Who We Be : The Colorization of America (9781466854659)
Page 50
Westover, Eddie
Wexler, Haskell
“What Art Is and Where It Belongs” (Chan)
White, Micah
White, Roger F.
White, Ruth
White-Boy Shuffle, The (Beatty)
White Citizens’ Councils
“White Noise Supremacists, The” (Bangs)
Whitfield, Tony
Whitman, Walt
Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt
Whitney Museum of American Art
Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity (Huntington)
Wick-Reaves, Wendy
Wildmon, Donald
“Wild Thing” (Sapphire)
Wiley, Kehinde
Willard, Archibald
Williams, Juan
Williams, Pat Ward
Williams, Raymond
Willis, Songha
Willis Thomas, Hank
Wilson, August
Wilson, Fred
Wilson, Pete
Wilson, William
Winer, Helene
Winfrey, Oprah
Winthrop, John
Wise, Tim
Withers, Ernest
Witnesses: Against Our Vanishing
Wojnarowicz, David
Wolf, Connie
Wonder, Stevie
Wong, Martin
Wong, Shawn
Woodruff, Hale
Woodruff, Robert
Woodson, Angela
Works Progress Administration
Wortzel, Lawrence
Wright, Jeremiah
Wright, Richard
Wyatt, Susan
Yardbird Reader
Yau, John
Yeager, Chuck
Yee, Lydia
Yellow Back Radio Broke-Down (Reed)
Yellow Kid
Yerena, Ernesto
Young, Al
Young, Chic
Younge, Gary
Yun, John
Zaheer, Mohsin
Zanderzuk, Eileen
Zanderzuk, John
Zangwill, Israel
Zia, Helen
Zimmerman, George
Zook, Kristal Brent
Also by Jeff Chang
Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation
Total Chaos: The Art & Aesthetics of Hip-Hop (editor)
The author gratefully acknowledges permission to republish lyrics from the following songs:
“Culture War” by Arcade Fire
Reproduced with kind permission of Dounia Mikou for Arcade Fire, Quest Management.
“Me” by Erykah Badu
New Amerykah Part One: (4th World War)
Released March 26, 2008
Universal Motown Records/Control Freq Records
Thanks to Paul J. Levatino and Erykah Badu.
“I Am Here” by Savages
Words and Music by Gemma Thompson, Ayse Hassan, Fay Milton, and Camille Berthomier.
Copyright ©2012 by Pop Noire and BMG Rights Management (UK) Ltd.
All Rights Administered by BMG Rights Management (UK) Ltd., a BMG Chrysalis company.
All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission
Reprinted by Permission of Hal Leonard Corporation.
Thanks to Gemma Thompson, Jehnny Beth,
Savages, Edna Pletchetero and Dean O’Connor.
WHO WE BE. Copyright © 2014 by Jeff Chang. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Art direction and book design by Stephen Serrato
Jacket design by James Iacobelli
Visit Jeff Chang online at the following Web sites:
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ISBN 978-0-312-57129-0 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-4668-5465-9 (e-book)
First Edition: October 2014
eISBN 9781466854659
First eBook edition: September 2014