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Finding Mr. Wrong

Page 14

by Charlie Cochet

  Adam nodded and was off to do his thing while Matthew grabbed his overcoat. He had Penny call him a cab and tried not to let his fear get the better of him as he was driven to the tiny building where Jax's studio and apartment were.

  When Matthew arrived at Jax's, the door was unlocked. Maybe Jax had forgotten something and returned? Matthew quickly went in and looked around the apartment. There really wasn't a whole lot of ground to cover, but from the looks of it, Jax hadn't taken much. What little furniture there had been remained, and from the looks of it, it was only Jax's clothes and belongings that were missing. Matthew went to Jax's bedroom and searched every drawer. They were all empty. As was the tiny closet.

  The floorboards creaked somewhere in the apartment, and Matthew ran for the living room. Was it too much to hope for? The smile fell from his face when he found a man he didn't know standing in the center of the room.

  "I'm sorry. Who are you--"

  A piece of cloth smothered him as someone reached from behind and covered his mouth and nose. Matthew jerked, his lungs struggling to take in air as an unfamiliar sweet scent turned him sluggish. His vision started to go fuzzy just as someone grabbed his legs. Matthew clawed at the gloved hand holding the cloth to him, but the darkness quickly came for him.

  MATTHEW'S head was killing him, and his throat felt like he'd been walking through a desert. What the hell was going on? He'd been... in Jax's apartment, looking for him, and then.... It all came back, and he remained perfectly still, his eyes closed. He was on a hard floor, curled up on his side, his wrists bound behind his back. His ankles were bound as well. Cracking one eye open, he realized he was in some kind of expansive storage unit with everything from rusted old refrigerators to stacks of wooden crates. Voices grew louder as they approached, one of them cursing up a storm. It sounded like maybe the man was the one in charge. Matthew closed his eyes. He sensed several figures standing over him.

  "Who the hell is this?" the man growled, his voice guttural.

  "Uh, Jax Foster," another man replied. He sounded younger.

  "Are you fucking kidding me? Does he look like a deadbeat?"

  "He was the only one in the apartment."

  "And the Armani suit didn't tip you off that perhaps this was not the man you were looking for? His shoes are worth more than your life, you fucking idiot."

  "There was no one else there," the young man whined.

  "Because the scumbag probably skipped town. Jesus, a zombie would starve with the amount of brains you two got between you."

  "Now what?" someone else asked.

  "Now I gotta fix this mess." There was some shuffling and then silence before the man spoke up. "Hello, yeah, um, we got a small problem. My associates went to the address you gave and brought back the man they found, only it wasn't Jax Foster."

  Matthew could hear muffled shrieking. Someone had paid these men to kidnap Jax? Who? Was it someone from Jax's past? Someone from Dale's past? Whoever it was, they weren't happy.

  "Yeah, I know. I'm gonna fix it. Wait, what? Let me check."

  Matthew made sure he remained perfectly still, his breathing steady. If they thought he was awake for even a moment, who knew what they'd do.

  "His name's Matthew Hart." Long pause. More muffled screaming. "Jesus, I'm sorry. You don't have to burst my eardrum. No, he's out. What do you want me to do with him? The boyfriend too, huh? That's gonna cost you double. You just wanted the one. Yeah, yeah. Loose ends. I get it. Whatever. It's gonna take time. We gotta find the guy first. Of course we can find him. That's what we do. Fine. Yeah. I'll call you as soon as we got him."

  More silence.

  "You. Stay here and keep an eye on him. If he wakes up, put him under again. I need to make a few phone calls and get this Jax guy found."

  "So what are we doing with this guy?"

  "Client doesn't want the boyfriend asking questions or snooping around, so we're getting rid of him too. Turns out you didn't fuck up as bad as I thought."

  Oh God. They're going after Jax. Matthew couldn't let them hurt Jax. First, he had to think of a way out of here. If the others were leaving, Matthew should be able to hold his own against one guy. He just needed to find the right moment. Not to mention get out of these damn ropes.

  Chapter Fourteen

  "YOU'RE making a mistake."

  Jax refused to meet his father's gaze. "Just eat your burger, Dad."

  "Hey, look at me."

  Reluctantly, Jax did. The pain in his father's eyes was all too familiar, and Jax could barely stand it. "It's fine," Jax muttered.

  "It's not fine." Dale lowered his voice, his expression determined. "I know I screwed up a whole lot in my life. I know I screwed things up for you, but you gotta fight for this, Jax. You love him, and I know he loves you. Stop running."

  "He thought I was using him for his money," Jax hissed. "After everything we've been through, he didn't even give me the benefit of the doubt."

  "He made a mistake."

  "Yeah, a big one," Jax spat out. "He doesn't trust me."

  "It was a misunderstanding. Don't throw away what you have because of it. You don't get many chances at love like this. Believe me, I know."

  "Just drop it."

  "No, I won't just drop it," Dale snapped, surprising Jax. "You're throwing away the best thing that's possibly happened to you because of your stubbornness and pride. You're running, and that's on me because that's what I taught you, but it's time for you to be the man I never was and stand your ground."

  Jax shook his head when his phone buzzed for what seemed like the hundredth time. The number of calls had been driving him crazy, and he'd turned his ringtone down. This time, when he looked at his phone's screen, it wasn't Matthew's name that appeared but Adam's. A sense of dread went through Jax, and he immediately picked up.

  "Adam, what's wrong?"

  "Jax? Oh thank God. Please tell me Matthew is with you."

  The hairs on the back of Jax's neck stood on end, and he told himself to keep calm. He was overreacting. Matthew was fine. Why wouldn't he be? "He's not. Why would you think he was with me?"

  "Because he left for your apartment hours ago. He's trying to find you, to apologize."

  Jax cursed under his breath. "Matthew knew I was leaving. I'm on my way to Queens to crash at a friend's place until I can find a job and sort myself out."

  "What about the studio?"

  "They're going to take it all at the end of the week. I don't have the money to pay the back rent or the loans."

  "Jesus, Jax. Why didn't you just let Matthew help you?"

  "I didn't want him to think I wanted him for his money, because nothing could be further from the truth. Not that it mattered. In the end, that's exactly what he thought."

  "He didn't think that at all! And for the record, that asshole Bryce has been trying to convince Matthew you were just after his money, and hired a private investigator to look into you, but Matthew would have none of it. Then he told Matthew you ran off with the money."

  That bastard. If Jax ever saw him again, he was going to plant one in his smug face. "I didn't. I returned it."

  "Matthew never got the check. Bryce took it from Matthew's desk. Matthew found it in Bryce's office hidden in a cigar box."

  "That son of a bitch." Jax slammed a fist on the table, making the plates rattle. A few people glanced his way but went back to ignoring him seconds later. "Either way, Matthew didn't believe me. I thought he trusted me, but the second money was involved, I was just another opportunist out to use him."

  "Or how about this? Bryce has been chipping away at Matthew, who already had a fear of you running out on him. He gives over the money, because in his head, not only is he buying you the time you need to get back on your feet, but it's a surefire way to get you to stay, because even if you don't stay for him, you stay for your studio. You should have seen how happy he was that you were going to be okay. Then Bryce shows Matthew your account and the withdrawn money. He arrives at your apartme
nt and you're packing to go. You don't deny his accusations."

  "He should have trusted me!" It hurt. It hurt deep down inside that his Matty would think the worst of him.

  "Jax. Do you think it's possible Matthew might have used the missing money as an excuse to lash out at you because he was hurt? Because you were packing your bags and leaving without even telling him? That your pride was more important than the two of you?"

  "I wasn't leaving for good. Jesus, I was just going to crash at a friend's house."

  "Did you tell him that? Or better yet, why didn't you turn to Matthew? You need a place to stay, and instead of turning to the man who's crazy about you, you go elsewhere because again, your pride. Haven't you realized it yet? Matthew doesn't care about the money, you jerk! He cares about you! He loves you! All he wants is for you to stay."

  Jax swallowed hard. Could it be that simple? "You think Matty loves me?"

  "Yeah, you big dope, and now he's out there, God knows where. He's not answering his phone. He never doesn't answer his phone, even if it's a text or automated message. Something's wrong. I just know it."

  "Adam, calm down. Matthew's a big boy, he can look after himself."

  "Jax, Matthew didn't take a company car, driver, or security. He hasn't checked in with me, or Robert, the head of our security. Robert is losing his mind. Matthew's supposed to keep him posted on any changes to his schedule and have someone from the security team close by at all times. Matthew's out there on his own. We've got security out there looking for him, but what if the wrong person recognizes him? What if we never see him again?"

  Shit. Jax hadn't considered that. When they'd met for dinner at the pub, Matthew had most likely been dropped off by a company car. Jax had seen the sleek black Audi with black tinted windows parked outside Matthew's office building. He'd seen the same car parked outside his studio on days Matthew came to see him, then again outside Matthew's apartment building. Just because Jax hadn't seen any security, didn't mean Matthew was unprotected. When they'd walked to Jax's place the night of their dinner at the pub, Jax had been with him, but he couldn't say if one of Robert's men had been close by or not.

  "Why the hell did he go off on his own?"

  "Because he was desperate to find you. I didn't think he'd go by himself. It was only when I talked to Penny that I found out he didn't take the car. He took a damn cab."

  "Okay, I'm heading back to the apartment now." Jax got up and motioned for his father to follow.

  "I'll meet you there. If I hear anything from Robert, I'll let you know."


  "No. Matthew's my best friend. If something's happened, I'm going to be there to help."

  "Fine. See you there." There was no point trying to convince Adam to stay behind. The guy was as stubborn as Matthew.

  "What's going on?" Dale asked, quickly following him out of the diner. Jax explained, and Dale cursed under his breath. "We need to find him, Jax."

  "I know." Thankfully they hadn't gotten too far from his old apartment before his father had declared he was hungry and wanted to stop for something to eat, which suited Jax since he had to wait for his friend to get off work. They called a cab, and Jax tried not to let his impatience get the better of him. His leg was bouncing the whole ride over. As soon as they arrived, he paid the driver and jumped out of the car. The front door to the apartment building was unlocked like it always was, thanks to a landlord who just didn't give a shit.

  Jax took the stairs two at a time, his heart pounding in his ears. When he reached his apartment, the door was open. He motioned for his father to stay back, then carefully peered in. He didn't see anyone. He listened closely, and other than the noise coming from the neighbors, he heard nothing. Slowly, silently, he slipped inside the apartment. The living room was empty. He searched the rest of the apartment. No one was here.

  "Shit. He's not here," Jax told his father as he entered the living room.

  "What's that?" Dale asked, turning to look at something under the beat-up old coffee table in the center. "There, by the leg. It's silver."

  Jax hurried over and crouched down, the back of his eyes stinging when he picked up the gleaming cufflink. It was silver with an "M" engraved in the center of a thin engraved heart shape.

  "This is Matthew's." Not only had Matthew been here, but something had happened. Jax could feel it. Maybe Matthew could have simply lost the cufflink, but Jax wasn't buying it.



  Jax stood, turning to the doorway and calling out. "In here. It's safe."

  Adam came rushing in, his boyish face filled with worry. "He's not here, is he?"

  "No, but he was." Jax showed him the cufflink, and Adam gasped.

  "Oh God, Jax. How are we going to find him? What if we don't? What if we're too late?"

  "It's going to be okay, Adam. We're getting him back." How, he didn't exactly know. If someone had taken Matthew, then maybe.... He pulled out his wallet and the card he'd stuck inside. He couldn't believe he was doing this, but it was for Matthew.

  "Who are you calling?" Adam frowned.

  "A friend. I think." On the second ring, a throaty voice picked up. "Hi, Rai. It's Jax Foster. Listen, I know this might sound kind of strange, but I don't suppose you could come to my studio? I'll explain when you get here."

  "Your old man's not in trouble again, is he? Because I heard he's been walking the line."

  "He has. It's not my father. Please."

  "Fine. Why not. I'm on my way."

  "Thanks." Jax hung up and ushered everyone out of the apartment. If Matthew had been taken here, then they probably shouldn't be standing around in case the kidnappers came back. If Jax was on his own, he would have stayed, but he wasn't going to risk his father or Adam.

  They hurried downstairs, and Jax let them into the studio. It might not be his much longer, but for the time being, it was.

  "Who's coming?" Adam asked as he paced, wringing his gloved hands. "Can he be trusted?"

  Jax winced. "Um, I just sort of met him, but I think so."

  Adam stopped and stared at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but there was a knock on the front door. Jax quickly went over and let Rai in. How was it the man looked even bigger than he had the day Jax met him?

  "What's this all about?" Rai grumbled. He looked over Jax's shoulder. "Who's the squirt?"

  "Charming," Adam said with a sneer as he looked Rai over.

  "See something you like?" Rai challenged, laughing when Adam's cheeks flushed and he quickly looked away. "Thought so."

  Adam mumbled something incoherent under his breath, and Jax ignored him. "Rai, I need your help finding someone."

  Rai peered at him. "Who?"

  "My, um, boyfriend."

  Rai's brows shot up. "Well, this is new."

  "Yes and no," Jax admitted. "I can't really explain now, but I need you to make a few calls to whoever you have to and find out if someone's seen him, or worse, has kidnapped him."

  "Kidnap? Shit. How much is this guy worth?"

  Jax winced. "Several million, maybe more, much more. I don't know. It's definitely in the millions."

  Rai stared at him. He seemed to snap himself out of it. "Oh no. This is something for the police to handle. Why the hell did you call me?"

  "I don't think it's about a ransom," Adam said. "If it was, I would have heard something by now. Matthew's my best friend, and I'm close to the family. Nothing happens without Matthew's father calling me. He would have, believe me."

  Rai seemed to think about it, and Jax put his hands together. "Please, Rai. He means everything to me."

  "I don't work for free," Rai grumbled.

  "Of course he doesn't." Adam shook his head in disgust.

  "Right, because you work for free."

  "If it's for a friend, yes, I do."

  "How nice for you. Sadly, some of us don't have that luxury. I got more important things to worry about than which tux I should wear to the latest Broadway sh

  Adam was around Jax before he even realized it. Man, the guy was fast. He poked Rai in the chest, undaunted in the least by the man's bigger, stronger frame. Rai had a good foot on Adam and at least a hundred pounds with all those muscles.

  "How dare you! You don't know anything about me. For all we know, you had something to do with Matthew's disappearance."

  "You little shit! Who the fuck--"

  "All right!" Jax snapped, shoving the two apart. Rai didn't move, but Adam stumbled back. "That's enough. We're wasting time arguing while who knows what is happening to Matthew." He turned his attention to Rai. "Please. I'll do whatever it takes to pay you."

  "Don't be ridiculous," Adam said angrily. "Whatever it costs to get Matthew back, Hart & Home will take care of it." Jax shook his head, but Adam held up a hand before Jax could say another word, and his eyes were hard. "Hart & Home's insurance policy covers kidnapping. Believe me, this isn't the first attempt."

  Jax couldn't even begin to think about that right now. Not arguing with Adam, Jax turned to Rai. "Cost is covered. Now, will you help us?"

  Rai appeared to give it some more thought before letting out a sigh. "I know I'm going to regret this, but fine. Let's hope he still has his cell phone on him, and that it's turned on. If his kidnappers were smart, they'd have taken it from him and disabled it, but maybe we're lucky and we're dealing with a couple of amateurs."

  "Can you track his phone?" Jax asked, watching as Rai pulled his cell phone out.

  "I can't. But I know someone who can. What's the number?"

  Jax gave Rai Matthew's cell phone number and listened as Rai spoke quietly to someone. He was pulling in some kind of favor. After some ribbing and a few pleasantries, Rai gave Matthew's number to the person on the other end of his phone call.

  "Sure, I'll wait."

  Adam frowned at Jax. "Jax, are you sure you can trust this man?"

  "I'm still in the room," Rai muttered.


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