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Trust The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 3)

Page 9

by Joanna Blake

  He walked over to the sniveling bastard and stepped on his hand until he released the belt he was gripping. He’d hit her with that. A belt could do a lot of damage, Donnie knew from experience.

  He started to roll him over but Sally was frozen in place, obviously afraid to take her foot off his throat. He realized she was shaking. He put his arm around her and tried to give her some of his warmth.

  "Sally, honey let me take over. You did good, baby."

  He stared at the piece of shit on the floor.

  "Real good."

  She nodded and pulled her foot back. Donnie rolled the guy onto his face and quickly strapped his arms together with his own belt. The scumbag had a pistol tucked into the back of his jeans. Donnie used his shirt to pick it up and slide it away from them.

  "You got a rope or something?"

  She left the room and was back in a minute with another belt. This one was pink. He smiled and tied the bastard's feet. The little shit heel wasn't going anywhere. He pulled out his cell and texted Dev and Jack to bring the guys over and to send a car for Sally. Then he stood up and finally got a good look at her beautiful face.

  Sally was bleeding. A lot. From her lip, one ear and what looked like a few lacerations around her neck and shoulders. That bastard had done this.

  Because of Donnie. He swallowed, the rage and despair fighting for dominance. He’d said he would protect her.

  "Oh honey…"

  He took a step toward her but she stepped away from him.

  "I'm fine."

  "No, you're not, sweetheart.”

  "Don't call me that."

  He stopped, confused. She wasn't acting like a damsel in distress who'd just been rescued by her man. Then he remembered. He'd momentarily forgotten that she'd dipped out on him at the clubhouse. He'd forgotten about the ribbing they'd gotten from the rest of the club. Her eyes were narrowed as she stared at him.

  Clearly, she had not forgotten.

  "Come on now, Sally, don't be like that. They were just havin' a little fun at my expense."

  "Your expense? What about me? I'm the one who looked like a whore."

  He held his hands up.

  "No, honey you didn't. They were just happy because I've been mooning over you for so long. They were giving me shit."

  She stared at him distrustfully, obviously not sure what to think.

  "I swear to you, Sally. They were just glad that I wasn't going to be such a bastard anymore. You're my old lady.”

  She blinked. She must know what that meant. Good.

  “Or you will be if you can stop being so mad at me. Just say the word."

  He held his breath while he watched the emotions play across her beautiful face.

  Finally she nodded and dropped her head forward. He pulled her into his arms and held her until the sound of motorcycles could be heard outside.

  Dev and Jack walked in first and surveyed the damage.

  "Jesus. What the hell happened man?"

  Donnie pointed to the tied up man lying on the floor.

  "That piece of shit right there."

  "We'll take care of him, man. Never to be heard from again."

  Sally shook her head wildly.

  "No Donnie, you can't! I don't want you to get in trouble."

  He stood there, his jaw clenched. He wanted to kill the guy so bad he could taste it. But he wasn't going to do it behind her back. He wasn't going to lie to her.

  "You sure, Sally? He doesn't deserve to live."

  She nodded.

  "I know. Just promise you won't kill him, Donnie. It's not worth it."

  "Alright sweetheart, I won't. There are worse things than death though."

  The man on the floor moaned and Jack kicked him. That made Donnie smile.

  "Shut up you piece of crap. He did this to you, Sally?"

  Sally nodded.

  "It's- it's not the first time."

  "Oh, but it's sure as shit the last."

  Jack cracked his knuckles together and the most terrifying smile came over his face. Donnie knew that he and Dev looked the same.

  Carl didn't stand a chance.

  Whisky Beard came in and looked around without showing any reaction.

  "What do you need?"

  Donnie stepped forward, bringing Sally with him under his arm.

  "Take her to the ER and then my place. Don't leave until I come back. I'll send a few guys to stand watch at the hospital with you."

  "I don't need the ER Donnie. I'm okay… and I don't want anyone looking at me."

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her forehead.

  "You sure?"

  She nodded.

  "Alright, Mike take her to my moms. She'll know what to do. Look at me, sweetie."

  She lifted her face to him. He felt like crying seeing how brave she was being. He kissed her swollen lips softly, knowing they must hurt.

  "You go on now, honey. Carl and I are just going to have a little talk."

  "Be careful Donnie."

  He didn't answer, just waited until she was gone and the car had pulled away from the curb. He pulled out his phone and called his mother.

  "Mom. I'm sending someone over. Yeah… it's her. Yes, of course I want you to meet her at a sensible hour.”

  His mother was badgering him for answers. She told hi there was a right way and a wrong way to do things. He lowered his voice.

  “It's not like that mom! No- she's been beat up. Her ex is a real sonofabitch. Yeah. Oh, don't worry. I'll take care of it."

  He hung up and looked almost gleefully at the piece of garbage on the floor.

  Dev slapped his hand on his shoulder.

  "What now, brother?"

  Donnie picked the bat up off the floor.

  "Now shit gets real."

  Chapter 29


  It was over. Carl had found her and she was still alive. She didn't want to think about what they were doing to him back there. Hopefully it would be enough to keep him from coming near her ever again.

  “You okay?”

  Sally nodded to Mike. But it was a bit of a fib. She was feeling woozy as they pulled up to Donnie's mother's house. It was a beautiful wooded spot just past the edge of town, on what used to be a small farm.

  Two adorable little houses sat next to each other, separated by less than fifty feet. They looked charming, with white picket fences and matching front porches. That's about all she could see in the dark.

  "The one next door is Donnie's place."

  That explained the two houses.

  Mike helped her out of the car and up to the front door. He rang the doorbell.

  "Bring her in here, son!"

  "Yes, Mrs. Donahue."

  He held Sally around the waist and he guided her to the bright and cheerful kitchen. He eased her into a chair. Mrs. Donahue walked over, wiping her hands on her apron. She was a stunning older woman, with long black and silver hair and blue eyes.

  Just like Donnie's.

  "Tsk tsk. Look at you honey. Who did this to you?"

  "My ex."

  “He find out you’re with my boy now? Didn’t like it much I gather.”

  “Yes, m’am.”

  Mrs. Donahue started talking and didn't stop while she gently examined Sally's face.

  "Not the first time either was it? Well don't worry, I've got plenty of experience with this. First myself. Then the kids. And then Donnie getting into every scrape he could. I swear you would think that boy had magnets in his fists."

  She pulled at Sally's silk top.

  "Take this off, honey. I’ll get you a robe. You can go now, Mike."

  "Donnie told me to stick around. Okay if I sit on the porch?"

  "Course, honey. I'll bring you out some iced tea in a little while. Send Marie in if you see her."

  Sally sat very still while Donnie's mother tended to her. The older woman tsk'd a few more times but was otherwise silent. She knew what she was doing too- being as gentle as possible
while thoroughly cleaning all the cuts and abrasions. She finished everything off with an ointment and bandages.

  "Best to let some of these breath. Just covered up the worst of them."

  "Thank you."

  Mrs. Donahue laughed.

  "Girl, you're the first woman Donnie's ever brought home to me. I'd knit you a sweater if you were cold. Now then, you want a bourbon and a lie down? I don't have anything stronger than a Tylenol."

  Sally shook her head. She didn't want to fall asleep. Not until she knew that Donnie was okay.

  That he hadn't done anything stupid on her behalf.

  "No, thank you. But I'd like some coffee if you have it."

  "Afraid to go to sleep eh? Don't blame you. I don't have coffee though. Just tea."

  "That'd be fine, thank you. I just- I just want to see Donnie when he gets back."

  That made Mrs. Donahue beam. She brewed a pot of tea and poured Sally a cup. She was sipping it when a beautiful teenage girl came in.

  "Come here Marie, say hello to Sally. She's Donnie's good friend."

  Marie came over and gave Sally a shy little curtsy. It would have been adorable on a child but Marie was a lovely young woman. She was also simple. That was plain to see when you looked into her eyes.

  Sally's heart twisted when she thought about all that this family had been through. She looked around again, not wanting them to see the pity in her eyes. She started noticing the fine craftsmanship of the home. It had been meticulously restored and renovated.

  "You have a beautiful house, Mrs. Donahue."

  "Oh this here is Donnie's place."

  "I thought he lived in the house next door?"

  "That's Donnie's place too. We live here, but he owns 'em both. The barn too. Though you probably knew that."

  Sally shook her head slowly. She had no idea Donnie was so well off. In fact, she had no idea what he even did at all. His mother was looking at her shrewdly.

  "You don't have a clue about him, do you? Just some pretty boy on a bike with nice eyes?"

  Sally frowned. She didn't think of him that way exactly… did she?

  “No, it’s just-“


  “Well, everything happened kind of fast.”

  Mrs. Donahue snorted. Sally had a sinking feeling that Mrs. Donahue didn't think much of her at that moment.

  "Here, take this flashlight. Marie, take Miss Sally out to the workshop."

  She stood and followed Marie out of the house, hearing Mrs. Donahue muttering.

  "How a body could be in love with someone and not know the first thing…"

  Mrs. Donahue had a point.

  She walked out a well worn path toward a barn about a hundred yards from the house. An enormous willow tree filled the space in front of it. A flat wooden swing hung from one of the sturdy branches above. Marie ran ahead and slid the barn doors open. She flicked a switch and ran back to the tree, hopping onto the swing.

  Sally watched her on the swing for a minute. The girl was happy. She knew she was safe and loved.

  Thanks to Donnie.

  Sally walked into the open barn door and her mouth dropped open. The interior of the barn was modernized, with industrial lamps hanging high above, illuminating the room from corner to corner. There were work tables and heaps of scrap metal everywhere.

  But most of all, there was art.

  Huge metal sculptures were everywhere. A motorcycle that looked like it could take flight with the enormous wings spread out from the sides. There was an angel that looked like Marie as well as many abstract but beautiful designs. There was another motorcycle across the room that made a shiver run down her spine. It had horns and a tail, almost like a… no it was… a bike fit for the Devil.

  How had he managed to make these out of metal? They looked so fluid, like they were molded out of silk. Then she saw the torches lining a high metal rack.

  Of course. Donnie was a welder. Well, more than that really. He was a metal smith. And an artist.

  An incredibly talented one.

  She walked through the barn in awe, with something new to see at every turn.

  A small figure hanging from the ceiling caught her eye. It was pirouetting, with long copper hair streaming down it's back. It almost looked alive the way it was spinning on it's wire. She stepped closer to get a better look.

  The figure was a woman. Her head was thrown back and there was something wild and free is the way her arms were reaching behind her, almost as if she was about to take flight.

  Her heart started pounding in her chest.

  It looked like her.

  Donnie had sculpted her.

  All the fears she'd had about him, all the walls she'd put up, they all came tumbling down in that instant. He did love her. His mama had said so hadn't she?

  She stayed in the workshop for almost an hour, touching things and just letting herself revel in her new discovery.

  Donnie loved her.

  And she loved him.

  Finally she went back to the house with Marie following at her heels. Nobody seemed to mind that it was the middle of the night. She showered, wanting to get the slightest hint of Carl's touch off of her. Then she let Mrs. Donahue give her one of Marie's nightgowns and put her to bed like a child.

  She closed her eyes and thought about the future for the first time in what felt like forever. She was exhausted. But she didn't sleep. She couldn't. She had to wait for him.

  Donnie came home around dawn.

  She heard his mother whispering as he came into the house.

  "She's resting."

  "I just want to see her. Is she going to be alright?"

  "She's okay. He got in some pretty bad licks. You said she got in some too?"

  "And then some."

  "She's quite a girl, Donnie."

  "I know Ma."

  Donnie came into the room she was resting in. He stood in the doorway. He looked so alone there. She wanted him to come in and hold her.

  He stepped forward as she sat up, letting the blanket slide off her shoulder.

  "You're awake."

  "I wanted to see you."

  He came over to her and sat on the edge of the bed. She leaned back and let him stroke her hair.

  "He won't bother you again."

  "You didn't-"

  "Shhhhh… no honey, I kept my promise. He's going to have a limp for the rest of his life though."

  “He still could come back.”

  “No. We made sure all the guys got a good look at him. He is persona non grata here.”

  He grinned.

  “Besides, we told him if we saw him again we’d take something more valuable.”

  She held her arms out and he lay down beside her. They stayed like that as the sun came up.

  Chapter 30


  Donnie woke up with a start. The bed beside him was empty. He sat up and gripped his hand. He'd jacked it up punching that weasel in the face over and over again, making sure to rearrange some of his features.

  He wouldn't have such an easy time finding women to terrorize looking like that.

  The thought of that guy hurting Sally, for all those years, it made him see red. Speaking of which… where was she?

  He stretched and went downstairs. His mother was there. Sally was not.

  "Where's Sally?"

  "She headed out a while ago son. Asked which way was town and off she went."

  "What? You just let her leave?"

  Donnie knew what she was doing. She was running again. That's what Sally did to protect herself. And now she was running from him. He felt rage and fear welling up inside him.

  He wasn't going to let her run away this time. She could try, but he was going to catch her. And he was going to keep her. He ran into his house and grabbed something from his kitchen drawer. Then he was running for his bike.

  "Son, wait!"

  Behind him his mother called out for him but he didn't stop. He couldn't.

p; Donnie was on his bike in two seconds and blazing down the dirt road at full speed. It was a ten minute ride into town and a thirty minute walk. He made it in five. If he could catch up with her he would make her understand that she belonged with now.

  They belonged together.

  Donnie cruised past her house but she wasn't there. Then he pulled around to the main drag, scanning the streets for her all the way to Mae's.


  Damn, where the hell had she gone?

  He pulled the bike over when he finally saw her coming out of the fancy new coffee shop that had just opened on the far side of town. She was wearing her tight jeans and one of his old flannel shirts. She looked damn good in it too, bruises and all.

  He felt his stomach settle back into the place it was supposed to be, and out of his throat, where it had been keeping his heart company.

  Sally was carrying one of those cardboard take out trays with two large cups in it.

  She hadn't run. She was just getting coffee.

  The little caffeine addict.

  He scowled. A man was talking to her. He recognized the guy… It was Jerry, that guy who ran the place where she learned self defense. He'd done a damn good job too.

  She’d kicked butt. He was damned proud of her too.

  Donnie was about to congratulate him when he saw the way the guy was looking at Sally. She looked annoyed about it. He was too far to hear what they were saying but he sure as shit saw it when she dumped coffee on the guys lap.

  Donnie laughed.

  "Dammit Jerry, now I have to get more coffee!"

  Well, he heard that.

  The guy was still there, lurking around when Donnie pulled his bike in front of the coffee shop. He took one look at Donnie and took off. He leaned back on his bike waited for her to come back out.

  "You're a coffee junkie, you know that?"

  She smiled at him and sipped her coffee.

  "I got you one too."

  He grinned at her.

  "I liked the way you disposed of the first one."

  She blushed and said nothing, just inhaled more of her precious caffeine.

  "Come on, let's go home."

  "We better drink it now, it'll spill on the bike."

  "I'll get a coffee maker."

  She clutched her coffee cup even tighter. He sighed. She was too cute.


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