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Finding Mr. Wrong

Page 15

by Charlie Cochet

  "Like I care," Adam growled.

  Rai held up a finger, turning slightly away from them. "Talk to me. Where? Shit. No, thanks for the help. I appreciate it." Rai hung up, his expression not boding well. "I have good news and shitty news. The good news is, I know where your boyfriend is. The bad news is, I know where your boyfriend is."

  "Where is he?" Jax swallowed down the panic threatening to rise. Please let him be okay.

  "The Rossi brothers have him."

  "Are we supposed to know who they are?" Adam stepped up to Rai and peered at him. "What exactly is it you do, Mr. Rai?"

  "Rai is my first name," Rai replied, tapping away at his phone.


  "I'm a runner."

  Adam gasped, and Rai lifted his head to study Adam, but Adam was too busy staring at Jax, his eyes blazing and his voice coming out a hiss.

  "Are you out of your mind?"

  "You know what a runner is?" Rai asked, eyes narrowed.

  Adam folded his arms over his chest. "I watch movies."

  "Sure." Rai shook his head, then walked toward the door. "Either way, you're staying here with the old man."

  "Hey," Dale protested.

  Adam ran in front of Rai, blocking his exit. As if Rai couldn't get around him if he wanted to. "Like hell I will."

  "You'll just get in the way," Rai growled. "I don't want to be responsible for losing the rich guy's pocket poodle."

  Adam sputtered indignantly. "I can take care of myself!"

  "Yoga isn't going to help."

  "You're a real condescending prick, you know that?"

  Rai grinned down at him. "Do you know my ex-wife? 'Cause it sounds like you do."

  "Really, Jax? This is the man we're supposed to trust with Matthew's life?"

  "You two need to stop." They were going to drive him out of his mind. Before he could tell them both to shut the hell up, Rai grabbed hold of Adam's waist and hauled him off his feet as if he didn't weigh a thing.

  "What are you doing?" Adam flailed. He pushed against Rai to no avail. "Put me down, you son of a bitch!"

  Rai dropped Adam down onto the counter with a snarl. "Hey, my mother is a fucking saint. Now you fucking move from this spot, and I swear I'll--"

  "You'll what?" Adam challenged, chin jutted out defiantly.

  "Jesus, the mouth on you." Rai thrust a finger in Dale's direction. "You keep him in here. I don't care if you have to tie him up and gag him."

  Adam's lip curled. "Yeah, I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?"

  "Keep mouthing off, and I'll gag you with something big and hard all right. See how you like that."

  "You're disgusting."

  Rai's nostrils flared and he turned to Jax. "Listen, the guys who have your boyfriend aren't in the kidnapping-for-ransom business. The people they take disappear. For good."

  Jax nodded his understanding. He turned to Adam. "Please, stay. I need you to be ready in case Matthew needs you."

  Adam was going to argue, then deflated, his love for Matthew luckily overriding his stubbornness. He nodded somberly.

  Turning to Rai, Jax motioned toward the door. "Let's go."

  Wherever Matthew was, Jax prayed he was okay.

  I'm coming for you, Matty. Hold on.

  Chapter Fifteen

  HE had to do something.

  Matthew cracked open one eye and spotted a large gruff-looking man sitting in a chair close by, tablet in his hand. He was watching some kind of action movie or TV show. Matthew could hear the explosions from here. It wasn't so much the man who concerned Matthew as the gun tucked into the waistband of his jeans.

  If only Matthew could get his hands in front of him, he might be able to untie his feet. The man's phone rang, and he put down his tablet to answer. He stood as he listened to someone on the other end, his back turned to Matthew.

  "Yeah, he's still out. You know what these pansy rich boys are like."

  Matthew folded himself over, pushing back, wriggling as quietly as he could. A bang from the end of the storage unit made him still.

  "I'll call you back." The man hung up and put his phone away before removing the gun from his waistband. He slowly headed in the direction the noise had come from, and Matthew didn't waste any time. He pushed his butt back against his arms and wriggled enough to get his body through. Teeth gritted, he pulled his legs through until his arms were in front of him. He silently thanked his yoga instructor.

  Matthew sat up and went to work on the rope around his ankle. Who used ropes anymore anyway? Then again, he wasn't exactly keeping up with today's modern kidnapper. Who the hell had ordered Jax kidnapped? And how did they know Jax and Matthew were involved? After freeing his ankles, Matthew used his teeth on the rope that tied his hands. Come on.

  "Hey, what the hell are you doing!"

  "Shit. Shit. Shit." Matthew scrambled to his feet and ran, the ropes around his wrists finally loose enough to pull off. He ducked behind a huge crate when a gunshot echoed through the area. Matthew flinched. He listened carefully, hearing nothing but a low groan.


  "Jax?" Matthew peeked from behind the crate, a smile spreading across his face. Somewhere behind Jax, a huge mountain of a man held a gun on Matthew's captor, who writhed on the floor in pain as he held on to his leg.

  As Matthew took off toward Jax, a door swung open to his right and two men appeared.

  "Matty!" Jax bolted toward him as the men raised their weapons, a cacophony of shouting and gunfire erupting around them. Jax threw himself at Matthew, and they hit the cement floor hard, the wind getting knocked out of them. Several more shots went off before the place was quiet. Matthew was under Jax holding on for dear life. His heart was pounding in his ears, and he was trembling.

  "Jax," Matthew whispered. He wasn't quite sure why he was speaking quietly. Jax groaned and rolled over, smiling up at Matthew.

  "Hey, you."

  "Jax, I'm so happy to--"

  Jax sucked in a sharp breath, and Matthew moved his gaze to Jax's hand. He was holding on to his side, blood seeping between his fingers.

  "Oh God. No, please no." This couldn't be happening. "Baby, please stay with me."

  "I'm sorry," Jax said, hissing at the pain, a tear rolling down his cheek. His bottom lip trembled, and Matthew ran a hand over his head. "I'm scared, Matty."

  "You're going to be okay, Jax. You can't leave me. I won't let you."

  The large man who'd come with Jax ran over, and Matthew looked up at him, pleading. "You have to help me. He can't die."

  The man nodded. He removed his phone from his jacket and tapped at it before walking away and talking quietly into the phone.

  "Help is on the way." He crouched next to Jax and put a hand on his head. "Come on, Foster. You're made of tough stuff. I didn't risk my neck for your boyfriend so you could flake out on me. You really gonna leave me to comfort him?"

  Jax chuckled before releasing a groan. "You're a dick."

  "Yeah, well. You're stuck with me now." The man looked up at Matthew and held out a hand. "Rai Santos. I'm friends with the ungrateful jerk."

  Matthew blinked away his tears and smiled. "Matthew Hart. Boyfriend to the jerk."

  "Hey," Jax protested.

  Matthew laughed softly. He leaned in to place a kiss on Jax's brow. "You gotta make it through this, Jax. Then you can tell me off for being an idiot."

  "Not... an idiot," Jax said, his brow beaded with sweat and his face flushed. "I don't fall in love with idiots."

  "Just tell him," Rai grumbled.

  "Shut up, Rai." Jax glowered at him before smiling up at Matthew. "I love you, Matty."

  Matthew's heart swelled, and he cupped Jax's face and kissed his lips sweetly. "I love you too, Jax."

  "I think... Rai has a thing for Adam."

  Matthew glanced up at Rai, who looked scandalized before sputtering angrily. "What? You're clearly out of your fucking mind if you think I feel anything for that pain-in-the-ass squirt."

sp; When did Rai and Adam meet? Matthew would have to speak to Adam about that later. Right now he held on to Jax's hand and ran his fingers through Jax's hair, murmuring words of comfort. The ambulance arrived, and Matthew reluctantly moved away from Jax so the paramedics could do their job. He promised the police a full statement, but he wasn't going to leave Jax. The officer in charge spoke to Rai and then Matthew, promising to meet him at the hospital to take his statement.

  Once there, Jax was rushed into surgery, and Matthew could do nothing but wait. Jax had come for him. Despite everything Matthew had said, Jax had come to save him. Matthew spoke to the police and the kidnappers were in interrogation. The detective who'd taken over the case said he was confident one of the men would make a deal. They'd been after the Rossi brothers for years, and if at least one of them didn't make a deal, they'd all be going away for a long time and most likely be looking at death row for the number of murders they were accused of committing. The case was going to be huge. All Matthew wanted to know was who had paid them to get rid of Jax and then added Matthew to the list of victims. It had to be someone who knew of his relationship to Jax. Detective Lewis promised to keep Matthew updated.

  Matthew was pacing the waiting room, when someone called out.


  He turned in time to catch Adam, who threw himself into Matthew's arms, squeezing him tight. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I wanted to come, but that asshole Rai made me stay behind."

  "I'm right here," Rai muttered.

  Adam ignored him. He pulled away, tears brimming his eyes. "Is Jax going to be okay?"

  "He's in surgery. The doctor thinks he'll be okay, considering where he was shot." Matthew managed to grab Adam just as Adam lunged at Rai.

  "You bastard! I knew I should have gone. You got him shot!"

  Matthew was taken aback by Rai's calm. He didn't shout, didn't argue with Adam, didn't curse at him or deny the accusations. He stood and held out his arms, his voice a deep gravelly rumble when he spoke. "Come here."

  Matthew released Adam, stunned when Adam flung himself at Rai, who wrapped Adam up in his arms, swallowing his slight frame with his massive one. Adam buried his head against Rai's chest, and Matthew wondered what the hell just happened.

  "I should have been there," Adam muttered against Rai's shirt. "What if something had happened to Matthew?"

  "Neither me nor Jax was going to let that happen. Matthew wouldn't have wanted you there. What if you'd gotten hurt?"

  Adam sniffed. He looked over his shoulder at Matthew. "Is that true?"

  Matthew nodded. He smiled warmly at Adam. "If you'd been there and something had happened to you, I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself. Rai was right to make you stay behind." Matthew held his hand out to Rai. "Thank you, for everything."

  Rai nodded, and Matthew left him to console Adam. He joined Dale, who stood by the window, looking out into the city streets. His features were world-weary, and Matthew felt for the man, raising a young boy on his own with little aid from those who Dale had sacrificed so much for. The man had struggled to hold a job due to a condition forced on him during war, and with no one to lean on, to help guide him, he'd turned to grifting, all while trying to give his young son the best life he could.

  "Thank you," Dale said quietly. "For taking care of this." He motioned around them, and Matthew shook his head.

  "Don't worry about that. Jax is what's important."

  "He's not going to like it," Dale muttered, frowning.

  "Well, he doesn't have a choice. It's done. Besides, he and I are going to have a long talk about this whole money thing. Right now, I'll settle for him healing." Matthew put his hand on Dale's shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

  "This is all my fault," Dale said, tears brimming his eyes. "If I hadn't--"

  "No," Matthew said sternly. "None of that. Even if you hadn't asked for the money, these men still would have come after Jax. We were lucky they took me by mistake. It threw them off their game, and whoever hired them decided they wanted both of us, and they wanted us killed together. You were just trying to help your son."

  Dale was quiet for a moment before clearing his throat. He met Matthew's gaze, determination set in his jaw. "Matthew, I need... help. With the gambling thing. I need to change, for Jax, for you, and for myself. I can't keep doing this to him, but I don't know where to start."

  Matthew placed his hand on Dale's shoulder, his gaze unwavering. "Do you intend to commit to this, Dale? Because if it's just talk...."

  Dale shook his head. "No. Whatever it takes. I've hurt Jax enough. I need help. I want to learn how to deal with it, with the impulses, the itch."

  "Okay, then." Matthew nodded. "We'll do that. The three of us. I know some great people who can help. You can get through this, Dale. Jax and I will be with you every step of the way."

  Dale's eyes filled with tears again. "I don't know how to thank you, Matthew."

  "Thank me by seeing this through."

  Dale nodded, and Matthew felt some of the tension ease in his shoulders. Jax loved his father, but there was no denying the man had a gambling addiction and needed help. Admitting he needed help and asking for it were two very huge steps. Matthew had every intention of making sure Dale had everything he needed to get through this.

  The doctor approached and let them know Jax was going to be just fine and was awake. Matthew had never been so relieved in his life. Jax had been moved into a private recovery room, and the doctor led him and Dale down a bright white corridor. The doctor would be giving them instructions for aftercare, which included rest and very gentle movement.

  Matthew stayed outside the room, insisting Dale go in first on his own. Dale obviously needed some time alone with his son, and Matthew didn't want to be there hovering, intruding on their family moment. He had a feeling whatever Dale had to say to Jax, it was a long time coming.

  When Dale left the room, his eyes were glassy and red. Matthew opened his mouth to speak, but Dale brought him into a big hug. When he pulled back, he cupped Matthew's cheek.

  "He needs you, Matty. You're good for him. For his heart. All his life, no-good scumbags have been telling him he's got no worth. That he's a deadbeat like his old man. He's not. My boy is special. He's a star that needs a little polish, is all." Dale put his hand over Matthew's heart. "You help him shine."

  Matthew blinked back his tears. He smiled at Dale and nodded, not knowing what to say other than "I love him, Dale. Always have. I'll take good care of him. I promise."

  Dale nodded. He patted Matthew's cheek before walking toward the waiting room. Taking a deep breath, Matthew let himself into the room. He closed the door and smiled warmly at Jax as he came to stand beside his bed.


  "Hey. My dad said you took care of the hospital bill."

  Matthew sighed and took a seat beside the bed. "Is that really what you're worried about right now, Jax?"


  "No, Jax. You took a bullet for me and saved my life. Paying your hospital bill is the least I can do, so please, don't argue with me."

  Jax let out a sigh. "Okay." He was clearly having trouble staying awake. Matthew stood and ran a hand over Jax's head before giving his brow a kiss.

  "Rest. We have plenty of time to talk."

  "Stay?" Jax said, his eyes drifting shut.

  "Always," Matthew promised. "I'll be right here when you wake up." Matthew removed his overcoat and suit jacket and hung them up on the hook by the door. He walked to the small linen closet, pulled out one of the spare pillows and a blanket, and brought them back with him to the couch, where he toed off his shoes. He arranged the pillow and lay down with the blanket over him. Now that the danger was over, Matthew was feeling exhausted. He had dozens of phone calls to make, but right now, all he wanted was to be here with Jax. And maybe take a little nap. Which he did.

  Matthew lost track of the time. He had no idea how long he'd been asleep, only that it was dark outside. Jax was still sleeping, so
Matthew rolled onto his side, facing Jax, and closed his eyes. The next time he woke up, he felt better. He stretched with a moan, arching his back and lifting his arms above his head.

  "Now that's just unfair, making those noises when I can't do anything about it."

  Matthew laughed and opened his eyes, meeting Jax's smiling ones.

  "Morning, Sunshine," Jax said, patting the bed beside him. He'd shimmied over to leave room for Matthew. "It's not king-size, but it'll do."

  Matthew got up and carefully lay down on the hospital bed next to Jax, snuggling in close. Jax kissed his head, and Matthew relaxed. Jax was okay. He was going to be just fine.

  "Jax," Matthew said gently, "you need to understand something. You are more important to me than anything. If I can use the money I have to help you, I will."

  Jax started to protest, and Matthew cut him off.

  "Not because you can't take care of yourself. Not because you're weak or any of the hundred other self-deprecating ways you see yourself, but because I love you, and this is one of the ways I show my love. Knowing you're taken care of, that I'm giving you something you need, makes me happy. And this isn't about me buying your love. I hope to God that's not what you think." Matthew tried to find the right words. "No one's ever needed me, Jax. Love me, yes, but need me?" He shook his head. "I'm not saying you have to live off my money, because I know that's not you, but if you need something, please come to me. We can at least talk about it."

  Jax seemed to think about it before he nodded. "I understand what you're saying."

  "Good, so you're okay with me moving you and your dad into my apartment?"

  Jax's eyes went wide. He opened his mouth to reply, then quickly shut it. His eyes grew glassy, and he smiled. "You want me--us--to live with you?"

  "I would love for you both to live with me, if you'll have me. You need someone to take care of you while you heal. If once you're better, you would rather live on your own, I'll help you both find an apartment, but I was kind of hoping that maybe you might want to stay... and marry me."

  "You want me to marry you?"

  Matthew chuckled at Jax's staggered expression. "That's what I said, isn't it?"


  Matthew removed the letter from his pocket. "Did you mean it? Everything you wrote here? Did you mean it?"

  Jax nodded. "I love you, Matty. I've loved you from the beginning. I'm sorry for being a coward, for not contacting you sooner. I'm sorry I let my pride get in the way. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, to be with you, but I won't be a kept man. I won't accept your charity. I want to be your equal. I love you for who you are, and I need you to love me for who I am. I might not be the Mr. Right you were looking for. In fact, I'm more like Mr. Wrong, but I will love you and cherish you with everything I have. Always."


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