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terrorist attacks
Lebanon (1985), 23
London underground July 2005, 8
Madrid March 2004, 8
Moscow March 2010, 1–8
Pentagon (2001), 14
supermarket (Jerusalem), 23, 135
U.S. Marine barracks (1983, Lebanon), 14
USS Cole (2000, Yemen), 14
women in, 208–213
World Trade Center (1993), 16
World Trade Center (2001), 16
terrorist organizations
backlash against, 25–26
co-opting children, 247
escape attempts, 156–57
exploitation of the vulnerable, 133
motives of members, 28–31, 130–31, 156, 158–159, 160
recruitment techniques, 28–31
resources of, 24–25
state action against, 26–28
women in, 31–34, 203, 244–45
women’s roles, 136–37, 188–90, 192, 193
anti-colonial movement, 17–18
changes in, 17
definition, 15–16
evolution of, 18–19
female, and the media, 33–34
goals, 18
increase in female, 225
Islam view of, 184
qualities, 16–17
training, 168
vs. freedom fighter, 18
Thangaratnam, V., 171
Thatcher, Margaret, 84, 91, 93
Thugs (Hindu), 10
tokkotai, 12
Tone, Wolfe, 71
Top, Noordin, 180, 183, 184, 185, 188, 190–91, 196
Trabelsi, Nizar, 202
training camps
in Afghanistan, 178, 200
Wahhabi, 4
Treaty of Versailles, 73
truck bombs, 19
Turkey, women suicide bombers in, 137
Ulster Covenant of 1912, 72
Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), 77
Umarov, Dokka, 6
Umm Huda, 224
Umm Salamah, 225–26
United National Party (UNP), 145
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 157
U.S. Marine barracks attack (1983), 14, 122
USS Cole attack (2000), 14
Ustarkhanova, Magomed-Rasul, 5, 6
Ustarkhanova, Maria, 5
U2, 92
Vagapov, Magomedali, 6
Vasilyev, Vladimir, 66
Victor, Barbara, 116, 134, 135
Vilks, Lars, 207–9
Village Leagues, 112
Wahhabi Islam, in Chechnya, 36
Wahhabism, 20
Wahhabi training camps, 4
Walid, Abu, 62
Walsh, Anne, 87
Ward, Judith, 87
Weathermen, 33
Wickremanayake, Ratnasiri, 169
widows in Iraq, 218–19
Wilby, Adele Ann, 155–56
Wilkinson, Paul, 213
Wilson, Harold, 77
Wilson, Woodrow, 16, 18
Wings rock concert, 59
as bombing victims, 136
as deliberate terrorist targets, 125
exploitation of, 129
and jihad, 129
leadership, 244–45
in LTTE, 153–154, 172
oppression of, 245–46
role in PIRA, 85–87
as role models for leadership, 240
roles in terrorist organizations, 136–37, 188–90, 192, 193
selling of, 64, 65
in terrorist attacks, 208–13
as terrorist role models, 205
willingness for violence, 244
Women’s Information Office, 208
World Organization Against Torture (WOAT), 138
World Trade Center
1993 attack, 16, 19, 177
2001 attack, 16
Xing, Sim eih, 2–3
Ya’alon, Moshe, 123
Yassin, Ahmed Ismail, 112. See also Yassin, Ahmad
Yassin, Ahmad, 24
Yassin, Syawal, 187
Yeltsin, Boris, 39, 40
YouTube, 207–209
Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang, 196
Zarqawi, Umm Muhammed, 213
Zasulich, Vera, 17
Zaucha, Andrzej, 61–62
Zealots, 10
Zhirkova, Maria, 63
Zinabdiyeva, Kurbika, 59
Zionism, 100, 101
Zola, Émile, 101