Who We Be : The Colorization of America (9781466854659)
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hip-hop activism
Historia de los Colores, La (Marcos)
Hollander, Stanley C.
Holliday, George
Hollinger, David
Hoke, John, III
Holman Conwill, Kinshasha
Holzer, Jenny
Horton, Willie
Houng, Cynthia
housing and homeownership
Hoving, Thomas
Howard University
“How Ya Like Me Now?” (Kalman)
Hsu, Hua
Huffman, David
Hughes, Langston
Hughes, Robert
“Humor in Hue”
Humphrey, Hubert
Hunt, Darnell
Huntington, Samuel P.
Hurston, Zora Neale
“I Am Here” (Savages)
identity politics
“I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing”
DREAM Act and
Immigration and Nationality Act
Immigration Youth Justice League (IYJL)
imperialist nostalgia
Inaba, Carrie Ann
Inada, Lawson
In Living Color
Inner City Cultural Center
Invisible Man (Ellison)
“Is A Record Like A Wheel…” (B+)
Iyer, Vijay
Jaar, Alfredo
Jackson, C. Bernard
Jackson, Jesse
Jackson, Natalie
Jackson, Samuel L.
Jacob, Mary Jane
Jacobs, Karrie
Jacobson, Elizabeth
Jacobson, William
James, LeBron
Japanese Americans
Javits, Jacob
Jay, John C.
Jeantel, Rachel
Johnson, James Weldon
Johnson, Ken
Johnson, Louis
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Poppy
Johnson, Robert
Jones, Cleve
Jones, Kellie
Jones, Van
Jong, Erica
Joo, Eungie
Joseph, Cliff
Jowyk, Andy
Joyner, Tom
Judis, John
Julien, Isaac
Jump Start
Jung, Carl
Jungen, Brian
Kaino, Glenn
Kalaw, Martine
Kalman, Tibor
Kaplan, Steven
Kaye, Lenny
Keane, Bil
Kelly, Mary
Kelly, Megyn
Kennedy, Caroline
Kennedy, Don
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kerner Commission
Kerry, John
Khan, Chaka
Kid Power
Kim, Byron
Kim, Claire Jean
Kim, Jiae
King, Coretta Scott
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
assassination of
“Beyond Vietnam” speech of
at Dobbs House
“I Have a Dream” speech of
“Mountaintop” speech of
King, Rodney
Kingston, Maxine Hong
Kirby, David
Kitwana, Bakari
Klein, Jeffrey
Klein, Naomi
Klineberg, Stephen
Knight, Keith
Kofie, Augustine
Korda, Alberto
Kors, Alan C.
Kramer, Hilton
Kramer, Stanley
Krazy Kat
Krentz, Robert
Kruger, Barbara
Ku Klux Klan
Kuo, Alex
Labaton, Stephen
Laforest, Edmond
Lal, Prerna
Lamis, Alexander
Lamonica, Daryle
Lancaster, Calif.
Lander, Christian
Lange, Dorothea
Lasker, Albert
Lasn, Kalle
Lauer, Jenna
Lawrence, Jacob
Leary, Bill
Leaves of Grass (Whitman)
Lee, Bill
Lee, Bing
Lee, Bruce
Lee, John
Lee, Nikki
Lehman, Christopher P.
Lennon, John
Levitt, Theodore
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, Byron
Lewis, Norman
LeWitt, Sol
Ligon, Glenn
Limbaugh, Rush
Lincoln, Abraham
Lind, Michael
Lindsey, Lawrence B.
“Lineup” (Simmons)
Liney, John
Lippard, Lucy
Lipton, Eunice
Lloyd, Tom
Locke, Alain
Lofton, Ramona
Lomas Garza, Carmen
Lomax, Alan
Longo, Robert
Lopez, Jennifer
Lopez, Ricardo
Lopez, Yolanda
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)
Los Angeles riots
Los Angeles Times
Lucas, George
Luna, James
Mac, El
Machida, Margo
MacPhee, Josh
Madden, John
Maddox, Lester
“Make Me” (Min)
Malcolm X
Malone, John
Mandate for Leadership
Manson, Charles
Mapplethorpe, Robert
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
Marcos, Subcomandante
Marin, Cheech
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso
Marley, Bob
Marroquin, Maria
Marten, Ruth
Martin, Amy
Martin, Tracy
Martin, Trayvon
Martinez, Daniel Joseph
“Museum Tags”
Massey, Douglas
Mateo, Lizbeth
Matos, Felipe
Mayhew, Richard
Mazrui, Ali
McCain, John
McCreary, Judith
McGruder, Aaron
McKenzie, Dave
McKnight, Brian
McMahon, Paul
McNeil, Legs
“Me” (Badu)
Medina, Cuauhtémoc
Mehlman, Ken
Mehretu, Julie
Mehserle, Johannes
Melting Pot, The (Zangwill)
Menand, Louis
Merryman, Ashley
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mexican Americans
Meyer, Adam
Miami Herald
Mickens, Karla
Microtrends: The Small Forces behind Tomorrow’s Big Changes (Penn)
Milk, Harvey
Miller, Brenda
Million Man March
Milton, John
Min, Susette
Min, Yong Soon
Mirikitani, Janice
Mirzoeff, Nicholas
Mixed Blessings: New Art in a Multicultural America (Lippard)
Montano, JohnPaul
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Montoya, Delilah
Montoya, Malaquias
Morales, Julio Cesar
Morrison, Toni
Mother Jones
Moyers, Bill
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
backlash against
mainstreaming of
Mumbo Jumbo (Reed)
Murdoch, Rupert
> Murray, Charles
Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Art
Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)
“Museum Tags” (Martinez)
Musical Mose
Mustafa, Isaiah
Myrdal, Gunnar
Nader, Ralph
Nakadate, Laurel
National Association of Scholars
National Cable Television Association (NCTA)
National Coming Out of the Shadows Day
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Hip-Hop Political Convention
Native Americans
Naylor, Gloria
Negri, Antonio
Nelson, Debra
New Criterion
Newkirk, Kori
Newman, Donald
The Nigger Drawings
New Museum of Contemporary Art
Newton, Huey
New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)
New York Times
New York World’s Fair
Nguyen, Tram
Nichols, Rich
Nigger Drawings, The (Newman)
9/11 attacks
Nixon, Richard
Nkrumah, Kwame
Nogales, border at
Nolan, Christopher
No Logo (Klein)
Noriega, Chon
NurtureShock (Bronson and Merryman)
Obama, Barack
HOPE poster of
immigration and
Joker image of
Martin’s killing and
race speech of
“Obama Unity” (Smith)
Occupy movement
Ochoa, Raul Al-qaraz
Ochoa, Ruben
O’Mara, Mark
O’Neal, Patrice
One America
One Nation Under God (Dunbar)
Ono, Yoko
Oppenheim, Dennis
Ore-Giron, Eamon
Orfield, Gary
Ormes, Jackie
Osorio, Pepón
Other America, The (Harrington)
Outcault, Richard
Out There: Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures
Overstreet, Joe
Negro Digest
Newkirk, Kori
Pacheco, Gaby
Padilla, Rigo
Paige, Satchel
Paik, Nam June
Palin, Sarah
Papp, Joseph
Paradise Lost (Milton)
Parker, Trey
Parks, Gordon
Parks, Rosa
Parks, Suzan-Lori
Parrish, R. Rex
Parsons, Neil
Patterson, Charles
Patterson, Floyd
Patterson, William
Patton, Sharon F.
Pearce, Russell
Pendleton, Clarence
Penn, Irving
Penn, Mark
Penrice, Ronda R.
Pepper, Claude
Peraza, Nilda
Perez, Rosey
Perlstein, Rick
Perry-Zucker, Aaron
Petropoulos, Renée
Pfeiffer, Paul
Phantom Sightings
Phillips, Kevin
Phillips, Lisa
Phillips, Steve
Pindell, Howardena
Piven, Frances Fox
Plagens, Peter
Plouffe, David
political correctness
“Politics of Recognition, The” (Taylor)
Pollock, Jackson
Posey, Willi
Powell, Colin
Prashad, Vijay
Pryor, Richard
Pulitzer, Joseph
Pulley, Brett
Putney Swope
Quickley, Jerry
race riots
in Los Angeles
Radio Arte
Rainbow Power
Ramone, Joey
Randolph, A. Philip
Rashada, Ibrahim
Rauschenberg, Robert
Rawell-Patterson, Miqueo
Ray, Charles
Reader’s Digest
Reagan, Ronald
Reardon, Sean F.
Reed, Ishmael
Reinhardt, Ad
Reinisch, James
Republican Party
Revelli, Matt
Rexroth, Kenneth
Reynolds, William Bradford
Rice, Condoleezza
Rich, Frank
Riggio, Leonard
Riggs, Marlon
Right On!
Riney, Hal
Ringgold, Burdette “Birdie”
Ringgold, Faith
Rising Tide of Color against White World-Supremacy, The (Stoddard)
Rivera, Geraldo
Roa, Carlos
Roberts, Cokie
Roberts, John
Roberts, Robin
Robertson, Keith
Robeson, Paul
Robinson, Jackie
Robinson, Nadine
Robles, Frances
Rockoff, Al
Rodgers, Daniel
Rodriguez, Agustin
Rodriguez, Favianna
Rodriguez, Juan
Rodriguez, Reyes
Roediger, David
Romney, Mitt
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rosaldo, Renato
Rose, Aaron
Rove, Karl
Ross, David A.
Ross, Diana
Rugh, Jacob
Saalburg, Charles
Saar, Betye
Salle, David
Sanders, Bill
Santelli, Rick
Saunders, Raymond
Sayles, John
Schakowsky, Jan
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
Schnabel, Julian
Schoener, Allon
Schulz, Charles
Schuyler, George
Scorsese, Martin
Scott, Rick
Scott-Heron, Gil
September 11 attacks
Sergant, Yosi
Serra, Richard
Serrano, Andres
Sesame Street
Shange, Ntozake
Sherman, Cindy
Sherrod, Shirley
Shin, Jean
silent majority
Silverman, Ken
Simmons, Alicia
Simmons, Gary
Simmons, Russell
Simpson, Lorna
Sirmans, Franklin
Sister Souljah
Sledge, Delony
Smith, Clarence O.
Smith, Jaune Quick-to-See
Smith, Kiki
Smith, Marlena Buczek
Smith, Mychal Denzel
Smith, Nikkolas
Smith, Patti
Smith, Ralph Lee
Smith, Roberta
Smith, Wendell
Smith, Zadie
social change
Social Realism
Som, Indigo
Sommers, Joanie
Sontag, Susan
Soul Corner
South Africa
Southern strategy
South Park
Spray Paint LACMA (Asco)
Stanford University
Starr, Kenneth
State Out of the Union (Biggers)
Steele, Claude
Steele, Shelby
Stephanopoulos, George
stereotype threat
Steve Canyon
Stewart, Jon
Stimpson, Catharine
Stoddard, Lothrop
Stolberg, Sheryl Gay
Stone, Charles, III
Stone, Matt
Stone, Sly
Strauss, Leo
“Student as Nigger, The” (Farber)
Studio Museum in Harlem
Suh, Richard
Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025? (Buchanan)
Sullivan, Andrew
Sun Ra
Sussler, Betty
Sussman, Elisabeth
“Synecdoche” (Kim)
Syquia, Serafin
Taaffe, Frank
Taibbi, Matt
Takaki, Ronald
Tallant, Robert
Tanner, Henry Ossawa
Tate, Greg
Taylor, Cecil
Taylor, Charles
Taylor, Cheryl
Tea Party
Teixeira, Ruy
Thatcher, Margaret
Their Eyes Were Watching God (Hurston)
Third World Communications
Third World Liberation Front
$30 Billion Negro, The (Gibson)
Thomas, Clarence
Thomas, Cory
Thomas, Fred
Thomas, Hank Willis
Thurmond, Strom
Till, Emmett
Ting-Ling Kids
Tongues Untied
Torchy in Heartbeats
Toscani, Fedele
Toscani, Oliviero
Touré, Askia Muhammad
Towns, Ed
Tran, Tam
Treuer, David
Tribe Called Quest, A
True (Stone)
Tsai, Eugenie
Tucker, Marcia
Turner, James
Turner, Letha
Turner, Morrie
Getting It All Together
Staying Cool
Wee Pals
Turner, Nora
Turner, Ted
“Undiscovered Amerindians, The: ‘Oh Please!’ Begged the Gentleman at the Whitney Biennial” (Fusco)
United Farm Workers (UFW)
University of California
Untitled (Alabama) (Lewis)
Valdez, Patssi
Vallen, Mark
Vargas, Jose Antonio
Viejo, Raimundo
Vietnam War
Vigdor, Jacob
Village Voice
Villanueva, Rafael
Villaraigosa, Antonio
Vincent, Rickey
Voodoo in New Orleans (Tallant)
Voting Rights Act
Wade, Dwyane
Wagner, Dennis
Walker, Alice
Walker, Kara
WalkingStick, Kay
Wallace, Barbara
Wallace, George
Wallace, Michele
Wallach, Alan
Warren, Vinny
Washington, Booker T.
Washington Post
Watkins, Peggy Tolk
Watkins, Ragland
Wayans, Keenen Ivory
We Are All Multiculturalists Now (Glazer)
Weems, Carrie Mae
Wee Pals
Welch, James
Welles, Orson
Wences, Reyna
We’re Black and Strong (Ligon)
West, Cornell
West, Darrin
Westover, Bill