Book Read Free

Magic Touch

Page 9

by Jayda Marx

  Chapter Nine


  I smiled when Puck stirred in my arms. I’d been watching him sleep peacefully for nearly half an hour, thanking Fate for putting someone so beautiful and kind in my life. “Good morning, darling,” I whispered when his eyes fluttered open.

  A pretty smile of his own graced his cheeks. “Good morning.” He burrowed deeper into my hold. “Mm, I think this is the best way to wake up.” I couldn’t agree more. Puck’s nose twitched as he sniffed the air. “Do I smell bacon?”

  “And eggs.” I kissed his neck and nuzzled my cheek against his. “They’ll be ready in just a few minutes.”

  “Wait, who’s cooking them?” He looked over his shoulder at me. “Did your mother come over to feed us again?”

  I laughed, even though I understood his conclusion. I’d never seen my mother the way she was around Puck. My sweet mate effortlessly transformed her from graceful High Priestess to doting smother-in-law.

  “No, I’m making them. They’ll be in when they’re ready.”

  “You can do that?” he asked with wide eyes. I nodded and he blinked in surprise. “That’s incredible.” It was a simple spell, really, but I wasn’t about to turn away his praise. The way he marvelled over my abilities made me feel like the luckiest, most powerful man on Earth. “You’re incredible, Indy,” he insisted as he rolled over to face me.

  “I love when you call me that.”


  I nodded. “I’ve never had a nickname before. It’s very special that you gave it to me.” He smiled beautifully and made my heart skip a beat. “Have you had a nickname?”

  His smile flattened. “Not a nice one.”

  Damn. I never wanted to make him upset. “Hmm, I think we need to fix that.”

  Thankfully, his grin returned. “Okay, let’s hear what you’ve got.”

  Think, Indigo. What’s short for Puck? “How about ‘P’?”

  Puck’s brows furrowed. “You want to call me ‘pee’?”

  “Okay, scratch that.”

  Puck snorted a laugh and wrapped his arm around my waist. “What else do you have?”

  I searched my brain, but couldn’t come up with anything as special as he deserved. “I’m sorry; I can’t think of anything, darling.”

  “Now that’s the nickname I love,” he insisted. I smiled, proud that I’d given him a special name after all. I buried my fingers into his springy curls and eased his face to mine until our lips touched in a soft, tender kiss. Just as I moved to deepen it, something bumped the back of my head.

  I released his lips and looked behind me to see two plates floating next to the bed. “Ah, here’s breakfast.”

  “Incredible,” Puck repeated in a whisper as I plucked the dishes from the air and handed him one filled with bacon and eggs.

  “Are scrambled eggs okay? I can fix you something else if you prefer.”

  “No, this looks delicious, thank you.” We dug into breakfast and two glasses of orange juice joined us a few moments later, much to Puck’s surprise and delight. He raved about my cooking and my powers, and if my head swelled any bigger, I wouldn’t be able to fit on the bed with him.

  “Are you nervous about today?” I asked when our dishes were empty and I’d sent them back to the kitchen. We were travelling into town to move his things to his new home and he was quitting his job; it was understandable if he was having jitters about the coming changes.

  “Honestly? No. It’s a big change, but I’m ready for it. I'm ready to start our life together, and everything it brings with it."

  I was still amazed by his easy acceptance. I never thought a human could embrace my culture so quickly, but then again, I'd never met my Puck. I learned quickly to never underestimate him.

  "Are you nervous about tomorrow?" It would bring even more change, as we became bonded together physically and spiritually with our coven and Fate as witnesses.

  My heart fell when he took on an uncertain expression. "There is one thing I'm worried about."

  "You can tell me anything." Even if it was hard to hear, I'd support him any way I could.

  He chewed his lip for a moment before answering, "I've been thinking a lot about what your parents said last night about human blood diluting magical blood." I narrowed my eyes, unsure where this was going. "A human has never been fated to a mage. What if when we bond, I dilute your powers? What if instead of me inheriting your lifeline, you inherit mine?"

  Understanding settled over me and I took his hand. "Puck, please don't worry your mind. Even if both of those things come to pass, they will be a small price to pay for being with the love of my life. I'd gladly hand over all of my powers to be with you, and an immortal life doesn't mean anything if you're not by my side."

  Puck buried his face into my neck and I rubbed my hand up and down his back. "I don't know what I did to deserve you," he said in a shaky voice.

  "I feel the same way," I whispered back. "I don’t think I could ever explain what you mean to me.”

  “You don’t have to,” he shrugged. “I feel it too.” He lifted his head from my shoulder and gave me a sweet kiss. “Can we go into town soon? I don’t want to wait.”

  “Of course.” I was just as eager as he was. I rolled out of bed and heard a soft hum behind me. I turned my head to find Puck staring at my ass with a dreamy smile on his lips.

  “I forgot you weren’t wearing pants. It’s a shame you have to cover that up.”

  Damn if that didn’t put an extra pep in my step. I strutted over to the closet, clenching my leg and back muscles as I went. More hums told me Puck enjoyed the show. If I wasn’t so excited to get him fully moved in and immersed into my world, I would have climbed right back into bed with him. Whenever we returned, I planned on spending the whole afternoon and evening loving on his beautiful body. The thought was quite exciting and it was difficult to button my jeans.

  Once I pulled on a light gray sweater, Puck sighed and got up from the bed to gather his clothing from the night before. My mouth watered as I watched him bend over to step into his jeans; his t-shirt rose a few inches and I got an eyeful of the round, fleshy mounds of his perfect ass through the tight material of his briefs. Unfortunately, the view only lasted a moment before the denim covered him.

  I pulled on my boots and clasped my pendant around my neck before piling my hair onto the top of my head in a messy bun.

  “Hey,” Puck began as he laced up his sneakers, “Do you mind if we go to my apartment first? That way I can change into some fresh-” his words halted when he turned to face me.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. “I just really like your hair up. You’re so handsome.”

  I crossed the room in three large steps and cupped his cheeks. It was difficult to keep my hands off of him anyway, but when he said such sweet things, it was impossible. I took his lips in a long, slow kiss, sliding our tongues together. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and our bodies melted against one another. Our intensity climbed and soon we were nipping with teeth and grasping at each other with eager fingers.

  I gasped for breath when I pulled my lips from his. "Darling, we should get going or I'm afraid I won't be able to leave this room at all."

  He swallowed hard again with a nod. "Do you have to be hidden again?"

  "It's for the best. I don't want to put you in danger." I had no way of knowing if there would be any crusaders around or how they may be tracking other mages.

  "Damn. I was really hoping to show off my super sexy fiance to everyone."

  His words flattered me, but I didn't miss the sadness in his eyes. He didn't want me to have to hide. "I'll be visible to only you, and you alone will be able to hear me."

  "Oh good," he answered in a relieved sigh. "I want to be able to see you."

  I kissed his lips again (but kept it chaste) and took a step back. I closed my eyes, pressed my palms together, and recited:

>   Warren and the people thereof

  Hide me from all but my true love

  Until I return to this home we share

  Let me appear as if I were thin air

  “Did it work?” Puck asked, looking me over curiously.

  “It did; I can feel it. Are you ready?” At his nod, I drew a circle on the wall in front of me as I called forth a portal. I took his hand and we walked into it together, emerging through the other side into Puck’s apartment.

  He didn’t say anything for several moments. He walked around the space carefully inspecting and trailing his fingers over his belongings. I wished I knew what was going through his mind; whether he was simply deciding what to bring with him, or if he was having second thoughts.

  “It’s strange,” he announced before I could ask what he was thinking. “I lived here for nearly two years; I was just here yesterday morning and didn't know if I’d ever move out, but being here now feels...wrong, I guess. Now that I’ve seen Evermere and shared a bed with you, the thought of staying here turns my stomach.” He gave me a sweet smile and took my hands. “My place is with you, Indy.”

  I swallowed around the thick lump of emotions in my throat and squeezed his hands. “You don’t know what it means to me to hear you say that.”

  “Let’s get this done so we can go home.”

  Puck changed into a fresh outfit before we got to work moving his other clothing, which involved me casting a portal and him simply tossing the fabric onto the bed we shared in our home. He said that my process of moving was way better than the human version. He sent through his clothes and a few odds and ends, but took very little from his old place. Since our home was fully furnished, he decided to donate what furniture he had to the next renter.

  “I think that’s everything,” Puck said after one last look through each room.

  “Are you ready to go to Rosie’s?”

  He tapped his fingers on his thighs for a moment before shaking his head. “Actually, there’s one more thing I’d like to take care of before we leave. Will you come with me?”

  “Of course.” I followed him into the kitchen, where he fished a piece of paper out of a drawer in the counter. He scribbled some information onto the back before folding it in half and placing it in the pocket of his jeans. He grabbed a set of keys from a small hook by the door before opening it and motioning me through. He led me down the hall to apartment 318, where he gently knocked on the entrance.

  A minute later, the door opened and a woman I recognized from the day before, Mrs. Willoughby, appeared. “Oh hello, Puck,” she greeted with a smile. “What are you up to today?”

  “I’m getting ready to head into town, but I wanted to stop by and speak to you first.”

  “Would you like to come in? I’ll make you a cup of tea.”

  Puck surreptitiously looked in my direction and I nodded. This visit was obviously important to him, and I’d never keep him from his friend.

  “I’d love to,” he answered, and Mrs. Willoughby excitedly waved him inside. I slipped in through the door before she shut it behind us.

  “Have a seat,” she insisted, motioning towards a floral print loveseat. “I’ll grab us that tea.”

  “Would you like a hand?” Puck offered sweetly, but she shook her head.

  “No, no, you just relax. I’ve already got water ready, I just need to fetch us some cups.” I watched as she limped toward her small kitchen. It was tidy, just like the rest of her apartment, which was filled with homey touches of lace doilies and antique knick knacks.

  Puck captured my attention by tapping on my hip; he was sitting on the loveseat and I stood beside him. When I looked down, he crooked his finger, so I bent so that my ear was next to his lips. He whispered, “Do you know any healing spells?”

  My heart swelled at his concern for his friend’s wellbeing. “I’m afraid I’m not as talented as Clarissa or Eden, but I may be able to help.”

  Puck sat up straighter when Mrs. Willoughby returned and handed him a teacup resting on a saucer. She took a seat in a recliner across from him, and Puck placed his drink on a coffee table between them. “How’s your knee feeling today?” he asked in a louder tone.

  “Oh, same as always, I suppose,” she answered with a shrug. “The doctor told me that surgery is the only option at this point, but I just can’t afford it. At least I can still get around, though; I’m luckier than a lot of folks out there.” It was easy to see why she and Puck were friends; they were both kind, strong souls.

  “You know, I used to get shin splints really bad, but someone showed me a stretch that helped a lot. May I show it to you?”

  “I’m not sure a stretch will help, but I’m willing to try anything.” Puck sprang from the sofa and helped Mrs. Willoughby to her feet.

  “Okay, so put your foot like this…” He pointed his toe and once Mrs. Willoughby was copying his actions, Puck nodded to me with a wink. I knelt down beside her and held my hands about an inch away from her knee and spoke:

  Magic mend all that’s concerned,

  Illness leave and health return

  My palms heated as green sparks erupted from them. I repeated the spell over and over, and the sparks linked into beams which arced from my hands to Mrs. Willoughby’s leg.

  “Oh my, that is helping,” she said, stretching her leg again in the way Puck showed her. I didn’t doubt what he told her about his old pains; my Puck wouldn’t lie. This didn’t count as a lie; it was a hidden blessing.

  When the spell was complete, I lowered my hands and stood up. Though I wasn’t a gifted healer, I hoped I helped her pain, and her smile told me I’d done just that.

  “That’s incredible!” she exclaimed, kicking her leg back and forth. “That’s better than it’s felt in years.” She let out a giddy laugh and began pacing all around her apartment.

  Puck stepped to my side and kissed my cheek while Mrs. Willoughby’s back was turned. He propped up on his tiptoes and whispered into my ear, “Thank you, my love.” I returned his kiss, and Puck took his place on the sofa once again when she reappeared.

  “I’ll tell you one thing,” she said when she sat in her recliner again, “That doctor is a quack.” Puck and I chuckled as she crossed her arms in a huff. “Telling me I needed surgery when all it took was a good stretch.” Her discontent melted into an adoring smile when she looked at Puck. “But I’m so grateful to you, sweetie, and I’m glad you came to visit.” She went to take a drink of her tea but stopped suddenly. “Oh, you wanted to speak about something, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I actually stopped by to tell you that I’m moving out of the building.” Mrs. Willoughby looked ready to argue until he added, “I’ve met an incredible man and we’re getting married.”

  She let out a high pitched squeal that made both Puck and me flinch. “Oh, this is wonderful news!” She jumped from her seat with renewed vigor and took Puck in a hug. “I hate to see you leave, but I’m so happy for you.” She sighed and sat down next to him. “Marriage is a wonderful thing. The years I spent with Willard were the best of my life.” She patted his hand and smiled, making her gray-blue eyes sparkle. “Congratulations, sweetie. He must be incredible if he won your heart.”

  “He is,” Puck replied proudly, and my chest warmed.

  “I hope you’ll still come visit me,” she said with a pleading look.

  “I promise.” They hugged again before Puck pulled the slip of paper out of his back pocket. “There’s one more thing before I have to leave.” He unfolded the sheet and handed it to Mrs. Willoughby, who looked over it confusedly. “It’s the title to my car; I’ve signed it over to you.”

  “But Puck-”

  “My fiance gave me a new mode of transportation,” Puck said with a wink in my direction. “So I won’t be needing it anymore. Besides, your car is a mess. This one isn’t brand new and it’s got its own quirks, but it’s reliable. Please, I want you to have it.”

  “I...I don’t know what to say.”
/>   Puck took her hand and insisted, “Say yes.”

  “Thank you, Puck.” Mrs. Willoughby pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and dabbed her eyes. “Not just for this, but for being so kind to an old lady. I hope your fiance knows what a good man he has.”

  “I do indeed,” I said, rubbing my hand over Puck’s back. He was the purest, most selfless man I’d ever known.

  “I need to get going, but here is the key to the car.” Puck worked a key off of a ring and handed it over. “I’ve got to drop this one to Mr. Robins.” He held up another metal piece and I assumed it was the key to his apartment.

  “I’ll be seeing him later,” Mrs. Willoughby informed me. “To sign the paperwork for my new apartment downstairs. I can give it to him if you’d like.”

  “That’d be great, thank you.”

  “Oh, please,” Mrs. Willoughby said as she took the second key, “It’s the least I can do after all you’ve done for me.” She gave him one more hug before they stood from the sofa. “Sweetie, you didn’t even touch your tea; let me get you a mug to take with you.” She shuffled over to the kitchen and returned with a foam cup. “There we are.”

  “Thanks, Mrs. Willoughby. I’ll visit soon.”

  “You better, young man.”

  Puck and I chuckled as we let ourselves out. Once the door was shut behind us and we were alone in the hallway, I took him in my arms and gave him a good squeeze.

  “Puck Hawkins, you are the most remarkable man alive. I’m honored that I get to spend my lifetime with you.”

  “She’s always been nice to me,” he shrugged. “I just wanted to do something for her too.” His humility only made him more amazing. “Thank you again for helping her. You don’t even know her yet you healed her, and that makes you pretty damn remarkable yourself.” I pecked his lips before letting him go. “Do you want some tea?” he offered, holding up his cup.


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