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Jack the Ripper Black Magic Rituals--Satanism, the Occult, Murder...The Sinister Truth of the Doctor who was Jack the Ripper

Page 23

by Ivor Edwards

  Having had a keen interest in architecture and archaeology since the age of thirteen, I knew that sacred geometry had been used in the building of such structures as the Great Pyramids, the temple at Jerusalem and Stonehenge. Sacred geometry was also used on a much larger scale for the purpose of town planning from ancient times through to the medieval period.

  Architect Harries Thomas has carried out extensive work on the subject, two such examples being Caernarfon Castle and its environs and Stonehenge. Some scholars believe that sacred geometry was used on a far grander scale than previously thought, encompassing sites worldwide. Sacred geometry has many hidden meanings incorporated into the symbols utilised for either building or planning. It is such secret knowledge which has been jealously guarded down the ages.

  During my research I sat observing a programme on astronomy and the cosmos which showed a new discovery made with a new and very powerful telescope. Astronomers had seen a Vesica Piscis shape never before seen. Running the length of the Vesica Piscis was a system, which may or may not have been the Milky Way.

  The odd thing about this was that while the stars were to be seen inside the shape of Vesica Piscis nothing appeared outside it. In fact its layout looked very similar to my plan of the murders. Only site 2 remained outside of the Vesica Piscis. All other relevant sites and the killer’s activity remained inside the shape.

  This does indeed appear to be a yoni containing a foetus system waiting to be born.

  I decided to contact astrologer Mr Terry Nevin in Hawaii with information including papers on sacred geometry, and the pyramids, etc. Terry Nevin has been working on astronomy and the pyramids for many years and has worked on very large telescopes. In fact, he has gone from one extreme to the other by working on the invention of the smallest microscope in the world. Terry Nevin was and became a great help to me. He stated that he was very exited by some of the information he had received from me and that he was thinking about writing a book based on it. He kindly sent me the following letter to include in my work:

  This all started one day in 1979. I was at the 88-inch telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. The observatory crew were in the lounge swapping stories about the various astronomers with whom they had worked. The stories had been mostly derogatory until somebody brought up Dr. Brent Tulley. I was surprised by the respect and admiration these blue-collar workers had for this astronomer. Somebody said cryptically, ‘I think Brent is the one who is going to figure it all out.’ When I asked, ‘What would he figure out?’ He answered simply, ‘The universe.’ He turned out to be correct.

  I guess the easiest way to explain what was figured out is to talk about a possible past view. (The past view I’m making up to help you get the picture.) Imagine a dark universe (no stars, no galaxies) filled with bubbles. They are all spherical about 300 million light years in diameter, optically clear and none are touching. And then for some reason, either expansion or movement, the spherical bubbles intersected and the galaxies appeared.

  What Brent, and other astronomers, see today are these intersecting bubbles. They observe that galaxies (in great long clusters) are only found along these lines of intersection. The galaxies are not ever seen inside any bubble. The bubbles today appear totally empty; they are clear and you can see right through them (that’s why they were never noticed before). This summarises what we know about cosmology and what the astronomers call ‘The Bubble Universe’.

  I left astronomy in 1985 and shortly thereafter, for fun, I started researching the mathematics behind the Great Pyramid. Eventually, I published my research and the findings at my website ( Because of this webpage, I was contacted by Ivor Edwards, who in the course of his investigation into Jack the Ripper, had acquired a lot of Pyramid material. He asked me to take a look at it.

  One of Mr. Edwards’ main interests was the ancient symbol called Vesica Piscis. It can be constructed by drawing a circle with a compass and then moving the point of the compass to the edge of this circle and drawing a second circle. The oblong shape in the centre definitely looks like a fish, hence the name piscis. For centuries it was the secret symbol Christians used to identify themselves.

  What really startled me was just one sentence from one of the papers he sent me. It was ‘The .. diagram is but a symbol of the cosmos, a representation in [two] dimension[s] of an organism that embraces many.’ This meant if I wanted to see a symbol of the cosmos in the Vesica Piscis, I should not look at it as the intersection of two circles, but as the intersection of two spheres. Wonder of wonders, the Vesica Piscis can indeed be seen as the two dimensional symbol of ‘The Bubble Universe’. There are only two possibilities. The first is that this is all just a coincidence. But then why would the Vesica Piscis be called a symbol of the cosmos and drawings of multiple Vesica Piscis be called a cosmogram. The second possibility has deep implications.

  (From an upcoming book by Terrence G. Nevin.)

  The deeper implications to which Terry Nevin refers relate to the question: How did certain sacred knowledge including Vesica Piscis and the cosmos become available to the ancients when such facts were only discovered quite recently by the invention and use of the most powerful telescopes in the world?


  The Origins of Occult Intimidation and Terror Tactics

  Egypt was one of the earliest of the great civilisations which arose 5,000 years ago. The key theme of Egyptian history was laid down in ideals of centralised power, a cult of the dead and the royal rituals. These three themes intertwined to make Egypt the creator of the world’s first unified state and establishing this involved a few manipulating and controlling the masses. This was achieved through the black arts, using subterfuge and depending on the guile of the populace.

  The temple in Egypt believed that if the law, kingship, occult religion and ritual were kept to the same pattern then all would last for eternity. All civilisations since have sought validation for their power over the masses by creating great public symbols. One early Egyptian example was the Great Pyramid at Giza.

  Hitler had the same idea about the German Reich. In the 20th century, Nazi Germany started on a massive building project which was the largest programme to be undertaken since the days of the Roman Empire. As with the pagan ancient Egyptians, Hitler and the Nazi party practised the occult. The symbol seen on the murder plan, the lightning bolt, was adopted by the SS.

  The swastika was another ancient occult symbol adopted as the national symbol of Nazi Germany. Hitler tried to dominate the world with the aid of occult doctrine. Fear was implemented to achieve these aims. Haiti is a country which was taken over by those who practised Voodoo. The masses in Haiti were indoctrinated and controlled by its use.

  Today almost all of us live in nations with some or all of those Egyptian symbols. Modern thinking is shaped by religious and social myth, especially the myth of the great ruler, king or God. It was in his name, in the Bronze Age, that the many surrendered power to the few to live in the conditions in which most people on the planet still live today.

  The Egyptian pagan religion had two main themes:

  No. 1

  A dying and rising saviour god who could confer on believers the gift of immortality. This was first sought by the pharaohs and then by the masses.

  No. 2

  Post-mortem judgement in which the quality of the deceased’s life would influence his ultimate fate.

  Christian beliefs have identical tenets; believe in Jesus and you will be granted everlasting life, and you will be held to account on judgement day. So it would appear that the old pagan beliefs are very similar to Christian beliefs. Down through the ages many cults and religious groups have utilised the old Egyptian occult pagan beliefs and have put their own interpretations on them.

  Freemasons base their society on the old Egyptian cult religion. The Golden Dawn, a Masonic offshoot, are involved in the old Egyptian religion. When a Mason takes his oath, a symbolic gesture and a v
erbal threat at throat cutting are made to make certain that his silence is ensured. The old order achieved control over the masses by simply preying on their ignorance and superstition.

  That is how cults, secret societies and religious groups achieve their results. It would not do for the masses to know certain secrets, for if the masses were as wise as the few that manipulated them the power structure would be in jeopardy.

  The old temple in Egypt had 30,000 people on its payroll (much later the figure was placed at between 80,000–100,000) and it was a booming business. Each year, thousands of people set out on a pilgrimage to middle Egypt to celebrate the resurrection of Osiris, King of the Dead. Millions of mummified animal deities have been unearthed which were sold by the priests to the pilgrims to make as offerings to the gods.

  The priests used fear of the unknown and their knowledge of black magic to keep the masses in line. The sphinx was termed by the Arabs as Abu Al-Hawl, ‘Father of Terror’. Magic text from Egypt includes incantations and charms to protect against dangerous creatures. An important category of epigraphs is constituted by curses, imprecations, and threats of divine vengeance against enemies, evildoers and tomb violators, in particular. Black magic, in all its shapes and forms, can be traced back to Egypt, for it was there that the state used it to obtain power and wealth.

  Organised religions have always tried to dupe the masses in one form or another while playing for the number one position. Pieces of wood alleged to originate from the True Cross, glass phials containing the tears of Jesus, old bones alleged to be the remains of saints, the Shroud of Turin are some of the more famous examples of attempts to boost the income from pilgrims.

  The Knights Templars started on the road to power by protecting pilgrims in the Holy Land. When they became powerful and a threat to the King of France they were purged and all their wealth was taken by the crown.

  It is only a question of time before we leave behind the old superstitions and establishments that have lingered with us down through the ages. For they should be placed where they truly belong, in the past.


  Present Day Occult Ritual Murder

  Occult ritual murder has travelled hand in hand with man throughout the ages and is unfortunately fact not fiction. A lack of understanding on the subject tends to make the ignorant sceptical of events and many ridicule the idea. It is partly due to ignorance that the Ripper’s murders were never solved. Even the killer tried to educate the ignorant by writing to the police and newspapers on the subject.

  People from all walks of life are involved in the practical side of occult rituals, some of which include diabolical acts of murder and mutilation of the dead. Grace Kelly, for example, paid a large sum of money in US dollars to become a high priestess in an occult group in Monaco. The group was headed by a very close friend of Prince Rainier of Monaco.

  This particular group is under investigation today by the police and murder is just one aspect of the inquiry. They are being held responsible for an untold number of deaths. One female witness (under police investigation) and a member of this particular occult group, gave an interview for British television in relation to Grace Kelly’s initial contact with this particular secret society. The witness stated that she personally gave Grace Kelly sexual stimulation which led to the latter having several orgasms.

  The witness then went on to give details of Kelly’s initiation ceremony into the group. On Thursday 5 April 2001, The Times published an article by their Rome correspondent Richard Owen entitled ‘Net closes on Satanic High Priest’. The basics of the story are that eight double Satanic murders were carried out in Tuscany between 1968 and 1985. A farmhand labourer named Pietro Pacciani was believed by police to be the killer known as the Monster of Florence. He was found guilty of six of the murders in 1994 but his conviction was quashed on appeal.

  When interviewed by Richard Owen in Mercatale, near Florence, Pacciani stated that he was not clever enough to be the killer. Under Italian law he was going to be retried but before justice could take its course he was murdered in 1998 and the case was closed.

  He was found dead in very mysterious circumstances. All the doors and windows in the house had been opened. The victim’s trousers were pulled down slightly and his vest tucked up as if he had been pulled along by his feet. Three years later police reopened the case because of new evidence.

  While Pacciani carried out some of the murders it was found that the remaining murders were committed by someone else. It was concluded that the real masterminds behind the killings were a group of high society Satanists who carried out occult rituals that defied comprehension. The leader of the group is believed to be a very distinguished doctor.

  The police believe that the mastermind who ordered the killings also instructed the killers (Pacciani and his accomplices, Mario Vanni and Giancarlo Lotti) which parts of the body to mutilate and which parts to take. This trio was known as the ‘teatime companions’ or ‘Peeping Toms’ and was known to hold macabre drunken picnics in the woods, often in the company of prostitutes.

  During the trial Lotti said that a doctor whose name he did not know ordered the ‘jobs’. It would appear that they were paid large sums of cash for their efforts. Pacciani’s various bank accounts show that cash sums adding up to a staggering 300,000 pounds had been received by him over the years. The magistrate in the case, Paolo Canessa, stated that he has identified three suspects, including the doctor.

  The female murder victims were found with their left breasts and genitals missing, which has puzzled police. There have also been six other mysterious deaths including that of Pacciani. It is believed that those who wanted the missing body parts have also been eliminating witnesses to cover their tracks.

  Pacciani was a diabetic and suffered from heart complaints. He was found dead on 23 February 1998. He had stopped taking the prescribed medication from his own doctor. Someone had been prescribing medicine to Pacciani that killed him instead of curing him. Michele Giuttari, the head of the investigating police force stated that Pacciani had pointed out that some of the murders occurred while he was under arrest.

  The killings of the victims who had become a liability because they knew too much started in 1981. The first to go was Renato Malatesta, Pacciani’s close friend. He was found hanging in a stable with his feet resting on the ground. Renato’s wife, Maria Sperduto, was having an affair with Pacciani. Some 12 years later, Malatesta’s daughter, Milva, and her three-year-old son were found dead in a burned out Fiat Panda. Just a few days later the lover of Milva Malatesta, and a friend of Pucciani, Francesco Vinci (who was suspected of being the killer) was also found dead in a burned out car.

  A year later a local prostitute named Anna Milva Mettei, who had an affair with Vinci’s son, was also found murdered and burned. Carmelo Lavorino, Pacciani’s defence lawyer during the trial, believes the mastermind behind the killings is a satanic high priest. They all took orders from one person who it was believed took part in the killings and the mutilations.

  Lavorino and other investigators believe that the female body parts were taken for use in black masses held at night in remote farmhouses attended by those involved in the murders. Police are also anxious to trace an unnamed artist who Pacciani worked for as a gardener. The artist disappeared just days before the trial began. Police are convinced that black masses took place on his properties.

  When police searched his premises they found accurate portraits of the murder victims and drawings of mutilated women. Police also found a special type of artist’s paper, made in Germany, that Pacciani had stolen from two Germans, Horst Meyer and Uwe Rusch Sens. Both were found murdered in a woods near Galluzo in September 1983.

  In another property owned by the painter, police found drawings by Pacciani. These showed female corpses and mythical beasts that were half female and half animal. The killing of a French couple which took place on 8 September 1985, at Scopeti, was near a farmhouse that since 1981 had been used as a meetin
g place by those involved in the murders.

  It was owned by a magician who was known to have made potions from pubic hair and vaginal secretions. This magician died of cancer in 1986. Police stated that the Monster of Florence seemed to be two steps ahead of everybody during the enquiries. The mastermind behind the murders was not the rough peasant Pacciani but a very cultured man of great professional success – rich, esteemed, powerful and with hidden psychopathic impulses. Giuttari made the observation that it makes one wonder how many Jekylls and Hydes there were in civilised cities like Florence.

  Speaking to an official from the Italian Embassy in London, I was informed that the police in Italy were still making ongoing enquiries and were investigating a private clinic which cared for the elderly. I was informed that the patients at the clinic were found to be very badly abused and that very bizarre things took place at the clinic. I was hoping to place further material about this case in my book and also include further information on occult ritual murder from the Durban Police Department in South Africa.

  This department has had to set up a special murder squad to deal solely with occult ritual murder. The reason being that the instances of such murders are growing at an alarming rate. This work must now go to press so unfortunately such facts including further research will perhaps be added to a revised edition in the future.

  On page 222, I explained briefly about occult ritual murder taking place on the west coast of Africa in present times. I added that it was not an uncommon occurrence for children in West Africa to become occult ritual murder victims. Since I made those comments, national newspapers, including the Mail on Sunday, and various television news programmes carried the following story during September 2001.


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