Page 31
Hamid, Mustafa, 193
Hanania, Ray, 111
Harrison, Francis, 158
Hasan, Umayma, 227–28, 245
Heath, Edward, 77
Helm, Sara, 119
Hendrix, Pierre, 206
Herzl, Theodore, 101
Hezbollah, 129, 243
hijacking, bus, 23
Hill, Peter, 13
Hizb ut Tahir, 196
home rule (Ireland), 72
Horgan, John, 248
hostage taking, 43–52
human rights abuses, 147
human rights groups, 138
Human Rights Watch Asia, 27
hunger strikes, 82, 89–90
Hussein, Saddam, 216, 240
Hutchison, Rabiah (Robyn), 185, 192–193
Idris, Wafa, 30
Imron, Ali, 195
India, and Sri Lanka, 150–57
Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF), 151, 152
indoctrination techniques, 29–30, 60, 65–66
bombings in, 174, 175
geography, 180–181
and Islam, 176
terrorism in, 175–181
Indo–Sri Lankan Accord, 141, 151
International Crisis Group, 27, 177, 190
International Red Cross, 43
pro-al-Qaeda, 202
as propaganda tool, 207–9, 225
as recruitment medium, 197, 204
condition of widows, 218–19
creation of, 105
female suicide bombers in, 211, 214, 217–218
first female bomber, 209
rape in, 223, 236
status of women, 240
suicide terrorism in, 205
history of violence, 70–76
home rule, 72
Irish Citizen Army, 85
Irish Republican Army (IRA), 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79
Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), 72
Irish Volunteer Force (UVF), 72
Isamuddin, Riduan (Hambali), 177–78
in Chechnya, 36–38
compared to Islamism, 212
view of terrorists, 184
Islamic Front for Iraqi Resistance (JAMI), 225
Islamic Jihad, 115, 117, 119, 121, 126, 127
Islamic Revival Movement. See Hamas
Islamism, 20, 176
compared to Islam, 212
declaration of independence, 108
imprisonment of children, 129
invasion of (1948), 108
reaction to terrorism, 123, 124
Six Day War (1967), 109
Issacharoff, Avi, 128
Isueva, Amnat, 55
Izzedine Al-Qassam Brigades, 123, 126
Jakarta bombings, 179
Jamaat, Shariat, 4
Jassem, Wada Jamil, 216
Jassim, Samira Ahmed, 223, 224–25
Jayewardene, Junius Richard, 145, 148–49, 151
Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid (JAT), 183, 184, 185
Jemaah Islamiya (JI), 173, 174
and Afghanistan, 178
and Al Qaeda, 177–79
associations with terrorist groups, 177–78
attitude to women, 176
and bombings, 179
dissension in, 184–87
factors in success, 180–81
founding, 182
future of, 194–96
goals, 182–183, 184, 195
links to bombings, 177
origins, 175–76
recruitment of children, 195
recruitment techniques, 186–87
role of women, 189–90
similarity to Muslim Brotherhood, 183
suicide bombings, 193
support for global movement, 243
training of operatives, 178
women’s role, 176–77, 193–94
terrorist attacks (supermarket), 23
Jewish homeland, 100, 101–2, 104–5
Jewish National Fund (JNF), 102
conflict with Arabs, 106–7
cooperation with Arabs, 112
historic relations with Arabs, 100, 102
immigration to Palestine, 106, 107
defensive vs. offensive, 20–21
global, 206, 207–9
JI interpretation, 183
value of committing, 185
women’s role in, 129, 137, 193, 194, 204, 226–27, 229
Jones, Sidney, 190, 194
kamikaze pilots, 12–14, 27
Karzai, Hamid, 204
Kazantsev, Viktor, 48
Khadjiyeva, Koku, 55
Khair, Abul, 131
Khaldikhoroyeva, Lidya, 59, 60
Khalifa, Muhammed Jamal, 177
Khan, Muhammed Siddique, 29–30
kidnapping, 63
Konsonjaya, 177
Kruglikova, Nastya, 56
Kurbanova, Ayman (Rajman), 53, 55, 56
Kurbanova, Raina, 55
Kurbanova, Rajman. See Kurbanova, Ayman
Kurdish Workers Party, 137
Kutsenko, Vitaly, 39
Lahoud, Nelly, 20
LaRose, Colleen Renee, 207–9
Lashkar e Toiba, 193
Lawrence, T.E., 103
Lebanese Civil War (1975–90), 110
Lenin, V.I., 105
Lewis, Bernard, 10, 11
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
birth of, 146
child soldiers in, 166
defeat, 26
female suicide bombers in, 153
and Indian peace-keeping forces, 151–152
International Secretariat, 162
legacy, 172
motives for joining, 29, 156, 158–59, 160
reputation, 170
and R. Gandhi assassination, 70, 141, 142
support for, 149, 150
terrorist beginnings, 147
training of women bombers, 153–54
war with Sri Lanka, 169–71
women in, 32, 137, 165–66, 172
women’s bonds in, 164
women’s equality in, 154, 155–56
Lloyd George, David, 73
London underground attacks (July 2006), 8
Lovers of Zion, 100
Lukmanul Hakim Pesantren, 187–88, 190
MacDonald, Eileen, 34
MacDonald White Paper, 107
Madrid attacks (March 2004), 8
Magomedov, Gazimagomed, 6
Magomedov, Umalat (Al-Bara), 4
Majlis Mujahideen Indonesia (MMI), 183, 184, 185
Maktab al Khidmat, 209
Makunina, Svetlana, 63
Malik, Shakir Hamid, 224
Malik Suicidal Brigades, 210
Mandela, Nelson, 95
Mansour, Jamal, 99
Mansour, Omar, 99
Mansour, Sheikh, 37
Mantiqi 1-4 (JI brigades), 174, 182, 186, 192
Markin, Vladimir, 4
and building networks, 176, 187, 191–192
in JI, 176, 187
in LTTE, 166
to martyrs, 190
as recruitment technique, 63, 222
Marriott Hotel bombing (2003), 174, 180, 191, 196
Marriott Hotel bombing (2009), 180
approval of, 118–19
critical view of, 230–31
culture of, 29–30
desire for, 125
glorification of, 157–58
honoring, 162
justification of, 120–21, 122–23
and LTTE, 142
motivation, 132, 133, 135, 153, 167, 168, 185
as motive for terrorism, 63, 65–66
parental pride and
, 117–18
as redemption, 238
reward for, 217
tiyäkam, 155
unwillingness for, 122
Martyrs’ Brigade, 32
Massoud, Ahmad Shah, 201
Maze prison, 82
McCann, Danny, 92, 95
McEvers, Kelly, 180
McGuinness, Martin, 78
McKeown, Lawrence, 84
McKinley, William, 16
McLaughlin, Roisin, 87
McMahon, Henry, 103
media, and female terrorists, 22–23, 33–34, 128, 136
Mehaydali, Sana’a, 23
Meinhof, Ulrike, 244
Menake, 166–69
Merari, Ariel, 122, 241
Met, Wan Min Wan, 180
Miller, Judith, 127, 130
Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), 177
Morris, Benny, 108
Moscow March 2010 attacks, 1–8
Moussaoui, Zacarias, 178
Mozdok Airbase, 59
Mueller, Robert, 178
Muhammed, Atsi, 8
Muhammed, Khalid Sheikh (KSM), 177, 178
Mujahideen Shura Council, 213
Murdalov, Aslan, 45
Muslim Brotherhood (al Ikhwan al Muslimun), 176, 183
goals, 20
Mutlaq (Mutleg), Raniya Ibrahim, 30, 219–220
Muzhakhoyeva, Zarema, 59, 60
Naaseh, Hussein Omar Abu, 115
Narodnaya Volya, 33
Nasrallah, Sayyid Hassan, 121–22
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 109
Nidal, Umm (Mariam Farhat), 117–18
9/11. See September 11, 2001
9/11 Commission Report, 177
Nizari, 10
Northern Ireland
army tactics, 77–78
Bloody Sunday, 78–79
bombings, 79
British internment policy, 87–88
Catholics in, 77–79
creation of, 73–74
Falls Curfew, 78
Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA), 75, 78
Nugent, Kieran, 82
Nugent, Margaret, 84
occupation of homeland, 237
Official Republicans, 75
Okinawa, battle of, 13
Ondaatje, Michael, 148
Onishi, Takijiro, 12
Operation Bojinka, 177
Operation Fatima, 58
operations planners, 122
Ottoman Empire, 102, 103
Paisley, Ian, 74–75
controversy over ownership, 105
first intifada (1987–93), 111, 125
Jewish immigration to, 106
partition, 107
refugee crisis, 108–109
second intifada (2000–2008), 123, 128
terrorism in, 109–110
war with Jordan, 110
women’s role in terrorism, 128–29
Palestine Liberation Organization, 150
Palestinian Arab revolt (1936), 106–7
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), 109–10, 111–12
Palestinian National Authority (PNA), 117
Palme, Jens, 99
Pappé, Illan, 108
Penalgieva, Angelika, 3
Pentagon attack (2001), 14
People’s Democracy (PD), 76–77
Perry, Alex, 161
Pesantren Al-Mukmin, 181, 182, 183, 192
Pesantren, Pondok, 181
Petraeus, David, 238
Picot, Georges, 103
Pipes, Richard, 37
Platon Zubov, Prince, 36–37
politicization, 135
Politkovskaya, Anna, 61–62, 63
Polo, Marco, 10–11
Potato Famine (1845–49), 72
Prabhakaran, Velupillai, 29, 146
control of LTTE members, 165, 166
death of, 171
devotion to, 154, 158, 161, 164
and IPKF, 151–52
training of bombers, 155
pregnancy, disqualification for martyrdom, 55–56
“pregnant” bombers, 211
in N. Ireland, 68–70, 92–97
and R. Gandhi assassination, 141
Siobhan, 68–70, 92–97, 95
training for, 154
Price, Dolours, 87
Price, Marian, 87
“blanket” protests, 82–83
childbirth in, 129
children in, 129
conditions in Armagh, 80, 81–82, 96–97
hunger strikes, 82, 89–90
as learning experience, 95–96
passive resistance, 83
protests against conditions, 82–84
treatment of women in, 138–39
women in HaSharon, 126–28
Proll, Astrid, 244
Provisional Army Council, 76
Provisional IRA (Provos), 75–76, 77, 78, 79, 85, 88, 90, 91, 93, 150
Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA), 25, 29, 68, 69, 70
male nature of, 31–32
Puhalchudar, 162–66, 168
Putin, Vladimir, 40, 41, 46, 48
Rabadanov, Akhmed, 1, 8
radicalization, 135, 198–99, 237
of Chechen women, 44, 54–56, 64, 65
Raduyev, Salman, 41
Rahmah, Muhammed Rais, 190
Rahmah, Rusdi Hamid, 190
Rahmah, Siti, 190
Rahman, Muhammed Iqbal (Abu Jibril), 183
Rajapaksa, Mahinda, 27
Rajaratnam, Thenmuli (Gayatri), 70, 140–41
of Chechens by Chechens, 63, 64
of Chechens by Russians, 62, 64, 222
and ethnic cleansing, 238
of Iraqis by Iraqis, 223
Iraqis by U.S. soldiers, 223
as recruitment technique, 224–25, 236–37
of Tamil women, 153, 156
Rapoport, David C., 16–17
Rashwan, Diaa, 215
recruitment techniques, 4, 28–31, 30–31, 59–60, 65, 133–34, 152–53, 167, 186–87, 188, 197, 204, 208, 212, 217, 218, 223, 224–25, 238, 244
Red Army (Japanese), 33
Red Brigades, 33
Red Cross, 27
Reign of Terror, 15
religious conversions, 212
religious terrorism, 9–12
respect, as motivation for violence, 236
revenge, as motive for terrorism, 62, 238
Ritz-Carlton hotel bombing (2009), 180, 196
Riyadus Salikheen (Martyrs’ Brigade), 32, 59
Robespierre, Maximilien, 15
Roche, Jack, 193
Romanova, Olga, 47
Roosevelt, Teddy, 16
Roshal, Dr. Leonid, 48
destruction of Chechnya, 52
rape of Chechen women, 62–63
retaliation for Dubrovka siege, 67
treatment of Chechens, 58–59, 62
Sa’adi, Kahira, 127
Said, Abu, 46
Salafi groups, 20
Salafism, 20
Salah ad-Din, 11
Samudra, Imam, 174, 179, 186, 196
Sands, Bobby, 29, 84, 92, 93, 94
Savage, Sean, 92, 95
Sazonov, Sergey, 103
Sbarro pizzeria bombing, 98–99, 112–16, 119, 136
Schalk, Peter, 154, 155
security services, women in, 246–47
Seltsovsky, Doctor Andrei, 51
September 11, 2001, 201, 233
and Jemaah Islamiya, 178
Serraj, Eyad, 125
sexual abuse/atrocities, 222, 238–39
Shamil, Imam, 37
Shamir, Yitzhak, 112
Shannon, Margaret, 87
Shari’ah law, 182
on women and jihad, 230
Sharipova, Anvar, 6–7
Sharipova, Il
ya, 6
Sharipova, Maryam, 5–8
Sharipova, Patimat, 7
Sharon, Ariel, 123, 124
Shehadeh, Salah, 123, 124, 126
Shevchenko, Yuri, 50
Shihab, Sophie, 61
Shlaim, Avi, 108
Shukairi, Ahmed, 109
Sinhalese, and Tamil relations, 142–44
Sinn Féin, 29, 73, 74, 90, 91, 97
snipers, in Belfast, 88
Society of Muslim Brothers, 111
Somasundaram, Daya, 161
Soughir, Bilal, 202
Sri Lanka
assassination of R. Gandhi, 70
civil war in, 148–51, 169–71
colonization of, 143
history, 142–45
and India, 150–57
oppression in, 26–27
peace process, 170
Tamil civilians, treatment of, 147–48
women suicide bombers in, 137
Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SFLP), 145
Stalin, Joseph, 38
Starkova, Tamara, 54
Stíofáin, Seán Mac, 85
Stockholm syndrome, 54
Storey, Bobby, 94
strip searches, of M. Farrell, 90–91
Sufaat, Dursina, 178
Sufaat, Yazid, 178, 188
Suharto, 181, 182
suicide, in Islam, 230
suicide attacks
American (World War II), 14
by Chechens, 42–43
German (World War II), 14
as last resort, 19, 27
lethality of, 113
suicide bombers. See also jihad
advantages of female, 21–22, 24, 215
bus hijacking and female, 23
early female, 23
first female for Al Qaeda, 209–10
first Western female, 211
flexibility of, 19, 113
flexibility of female, 22
glorification of, 157–158
identities of female, 215–17
increase in female, 213–14, 216, 223–24
in Iraq, 211, 217–18
Islam view of, 184
male, 193
media treatment of female, 22–23, 33–34 128, 136
motivation, 130–31, 234–35
selection standards, 128, 221
success of female, 21–22, 225
in Tamil Tigers, 32, 153
training, 155
treatment of in Iraq, 215–16
U.S. program against, 214
in World War II, 12–14
Suleimenov, Movsar. See Barayev, Arbi (Movsar)
Sungkar, Abdullah, 173, 181–82, 187, 188, 192
Suthanthirap Paravaikal (Freedom Birds), 32, 142
Suzuki, Shigeyuki, 12–13
Sykes, Mark, 103
Sykes-Picot Agreement (1916), 103, 105
Syrian Socialist National Party (SSNP), 23
Taha, Mutawakil, 127
Talafa attack, 210
Taliban, 201
Tamil Five, 146
desire for homeland, 146, 150
and Sinhalese relations, 142–44
treatment in Sri Lanka, 145–46
Tamilselvan, S.P., 161, 170
Tamil Tigers. See Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF), 149
Tamimi, Dr. Azzam, 120
teenagers, in PIRA, 88–89