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Jack the Ripper Black Magic Rituals--Satanism, the Occult, Murder...The Sinister Truth of the Doctor who was Jack the Ripper

Page 22

by Ivor Edwards

  1886: Anne Deary is known to be alive at this time.

  May 11 1887: Six finds of portions of a woman’s body in the Thames and the Regent’s Canal. Possibly Anne Deary. Done by someone with medical knowledge. No death certificate for Anne Deary has ever been found.

  1888: Vittoria Cremers arrives in the UK going to the HQ of the British Theosophical Society to enlist. It is at this time that she meets Madame Helena Petrova Blavatsky, the head figure associated with the Theosophical Society. She obtains work as an associate editor of Lucifer, a work printed by the movement. First contact with Mabel Collins.

  1888: D’Onston moves to The Cricketers Inn, Brighton, to plan the murders. The Cricketers Inn was a well-known 18th-century inn frequented by prostitutes. When D’Onston is at The Cricketers, Edmund Gurney (founder member of the Society for Psychical Research and English spiritualist, who is also investigating psychical fraudsters including Madame Blavatsky, known to D’Onston) is found dead in his room at The Royal Albion Hotel, only a few minutes’ walk from The Cricketers Inn. The day after the inquest, D’Onston moves from The Cricketers Inn into the London Hospital to execute his well-laid plans.

  26 July 1888 to 31 August 1888: He sets a pattern in the hospital. He then strikes at 3.30am on 31 August 1888. The series of five murders ceases on 9 November 1888 and he moves from the hospital on 8 December 1888.

  16 October 1888: D’Onston writes a letter to the City of London Police about the message left by the killer known as the Goulston Street Graffito.

  1 December 1888: D’Onston writes a piece to the Pall Mall Gazette suggesting that Jack the Ripper was a black magician. Mabel Collins reads this article and writes to D’Onston. Later the two meet and become lovers, then business partners.

  Friday 7 December 1888: Moves into a lodging house, St Martin’s Chambers, 29, Castle Street, on discharge from the London Hospital. The landlord, Mr Cullingford, also owned the property at 66, Leman Street.

  Christmas Eve 1888: George Marsh goes to Scotland Yard to make a statement to Inspector Roots (D’Onston’s friend of 20 years) to the effect that D’Onston was Jack the Ripper.

  Boxing Day 1888: D’Onston goes to Scotland Yard and makes a statement to his friend Inspector Roots that Jack the Ripper is Dr Davies.

  3 January 1889: Article written by D’Onston for the Pall Mall Gazette dealing with the magical cults of the West Coast of Africa.

  15 February 1889: D’Onston writes a second piece for the Pall Mall Gazette. It contains his own views on devil worship. He admits to the murder of a woman witch doctor in the article.

  March 1889: Cremers visits Southsea to meet with Mabel Collins. She finds Cremers living with D’Onston. Collins and D’Onston return to London 14 days later. D’Onston moves to a lodging house run by Cremers’s landlady for two weeks. Collins wants to be discreet about the affair.

  13 May 1889: Moves from HQ London Cottage Mission, 304, Burdett Road, Mile End and admitted to the London Hospital with an acute case of ‘Chloralism’.

  25 July 1889: Discharged from hospital.

  1889: D’Onston’s father dies and leaves him nothing.

  July 1890: Collins lodges a libel action against Blavatsky.

  1890: D’Onston starts the Pompadour Cosmetique Company with Cremers and Collins. D’Onston lives in a small room at the back of the first floor.

  November 1890: Blavatsky commissions an article from D’Onston entitled ‘African Magic’. The piece appears in Lucifer.

  D’Onston is arrested at least twice for the Whitechapel Murders prior to this time.

  1891: Marks the end of the Pompadour Cosmetique Company.

  1891: D’Onston takes Collins to court over stolen letters; the case is dismissed.

  1893: D’Onston is converted to Christianity by the converted prostitute Victoria Woodhull.

  1896: W.T. Stead, editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, introduces articles by D’Onston in his quarterly magazine Borderland. Stead adds that D’Onston is Jack the Ripper. D’Onston works on his book The Patristic Gospels.

  1904: The Patristic Gospels is published.

  1904: D’Onston disappears. May have gone abroad or stayed in England and changed his name. No record of his death has been discovered.

  Official Records

  This information was taken from the Mormon Surname Survey of 1881.

  Surname: Stephenson Forename: Roslyn D. Age: 39 Relationship to head: Head Marital status: Married County: Middlesex, London Islington Occupation: MD, Not practising. Scientific writer for the London Press. Name of head: Self Born: Yorkshire Parish: Sculcoates

  PRO Reference: Roll: 0242 Folio: 15 Page: 24 Film: 1341053

  Surname: Stephenson Forename: Annie Age: 37 Relationship to head: Wife Marital status: Married County: Middlesex, London Islington Name of head: Roslyn D. Stephenson Born: Yorkshire Parish: Thorn

  PRO Reference: Roll: 0242 Folio: 15 Page: 24 Film: 1341053

  D’Onston, Marsh, and Roots letters. Corporation of London Records Office. Ref. Police Box 3.23 No.390

  London Hospital Register. Physicians’ male patients.

  Date. 26th July 88

  General number. No. 1146

  Without ticket. 5

  Name. Roslyn Stephenson

  Address. Cricketers Inn, Black Lion Sq, Brighton

  Age. 47

  Civil state. U (unmarried)

  Occupation. Journalist

  Ward. Davis

  Case. Neurosthenia

  Physician. Dr Sutton

  Days in Hospital. 134

  Time of discharge. Dec. 7th 88

  Condition on discharge. Relieve

  London Hospital Register. Physicians’ male patients.

  Date. 13th May 89

  General number. No. 713

  Without ticket. 2

  Name. Roslyn D’Onston

  Address. Burdett Cottage, Burdett Road, Mile End

  Age. 50

  Civil state. S (single)

  Occupation. Author

  Ward. Davis

  Case. Chloralism

  Physician. Dr Sutton

  Days in hospital. 73

  Time of discharge. July 25th 89

  Condition on discharge. Cured

  Marriage of Roslyn D’Onston and Anne Deary was solemnised at St James Church, in the Parish of Islington, in the county of Middlesex, on 14th January 1876. D’Onston’s father is on the certificate as Richard Stephenson. Profession Gentleman. Anne Deary’s father is on the certificate as Charles Deary. Profession Farmer. Certificate No. 464.


  Map-reading Madmen

  It is not unusual for murderers, sexual perverts and other types of criminals to use maps to aid them. One multiple murderer who planned his killings with the aid of maps was Harvey Louis Carignan. This man was 47 at the time of his arrest (my suspect was the same age in 1888) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in September 1974. Carignan was arrested for a string of rapes and rape murders. It transpired that he had spent more than half of his life in prison.

  He marked remote areas on a map that he had first checked out during the course of travelling thousands of miles in his car. The Ripper also checked out his sites prior to the murders.

  When Carignan was arrested quantities of maps were found at his home and in his car which covered the area of over five states and southern Canada. On these maps were found 180 red circles, each one denoted a suitable murder site in a remote area. Just like the Ripper sites, each site was accessible by a lonely side road where a victim could be lured or forcibly abducted.

  While serving in the US Army in Anchorage, Alaska, he had escaped execution following a conviction for murder as far back as 1949. He denied attempted murder but admitted rape. He was convicted on the basis of a confession, which was subsequently challenged in the US Supreme Court.

  The death sentence was commuted to 15 years imprisonment. While in prison he plotted and planned and studied cartography, sociology, psychology and journalism and like most serial
killers he was of above average intelligence.

  He was released on parole in 1960. Four months after his release he was arrested on two counts of burglary. The first in Duluth, Minnesota, the second in Seattle, Washington. In 1973, Carignan purchased a petrol and service business and advertised in the Seattle Times for a female assistant.

  Kathy Miller, 15, applied for the part-time job. On 1 May 1973 she went to be interviewed for the job and was never seen alive again. Carignan was questioned by the police as being the last person to see her alive, but he denied that she had turned up for the interview. Days later her schoolbooks were found 26 miles away in a car park in Everett. Weeks later her decomposed body was found in a field near Everett by a man out walking his dog. She had been raped and strangled.

  The police could not prove a case against him but, due to circumstances described by Carignan as police harassment, he sold up and moved first to Denver then to Minneapolis. It was in Minneapolis that he met Eileen Hunley, a blonde teenager who went missing from her home in August 1974. No trace of this girl has ever been found. Carignan cruised in an old Buick, picking up young girls.

  Now we come to what I consider to be one of the most important factors concerning serial killers including Jack the Ripper. A pattern emerged in which young girls were being picked up and taken in the direction of their destination. The killer would then turn off the main road and down a quiet side street to a remote area. The victims were then ordered from the car at knifepoint, assaulted and raped. Four girls who survived their ordeal at the hands of Carignan had suffered severe blows to the head with a hammer.

  They related why they had accepted a lift from the killer. And here we have it in a nutshell.

  One victim stated, ‘He looked harmless enough.’

  Another said, ‘He was old enough to be my father.’

  Yet another said, ‘I thought he looked as if I could trust him.’

  Many people go on first impressions and doing so can have disastrous results.

  On 24 September 1974, Carignan was pulled in by two alert policemen in Minneapolis who spotted him by the girls’ description of their attacker. He was arrested as he was getting into his car, which had also been described. All four girls picked out Carignan and identified him as their assailant. His defence was mistaken identity. His downfall was forensic evidence. Many of the red circles, pinpointed on the maps, coincided with known sites of rapes and assaults on young women.

  It is interesting to note that this killer’s excuse was the same as the Yorkshire Ripper’s. When in court, Carignan was asked why he had picked up a certain victim he replied, ‘God told me to.’ He said that he talked to God on a frequent basis and that God had told him to kill and humiliate women. Referring to the girl he had attempted to murder, the subject of the charge he was facing, he stated, ‘I was sorry I did not kill her because I was supposed to.’

  The jury found him guilty of aggravated sodomy and attempted murder. Further trials ensued on several charges of sexual assault and on a further two counts of murder of which he was found guilty. He accumulated sentences totalling more than 100 years plus life, which means he is to die in jail. It is interesting to note that Carignan studied psychology, cartography, sociology and journalism in his pursuit of rape and murder.


  General Information on Sacred Geometry and Vesica Piscis

  It has been questioned by some doubting Thomases why a Mason would give me any information on this or any other matter. Mr Sidney Foster had two reasons for assisting me in this matter. While one reason remains a private matter between myself and Sidney he gave me permission to quote the other reason he had for assisting me which is as follows: ‘I am proud to “come out” because freemasonry has become too secret and I and other members wish to do away with the old ways and make it more open. The general public should know about what goes on and I welcome such changes.’

  Sidney informed me that he cannot tell me things about passwords. However, I do know where to locate them. When I placed certain information in the public domain I received a rather irate message from a police officer in the USA who also happened to be a freemason.

  He said I was talking rubbish in stating that freemasonry is connected in any way to the temple in ancient Egypt. This individual then went on to refer to me as a troublemaker and accused me of being up to no good. It is amazing how some people react when faced with the truth. If searching for enlightenment and the truth is causing trouble in the eyes of such people then they should be seen for what they truly are.

  Sidney Foster informed me that Freemasonry can indeed trace its roots back to ancient Egypt and that 30 to 40 years ago he was giving lectures on the subject. I know from my own research that this is true. Sidney has been a Mason for 50 years and he certainly knows what he is about as far as his craft is concerned.

  I am not saying that Jack the Ripper was a Mason or that the crimes were directly connected to the Masons. And the sooner some people let this sink in the better it will be for all concerned. I am fed up with explaining that certain occult groups use the same symbols, etc. that are to be found in Freemasonry. I have found no evidence to suggest that Jack the Ripper was a Freemason.

  Neither have I found any evidence to show that any Mason was directly or indirectly involved, or that any cover up has ever taken place. I have found no evidence to show that more than one man was involved in the murders. Furthermore the victims were killed where they were found. They were not murdered elsewhere in a carriage and then dumped where found.

  The evidence which does exist has either been misinterpreted or ignored by many people otherwise they would not draw such ill-founded conclusions. This is also true when one looks at many other various murders including that of Jon Benet Ramsey, a six-year-old beauty Queen from Boulder, Colorado. The general consensus was that her devoted parents murdered her for a number of unfounded and ridiculous reasons.

  Retired policeman Lou Smit who worked on over 200 murders (and who never lost a court case) was brought in to work on the murder several months after it had occurred. He got to the truth of the matter but many people who saw themselves as prosecutor, judge and jury had already made up their minds and nothing was going to change their views including concrete evidence. Also reputations were at stake and in such situations the truth comes a poor second best.

  The authorities tried to suppress Lou’s findings because it was not what they wanted to hear because it was not in their interests. Lou eventually dropped out of the case due to the bloody-minded behaviour of other people.

  In the English judicial system the truth has been suppressed by those who represent the law in many criminal cases including murder. The Guildford Four and Birmingham Six are only two such examples. When the cry of ‘injustice’ was heard rather late in the day (as is usually the case) one obnoxious judge even went so far as to state, ‘If we had retained hanging then that would have been the end of the matter.’ I wonder if he would have stated the same if he had been unlawfully ‘fitted up’ and sent to prison for life.

  I have also undertaken research into the name Roslyn that D’Onston adopted. I received the following letter from Sidney Foster, which included further information:

  Looking at your diagram again what struck me was the Ripper’s alias Dr. Roslyn D’Onston. It is an amazing coincidence, is it not Ivor, that you sent me the HISTORY etc. of ROSLYN CHAPEL!! I leave you to fathom that one out. Without breaking the oath I took when I was initiated into the CRAFT, I cannot tell you any more. For further thought about the VESICA PISCIS I enclose some information about the THIRD CIRCLE, which together with the other two of the V.P. forms a symbol especially significance to all HOLY ROYAL ARCH MASONS maybe this diagram could be found on your map of the streets of LONDON where the murders took place? I’ve written you a page referring to the CENTRE MAKERS of LONDON note the word centre. Ivor, I can do no more for you now, it is up to your good self to take the matter forward as you wish, but be warned, it may re
bound to your detriment?? Be careful.

  With best wishes Sidney.

  This diagram is especially significant to all HOLY ROYAL ARCH MASONS, whose ritual is carried out by 3 PRINCIPALS, who have to work together.

  The VESICA PISCIS is associated with curved rods whose exposed lengths are 3, 4, and 5, the width of the rod being the unit and the radius of curvature being 5. (As all HOLY ROYAL ARCH MASONS should know) 3, 4, and 5 is of course the PYTHAGORAS RIGHT L TRIANGLE.

  See also the MASONS DIAMOND and the SWASTIKA, the oldest symbol in the world. (r/f Dr.Carr) Symbol of EL SHADDAI and the POLE STAR etc. See book No 15. by S.C. George Martin (Dundee).

  In London there was an old GUILD of MASONS called the CENTRE MAKERS, who were also called BOW-MAKERS. Hence the names in LONDON – BOW, BOW STREET, BOW CHURCH, BOW BELLS.

  Also Relevant to LONDON were the OPERATIVE MASONS and the following are some references that may be applicable to your researches, Ivor.


  St Paul’s – Sir C. Wren erected a cross on the top of the CUPOLA, in July 1708. Queen Anne died on 1 August 1714 after which King George entered the city on 20 September 1714. After the rebellion was over 1716, the few LONDON LODGES, neglected by WREN (who was GRAND MASTER) thought fit to cement under a GRAND MASTER as the centre of UNION and HARMONY the LODGES that met at:





  In the APPLE TREE TAVERN some elderly brethren installed their oldest member in due form, thereby constituting a GRAND LODGE protempori. And accordingly on ST JOHN the BAPTIST’S DAY in the 3rd year of KING GEORGE I, 1717, the assembly and feast of free and accepted masons was held at the GOOSE AND GRIDIRON.


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