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Sammy in Bali (Single Wide Female Travels #7)

Page 7

by Lillianna Blake

  “I think you’re doing a great job of getting there.” He tossed the last of our fruits and vegetables into the blender and whipped up the smoothies.

  While he prepared them, I checked the weather to make sure that it was safe, and then called the dive shop to make an appointment with a dive instructor.

  Powered by our nutrient-packed breakfast, we kayaked over to the mainland. Max’s mention of the wine the night before reminded me that we still had a map to follow later that day.

  When we arrived at the dive shop our instructor was ready to take us out. I was able to enjoy the experience a lot more since I wasn’t worried about what might go wrong.

  As I recalled just how concerned I’d been the first time, I realized how much I’d missed out on by focusing on my fear instead of on the good things that I might discover during the experience. Now that I knew what was in store for me, I could barely contain my excitement.

  This time we spent a little longer under the water. I cherished every new sight that I came across. Again, I was stunned by the vivid colors and the peace of being cut off from the rest of the world.

  When we emerged from the water it was just after noon. Max kept his arms around me as we rode back to the dive shop.

  Once we’d returned our equipment and changed he led me to a nearby cafe for lunch. We dined on a fresh salad accented with all of the delicious fruits that Bali had to offer.

  “So what do you want to do this afternoon? We have to leave tomorrow morning, so we might as well pack in some activities.”

  “Actually, I’d really like to go back to the island if that’s okay with you.”

  “Sure, I was hoping you might say that. We’ve been so active, it would be nice to have a relaxing day.”

  “And there’s this.” I pulled the cloth napkin map out of my purse and grinned. “I can’t wait to find it.”

  “I forgot about that!” He laughed. “Sounds good.”

  “There are a few errands I want to run, though. Would you mind if I meet you back at the kayaks?”

  “No, that’s fine. Just let me know when you’re ready.”

  As we parted ways I hurried to the market to complete my plan. I wanted to make sure that I took some time to show Max just how special he was to me before we got back to the hustle of Ubud.

  By the time I met Max back at the kayaks, the sun had sunk lower in the sky. It was close to three and the air had cooled just enough to be comfortable.

  Once we were back on the island Max pointed toward the water. “Want to go for a swim?”

  “Not right now. Why don’t you take a nap? It’s been a long morning.”

  “Aren’t you going to take a nap with me?”

  “No, I don’t think I’m ready to lie down just yet. But you should rest.”

  Max studied me for a moment. “You’re up to something, aren’t you?”

  “Me?” I kissed his cheek. “Seriously, you look tired.”

  “Okay. If it’s that important to you, I’ll take a nap. But it won’t be very much fun without you.”

  “It might not be fun, but it will be restful.” I patted his shoulder.

  He raised an eyebrow as if he might say something more, then stepped into the cottage.

  I waited a few minutes, then checked the bedroom window to make sure that he was not peeking out. I could see him stretched out on the bed. Whether or not he was sleeping, I couldn’t tell, but he wasn’t watching and that was all that mattered.

  I pulled the napkin out of my pocket and used it to hunt down the cove the café hostess had mentioned. With every new direction I walked deeper into the wild underbrush of the island. After about fifteen minutes I began to wonder if I should turn back. How would Max feel if he woke up to discover that I was lost on the island?

  My heart began to pound harder when I looked over my shoulder and realized that I had no idea how to get back to the cottages. My vision blurred with panic as I looked down at the map. There were only a few more directions to get to the cove. I decided to follow them instead of trying to figure out how to get back.

  After a few more minutes I was discouraged again. I’d walked into a thick line of bushes.

  I pushed past a long palm frond to discover a clear pool in the middle of the brush. It wasn’t exactly a cove, but it was breathtaking. If it weren’t for the storm, it might have been shallow, but the rain had filled it to the brim. Beside it was a small patch of sand, just big enough for what I had in mind.

  In just a few minutes I had the blanket spread out and the picnic basket on top of it. I took the time to arrange our plates. Then I kicked off my shoes and waded into the water. It was cooler than the water that surrounded the island because the trees protected it from the sun. The crispness of it invigorated me.

  After a few minutes of enjoying the water I waded back out.

  I followed the map carefully back to the cottages.

  Chapter 21

  When I reached our cottage I snapped a picture of the map. Then I left the napkin spread out on the table. I plucked a flower from the bouquet Max had bought me the day before and placed it on top of the napkin. I heard a snore from the bedroom and smiled. Max never napped longer than an hour, so that would give me just enough time to get back to the cove. I changed into my bathing suit and grabbed a bottle of water.

  With the picture of the map on my phone, I was able to find my way back to the cove fairly quickly. When I reached it I splashed right back into the water. It was still deliciously cool. I swam for some time before I climbed up on a rock to rest for a few minutes. That was when my mind began to churn. What if Max slept for a few more hours? What if he didn’t notice the map? What if he got lost on the way to the cove, or worse, what if he got hurt?

  I was just about to get up and go hunt him down when I heard a rustle in the bushes.


  I smiled and waved to him. “Max, you made it!”

  “This was quite an elaborate plot you came up with.” He glanced over at the picnic and then looked back at me. “You did all this for me?”

  “Yes. You deserve it.” I walked up to him and met his eyes. “I didn’t want another night to go by without me taking the time to show you just how grateful I am for you.”

  “I appreciate all the trouble you went to—and this place is beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I thought we could spend our last evening here with a meal and a swim.” I leaned against his chest and closed my eyes as the sun warmed us both.

  He kissed the top of my head. “I see you went for a swim without me.”

  “You took a while to get here.”

  “You could have woken me.”

  “But you’re so cute when you snore.”

  “I see.” He furrowed a brow. “I think we need to settle this.”

  “Settle what?”

  Without another word he scooped me up and jumped with me into the water.

  I laughed as he shrieked at the sudden blast of cold against his skin. “Oh, did I forget to mention it’s not warm?”

  “Yes—yes, you did.” He growled and tugged me close against him.

  “You’re holding me so tight just to keep you warm, aren’t you?”

  “That’s not the only reason.” He laughed.

  We swam together for some time, then took turns sunning ourselves dry on the big rock.

  “Are you ready for dinner?” I began to set out the food that I’d purchased at the market.

  “Yes, all this natural eating is making me hungry. Everything tastes so good that I want to eat more.”

  “There’s plenty, so fill up.” I poured us both some cider that I’d purchased from the market. “This is supposed to be very good. One of the locals recommended it.”

  “It smells delicious.”

  As the afternoon light faded into evening, Max and I finished off every last piece of food that I’d brought for the picnic.

  “This was such a good idea, Sammy; thank you.”
  “Oh, I’m not done yet.” I cleaned up the dishes, then moved the picnic basket over. “Time for your massage.”

  “My massage?” He smiled and spread out on the blanket.

  “We’re both going to leave Amed more relaxed than when we arrived.”

  “Sounds good.” He rested his head on his folded arms as I went to work on the thick muscles of his back.

  I loved pampering Max.

  Before long I noticed a dreamy smile on his lips. I couldn’t resist giving him a light kiss.

  Playful caresses turned into more, and soon I was glad that we had the island to ourselves.

  The next morning it was time to pack and head back to Ubud. Max and I took one last walk around the island to snap some pictures of places we wanted to remember. Then we placed a call to have the boat brought over. We loaded our luggage into it and were off to the mainland.

  I turned back to watch the island grow more distant. I knew that there was a good chance that I would never see it again, but no matter how many people stayed on it after us, it would always be our island.

  On our drive back to Ubud I listened to Becoming Zara on audio again.

  Max worked on his phone to promote the upcoming book signing and updated the website to reflect our time in Amed.

  I focused on the words that floated through my mind. I wanted to find the traces of me that were hiding in Zara. Even though she embodied so much of myself, I also used her as a mask. I gave her my voice, but I shied away from speaking out for myself. This was one of the things that I was ready to change. I didn’t want to hide my voice any more.

  As I listened to my book on audio, I became more convinced that, while Zara inspired many women, it could be even more inspirational to hear a similar sentiment from a real live person instead of a fictional character.

  About halfway through the recording I turned it off and began to type on my phone. The words flowed from my fingertips, slowed only by the small keys on the screen. I stopped typing only when the taxi rolled to a stop outside the hotel in Ubud.

  I looked over at Max, who snored against the window. I tapped on his knee with a light touch. He snored louder but didn’t wake up. I tapped harder and he jumped.

  “What’s wrong?” He blinked and wiped at his cheek and chin.

  “We’re here, we’re back in Ubud.”

  “Oh, so we are.” He laughed. “Sorry that I dozed off on you.”

  “Don’t worry. I kept myself entertained.”

  Chapter 22

  As we walked into the hotel I noticed aspects of it that I hadn’t before. There was a small fountain set into one wall. Exotic birds were painted along the top edges of all the walls. Even though I’d been to the hotel before, it might as well have been brand new.

  When we dropped our bags in the hotel room, I noticed that I’d missed a few e-mails from Wayan. Instead of browsing through them I just called her.

  “Samantha, did you have a nice time in Amed?”

  “More than I could ever explain.”

  “Good, I’m glad to hear it. I know the book signing is not until tomorrow night, but I wondered if you and Max might be free today to come along with my family.”

  “I don’t think we have anything planned. I’d love to spend some time with all of you.”

  “All of us—and some monkeys?”

  “What?” I laughed.

  “Today we’re going to Monkey Forest, and I thought that you and Max might like to join us. I don’t know how you feel about monkeys, but I can tell you that it’s an experience you’ll never forget.”

  “I love monkeys! I can’t wait. What time are you leaving?”

  “In about an hour. If you’re too tired from your travels I understand.”

  “We’re in!”

  “Great, I’ll pick you up at the hotel.” I could barely hold back a grin as I hung up the phone.

  “Was that Wayan?” Max finished unpacking his bag and turned to look at me.

  “Yes, she’s invited us to go on an adventure with her and her family today.”

  “Where to?”

  “You’ll see.” I winked at him.

  “Oh, this is revenge, isn’t it?” He narrowed his eyes.

  “Only the good kind.” I kissed his cheek. “Make sure you wear sneakers, and do we have any bananas left from the trip?”

  “A few.” He frowned. “Why? Are you hungry?”

  “No, but it’s always good to have bananas.”

  “Okay.” He nodded a little but continued to watch me. “Where are we going again?”

  “You’ll see.” I laughed. “Wayan will be here in about an hour.”

  “Okay, that’s long enough for me to figure it out.”

  “Oh, stop, Max.” I rolled my eyes.

  He tackled me onto the bed, which summoned a gasp and shriek out of me.

  “Never.” He kissed my cheek, then the side of my neck. “Where are we going, Sammy?”

  I gritted my teeth even though my body shook with laughter.

  “It’s not going to work, Max, but please keep trying.”

  As he continued to kiss me, I thought about revealing the secret, but I wanted to draw it out as long as I could. After some time I became so dizzy with pleasure from his affection that I sighed and gave in. “Alright, Max, I’ll tell you.”

  “Tell me what?” He kissed my cheek, then my lips, then my cheek again.

  “The surprise.”

  “What surprise?” He kissed me again.

  I met his eyes and realized that he’d forgotten all about the trip. He wasn’t the least bit tortured by not knowing and had, instead, been caught up in the intensity of our connection.

  “Ugh, you’re no fun.” I laughed. “Don’t you want to know where we’re going with Wayan?”

  “Honestly, I’d rather just stay here with you. Is there any way I can make that happen?”

  “No sir.” I grinned and gave him a light shove. “You’re going to have to let me off this bed so I can get ready to go.”

  He pouted and kissed me once more. “Are you sure we have to?”

  “Yes, you’re not going to want to miss this.”

  “This.” He wrapped his arms around me and kept me pinned close. “This is what I don’t want to miss.”

  “I love you too, Max.” I kissed him, then untangled myself from his arms. “But we have to go.”

  “Alright, alright.” He stood up and followed me out of the hotel room.

  In the elevator he hugged me again. “We could still turn back. Or better yet, we could just pretend we’re trapped in the elevator.”

  “You’re going to love this; trust me, Max.” I grinned.

  When we reached the lobby, I spotted Wayan’s car by the front door. “They’re already here.”

  “To take us to where again?”

  “Not telling, Max! You’ll find out when we get there.”

  “I don’t think I can wait that long.” He held open the door for me.

  Wayan waved to us from the car.

  I got into the front seat. Max climbed into the back seat of the car, between two very excited children. He locked eyes with me as I turned back to check on him.

  “So where are we going, kids?” He smiled as he looked away from me.

  “Monkeys!” Both children cried out.

  I laughed and flopped my head back against the seat. “I guess the secret is out now. We’re going to Monkey Forest.”

  “Now that is very exciting. What do you think, guys?” Max looked back and forth between the two kids. Both began to chatter away about what they expected to see at Monkey Forest. I could tell that Max couldn’t understand half of what they were saying, but he still kept grinning and nodding.

  Wayan smiled. “I’m sorry—they are just so happy to go. Even though we live nearby, it’s not a trip we get to make too often. We’re always just so busy with other things. I decided today was the day. Then I thought of you two, and I knew it was a place that you should

  “Thanks for thinking of us. I can’t wait to meet some monkeys.”

  “It’s fun, but you do have to be careful. They can get a little lively. Monkeys don’t usually hurt people, but they can be little thieves. If you offer them a banana and then pull it back they will go wild. Other than that, they’re just a lot of fun to watch.”

  “The monkeys are so funny.” Wayan’s daughter giggled. “I like to watch them swing on the vines.”

  Chapter 23

  When we arrived at the park a man greeted us at the entrance. “Hello, and welcome. There are just a few rules to follow. No plastic bottles, please, and keep the grounds clean of any litter. There are some areas that are blocked off for your safety. Please stay out of those areas. If you have any questions, there will be staff available to answer them. Have your cameras ready because the monkeys are very active today.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled at him and looked over at Max. “Are you ready for this?”

  “Can’t wait.” He slid his arm through mine and we followed Wayan and the kids into the forest.

  As soon as we stepped inside I was engulfed by nature once more. The sight of the forest, thick and heavy with moisture, transported me into a new world just as being under the water had. No matter what direction I turned in, there was something new and fascinating to see. The kids imitated the monkeys and laughed as they fed them bananas.

  I held my banana out to one large monkey that perched on a branch all alone. She studied me for some time as if she wasn’t sure if she wanted to accept my banana. Then, with caution, she reached down toward me. I held the banana steady, remembering the warning not to pull them back from the monkeys.

  Just as she was about to take it, a smaller monkey swung past and snatched it right out of my hands. This caused screeching and yowling that hurt my ears. I ducked back as the large monkey jumped down from the branch. Instead of going after the younger monkey that had stolen the banana, she bolted straight toward me.


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