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Rosemarie Skaine, Female Suicide Bombers. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 2006.
Jessica Stern, Terror in the Name of God. New York: Ecco Press, 2004.
———, “When Bombers Are Women.” Washington Post, December 18, 2003.
Stanley J. Tambiah, Sri Lanka, Ethnic Fratricide and the Dismantling of Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Lawrence Wright, The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11. New York: Knopf, 2006.
Debra D. Zedalis, Female Suicide Bombers. Honolulu, Hawaii: University Press of the Pacific, 2004.
This book would not have been possible without the support of many people. First and foremost, I want to thank Westwood Creative Artists, in particular Bruce Westwood and Carolyn Forde, for their support and encouragement since the inception of the project. I will always be grateful to Thomas Homer-Dixon, who was a real advocate in seeing the potential for this book. I want to thank everyone at Penguin Canada, and especially my editors Diane Turbide and Jonathan Webb. I am grateful to Scott Steedman and Chandra Wohleber for their significant improvement of my writing, and Sandra Tooze for all of her production assistance. Many thanks to Vijay Vaitheeswaran for suggesting the title. I am also grateful to Roger Haydon at Cornell University Press, the smartest man I know, for his indomitable patience and for allowing me to put other projects on the backburner in order to finish this book. Roger, you are a saint!
Writing can be both a labor of love and an intensely painful process. Ideas come at their own pace and not always at the most opportune times. This can mean crazy hours on my laptop or scrawling notes on bits of paper when coming up with a turn of phrase. The scarcest luxury of all is time. I owe a debt of gratitude to the academic departments who have given me leave to write, and especially to the Office of Naval Research, whose support allowed me to teach a little less and write a little more. I specifically want to thank Ivy Estabrooke and Harold Hawkins for their support of my research projects as well as Jo and Ted for all their hard work. I thank the staff and the director, John Horgan, of the International Center for the Study of Terrorism (ICST) at Penn State, as well as Machelle Seiner and all of my colleagues at ICST. I am grateful to the dean of Liberal Arts, Susan Welch, as well as to Ray Lombra, Denise Solomon, Avis Kunz, Carolyn Sachs, Chris Woods, Trish Alexander, and Chris Bundy for giving me the time to make this book a reality.
I thank all the women who gave me their time to discuss their histories and their feelings about being involved in insurgent and terrorist movements. For obvious reasons, I will not be able to identify all those who offered their time and patience in responding to my questions about such difficult and sensitive issues. There are others, however, that I can thank and mention by name. Pat at Coíste and Evelyn at Tar Anal helped enormously with various introductions in Belfast, and Sree helped locate material about the women of the LTTE. The staff at the Linen Hall Library assisted me tirelessly in sifting through years of historical background material on the Provisional IRA. Alistair Gordon and Ross Moore deserve thanks for everything they did to help me over several visits to the NIPC Collection in Belfast.
Ehud Sprinzak and Chuck Tilly continue to inspire me even in their absence. They both taught me so much and I will always be grateful for having known and studied with them. I am grateful to the research assistance of Shireen Judeh, Yael Miller, Lauren Coffey, Clare Hatfield, Mike Bartenfeld, Kelley Johnson, and Eleonora Rossi, in addition to all of my former students at UGA. Your questions in class often spurred me to delve deeper into this subject matter.
To my research collaborators, Kathleen Deloughery, Alex Downes, David Edelstein, Paul Gill, Ian Roxborough, Tricia Sullivan, and Ike Wilson: it is great working with such a talented team of people. Thank you all.
My friends and colleagues have always been wonderful sounding boards for new ideas. They brave extended discussions replete with all of the gory details about terrorist tactics. I am always grateful for their input and support. Due to the limitations of space I can only list but a few of you who have helped over the years: Farhana Ali, Nichole Argo, Victor Asal, Sammy Barkin, Irina Bazarya, Tore Bjørgo, David Burbach, Dan Byman, Erica Chenoweth, Dara Cohen, Helen Currie, Beth De Sombre, Adam Dolnik, Dan Drezner, Kathy Driehaus, Richard English, Roberto Farneti, James Forest, Boaz Ganor, Dipak Gupta, Chris Harmon, Ron Hassner, Bruce Hoffman, Karyn Holdsworth, Rick and Jennifer Jacobs, Philip Jenkins, Sidney Jones, Jenna Jordan, Keith Karako, Chaim Kaufman, Mike Kenney, Peter Krause, David Lake, Tom Lauth, Roy Licklider, Michael, Carol, and Ed Lipson, Orla Lynch, Bill and Julie Middleton, Judy Miller, Cecilia Mills, Helen Murphy, Alex, Katie, and Roux Novak, Reuven Paz, Ami Pedazhur, Daniela Pisoiu, Chris Preble, David Rapoport, Jean-François Ratelle, Christopher, Lori, and Jack Rudolph, Marc Sageman, Steve Saideman, Prakhar Sharma, Phil Shrodt, Amy Shuster, Marcia Sprules, Zack Taylor, Eileen Trauth, Maurits van der Veen, Leonard Weinberg, Paul and Sue Wilkinson, and Dan Winship. Thank you all for your ideas, insights, comments, critiques, and friendship.
I want to thank my family—my mother, Betty, Samara and Liam Archer-Bloom, Faygie Goldberg, Granda Martin, Louise and Rick Pygman—who are always the best cheerleaders for anything and everything I do.
Last but certainly not least, I thank John for everything. Tá grá agam duit.
All errors in this book are my sole responsibility and the views expressed represent those of the author and not of my academic institution, the International Center for the Study of Terrorism, or of the Department of the Navy.
Abbas, Mahmoud, 139
Abdulhamid II, 101–2
Abdullah, Noralwizah Lee Binti, 187–88, 190
Abdurakhmenova, Djennet (Abdullaeva), 1–3, 4, 7
Abu Ghraib, 223
Abu Riesh Brigade, 131
Abu Sayyaf, 177
Adams, Gerry, 78
ad-Din, Dr. Sa’ad, 218
Adwan, Itisam, 217
bin Laden in, 200, 231
military camps, 226
recruitment techniques, 247
Taliban in, 201
terrorists in, 192, 200
training camps, 178, 200
Afghan Services Bureau, 209
Akras, Ayat, 23–24
Al ‘Aqsa Intifada, 137
Al ‘Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, 23, 131
Al Aroud, Malika, 197–206, 207
Al Aroud, Saida, 198
Al Asadi, Adnan, 216
Al Baghdadi, Abu Umar, 226
Al Bis, Samir, 132
Al Bis, Wafa, 130–134
Al Dulaimi, Muhammed Hassan, 220
Al Dulaymi, Amjad, 221–22
Al Dulaymi, Sumaya, 221–22
Al Faruq, Omar, 187
Al Fitri, Munfiatun, 190–91
Al Ghozi, Fathur Rohman, 194–95
Al Habash, Dr. Muhammed, 230
Al Hashlamoon, Noor, 129
Al Husseini, Hajj Amin, 105–6
Aliyeva, Sekilat, 55
Al Janabi, Abir, 223
Al Jazeera, 6, 52, 62, 129, 193
Al Khansa’a, 208–9
Al Khattab, Ibn, 41
Al Maghribi, Dalal, 23
Al Maliki, Nuri, 225
Al Masri, Iyad, 116
Al Masri, Izzedine as-Suheil, 98–99, 112–18, 119
Al Masri, Salahaddin, 116
Al Masri, Umm Iyad, 116
Al Muhajir, Shaykh Abu Hamza, 226
Al Qaeda
affiliations, 177–78, 206, 209
bombings by women, 214, 215
creation, 21, 177, 209
European links, 209
first female bomber, 209–10
funding of attacks, 180
global nature, 206
in Iraq, 215
justification for attacks, 185
marriages, 217, 222
membership, 207
and protection of Islam, 12
se, 231
recruitment techniques, 218–19, 220
structure, 206
training camps, 200
weakness in, 215
websites supporting, 32, 202, 208
women in, 32, 201, 203, 208, 216, 226–230
Al Qaradawi, Yusuf, 229, 230
Al Qudsi, Shefa’a, 125–26, 137
Al Rawi, Aby Ubaydah, 217
Al Rawi, Umm Salamah, 217
Al Rishawi, Mubarak Atrous, 213
Al Rishawi, Sajida, 213
Al Saud, Abdul Aziz bin Abdur Rahman (ibn Saud), 104, 105
Al Siba’i, Hani, 229–30
Al Takfir Wal Hirja, 209
altruistic suicide, 120
Al Wahhab, Muhammed ‘Abd, 184
Al Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 209–14
Al-Zawahiri, Ayman, 12, 32, 209, 213, 226–27, 228
Amman, Pottu, 169
Amnesty International, 27, 42
Amsha, Hussein Omar Abu, 115
anarchist attacks, 16
Anas, Umm, 121, 122
ANC, 150
Andrianova, Anna, 49
Ansar al-Sunnah terrorist group, 31, 223
Anthony, Charles, 148
anticolonial movement, 17–18
anti-Semitism, 100, 101
Arab Higher Committee, 106
conflicts with Jews, 106–7
cooperation with Jews, 112
historic relations with Jews, 100, 102
Arafat, Yasser, 109, 110, 111, 112
Armagh, prison conditions, 80, 81–82
Arnestad, Beate, 159
ash-Shami, Abdullah, 121
ash-Shammari, Nour Qaddour, 216
attempts by LTTE, 170
Dahmane, 201
McKinley, 16
Noordin Top, 196
Rajiv Gandhi, 70, 140–42
by Sri Lanka, 170–71
Assassins (Muslim), 10–12
at-Tamimi, Ahlam, 32, 98–99, 112–15, 119, 121, 122, 126–27, 134–36, 137, 138, 139, 246
Aum Shinrikyo, 20
Australian embassy bombing (2004), 180
Ayub, Abdul Rahim, 192
Ayyash, Yahya, 29
Azzam, ‘Abdallah, 20–21
az-Zaqq, Yusuf, 129
Baader-Meinhof Gang, 33, 150, 244
Ba’asyir, Abu Bakar, 173, 181–83, 184, 188, 192
Balasingham, Anton, 155
Balfour, Arthur, 104
Balfour Declaration, 104, 105
bombing (2002), 175, 179, 186
bombing (2005), 179, 180
bombings, 183
as target, 179–180
Bandaranaike, Solomon West Ridgeway Dias, 145
Bandaranaike, Srimavo, 145
Barayev, Adlan, 67
Barayev, Arbi (Movsar), 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 53, 67
Barayev, Arbi (warlord), 41, 42–43, 57
Barayev, Bukhari, 53
Barayeva, Khava, 42, 59
Barayeva, Zura, 57, 59
Baraykova, Medna, 55
Barghouti, Abdullah, 98
Basayev, Shamil, 4, 41, 42, 43, 53, 59, 61, 185
Bassam, Ayachi, 199
Bassam, Sheikh, 199
Battle of Grozny, 40
Battle of Karameh (1968), 109
Battle of Okinawa, 13
Begin, Menachem, 112
Bektasevic, Mirsad, 212
Ben Gurion, David, 107
Ben Zur, Raanan, 136
Berko, Anat, 128–29, 238, 245
bin Abas, Hashim, 174
bin Abas, Mohd Nasir, 174, 186, 187
bin Abas, Nurhayati, 174
bin Abas, Paridah, 187. See also binti Abas, Paridah
bin ‘Ali, Hussein, 103, 105
bin Hussein, Shamsul Bahri, 174
bin Laden, Osama
admiration of, 29, 185
in Afghanistan, 200–1
creation of al-Qaeda, 209
goals, 12
and Hutchison, 192
and JI, 177–78
selection of female bomber, 203
sponsoring terrorists, 43
training camp, 174
views on female terrorists, 211
on women’s role, 228
bin Nurhasyim, Ali Ghufron (Mukhlas), 173
bin Talal, King Hussein, 110
binti Abas, Paridah, 173–75
bin Yusuf, Abas, 173
Black Panthers, 33
Black Tigers, 155, 158, 159, 160, 162, 164, 167, 168
Black Widows of Chechnya, 52
bomb smuggling, in Belfast, 89
Bono, 92
booby traps, in Belfast, 88
Brown, Gordon, 202
Bruguière, Jean-Louis, 212
Buda, Mario, 16
Burns, John, 165
Bush, George, 207, 230
car bombs, 150
Carson, Sir Edward, 72
Catherine the Great, 36, 37
Centre Islamique Belge (CIB), 199
Charles, Prince of Wales, 95
birth of terrorism in, 42–43
Black Widows, 52
culture/social structure, 38
desire for independence, 39–40
First War, 19, 39–40
geography of, 35–36
Islam in, 36–38
people of, 36
radicalization of women, 44
rape in, 236
Russian destruction of, 52
Second War, 41–42, 58, 61, 66
and suicide terrorism, 42–43
terrorist organizations, 32
wars, 35–43
women’s involvement in war, 61
women suicide bombers in, 137
Cheikho, Khaled, 193
abduction of, 170
as bombing victims, 136
as collateral damage, 124
co-opted by terrorists, 194, 195, 247
deaths, in First Chechen War, 40, 52
in Dubrovka siege, 53
as human shields, 124
in JI, 195
in LTTE, 166
as martyrs, 125
as prisoners, 126, 129
as soldiers, 170
as targets, 120–121, 123, 124, 125
as weapons, 214
Christmas Eve bombing, 183
civilian deaths
endorsing of, 120
in First Chechen War, 40
by Indian peace keepers, 152
justification for, 121, 123
civil rights marches, 75
coercion, 30, 62, 131, 134, 167, 218, 219, 220, 221, 225, 234–35, 241. See also recruitment techniques
Collins, Michael, 73, 74, 94
Colombo bus station bombing (1987), 150
Corvera, Edwin, 193, 194
counter-terrorism policies/efforts, 19, 49, 124, 125, 185, 194, 238–39, 238–41, 246–49
Cruickshank, Paul, 203
Cumann na mBan (Union of Women), 85
Daghlas, Muhammed Wail, 119
Dahmane, Abdessater, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204
Daly, Edward, 78
Darshika, 158–61, 163, 164, 165, 168
Darul Al Islam, 176
Daughters of Iraq, 214, 231, 246, 247
Dayan, Moshe, 102
Dedukh, Sergey, 46
Degauque, Muriel, 202, 211–13, 214, 234
Deltsova, Tatyana, 46
democracy, and counter-terrorism, 239–41
Department of Homeland Security, 233
de Valera, Eamonn, 73, 74, 94
Dhat an-Nitaqayan Martyrdom Brigade, 217, 225
Diana, Princess of Wales, 95
Doctors Without Borders, 27, 64
Dolphinarium disco attack, 119
Doyle, Mary, 84
Dreyfus, Alfred, 101
Drumm, Maire, 88
ka House of Culture, 43–52, 53, 62, 66–67
Dudayev, Dzhokhar, 39, 40
Dugayeva, Madina, 54–55
Durkheim, Émile, 120
Dursina, Sejarahtul, 188
Easter Uprising (Dublin 1916), 73
relationship with violence, 237
for women, 240
Egyptian Islamic Jihad, 209
el Alami, Hamza, 206
el Aroud, Malika, 211
Elihadžiev, Danilahan (Žaga), 59
Elihadžieva, Zulihan, 59
El Ouaer, Rachid Bouraoui, 201
Erambu, Madhivadhani, 166
Ernesto, Steven, 214
Esterhazy, Ferdinand, 101
ethnic cleansing, 238
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA), 25
Fadillah, Haris, 187
Fadillah, Mira Augustina, 187, 190
Fadl, Dr., 228
Fadlallah, Muhammed Hussein, 129, 229, 230
Fahmideh, Hossein, 23
Faisal, Prince, 105
family, as recruiters, 30, 135, 167, 186, 220, 221, 222, 235–36
family traditions, 30
Farina, Umm Yahya Aysha, 207
Farrell, Mairéad, 79–82, 83, 84–85, 89–90, 91, 92, 94, 95
Fatah, 23, 109, 126
Faul, Father Denis, 80
Fawkes, Guy, 15
Federal Party (FP), 145
Federal Security Forces (FSB), 3, 5, 7, 40, 49–51, 61, 67
Female Awakening Councils, 214
opinion of women in PIRA, 84
and terrorism, 245
Filipova, Irina, 55
Fisher, Dan, 110
Fisk, Robert, 99
Fonseka, Sarath, 170
Freedom Birds, 32, 142, 158
Fyodorov, Lev, 50
Gandhi, Rajiv, 140–42, 151
Ganiyev, Rustam (Aslan), 59, 60, 61
Ganiyeva, Khadizhat (Milana), 57, 58, 59, 65
Ganiyeva, Larissa (Fatima), 57, 58, 59, 65
Ganiyeva, Raisa (Reshat), 61
Garsallaoui, Moaz, 201–2, 203
Gayatri. See Rajaratnam, Thenmuli (Gayatri)
Gelvin, James, 104
Genghis Khan, 11
George III, 71
George IV, 71
Ghufron, Ali, 174, 175, 179, 186, 187, 188, 190, 196
Ghufron, Amrozi, 196
Gishnurkayeva, Aset (Asya), 54, 63–64
Gorbachev, Mikhauk, 39
Gordienko, Irina, 7
Goris, Issam, 212
Government of Ireland Act (1920), 73
Grozny Ivan (Ivan the Terrible), 36
Gubden Jamaat group, 6
Halim, Ferial Muchlis bin Abdul, 187
Halutz, Dan, 123–24
Hamas, 20, 24, 32, 112, 113, 115, 126, 127, 243, 246
Hambali, 180, 182, 183, 187, 188