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Trust The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 3)

Page 8

by Joanna Blake

  He would show her how much he cared.

  He climbed on top of her and greedily went to work.

  Chapter 25


  Oh my.

  Sally stared up at Donnie, his beautiful face dark and serious. He seemed intent on lavishing her with kisses. She almost giggled.

  He seemed to be a little bit, um, focused on her breasts.

  Donnie sighed and finally lifted his head to kiss her. He lay to the side of her and reached between her legs. He lowered his head to her breasts again, his fingers busy between her thighs.

  Any thought of laughter fled from her mind, along with any other coherent thought. He was stroking her lightly through her panties. He stopped to turn her toward him slightly and lift her leg over his. Then he went back to what he was doing.

  Exploring. Tasting. Touching.

  And oh God, he knew what he was doing.

  Donnie seemed to know just when to tease her and when to apply pressure until she was writhing on the bed. But she realized he was doing a lot more teasing than anything else. He bent his leg, lifting her top thigh into the air and spreading her wider. His hand slipped inside her panties at last, sliding up and down her outer lips without trying to push inside.

  Her hips were rocking now as Donnie kissed her nipples endlessly and toyed with her femininity. Then he moved his finger to her sweet spot and started a rapid flicking motion.

  Oh God!

  What he was doing to her defied logic. This huge biker was expertly playing her body like a fiddle! He was keeping her on the brink of orgasm. And he’d been doing it for almost an hour.

  In a back bedroom of the Spawns Clubhouse.

  And she was letting him. Not just letting him, she was loving it. But she wanted more.



  "Not yet."


  "Not yet."

  "Donnie. Take your pants off."

  He lifted his head and stared at her, his eyes dark with passion.

  “You aren’t ready for me.”


  “Trust me, sweetheart. Please?”


  He shifted lower and pulled her panties down part of the way, putting his mouth where his fingers had been. His finger started moving faster but his mouth, oh God, his mouth started kissing her below. He kissed her plump little lips deeply, letting his tongue slip inside her and withdraw with an ever increasing tempo.


  Sally was beside herself. She knew she was going to climax soon and it was going to be big. Nothing could stop the tidal wave now except… Oh!

  Donnie chuckled and slowed his pace slightly, keeping her release at bay. He lifted his head and blew on her sensitive lips. Now he was just toying with her. Several more times he brought her to the edge and pulled back until she was thrashing on the bed.

  Until she was begging.

  Finally something changed. He shifted his position and started using his tongue on her clit now. His fingers slipped inside her again and again, opening her up and stroking her slick internal walls.

  She felt her hips lift up as the world exploded. Her body arched off the bed completely as every muscle in her body tensed and then relaxed. She felt like she was floating back to the bed.

  She opened her eyes.

  She was floating.

  Donnie was using his hands to gently lower her back to the bed. And then he was gone. She couldn't see much in the darkened room but she heard the tell tale sound of a zipper.

  God bless him. He was taking his pants off.


  He was on her in an instant, kissing, touching, pressing his hot hard body against her. And every inch of him was hard. All muscle and silky hot skin. Especially down there.

  She moaned as she felt his enormous shaft pressing insistently at her belly. His shaft felt enormous. He was too big for her… but there was no going back now. Besides she wanted to feel him inside her, even if it hurt.

  He nudged her thighs apart and guided the tip of his member to her opening, slick with her arousal. They both moaned as he pressed gently forward, edging his way inside her. She felt him stretching her wide, spreading her as he pushed himself inside her.

  He was barely inside her but he felt so big… no wonder he'd taken so much time to prepare her.

  "Sally… oh God…"

  He was holding himself back. She could feel the trembling in his shoulders where he was braced above her. He was literally shaking from the effort of not plunging himself inside her again and again.

  But that's exactly what she wanted him to do.

  She let her hands slide down his back to his hips and then she pulled them towards her, urging him deeper inside her. With a moan, he gave in and drove forward, filling her completely. His bare chest pressed into hers and they both gasped at the contact. Then he was kissing her softly as he started to rotate his hips, lazily circling himself in and out of her.

  It didn't hurt a bit. It felt… incredible.

  Hot and sweet and dirty and good.

  He kept up the slow and deep rhythm until Sally started to thrash underneath him. She was going to come again. Just like that.

  He started moving faster.


  She felt herself quickening again. She knew she was getting close. He was too judging from the way his shaft was pulsing inside her. She wanted to make him explode the way he had made her fly up off the bed. She wanted him to lose himself in her…

  "I'm sorry- oh God Sally I can't-"

  "Don't stop, Donnie! Please just-"

  He froze above her and then started pistoning in and out of her at a frenzied pace. Her body felt like it was on fire, like she might burst into flames. Donnie wasn’t slowing down or stopping. He pumped into her again and again until she cried out and lifted her hips higher and higher. Shockwaves of pleasure tore through her, making her shake as Donnie poured himself into her, his member jerking as his essence filled her up completely.

  He didn't stop until the last tremors of pleasure had faded away. Then he kissed her softly and rolled to her side, pulling her with him. He held her without speaking for a long time.

  She felt… good. Really, really good.

  She hadn't known it could be like this.

  The before, the during, or the after.

  Finally he stirred and rolled over.

  “I guess we should get dressed.”

  She nodded and he started pulling his clothes on. She stood and reached for her bra and panties. She looked up and he was watching her get dressed mournfully.

  "I should just keep you in here. Hide your clothes."

  She giggled and threw his shirt at him, sighing regretfully as he covered up his gorgeous chest and shoulders. He grinned and held out his hand.

  "Come on, let's go."


  "Back to the bar."

  "But- everyone will know what we just did!"

  He smiled at her devilishly.

  "I know."


  She pulled her hand back.

  "What? I want everyone to know you are with me."

  "You planned this!"

  He pulled her in for a kiss but she stood stiffly in his arms.

  "No. I didn't."

  "Donnie, I'm not going back in there."

  "You want to sneak out the back?"

  "Maybe I do."

  He shook his head.

  "No, baby. You are with me now and it's time people knew."

  He pulled her into the hallway. She went with him willingly enough, though she had her doubts. When they walked into the barroom she was in for an unpleasant surprise.

  Kaylie and Devlin were gone. Janet sat at the bar with Jack. She waved them over.

  As they walked through the room it erupted in boisterous cheers. The whole place was chanting Donnie's name. Sally's face was red as she pulled her hand out of his grip.

  He swiveled his
head back toward her.

  "I- have to use the ladies room."

  He nodded and pointed back the way they had come. She hurried back toward the restrooms as the men slapped Donnie's back. She turned back in time to see Janet scolding Jack for giving Donnie a high five.

  Then she ran.

  Chapter 26


  Devlin stared at the woman on his bed. He growled in frustration. The woman he was trying to make love to.

  His woman.

  He had needs dammit. And she’d been depriving him for too long. But Kaylie just wanted to talk.

  He sighed and paced back and forth in his room above the clubhouse.

  Pacing was the only thing keeping him from jumping her.

  Maybe if they talked, she'd let him...

  "I'm confused, Kaylie. I thought you didn't want to get married?"

  "No, Dev I said I didn't want to get married yet. Besides you never even asked me."

  "I asked your mom!"

  Kaylie rolled over and pulled her button down shirt shut. He moaned inwardly. Once she started buttoning that thing it would take forever to get her out of it again. He hadn't had her in a week.

  And it had been a very long week.

  He'd spent it wondering if he'd ever get to hold his sweet girl again.

  He'd spent wondering if he'd ever recover if he didn't.

  "No, Devlin. You asked her if she'd like you for a son in law. She said yes. She meant it. She just didn't think you meant right away."

  "Is she mad?"

  Kaylie shook her head, causing her golden brown waves to ripple over her shoulders. Her clothed shoulders. He groaned and leaned against the wall.

  She was driving him insane!

  Well, it was hard to be mad when she was looking so sweetly at him. He could see her white lace bra peeking out from her still unbuttoned shirt.

  "No. She thinks it's sweet. And she said it's up to me."

  He waited expectantly.


  She rolled her eyes and reached for her buttons, slipping one into place.

  "You are going to have to ask me properly and find out."

  He started towards her. Well, if that was all it took-

  "With a ring.”

  He stopped.


  “And on your knees.”

  He grinned. He’d be happy to get on his knees and beg her to take her shirt off again. But she held up a finger.

  “And not right now."

  She sat up and primly started to dress herself. He growled and pounced on her. She squealed as he started devouring her earlobe. He knew that made her crazy. Her neck was very sensitive. And she smelled so sweet.

  He unbuttoned her shirt again, making her laugh and push at his shoulders.

  "Devlin! We are having a serious discussion here!"

  He lifted his head and stared down as his beautiful girl.

  "Yes. We are."

  He saw the surrender in her eyes a split second before his lips were on hers, kissing her senseless.

  All he had to do was ask.

  Did that mean she would say yes? She would marry him? He wanted her under his roof every night. Was she giving in to him after all this?

  He'd think about what that meant. But later.

  Much later.

  Chapter 27


  Sally had never felt so ashamed in her life.

  She ran along the dark sidewalks, wiping hot tears off her cheeks. How could he humiliate her like that? He must have known what would happen.

  Damn him!

  He didn’t care about her! He just wanted bragging rights. And he had them now.

  She was going to have to leave town, she realized. He’d gotten what he wanted. Now she would be the girl who got screwed in the back of the club.


  She had a moment of regret- imagining how he would feel when he realized she'd run out on him. She knew he wouldn't understand why she was so upset. He probably didn’t mean to upset her.

  He didn’t understand that Sally was a private person. She'd learned to protect her personal life when her career had started to take off. And then later, when she’d been running for her life.

  What had happened between them was secret and special.

  Very, very special.

  Well, it had been for her anyway.

  She'd never felt anything like that in her life. Not even close. He'd shaken her to her core, opened her up with his words and hands and mouth and… then exposed her to the club.

  It felt like the worst kind of betrayal.

  He owed her an apology at the very least. And she owed him- nothing. She'd given him what he wanted already. He'd just have to be satisfied with that.

  It was over.

  Besides, she wasn't sure she could go through that again even if she still wanted to his girlfriend. Everyone in that clubhouse knew what they'd been doing. They'd cheered for him like she was some sort of conquest.

  She felt sick.

  Well, she didn't have to go back. She was a free woman. He'd given her one night of unforgettable passion but that was it. They'd both have to move on. She certainly wasn't laying down for him in the clubhouse again. Maybe she should move tomorrow.

  Just pick up and find another town.

  Another state.

  The thought of leaving filled her with sadness. She'd made a life for herself here. It was a far cry from the glamorous life she'd had in Nashville, but in a lot of ways it was better. More real.

  She'd miss it. She’d miss Mae and Kaylie and Charlie. Janet and Jack. Becky.

  But she'd miss Donnie most of all.

  She walked up to her tiny little house and pulled out her keys. She unlocked the door without thinking.

  Without noticing that not all the locks were making that same satisfying thud they usually did.

  She walked inside and flipped the light switch.

  Something was wrong. Very, very wrong.

  "Hello sweetheart."

  She spun, reaching out for the bat.

  It was gone.

  Carl was standing in the hallway, holding the bat in his hands.

  Sally's whole body turned ice cold.

  This was it. He’d found her. And now he was going to kill her.

  Hell no.

  It wasn’t going to go down like that. She wasn't going to let him.


  He backhanded her across the face, sending her sprawling into the living room. She scrambled for the couch and the hidden pepper spray under the cushion.

  He was laughing behind her.

  The bastard was laughing.

  When Carl laughed like that it wasn't just a bad sign.

  It was the worst sign.

  "Whatcha lookin' for sweetness?"

  He walked toward her and she scooted back on her hands and knees as he circled around the room.

  "I found all your little toys honey. I've got them now."

  He held up her bat, taunting her with it.

  "Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to start with this. It would be over too quickly that way. Let's start with your old friend, Mr. Belt. Then we can warm up to… other things."

  He tossed the bat aside and pulled his belt off. She shielded her face as he brought the belt down on her head and shoulders.


  She didn’t want to cry. Didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. But she couldn’t help it.

  Dear God it hurt.

  He lifted his arm again and again. Sally stopped trying to figure out a way to fight back and started to pray.

  Please lord, save me from this peril. I swear that I will never take the lord's name in vain. I will never-


  She couldn't help it. She screamed.

  Carl was beating her in earnest, not holding anything back. He stopped for a moment and kicked her with his heavy boots. She peered up at him from between her crossed arms. He was snarling like a rabid mut

  "Did you lay with him? Tell me, you whore!"

  He kicked her again. She was trying to figure out how to get ahold of his foot when he kicked her again, this time in the gut. She rolled over, moaning and clutching her belly.

  "Did you fuck him? Tell me!"

  He lifted his arm again, raising the belt over his head. She forced herself to answer. Maybe he'd stop if she could convince him.

  "I don't know what you are talking about!"

  "The guy who keeps riding by! The monkey on the motorcycle!"

  Oh God. How long had he been watching her? He must mean Donnie… Donnie must have been riding by unbeknownst to her. Checking up on her.

  It was sweet of him. It was going to get her killed though. Her silence must have confirmed it for Carl because he threw back his head and stared at the ceiling.

  "That's too bad, honey. I told you I would kill you if you ever touched another man. But first, I'm gonna kill him. Where's he at now? You tell me and I'll make it nice and quick when it's your turn. Otherwise, you and me are gonna have some fun."

  Like hell they were!

  A sound outside must have distracted Carl because he turned his head for an instant. That was all the time Sally needed. She rolled to her feet and landed a running kick to his gut, knocking him into the entryway. He was scrambling backwards and she rained drop kicks into him until he lay still, with her boot on his throat.

  It wasn't exactly textbook martial arts but it had done the trick.

  The door crashed open behind her. She didn't turn to see who it was. She didn't have to.


  Chapter 28


  Motherfucker. He was going to kill him. He’d touched her.

  He could see bruises forming. And her lip was bleeding. And God knows what else.

  Donnie was staring at his tiny little woman. She had her heel on a man's throat. Her house was trashed. That must have been one hell of a fight.

  The thought of that pig laying hands on her made him see red. More than red. His vision went black.

  The man on the floor was whimpering incoherently.



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