Book Read Free

Act IX

Page 18

by Alexander Gordon

  “But…” Lelu whimpered holding her hands to her chest. “Where will I go? Where can I go?”

  “Anywhere but here!” Max yelled as he held the spoon towards her face again, electing a terrified gasp from the girl. “Just get out of here before I mount your head up there next to the last monster that dared come near our home! Get going or else… or else… I’ll use this!”

  “Please… don’t spoon me,” Lelu fearfully breathed out.

  “I’ll spoon you so hard, I swear to god I will!”

  “Don’t! I beg of you!”

  “Then get out of here! I don’t care where you go, just go anywhere but here. Now!”

  Before either of them could move a horse was heard galloping up towards the residence. Max looked to the front window and saw a rider coming closer before he jumped with a gasp at seeing who it was.

  “Mae?” he cried out. “Wha- what is she doing back here so soon?”

  “Who?” Lelu asked before Max dropped the shield and grabbed her hand, yanking the centaur onto her feet and rushing her across the sales floor as fast as he could.

  “You need to leave, now!” he ordered while dragging the stumbling and confused centaur around the front counter towards the back curtain. Before he could make it Lelu tripped and toppled down to the ground, bringing Max down as well as they crashed to the floor. He scrambled back to his feet and frantically pulled the centaur by her hand, the girl stumbling to her feet and catching the counter for balance before looking at him curiously.

  “C’mon, you need to-” Max said before the front door opened, with the boy quickly yanking Lelu close and pushing her down onto her legs with a nervous smile towards his returning sister.

  “Keep your body hidden,” he urged through his teeth. Lelu gulped and trembled while her lower body hugged the floor as much as she could, both of them watching as Mae walked in through the front door with a cheery smile on her face.

  “I’m back,” she announced. “Sorry, but I forgot my-”

  Stopping immediately Mae showed a surprised look at seeing Max smiling weakly at her from behind the counter while a girl was keeping close to him with an uneasy frown on her face.

  “Max?” Mae asked before slowly walking towards the counter with a curious smile forming. “Who is that?”

  “Um, uh, well, she, uh, um,” Max stuttered while rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Hello there,” Mae greeted as she stood before the two. “Who might you be?”

  Lelu slowly glanced to Max who returned the uneasy look then smiled nervously at Mae while praying her lower body was still out of sight. The elder sister crossed her arms with an amused smirk at the girl, showing that she likely couldn’t see that she was talking to a centaur.

  “Lelu,” the girl slowly answered.

  “Max? Who is this girl?” Mae slyly asked her brother.

  “She’s… um…” he shakily replied. “Well… you see…”

  Taking a moment to calm himself the best he could he chuckled and looked to Lelu with a forced smile.

  “Well, she’s new to the area. She just stopped by and… I was just… here, and… um…”

  “Really now?” Mae mused before smiling kindly at Lelu. “Well, nice to meet you. I’m Mae, Max’s older sister. Oh dear, are you alright? You look a little scratched up and your clothes are ripped.”

  “I’m fine!” Lelu tensely exclaimed while showing a wide smile. “Just… was playing outside! That’s all!”

  “Oh. Okay…” Mae slowly replied before noticing the girl’s large breasts bouncing once in her shirt. “Wow… um… you’re really… growing into a fine young… lady. Lelu, how… old are you?”

  “I’m twelve, ma’am!” Lelu answered loudly, with Max cringing from her obvious trepidation.

  “Twelve?” Mae nervously repeated. “No, you can’t be that… young. Surely you’re older than that.”

  “But I am,” Lelu curiously said before turning to Max. “Why is it so hard to believe I’m twelve?”

  “You’re really twelve years old?” Mae worried, pointing to the girl and eyeing her large endowments.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Mae blinked then slowly glanced down to her own chest, a weak smile coming across her face before she slowly nodded and chuckled lightly at the centaur.

  “I see. Well, how very… interesting.”

  ‘Are you kidding me? How the hell did this girl’s breasts get that big at her age? What’s everyone’s secret to growing them like that? For crying out loud, Milly’s are as big as my head, and this girl’s might be just as large! This isn’t fair! Why won’t mine grow like that?’

  “So… that’s nice,” Mae politely said, trying her best not to scowl at the new girl or raise her voice. She then quickly turned to Max with an inquisitive stare. “Max, why is she behind the sales counter with you? What were you two doing?”

  “Nothing!” Max pleaded shaking his head. “I was just… showing her around! That’s all!”

  Mae raised an eyebrow at him while remaining silent, causing uncomfortable chuckles from the two kids as they were close to breaking out in a nervous sweat. After a moment Mae leaned forward on the counter with a sly smirk at her brother.

  “Max,” she knowingly stated. “No funny business while we’re away, understand?”

  “Of course, I know that!”

  “Good. Now, I came back because I forgot my spare glasses. Could you be a good little brother and go check the back room? I think I left them in there.”

  “Um, well…” Max hesitated glancing to Lelu.

  “Right now, Max,” Mae ordered.

  “Okay, sure,” Max carefully agreed with a nervous smile. He took a few slow steps back then rushed through the curtain in haste. Mae giggled at seeing him flee then turned her eyes over to Lelu, seeing the girl smiling fearfully at her while keeping close to the counter. She tucked in her legs and tail as much as possible while trying to keep her lower body concealed, her smile being incredibly forced as she was well aware that she was face to face with another monster hunter.

  “Lelu, are you alright?” Mae worried as she reached over and gently brushed the centaur’s cheek. “You look like you’ve been crying.”

  “No!” Lelu assured shaking her head. “I mean, I was, yes! But… now I’m fine! I mean, I’m alright, really!”

  “It’s alright, you can relax,” Mae promised as she picked a few leaves out of the girl’s hair. “I’m not mad you were talking to Max or that you’re back there, don’t worry. I’m not trying to scare you.”

  Lelu laughed weakly while struggling to keep her legs still under her. Mae glanced towards the back curtain then smiled curiously at the girl.

  “If something is troubling you, I want you to know you’re safe here. My sisters, myself, and Max, we’re here to help those in the area. So if you have a problem you can always come to us. Any friend of Max is a friend of ours.”

  “Friend?” Lelu repeated.

  “Of course,” Mae gently said. “I know Max has been rather lonely out here, not many kids his age to play with. You being here must make him so happy.”

  “I… don’t know about that,” Lelu weakly replied.

  Mae giggled before Max rushed back out from the backroom, the boy stopping suddenly with wide eyes as he saw his sister smiling curiously at him while leaning forward on the counter towards Lelu. The centaur was showing a nervous smile towards him while her lower body fidgeted and tried to remain out of sight from the elder hunter.

  “I found them!” Max declared holding up the small leather case with a set of glasses inside.

  “Thank you,” Mae said as he handed it to her. “I can’t believe I forgot these earlier. By the way, Max, Lelu and I were just having a nice little chat. I’m not sure what upset her earlier, but I did assure her that we would help her if able to. You agree with that, yes?”

  “Huh? Yeah, sure. I agree with that,” Max quickly insisted nodding a few times. “That’s what we’re here for
, to help people.”

  “Glad to hear it. Make sure you take care of this one then,” Mae mentioned with a wink at him. He smiled weakly and nodded to that while Lelu watched him curiously.

  “Anyway, I have to get going now, need to catch up to your sisters. I’m sure they’ll be surprised to hear you have a new girlfriend.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend!” Max cried out shaking his head.

  “Haha, I meant a friend who is a girl,” Mae reasoned with a shrug. She started heading towards the door before glancing back to Lelu. “And, Lelu? It was nice meeting you. If Max does anything funny with you let us know when we get back and we’ll set him straight.”

  “Mae!” Max whined.

  “It’s alright,” Lelu nervously insisted. “Nothing funny going on here. I’m sure he’s not going to spoon me or anything after you leave. Haha.”

  Mae looked at her bewilderedly then to Max who just face palmed.

  “We’ll be fine,” he called out shaking his head. “I promise. She’s just making a joke.”

  “Um… okay then,” Mae unsurely said before leaving the home. The two kids watched as she mounted her horse outside and took off with a hasty gallop, both of them then sighing in relief and leaning against the counter together.

  “That was close,” Max said holding his head.

  Lelu nodded then looked at him curiously while standing back up on her feet.

  “Why did you do that?” she timidly asked. He glanced to her with a dull expression as she lowered her head with her hands held together. “Why did you keep me safe from her?”

  “I kept myself safe,” Max scoffed. “She would have killed me for letting a monster into our home.”

  “I see. And… why is it you’re not killing me?”

  “I already told you I don’t want to deal with the hassle,” Max snapped looking away with discontent. “If I kill you I’ll have to clean up the mess and toss your corpse out, it’s so much work. I have enough to do around here already, I don’t need you to add more to that.”

  Lelu nodded and looked around at the armor and weapons set about, then to the gremlin’s head that was mounted over the door, then to the spoon lying on the counter before resting her eyes on Max as he was ruffling his hair in frustration of everything happening to him.

  “Can… I do anything for you?” she quietly asked.

  “Yes. Get out!” Max yelled at her.

  “B-B-But…” Lelu stuttered as she slumped down while cowering in fear. “I have nowhere to go.”

  “I don’t care! You can’t stay here! Now get out of here before I lose my patience with you!”

  Lelu gulped then lowered her head with closed eyes, holding her arms together under her bosom while trying to steady her breathing.

  “Please, I have nowhere else to go. I have no family to turn to. And… I’m scared. I’m scared of what is out there waiting for me.”

  “You should be scared of what’s in here with you! I’m a monster hunter! You’re in the home of monster hunters!”

  “I know, and I am terrified,” Lelu whimpered with teary eyes up at him. “You could end my life without any trouble, I don’t doubt that. But I feel as though I’m safer here than out there.”

  “What?” Max confusedly asked. “How could you feel safer in here?”

  “I’m in the home of monster hunters,” Lelu spoke with a hint of admiration. “Those demons that laid waste to my home and attacked my people, they won’t come for me here. They won’t dare cross your path. And you, even though I’m a monster you showed mercy upon me. You kept your sister from finding out what I am and are even offering me the chance to flee.”

  “So then flee!” Max cried out. “You don’t belong here!”

  “I don’t belong anywhere!” Lelu yelled. Max kept on guard as the centaur struggled not to break down into tears. “I have no place to run, no family to reunite with, and no home to return to. Maybe it was fate that led me here or maybe blind luck, but this den of monster hunters has proved to be a sanctuary for me, and I’m eternally grateful for that. I understand you hate me, you despise our kind, and perhaps you will kill me just as you’re trained to do. But I implore you, let me stay here, at least for a little while longer. I don’t want to go back out there, not when those horrible monsters could be waiting for me.”

  Max grabbed the spoon from the counter and held it towards the centaur, her eyes going from it up to his with a sorrowful frown on her face.

  “You’re not staying here,” Max growled. “Now get out, this is your last chance. Do it now or else I’m going to make you regret it!”

  “Then spoon me,” Lelu answered. “Better to die in here by your hands then out there with what those evil monsters would do to me. My life is in your hands. If I really cannot stay here then this is the end for me.”

  Max snarled with frustration as the centaur watched him with teary eyes. He shook his silverware at the monster before slamming it down on the counter and stomping about in his anger. Lelu glanced to the spoon then to him curiously as he tugged on his hair while muttering to himself. After a while he stopped and looked back to the centaur, the girl jumping a bit then quickly lowering her head again while waiting for his answer.

  “When my sisters come back they’re going to slaughter you,” he threatened. “They’ll tear you to pieces when they find out what you are.”

  “I understand. I’ll leave before then, I promise. If you would show mercy that alone would be enough of a miracle for me.”

  Max hesitated then marched up towards the monster and pointed at her face accusingly, the girl leaning back with a nervous whine as he glared at her with evident disdain.

  “Fine. You want to stay here for now? I’ll let you do that, I’ll let you live for the time being, but in return you’re going to be working your ass off to help me get my chores done. And I’m not going to hear a single word or complaint out of you the entire time, or so help me I will spoon you so hard you’ll wish those gremlins had found you instead. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes. I understand,” Lelu quickly insisted nodding. “I’ll do whatever you say. I swear.”

  Max grunted as he walked away while rubbing his face, a tired sigh escaping his throat while Lelu watched him with timid eyes.

  “I just know I’m going to regret this,” Max grumbled to himself. “Letting a monster stay here, this is going to be trouble.”

  ‘Why can’t I kill her? She’s a monster, she’s an evil creature that’s probably going to try and rape me. Why the hell am I so cowardly like this? So what if she’s young, she’s still a monster. And she can’t be that young, her breasts are huge! She has to be older than she’s saying, I mean those things are gigantic. What am I thinking, stop being so stupid, Max. There’s a dangerous monster in here with you, it doesn’t matter if her boobs are incredibly big and bouncy!’

  “Um… Max?” Lelu slowly spoke up. Max twitched then looked back to see the centaur holding her hands over her belly with a tired expression. “I’ll gladly do any labor you want in return for you protecting me, but… could you find it in your heart to offer this poor centaur any food first?”

  “You want my food now?” Max flatly asked.

  “I haven’t eaten anything in days,” Lelu confessed as her stomach growled. “I hate to ask this of you, I really do. Would… it be alright if I ate first before getting to work?”

  Max contemplated grabbing the spoon from the counter to viciously attack the centaur with, then took a moment to consider running over to the other weapons that were in plain sight and grabbing something with more killing power than a simple spoon to finish the centaur off with instead, and then sighed tiredly before rubbing a hand down his face as he still felt uneasy about attacking the girl to begin with.

  ‘Do I feel sorry for her? Am I afraid of her? What the hell is wrong with you, Max? She’s a monster, the things your sisters are hired to kill. Why can’t I just end this like they would and go back to having things being normal
around here?’

  “What is wrong with me?” he muttered before giving the centaur a puzzled look. “Wait a minute, do monsters like you even eat human food?”


  “Mmmm!” Cindy moaned in heavily delight, her voice echoing in the dining hall against stunned silence.

  The group was again seated for their meal, with Apoch and Astreal also having opted for seconds with platefuls of cookies and pudding, as well as Clover and Star who were sitting next to the other girls now instead of further away. Doku had yet to return as she was still asleep in the bedroom after being overwhelmed from becoming Daniel’s official mate. Of course nobody was eating just yet, except for one individual who was apparently really loving her food.

  “That’s so yummy!” Cindy cheered while slowly chewing, a blissful look on her face along with a faint blush on her cheeks. “Oh my gosh, this is so wonderful.”

  With a big gulp she swallowed then opened her mouth to the side with dreamy eyes, saying ‘ah’ while waiting to be fed something else by someone.

  Sitting beside her Daniel was staring at the sand wraith in surprise, he and all the girls who were also watching the new girl being stunned to see how much she apparently loved their food. He glanced down to the plate which had mutton slices on it with seasoned gravy then slowly picked another up with his fork and held it out towards the wraith.

  “Um… glad you like it?” he said with an awkward smile. The girl took the meat into her mouth and moaned heavily around the fork, her eyes gazing deeply into Daniel’s own which made him a little uncomfortable. She gently held onto his hands while slowly sucking the meat off the utensil, the way she was going about it obviously appearing very suggestive to which he and the other girls were trying not to notice.

  “She... really likes the food,” Falla slowly mentioned.

  “A lot,” Luna added, with Pip nodding as the fairy sat atop her head.


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