Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not sorry for what I said. I’m just sorry that it upset you. Because chile, that girl is a snake!” Alexis drawled.

  Kyla laughed out loud. “You know, it’s a good thing I love both you and Jasmine so much, because sometimes the two of you are a pain in my . . .”

  “Kyla!” she giggled.

  “What? All I was going to say is that you guys can be a pain in my . . . head. Sometimes the two of you give me a headache! What did you think I was going to say?” she asked innocently, and closed her eyes once again as the flight attendants prepared the cabin for the final approach to Los Angeles International Airport.

  As soon as the cab started up the hill, Kyla set the flowers aside and began digging into her purse. She directed the driver and pulled out her wallet as he stopped in front of the house. Pulling the remote garage opener from her purse, she paid him, then got out of the cab as the driver placed her bags on the side of the curb. She closed the door gently; not that she thought there was any chance of Jefferson hearing her, it was much too early. But their bedroom did face the street and she wanted to surprise him the way he always surprised her.

  The last time Jefferson had gone away, he had returned home a day early in the middle of the night—quietly, silently undressing and finally putting his long, warm naked body against hers. Kyla in her unconsciousness had embraced him, her husband fitting easily into her dream. She had been frightened when she opened her eyes and realized she wasn’t dreaming—that she wasn’t alone. But it took only moments to realize she was having the best kind of dream. Kyla shuddered as she remembered that time and smiled in anticipation of this homecoming.

  Balancing her bags, she slung her purse over her shoulder and held the roses she’d purchased at the airport in front so they wouldn’t get crushed. She smiled; she had great plans for them.

  She pressed the garage-door opener and then stopped suddenly. Between their two cars was Jasmine’s BMW. Frowning, she walked inside. “What is Jasmine’s car doing here?” she thought to herself. She walked to the side of the BMW and looked inside. The car was empty except for the keys that sat on the driver seat. With the hand that held the flowers, she touched the hood of the car; it was cool.

  Her frown deepened. “Jefferson must be checking her car for her and she left it here overnight.” But even as she reasoned with herself, a fog washed over her as her stomach fluttered and her heart beat faster. A favorite scripture came to her mind: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind . . .

  She stepped through the pantry into the kitchen. Her senses quickened—her ears perked, pupils dilated, even her nostrils seemed to flare. She looked around, a few dishes and glasses in the sink, but nothing unusual. She walked through the kitchen with slow steps into the dining room, finally stopping at the base of the winding stairs. She stood, listening. Silence. Then, a faint sound . . . running water. Kyla realized it was the shower in their bedroom.

  She let out a deep sigh and smiled. Jefferson had probably just gotten up for church. Well, she had different plans; she and Alexis had already agreed to attend the second service. Running up the stairs, she imagined the look on Jefferson’s face when he saw her.

  At the top of the stairs, she could clearly hear the sound of water running, coming from their bathroom. Turning the corner, she dropped her bags in the hallway and was surprised to see the usually opened double doors to their bedroom securely closed. With one hand, she balanced the flowers and with the other she opened one of the doors.

  The first thing to hit her was the smell, slightly musky, the aroma that lingers in a room after exercise . . . or lovemaking. Focusing on their bed, she saw Jasmine—leaning against the headboard, with the silk sheet around her. Her hair was tousled, curls falling carelessly onto her shoulder. And then, the sheet fell revealing her nakedness. Kyla’s eyes blurred in confusion.

  “Oh, Kyla . . .” Jasmine said matter-of-factly, as if she belonged in her best friend’s bed.

  The sound of Jasmine’s voice made Kyla’s head spin. She felt like she’d just awakened from a nightmare into a nightmare. Words swirled around in her head, but her dry mouth prohibited speech. With leaden legs, she reached deep inside herself, somehow finding the energy to move forward away from the bed, away from Jasmine and toward the sound of the running water. She had to find Jefferson. She had to let him know that Jasmine was in their house, in their bed. There had to be an explanation and he would have the answers.

  She heard the hiss of the shower and could see the outline of his body, but the steam wo
uld not allow him to see her through the glass shower stall.

  “Jefferson?” Her throat released a squeak.

  “I’m almost finished, Jasmine. I said I would be out in a moment!”

  A pained moan escaped from her constricted throat as she gasped for air. The next moment, a deep, animalistic howl came from the depths of her being.

  Jefferson opened the shower door, peeked his head through the cumulus clouds of steam that floated over his head and stepped out, completely exposing himself to Kyla.

  “Oh my God! Kyla!” His words were barely a whisper.

  “Jefferson!” She dropped the roses, unaware that she had been clutching them to her chest. Her hands covered her mouth trying to hold back the bile stirring inside. She whipped around before Jefferson could move toward her and ran. She didn’t stop in her bedroom; she couldn’t bear to look at Jasmine.

  “Oh my God!” Jefferson repeated when he finally was able to move from his frozen state. “Kyla. Wait! Please!” He grabbed a towel from the heated rack and sprinted toward her, slipping over the flowers that were scattered across the marble floor. In the bedroom, Jasmine was standing near the door, wrapped only in a sheet.

  “What happened?” Jefferson asked as he grabbed his robe, trembling with the emotion that rode through his body.

  “I . . . don’t . . . know,” Jasmine’s voice shook as she sat down on the bed. “I was in the other room and came in here to tell you something and . . . Kyla just came marching into the room before I could get to you.”

  “What did you say to her?” He was already moving into his closet.

  “I didn’t say anything. She just stomped past me and went into your bathroom. I wanted to stop her, to warn you . . . but I didn’t know what to do.”

  “She wasn’t supposed to be back! She was coming back tonight. My God! Where’s Nicole?” he cried as he tied the bathrobe sash around his waist and ran out of the bedroom. He heard the door that led to the garage slam and he bolted down the stairs, into the garage in time to see Kyla backing her car out.

  He chased the screeching car. “Kyla, wait. Please!” Standing in his driveway clad only in his bathrobe, he watched his wife speed down the street.


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