Book Read Free

Magic Touch

Page 10

by Jayda Marx

  “You don’t want it?”

  “No way,” he replied with a disgusted look. “I hate tea; I always choke some down when I visit her, but I lucked out without it this time. Have at it.” He passed it over and I took a sip.

  “It’s good.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.” He released a long breath. “One more stop; should be fun.”

  “You could just call,” I suggested, but Puck shook his head.

  “No, I want to do it the right way. And maybe it’s weird, but I’d like to see the place one last time; I spent almost two years of my life working there, after all.”

  “Then let’s go.” I downed most of the tea and threw away the cup in a trash can in the hall. “I’ll be right beside you the whole time.”

  I offered to make another portal to get us to Rosie’s, but Puck said he’d rather walk and enjoy the nice weather together. It was nice; the sun was shining brightly, but there was a gentle breeze which kept the temperature pleasant.

  It was nothing like strolling through Evermere. The sidewalks here were full of people rushing to get where they were going without even noticing what was around them. Many folks passed Puck, and though he gave them all a smile or nod, most of them didn’t acknowledge him back. It was a foreign concept to me; even if a person was a stranger, a little kindness or recognition never hurt.

  “Here we are,” Puck announced when we reached the back door of the restaurant. “Can I get a kiss for luck?”

  “Absolutely.” I gave him a tender kiss and he smiled before pulling the door open.

  I followed him down a short hallway and we stopped in front of an office door which was cracked open. Puck rapped gently on the wood with his knuckles.

  “What?” Stan’s irritated voice barked. Puck pushed the door open and stepped into the unkempt office. “Hawkins? What are you doing here?”

  “I need to talk to you, sir.” Puck took a seat in a chair in front of Stan’s desk, which was covered in paperwork, half-full coffee mugs and food containers.

  “Did I say you could sit?”

  “Oh, sorry,” Puck replied, jumping to his feet. I shot Stan a look of detest even though he couldn’t see me. “I just came in to tell you thank you for giving me the opportunity with this job, but I’ve had some recent changes in my life and I’m unable to work here any longer.”

  Stan crossed his thick arms over his chest. “What ‘life changes’ make you think it’s okay to waltz in here and quit without notice?”

  “I’m moving away and getting married.”

  He curled his lip into a teasing smirk and asked, “What’s his name?”

  Stan was trying to make fun of him, but my Puck stood up straighter and announced proudly, “Indigo.” His boss’s face contorted into a disgusted expression.

  “You mean I’ve had a faggot working here for nearly two years? You risked my business by parading your perversities in front of my customers! You’re doing me a favor by leaving; our diners shouldn’t have to worry about catching diseases from the fairy delivering their food.”

  I’d heard enough. I wouldn’t stand by and allow someone to speak to my beloved in such a manner. I glared at Stan and muttered under my breath, “Magic help me with my goal; make his appearance match his soul”, and waited for the results.

  “This faggot has been the best employee you could ask for,” Puck insisted. “I never once called off, and came in on my days off every time someone got sick. I worked hard and have always treated you with respect even when you haven’t given me the same. The only disease here is your attitude.”

  I couldn’t possibly be prouder of him; he was pure class even when defending himself. He didn’t sink to the level of those who tormented him. I, on the other hand, hexed the hell out of them. Speaking of which, I beamed when a cluster of warts erupted onto Stan’s forehead. Puck looked at me with wide eyes, and I gave him my best innocent expression.

  More warts covered Stan’s face and hairs sprouted out of each. His eyebrows stretched into one furry line that stretched from ear to ear and his lips ballooned out.

  “Okay, well, um, that’s all I came to say,” Puck stuttered, backing up towards the door. “I’ll be going now.”

  “And don’t show your face here ever again,” Stan bellowed.

  Puck grabbed my elbow and pulled me into the hallway. “He’s the one who shouldn’t show his face,” I snickered, proud of my handiwork.

  “What did you do?” my beloved demanded in a whisper.

  “I made his outsides match his insides,” I shrugged.

  “Indy, I appreciate you taking up for me, but you can’t go turning people into monsters!”

  “He did that himself.”

  “Okay, fair point.” He sighed and gave me a pleading look. “I know he’s a dick, but we can’t leave him like that or we’re the monsters.”

  I combed my fingers through his hair and smiled gently. “I told you that you’re a better man than I could ever be. I never want to upset you, so I’ll lift the curse.” He thanked me with a kiss to my lips.

  Just then, Stan lumbered out of his office and glared at Puck from underneath his bushy unibrow. “What the hell are you still doing here? Your kind aren’t welcome in my restaurant.”

  “I was just leaving,” Puck assured, and Stan pushed past him in the direction of the restroom. My beloved gave me an ornery smile. “You know, since it’s already done, maybe leaving it for an hour isn’t so bad.”

  “Your wish is my command,” I replied with a bow.

  Stan’s cry of horror rang out through the hall when he undoubtedly caught a glimpse of himself in the bathroom mirror. Puck smiled even wider and took my hand in his. “Okay, now we can go.”

  Chapter Ten


  A sense of peace settled over me when I walked through the portal and stepped into the living room of the home Indy and I shared. I'd slept only one night here, but already entering here felt like truly coming home.

  "Are you hungry, darling?" Indigo asked as the shimmering passage closed behind him. "I can prepare us some lunch."

  "No thanks, I'm still full from breakfast. There is something I'd like to do, though."

  "Anything you wish."

  "I want to get my clothes off of the bed and get in it with you." I needed his loving touch and I wasn't above asking for it. Indigo's gaze darkened and he closed the space between us. He sank his fingers into my curls and stared at me with fire in his eyes. We both groaned when a knock sounded at the front door.

  "If I don't get you inside me soon, I may explode."

  "Jesus," Indy said in a throaty whisper. "I'm definitely not answering it now."

  "You and I both know they're not going away."

  He sighed and nodded. "We'll get rid of them quickly." We went to the door together, but when Indigo opened it, there was no one waiting. "That's odd."

  "Oh, look-" my attention was caught by a paper taped to the door. Indy removed it and read aloud:


  Your father and I need to speak with you as soon as possible. Give Puck our best, but come alone.

  - Mother

  "I wonder why they want me alone?" he asked, studying the sheet.

  "Maybe it's for a pre-wedding pep talk or something," I shrugged.

  "Do you mind if I go? It sounds like it could be urgent."

  “Of course I don't mind; they’re your parents. Tell you what; I'll get our room ready and be waiting for you."

  "Then I shall return as soon as possible." He gave me a kiss before disappearing through the doorway.

  I barely made it into the bedroom before there was another knock. "Oh, for fuck's sake," I grumbled, and turned back around. I paused for a moment in front of the door; something I shrugged the sensation away, deciding it was probably because Indy wasn't there to answer it with me. But I didn't want to be rude to any of his family or friends by ignoring them, so I slipped the door open.

  “It’s you,�
� I blurted out when I saw that standing before me was the tall red haired man who was less than thrilled with my arrival the day before; the man who was in love with Indigo. Anger and jealousy swelled within me, but I tried my best to tamp them down; the last thing I wanted to do was make more trouble for my man.

  He gave me a shy smile before answering, “My name’s Jasper.” He extended his hand towards me, and I blinked at it in surprise. “Right.” He coiled his hand back and stuck it in his pocket. “I don’t blame you; not after the way I treated you yesterday.”

  What the hell is happening right now? There was only one explanation, so I told him, “If you’re looking for Indigo, he’s not here right now.”

  “Actually, I was hoping to speak to you,” he replied, only deepening my confusion. He sighed and explained, “I feel horrible about being rude to you yesterday. It was just so difficult for me to see you two together; I was hurt and jealous and I lashed out. But I’ve had some time to calm down and think about things; I just want Indigo to be happy, and I know that’s what you want too. I think it’d mean a lot to him if you and I could be friends.”

  Being reminded of his feelings for my fiance made my gut bubble with discomfort, which is exactly how I supposed Jasper felt when he saw us kissing. I understood it was a difficult situation for him, and it took a big person to apologize and try to make nice.

  “I’d like that,” I told him honestly, and he smiled.

  “Thank you. Can we get to know each other a little until Indigo returns? I brought tea.” He held up the red kettle in his hand.

  God dammit, I guess I’m not escaping tea today after all. “Sure, come on in.” I led him into the kitchen and he took a seat at the table. “I’m not sure where everything is yet,” I said as I searched the cabinets for cups. “Ah, here we go.” I retrieved two mugs and sat across from him.

  Jasper poured the tea and rested his chin in his palm. “I must admit I was surprised when I heard that Indigo’s mate was human.”

  “Not as surprised as I was when Indy showed up on my doorstep and started shooting off green sparklers,” I countered, making Jasper chuckle.

  “I’ll bet.”

  An awkward silence settled over us, and he stared expectantly at my cup. Feeling the need to do something, I lifted it to my lips and took a sip. Sweet mercy, this shit is even nastier than Mrs. Willoughby’s! I forced the hot liquid down my throat and gave Jasper what I hoped was a convincing smile.

  “Do you like it?”

  It tastes like freshly squeezed dog shit. “I’ve never tasted anything like it.”

  “I should say not,” he grinned.

  Well that was weird. “Is it a special blend?”

  “Brewed just for you.”

  “Thanks.” I gulped down one more drink and decided that was enough of that. Maybe it was rude, but not as rude as puking up that nastiness all over the table, which was a possibility if I drank any more. “So, tell me about yourself, Jasper.”

  “Gladly.” He crossed his arms on the wooden table and stared into my eyes so intently, it was as if he was trying to see through me. “I’ve known Indigo since we were babies. We’ve been best friends all of our lives; we’ve laughed together, cried together, and shared decades of memories. No one knows him better than I do. No one deserves to be with him more than me. We belong together, and I won’t let you stand in our way.”

  His words infuriated me. My blood boiled inside my veins and sweat beaded across my brow. “He’s not your mate,” I spat.

  “Don’t you dare speak as if you know more about my culture than I do!” he roared, slamming his hand onto the table. “Your pairing is a mistake; a punishment. I believe it is a test of Fate to see how far I’m willing to go; what I’m willing to do to claim what’s rightfully mine.” He leaned across the table and added, “I will do anything.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but my tongue was so heavy. All I could manage to get out was, “He loves me.”

  “He’s confused,” Jasper shrugged. “It is a trick of the mind that will dissolve once you’re out of the way.” He laughed when I furrowed my brows. “You really are stupid, aren’t you? So naive to think I’d show up with a peace offering after you took everything from me.” He reached across the table and ran his thumb across my forehead. I tried to slap him away, but I couldn’t lift my arms. “You see this sweat? Do you feel your insides heating up and your organs liquefying? That tea is laced with a very potent poison; one drop is enough to kill a weak little human like you.”

  My eyes stung and a hot tear rolled down my cheek as I squeaked out, “In...dy.” I didn’t want to leave him, but what hurt the most was the thought of his pain when he found me. I never wanted him to hurt, but my death would tear him apart. He said I was the missing part of his soul; what would it feel like to have that ripped away?

  “Don’t worry; I’ll look after him,” Jasper said, pushing out his bottom lip in a fake pout. “I’ll console him with my touch and give him my body until he’s healed. He’ll eventually see you were never worth the heartache to begin with. He’ll finally understand that he and I are true mates, and we can share forever, just how it was always meant to be.”

  He rose from the table and crouched down beside me, putting his lips next to my ear to whisper, “I can’t wait to feel him inside me; to share my body with the man I’ll love for eternity. I wonder if he’ll call me by your name. I’ll let him. I’ll be whoever he needs until you’re just a faded memory and a blink in time.” He laughed and stood upright to pour the liquid from the mugs back into the teapot; he was cleaning up the crime scene.

  My head became too heavy to support, and it fell forwards, thumping onto the table. My vision blurred and darkened until I could only see a black cloud before me. Every cell in my body burned and ached; I knew death wasn’t too far in the future. My last clear thought was a hopeless cry to my beloved; Indy, I need you.



  This better be important, I thought to myself as I walked down the path to my mother and father’s house. All I really wanted to do was go home and slip into bed with Puck. From the moment he appeared to me in my dream, my body and soul burned with need to become one with him. I longed to hear my name on his lips as we made sweet love. And a note from my mother was a boner killer if ever there was one.

  I made it to my parents’ house as quickly as possible, after politely declining conversation with everyone who approached me on the walkway. All I wanted was to take care of this business and get back to my beloved.

  I knocked on the door and was surprised when it took several moments for my mother to answer; especially when she was expecting me.

  “Hello dear,” she greeted with a smile. It wavered when she looked all around me. “Where’s Puck?”

  What? “You told me to come alone,” I reminded her, but she furrowed her brow in confusion.

  “What are you talking about?”

  I huffed in irritation and pulled the paper from my pocket. “Your note said for me to come alone.”

  Mother read the letter quickly and shook her head. “Indigo, I didn’t write this.” She turned away from the door and called, “Aster, could you come here, please?”

  But before my father joined us, I was enveloped by an overwhelming sense of terror and pain. It hit so strongly and rapidly, it sent me to my knees. Puck’s voice echoed through my mind, calling out to me, “Indy, I need you.”

  I looked up at my mother to find her clutching her chest, and my father looking at both of us in utter panic. “It’s Puck,” I announced. “He’s in trouble.”

  “I feel it too,” my mother nodded. “Go to him. We’ll fetch Clarissa and Eden. Go now, Indigo!”

  The two of them sprinted off in the direction of Clarissa and Eden’s home while I cast a portal. I barrelled through it and landed in the middle of my bedroom. Puck was nowhere in sight, but I heard a door closing in the distance.

  “Puck, is that you?” I called out, joggi
ng through the house. Before I reached the front door, something caught my eye in the kitchen. My heart dropped at the sight of my beloved, slumped onto the dining table appearing lifeless.

  “Puck!” I ran to his side and cupped his cheeks in my hands. His skin was burning hot and soaked with sweat. His eyes were open, but they were unfocused and staring off into the distance. “Puck, can you hear me?” He didn’t even flinch at the sound of my voice.

  I slid my fingers onto the side of his throat and held my breath. One weak beat pulsed against the pads of my fingers, and it was several long seconds before a second, weaker beat followed. My sweet mate was fading away.

  “Darling, don’t leave me,” I begged as tears cascaded down my face. I placed both of my hands on his chest and recited, “Magic mend all that’s concerned, illness leave and health return.” I felt his throat again, and again there was only one puny thump. “Please Puck, I need you here with me. “Magic mend all that’s concerned, illness leave and health return.” I repeated the words over and over, my volume growing until I was screaming them through my sobs, but Puck didn’t rouse.

  The front door flew open and my mother, father, Clarissa and Eden barrelled into the house. “Help me!” I pleaded. “He’s dying!” The four of them sprinted into the room and my parents lay their hands on Puck’s shoulders and recited the same spell as I’d tried as Eden and Clarissa examined him.

  Eden looked into his eyes and felt the temperature of his skin. When she tested his pulse, her face went pale and my stomach dropped to my feet. Clarissa pulled a small vial and a knife from her satchel. Puck didn’t budge when she pricked his palm with her blade and collected a few drops of his blood into the vial, which held a clear liquid. She swirled the glass cylinder, and Puck’s blood turned from red to pitch black.

  “It’s poison,” she announced to the group, “And it’s strong.” My mother gasped and I could barely see her tears through my own. “Get him onto the table,” Clarissa commanded. I scooped him into my arms and lay his limp body gently on the tabletop. Mother gasped again when Clarissa sliced Puck’s t-shirt off with her knife. “Put your hands on his skin.” We all did as she asked, flattening our palms against his smooth chest and stomach. “Call forth every ounce of healing power you can conjure. Fill him with strength and make him feel your love.”


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