Hitler's Generals in America
Page 32
U.S. War Department General Staff
U.S. War Department, Military Intelligence Division
U.S. War Department, Military Intelligence Division, Historical Branch
U.S. War Department, Military Intelligence Service
U.S. War Department, New Developments Division
U.S. War Department, Organization and Training Division
U.S. War Department, Personnel Division
U.S. War Department, Personnel Division Officer’s Branch
U.S. War Department, Special Projects Division
U.S. War Department, Supply Division
Vaterrodt, Franz: sought by U.S. Army Historical Division; surrender of
V-E Day
Venturini, Frank
Vierow, Erwin: added to British “stop list,”; photo of; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Vierow, Walter: conviction for war crimes; interrogation at Fort Hunt; transfer to Camp Dermott
Völkischer Beobachter (newspaper)
Vom Schiffsjungen zum Fallschirmjäger-General
von Arnim, Hans Jürgen: British celebration of his surrender; comments recorded by the British; dispute with Rommel; escorted into Jackson to see a movie; Hitler’s promise of sufficient supplies for North African campaign; intimidation of fellow generals and threats of postwar Nazi retribution; as leader of Clinton’s postwar pro-Nazi faction; photos of; as senior officer and Clinton camp spokesman; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton; viewed by British as German “patriot,”
von Aulock, Andreasn
von Aulock, Hubertus: allegations of past involvement with the SS; photo of; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
von Boineburg-Lengsfeld, Hans Wilhelm Freiherr
von Broich, Friedrich: “Anti-Nazi and Defeatist” clique; arrival at Trent Park; blames Hitler and the Nazis for the war; photo of
von Choltitz, Dietrich: as “destroyer of cities,”; evaluation of Crüwell; photo of; repatriation and release; request for his attendance at a child’s baptism in Ohio; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
von der Mosel, Hans: added to British “stop list,”; photo of; surrender of; temporary transfer to Camp Forrest; transfer to Camp Clinton
von Heyking, Rüdiger: interrogation by CSDIC at Wilton Park; photo of; surrender of
von Hülsen, Heinrich-Hermann: “Anti-Defeatist” and pro-Nazi clique; photo of; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
von Liebenstein, Kurt Freiherr: “Anti-Nazi and Defeatist” clique; arrival at Trent Park; German and American evaluations of; photo of; postwar career; potential willingness to collaborate with the Americans; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton; transfer to Camp Dermott
von Paulus, Friedrich
von Quast, August Viktor: added to British “stop list,”; departs California; photo of; question of rank after capture; U.S. Army Historical Division work; U.S. refusal to transfer aide to Camp Clinton and question of rank
von Ravenstein, Hans
von Schlieben, Karl Wilhelm: photo of
von Seydlitz, Walter
von Sponeck, Theodor Graf: “Anti-Nazi and Defeatist” clique; arrival at Trent Park; assessment of von Arnim; comments in memoirs about Camp Dermott; memoirs; photo of; released; repatriation to Europe; selected for transfer to Camp Dermott; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton; transfer to Camp Dermott
von Stauffenberg, Claus
von Thoma, Wilhelm Ritter: “Anti-Nazi and Defeatist” clique; capture of; viewed by British as German “patriot,”
von Tippelskirch, Werner
von Tresckow, Hans; transfer to Camp Dermott
von Trotha, Ivo-Thilo; joins the Gehlen Organization
von Uhlenhorst-Ziechmann, W. K.
von Vaerst, Gustav: American interrogation of and eavesdropping on; arrival in the United States; assessment of Thomas Bays; as camp spokesman for the officers’ compound at Camp Clinton; departure for the United States; inability to acquire books at Camp Clinton; protests insolence of American officers at Camp Mexia; selected for transfer to Camp Dermott; surrender of; transfer to Camp Dermott; U.S. Army Historical Division work
von Wülfingen, Detlef Bock: added to British “stop list,”; surrender of; transfer to Camp Clinton
Waldman, Eric
Wales, Victor W. B.
Walter, Mercer
War Relocation Authority
Washington, George
Weber, Carl: interrogation by CSDIC at Wilton Park; surrender of; transfer to Camp Dermott
Weber, Kurt
Wehrkreise (military districts)
Weigley, Russell
Weimar Republic
Weingärtner, Werner
Werner von Braun Center, Huntsville, Alabama
Weser River
Western Allied intelligence
West Point, SS
Wilck, Gerhard: photo of
Wildermuth, Eberhard: photo of
Wilton Park, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire
Wishar, Louis B.
Wolf, Hans-Joachim
Wolters, Ernst: photo of
Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA); inspection of Camp Dermott (December 1944); inspection of Camp Dermott (June 1945); inspection of Camp Dermott (October 1945); inspection of Camp Ruston (May 1945); inspection of Camp Ruston (Fall 1945)
Zehnder, Max
Zuffenhausen, Germany: postwar Allied prisoner-of-war camp