Hitler's Generals in America
Page 31
German Army Quartermaster and Finance Organization
German Chemical Warfare
German declaration of war against the United States (December 11)
German Eightieth Corps
German 88-mm flak gun
German Eighty-Fourth Army Corps
German 84th Infantry Division
German Eleventh Panzer Division
German Feldkommandatur
German Feldkommandatur
German Field Army
German Fifteenth Panzer Division
German Fifth Panzer Army
German First Army
German First Panzer Army (First Armored Group)
German 553rd Volksgrenadier Division
“German Fortifications and Defense,”
German Forty-Eighth Panzer Corps
German 462nd Volksgrenadier Division
German Generalkommando z.b.V. Somme
German General Staff; Training Branch
German General Staff Corps
German High Command; Operations Branch
German Imperial Navy
German Intelligence Service
German Luftwaffe
“German Manpower: A Study of the Employment of German Manpower from 1933,”
“German Manpower and Mobilization,”
German Manteuffel Division
German “militarists,”; postwar Allied “watch list” of
“German Military Administration,”
German Military Document Section (GMDS); establishment of at Camp Ritchie; library, photo of; mutual collaboration of prisoners and Allied personnel; research projects; restructuring of; research in and publications from; use by Gehlen Organization
German military evaluations
German military personnel administration
German military training
German Military Transportation
German Navy
German 19th Flak Division
German 90th Light Africa Division
German North African campaign: collapse of
German officer corps: nobility of
German Officer Courts-Martial
German 198th Infantry Division
German 164th Light Division
German Operational Intelligence
German Operation at Anzio
German prisoners of war: reeducation of
German Replacement Army
German Second Parachute Division
German 17th Panzer Division
German Seventieth Infantry Division
German Sixth Army
German Sixty-Fourth Infantry Division
German Sixty-Second Reserve Corps
German Special Employment Division Staff
German Tenth Panzer Division
German 334th Infantry Division
German Training Methods
German Twenty-First Panzer Division
German Twenty-Ninth Panzer Grenadier Division
German 276th Infantry Division
German 266th Infantry Division
Giesecke, Albert
Glennan General Hospital, Okmulgee, Oklahoma
Glymph, B. H.
Goebbels, Joseph
Goerdeler, Carl
Goodpaster, Andrew
Gore-Booth, P. H.
Göring, Hermann
Göring, Emmy
Grand Alliance
Greuter, Emil
Gronich, S. Frederick
Guderian, Günther
Guderian, Heinz
Gufler, Bernard; inspections of Camp Clinton
Gundelach, Herbert
Gutknecht, Alfred: suicide of; surrender of; suspected militarist; transfer to Camp Clinton
Haertel, Johannes
Hague Conventions
Halder, Franz; chief German coordinator of the Control Group
Harvard University
Heeresarchiv (Germany Army Archive); at GMDS, photo of
Heeresverwaltung (German Army Administration)
Heidelberg Hotel, Jackson, Mississippi
Heinrici, Gotthard
Hemingway, Ernest
Hendon Airport, London
Henkle, Herman
Hennecke, Walter: potential willingness to collaborate with the Americans; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton; transfer to Camp Dermott; transfer to Camp Pryor
Herrmann, Rudolf: transfer to Camp Ruston
Heusinger, Adolf
Hideo, Kojima
Hideo, Tomonaga
Hilldring, John
Hill Project: Allied collaboration with and assistance for German prisoners; arrival of prisoners and organization of; establishment of; merger with the Gehlen Organization; photo of; publications of; purpose of; restructuring of
Historical Branch, British War Cabinet
Historical Division Interrogation Enclosure, Allendorf, Germany
Hitler, Adolf; plot to assassinate (July 20)
Hitler Youth
Hitler’s General Staff
Hopkins, Richard L.
Howard, R. B.
Huebner, Clarence R.
Hull, Cordell
Idea Factory
Infantry in the Sixth Year of the War
“intellectual diversion” program. See also reeducation program
International Committee of the Red Cross; inspections of Camp Clinton
International Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War of 1929 (Geneva Convention)
International Military Tribunal
Iron Cross
Italy, Allied invasion of
Jackson, Andrew
Jodl, Alfred
Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S.
Joint Forces Staff College
Kähler, Otto
Keeley, J. H.
Keitel, Wilhelm
Kemble, C. Robert
Kennedy Army General Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee
Kent, duke and duchess of
Kesselring, Albert
Kessler, Ulrich: interrogation of and eavesdropping on; “Mission to Tokyo,”; release of; surrender of
Kittel, Heinrich: surrender of; suspected militarist
Kiwanis Club
Kleberger, Franz
Knight’s Cross of the Iron Crossn
Köchy, Carl Peter Bernard: added to British “stop list,”; American interrogation of and eavesdropping on; arrival in the United States; departure for the United States; failure to transfer his aide to Camp Clinton; photo of; Rapp’s evaluation of; surrender of
Koenning, Reinhold
Köhnke, Otto: photo of
Krause, Fritz: comments recorded by the British; photo of; repatriation and arrival at Camp Bolbec; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton; U.S. Army Historical Division work
Kursk Offensive
Kuttner, James H.
Laegeler, Hellmuth; joins the Gehlen Organization; postwar career
Lakes, Alexander
Latimer House, Amersham, Buckinghamshire
Lauser, Albert
Lawrence of Arabia
League of German Officers
Leclerc, Jacques Philippe
Lerch, Archer L.
Liddell Hart, Basil
Life (magazine)
Lincoln, Abraham
Lippmann, Walter
Lobedanz, Walter
Logan Field Camp, Baltimore, Maryland
“Logistics on the High Command Level,”
London District Cage, Kensington Palace Gardens; interrogation of Ramcke
London Military Documents Center
“Lord Aberfeldy” (Ian Munroe)
Loughlin, Charles C.
Louisiana National Guard
Lovell, John
Ludwig, Wilhelm
Macfarlane, Frank
Macon, Robert C.
Marsh, Edward
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama
Mason, John Brown; proposed nine-point “Course of Action,”
Mc-Ilhenny, James L.; acquiesces to prisoners’ requests for transfer of aides; changes attitude toward generals; criticism of as commanding officer at Camp Clinton
Mediterranean Theater of Operations, U.S. Army, Headquarters
Meixner, Paul: serves as von Vaerst’s translator at Camp Dermott; surrender of
Menneking, Rolf
Menny, Erwin: added to British “stop list,”; sought by U.S. Army Historical Division; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Mexia Weekly Herald (newspaper)
Middleton, Troy
Milch, Erhard
Military Government School
Military Intelligence Research Section (MIRS)
Miller, Harry
Mississippi River Basin Model
Montgomery, Bernard
Montgomery Ward
Mowatt, George
Mueller, L. F.
Münster, Germany: postwar British prisoner-of-war transit camp
Mussolini, Benito
National Airport, Washington, D.C.
National Committee “Free Germany,”
National Socialism
National Socialist leadership
Nazi concentration camps
Nazi intimidation of fellow prisoners of war
Nazi Party
Nazis: American perceptions of; British perceptions of
Neitzel, Sönke
Nelson, HMS (battleship)
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (newspaper)
Neuffer, Georg: “Anti-Nazi and Defeatist” clique; photo of
Neuling, Ferdinand: added to British “stop list,”; replacement of von Arnim as Clinton camp spokesman; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Neustadt, Germany: NONET group of reports; postwar American prisoner-of-war camp
Newsweek New York Times
noncommissioned officers (NCOs)
Nordling, Raoul
Normandy: Allied invasion of
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Nuremberg trials. See also International Military Tribunal
Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH)
Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW): arrival of captured documents at GMDS; command of Paris; and myth of the clean Wehrmacht
Oberursel, Germany: postwar American prisoner-of-war camp
Oder River
“Officer Candidate Selection and Training,”
Officer Candidate Selection and Training in the German Army
“Officer Efficiency,”
Officer Efficiency Reports in the German Army
Operation OXHEAD
Operation STAPLE
Operation TORCH
O’Reilly, Leonard
“Organization and Methods of the German Army Archives,”
Otto, Rudolf
Panzer Armee Afrika
Partridge, R. C.
Patton George
Pentagon. See also Eastern European Order of Battle Group
Peterson, Edward
Phillipp, Louis
Poitiers prison
Pollert, Hermann: transfer to Camp Dermott
Prater, D. A.
Price, Byron
Prisoner of War Circular No. 11 (December 1943)
Prisoner of War Circular No. 50
prisoners of war: aides and orderlies; labor; protecting power; Russian
Provost Marshal General
Provost Marshal General’s Office: authorizes construction of the “generals’ camp” at Clinton, Mississippi; choice of POW camp locations; “intellectual diversion” programs; Prisoner of War Division, First World War
Provost Marshal General’s Office, Prisoner of War Operations Division
Provost Marshal General’s Office, Prisoner of War Special Projects Division; inspection of Camp Ruston; inspections of Camp Dermott; solicits opinions of German prisoners at the Idea Factory
Prussian Military Service Cross
“psychological warfare,”
Pullach, Germany, postwar American enclosure for Gehlen Organization
Pullman rail cars
Ramcke, Bernhard-Hermann: as ardent pro-Nazi at Camp Clinton; arrival at Trent Park; awarded the Diamonds; awarded the Oak Leaves; awarded the Swords; escape and letters of complaint to Price and Eastland; interrogation by CSDIC at Wilton Park; military career; photo of; postwar career–; repatriation; surrender of the Fortress of Brest; transfer to Camp Clinton; war crimes conviction
Ramcke Parachute Brigade
Rapp, Walter Hans; “mission” at Camp Clinton
Ration Administration in the German Army
Rauch, Erwin: photo of; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Raugust, William F.
Reader’s Digest
Reed, Mae
reeducation program– 10. See also “intellectual diversion” program
Reimann, Hans: photo of
Remarque, Erich Maria
reorientation program (U.S.) for prisoners of war. See also reeducation program
Rhine River
Richter, Otto: surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Rittman, Kurt
Rommel, Erwin
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Rotterdam, destruction of
Royal Air Force
Runge, Gerhard
Russian High Command
Sassoon, Philip
Sattler, Robert: added to British “stop list,”; photo of; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Saturday Evening Post
Schirmer, Alfred; transfer to Camp Dermott
Schmitt, Artur
Schnarrenberger, Ernst: arrival at Camp Clinton; arrival at Trent Park; German military evaluation of; inconsiderate treatment by Americans; painted portraits of Camp Clinton; surrender of
Schnyder, Paul
Schramm, Hans-Georg: photo of; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Schuberth, Hans: death and funeral of; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Schutzstaffel (SS); Waffen-SS
Schweppe, Homer
Screening of German Enlisted Personnel for Officer Appointments
Sears, Roebuck
Second World War: era’s films and novels
Sevastopol, destruction of
Seyffardt, Paul: photo of; potential willingness to collaborate with the Americans; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Shaw, George Bernard
Shimkin, Dmitri
Shuster, George N.
Shuster Commission
Sibert, Edwin
Sicherheitsdienst (SD)
Sinclair, John Alexander
Sinclair-Bissell Agreement
Sinkel, Anton: photo of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Smith, Horton
Smith, Truman
Smith, Walter Bedell
Soviet (Red) Army; political commissars
Soviet Union
Spang, Karl: added to British “stop list,”; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Spanish-American War
Special Camp No. 11, Bridgend, Glamorganshire, Wales (“Island Farm”)
Speed, Richard
Spencer, Duncan
Sprung, George M. C.: photo of
Stanford University Law School
Steiner, Felix
Stolberg-Stolberg, Christoph Graf zu: added to British “stop list,”; arrives at Camp 2226; photo of; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Stoltzfus, Frank
Strong, G. V.
Student, Kurt
Styer, Wilhelm D.: response to Mason’s proposed nine-point “Course of Action,”
Swiss Legation; inspections of Camp Clinton
Taylor, W. P.
Thomale, Wolfgang; joins the Geh
len Organization; suspected militarist
Three Soldiers (novel)
Tidwell, Winfred J.
Time (magazine)
Tollefson, A. M.
Tsouros, Michael
Ullersperger, Wilhelm: photo of; release of; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Ulm, Germany: postwar American prisoner-of-war camp
United Nations
University of Virginia
U.S. Adjutant General’s Office; Classification and Replacement Branch
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Air Force Academy
U.S. Air Technical Service Command
U.S. Air War College
U.S. Army; censors; Document Control Section; Field Artillery School; Ground Forces; intelligence; Service Forces
U.S. Army Chief of Staff
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army Europe
U.S. Army Historical Division
U.S. Army Historical Division, Operational History (German) Section; establishment of; preparation of reports
U.S. Army Seventh Corps
U.S. Army Staff
U.S. Constitution
U.S. Eighth Service Command
U.S. Eighty-Third Infantry Division
U.S. European Command
U.S. First Armored Division
U.S. First Army
U.S. Forces European Theater (USFET), Headquarters
U.S. 487th Military Police Escort Guard Company
U.S. 458th Military Police Escort Guard Company
U.S. 459th Military Police Escort Guard Company
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Meritorious Civilian Service Award
U.S. Military Academy, West Point
U.S. Naval War College
U.S. Navy
U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence
U.S. 7734th USFET Historical Detachment
U.S. Seventh Army
U.S.S.R. See Soviet Union
U.S. State Department: administration of prisoner affairs; camp inspection reports; inspections of Camp Clinton; inspections of Camp Dermott; memo on inability to find suitable guards for American POW camps; Special War Problems Division
U.S Surgeon General
U.S. Tenth Regiment, Fifth Division
U.S. Third Army
U.S. 36th Infantry Division
U.S. Twelfth Army Interrogation Center
U.S. War Department: abandonment of Camp Dermott as a reeducation camp; administration of prisoner affairs; camp inspection reports; chooses Camp Dermott for reeducation camp; deference to British methods of handling general officer prisoners; discussion of moving the general officer prisoners to Camp Pryor; failure to clearly define policy regarding German generals; “Partial List of Enlisted Men Suffering from Mental Disturbances Employed by Prisoner of War Camp [Clinton] during Month of August 1944,”; perspectives of Camp Dermott and Camp Ruston; promotions of German prisoners; renovation and establishment of Camp Tracy; requirement that the generals at Camp Clinton sign “paroles” in order to walk outside the camp; returns German POWs to Europe; selection of POW camp commanding officers; temporary reduction in POW rations