Book Read Free

Act IX

Page 19

by Alexander Gordon

  “I agree it is very delicious,” Specca commented with a confused look at Cindy. “But I don’t believe it’s that good.”

  “Maybe I should try what she’s having,” Astreal giggled before biting into another cookie.

  “Ms. Doku really is a talented cook,” Apoch commended. “It appears she is simply love-struck with what the harpy has made.”

  “She really is loving it,” Kroanette curiously said as everyone saw Cindy holding her hands to her cheeks while slowly chewing. The way the wraith was passionately moaning and murmuring it was apparent that she was indeed relishing the sensation of eating.

  “Is this normal?” Triska asked.

  “I have no idea,” Alyssa answered slowly shaking her head.

  Daniel smiled weakly at the wraith that was both sensually chewing her food and watching him with adoring eyes. He glanced around to see the uncomfortable looks on the faces of his mates then hesitantly picked up a cookie to show Cindy.

  “Here,” he offered holding out the treat. “This is a cookie. I think you’ll like this too.”

  “Cookie?” Cindy asked before swallowing what was in her mouth. She leaned towards Daniel and opened her mouth. “Ah…”

  Daniel slowly brought the cookie towards her mouth before she closed it around his fingers, the girl’s eyes going wide with a squeal before she grabbed his hand and moaned louder than ever before in ecstasy.

  “What is she doing?” Specca exclaimed as the wraith was both sucking on Daniel’s fingers and munching up the cookie in her mouth.

  “She’s having a fucking orgasm from a cookie,” Clover said in bewilderment.

  “They are pretty good,” Astreal mentioned before eating more of hers.

  “I take it you… like it?” Daniel nervously reasoned while trying to pull his hand away, being unable to as the wraith’s grip was solid as a rock. She continued to moan loudly while eating the snack, however the way she was going about it was only causing more tension with the girls.

  “Stop doing that!” Kroanette demanded.

  “Let go of him this instant!” Specca ordered loudly.

  “She’s sucking on him more enthusiastically than I did the first time I blew him,” Alyssa said in disbelief.

  “None of us have sucked on him like that before,” Triska replied pointing to Cindy in shock.

  “Really? Why not?” Clover curiously asked, with everyone looking to her confusion for a brief second before back at the sand wraith that was slurping and sucking on Daniel’s fingers with her eyes staying on him the entire time.

  “Um… Cindy?” he spoke up with a weak smile. “Do you… think you could… let me go now?”

  Cindy rocked her head back and forth with eager murmurs a few more times before finally letting go of Daniel’s hand and sighing happily. She stared at Daniel with loving eyes while she slowly licked her lips and fingers, again doing so in a very provocative way that the other girls felt increasing ire from.

  “That was so good!” Cindy moaned before leaning closer towards him. “More please. Feed me more.”

  Daniel looked at her curiously before glancing around at seeing all the girls watching Cindy carefully, none of them too focused with their own meals as they were more distracted with the way the sand wraith was enjoying hers.

  “Is this the first time you’ve actually eaten something with your mouth?” he asked while picking up a piece of beef with his fork. Cindy nodded as he held the food out for her, the girl again taking the bite with a sensual murmur and adoring eyes on Daniel.

  “She’s simply enthralled with the concept of taste,” Specca marveled.

  “Do sand wraiths never eat normal food?” Triska wondered.

  “I suppose that’s possible,” Alyssa guessed with a shrug. “They normally absorb their victims right into their own bodies, they don’t need to eat them using their mouths.”

  “She really likes eating food,” Luna commented as Cindy was slowly chewing while staring at Daniel.

  “She really likes Daniel,” Falla added with a hint of concern.

  Squeak looked to her plate then picked up an apple and tapped Cindy’s shoulder with a squeak. The sand wraith turned to the ant girl sitting next to her and saw Squeak holding out the apple with a hopeful smile and a few squeaks. Cindy stared at her with no apparent interest and swallowed her food before turning back to Daniel with an open mouth and loving eyes. Squeak smiled bitterly at the wraith while her hand crushed the apple out of frustration before glancing around at the other girls with discontent.

  “She only wants Daniel to feed her,” Kroanette realized.

  “I don’t like the way she keeps staring at him,” Falla said shaking her head.

  “I think she likes him more than the food,” Alyssa muttered.

  “Cindy,” Triska spoke up with a forced smile. The sand wraith merely glanced to her with a dull expression as the cambion gestured to the wraith’s plate on the table. “You can eat more if you want, but how about you do so from your own plate? Let Daniel eat his lunch.”

  “Go away, meanie,” Cindy retorted before opening her mouth towards Daniel again.

  Triska growled while clutching the sword at her hip, her patience again running dangerously low while the other girls were growing more concerned about Cindy’s heavy focus on Daniel now.

  “Here,” Daniel offered as he set a roll and piece of mutton down on Cindy’s plate. “You try eating them. Pick up your fork like I’ve been doing and give it a try.”

  Cindy looked down to the food with a curious eye before grabbing a spoon and holding it up. The group watched as she tried piercing the meat with the rounded silverware, a worried expression coming over the girl as she couldn’t get the food to stick to it.

  “It’s not working,” she whined.

  “Wow,” Clover dryly commented before taking a bite of her apple.

  “I believe we were right guessing she was a young child,” Specca reasoned with a raised eyebrow at the wraith.

  Cindy kept jabbing her spoon onto the mutton with frustrated grunts before Pip fluttered over in front of her.

  “Not like that, silly,” Pip giggled. “You have to use the fork.”

  “I don’t understand,” Cindy pouted.

  Pip flew down onto the plate next to the food and pointed to the side at the other silverware.

  “Pick up that one, the one that has pointed ends.”

  Cindy looked at the fork curiously then switched it with her spoon.

  “This one?”

  “That’s the one,” Pip applauded with a few claps before pointing to the meat next to her. “Now use that to stick your food onto.”

  Cindy nodded then promptly stabbed the fork down into the mutton, piercing it and the plate with a loud crunch. Pip jumped with a squeak as the silverware was thrust down right next to her, a stunned smile on her face while she trembled slightly as the fork had just missed her. The fairy twitched a bit then quickly flew off to the side and hid in Squeak’s bosom, a nervous whimper coming from the tiny girl as she carefully popped her head up above the mounds.

  “I didn’t mean to try and stick me with it,” she whined shaking her head.

  Everyone stared with wide eyes as the wraith slowly lifted the fork out from being lodged into the table, taking the plate up with it before it cracked apart and fell into pieces, and then just looked at the meat she had skewered onto the cutlery with wonder.

  “I got it!” Cindy cheered with a hop. “I put the food on the fork! Yay!”

  “Well… done,” Daniel managed to get out before the sand wraith shoved it into her mouth with an eager murmur. As she once again moaned in delight and savored the taste of her food Daniel and the girls all exchanged worried looks with one another. All except Apoch and Astreal who were watching the sand wraith amusedly while eating their sweets.

  “Such a sweet young killer,” Apoch giggled before taking another bite of her pudding.

  “Yes,” Astreal mused while leisurely swirl
ing her glass of wine. “It’s interesting to see someone who was once feared as a murderous monster acting like such a kindhearted girl.”

  The twins slowly glanced over to the side and smirked the same way while everyone else was watching Cindy passionately chewing and purring with the food in her mouth, everyone except for Star who was looking back at the witch sisters with a concerned eye. They giggled and turned their focus back to the sand wraith while Star lowered her head and meowed quietly, her tails slowly waving about behind her chair while her hand reached towards a knife to cut her food with. Upon taking hold of the blade she gulped and slowly turned her eyes to what she was holding, the cutlery shaking slightly in her trembling hand as she tried to keep her old memories locked away.

  “I don’t know,” Clover spoke to herself as she took a big bite out of her mutton. “Sand wraiths are some of the most dangerous and merciless monsters out there. They could almost be considered Darker Ones with the way they kill so many in the world. Can someone really be a kindhearted girl when their hands are stained with that much blood?”

  Star glanced to her with worried eyes from those words, seeing Clover shaking her head slowly while watching Cindy along with everyone else, then slowly looked back down to the knife she was holding. The image of blood covering the blade along with her hand wouldn’t go away, the sight of her plate and area on the table soaked with crimson reminding her that her past was very real and couldn’t be forgotten. With a quiet whimper she let go of the knife and struggled to keep a calm appearance. She looked over to Daniel who was smiling weakly at Cindy as she laughed and bounced about happily on her chair. As she replayed his fight with the witch sisters in her mind a tear started to form in her eye, his words of loving and caring for those he claimed as his mates echoing in her head before something the witch sisters told her sounded out over them.

  “Hide your past the best you can. Because if he ever finds out just how much bloodshed you’ve sown with your claws, he’ll never let you have his love. Ever.”

  Chapter 6

  A Dream Come True

  In the world of Eden there was no safer refuge from the lustful monsters or abundant dangers that plagued the land than one’s own dream. Within their reverie they could be free to enjoy whatever desire they wished for most. Any fears, doubts, or even shames in the real world couldn’t touch them when they were surrounded by their most treasured fantasies and hopes. It was here they could behave however they wanted, do whatever they wanted, and live however they wanted without the crushing weight of reality to hold them down. More often than not these dreams would remain just as that, fleeting glimpses of a world they wanted to live in, a life they wanted as their own.

  And sometimes their dream would come true, with their desires being seen by all.


  “I still can’t believe what I’m seeing,” Specca marveled while carefully adjusting her glasses, watching with both curiosity and a sense of caution at something that was everyone’s focus at the dining table.

  “How about an apple?” Daniel suggested as he held one out towards Cindy, the sand wraith quickly latching onto his arm while taking large bites out of the fruit.

  “Mmmm!” Cindy moaned heavily with each passionate chomp. “It’s so good!”

  “She simply adores food,” Specca realized.

  “What about a brownie?” Luna asked standing beside Daniel and holding out the treat to the wraith. Cindy looked at her for a moment then to Daniel, seeing him nodding with a friendly smile on his face.

  “It’s alright, Cindy. They want to give you something delicious to eat as well. Please try it.”

  After a pause Cindy grabbed hold of the Luna’s arm and practically sucked the chocolate snack right out of hand, the wraith appearing to love the taste very much so as she squealed with the utmost delight.

  “It’s so good!” Cindy cheered before licking Luna’s hand clean, with Luna showing a nervous smile as she tried tugging her arm away.

  “Adores it?” Kroanette repeated. “More like loves it to no end. She’s beyond being in heaven right now.”

  “Try some of this pudding,” Alyssa offered holding a bowl out towards the wraith from beside Luna. Cindy grabbed the bowl and literally stuck her face in it, slurping and swallowing the tasty dessert with what everyone believed to be a genuine orgasm from the way she cried out in absolute bliss.

  “It’s so good!” Cindy wailed into the bowl.

  “I’ve never heard of a sand wraith behaving this way,” Specca commented.

  “You mean the not eating people part?” Falla questioned. “Or the bit about them acting like eating food is better than sex?”

  “Both,” Specca bewilderedly answered while watching Cindy with disbelief. “She’s not only behaving herself around all of us, but she’s… well, entranced with the concept of taste.”

  Cindy lowered the bowl with a passionate sigh, the group smiling amusedly at seeing her reeling from the sensation of tasty pudding while plenty more of it was covering her face.

  “Oh my gosh!” Cindy purred before frantically wiping the dessert off and licking her hands clean. “These things taste so good! And this is all really food too?”

  “Yes,” Daniel answered with a curious smile, giving a look around at his equally surprised mates before seeing Cindy swaying about in her chair with a deep blush on her face on what appeared to be the happiest day in her life. “This is what we eat. Do you really like it?”

  “It’s the best in the whole wide world!” Cindy cheered with an enthusiastic hop. “I love it all so much! I wanna try eating everything here!”

  Squeak stood behind the wraith and held out a roll with butter spread across it, to which Cindy quickly grabbed and shoved into her mouth as if it was the last bit of food in Eden.


  “Here’s another cookie,” Alyssa giggled as she held one out towards Cindy, again with the wraith snatching the treat and pushing it into her mouth with a large joyful moan.


  “Here’s some delicious salad,” Triska offered, holding a fork towards Cindy with lettuce and dressing on it.

  Cindy merely glared at her with a small growl before knocking the cutlery out of Triska’s hand.

  “Meanie!” Cindy snapped before looking away with a loud scoff. Everyone watched the wraith curiously then Triska who was trying to hold in her frustrated snarls towards the girl.

  “What the hell? I’m trying to be nice and feed you too! What is with your attitude?”

  “Maybe she doesn’t like salad,” Specca hesitantly reasoned.

  Daniel glanced to his own bowl of lettuce with a raised eyebrow then prepared a bite on his fork to which he held towards Cindy with a small smile.

  “Here, Cindy, try some of-” he managed to get out before Cindy quickly chomped down on it with a loving murmur and adoring eyes fixated on the boy. Daniel chuckled a little with a weak smile as the wraith slowly slurped off the food and ate it before glancing to Triska with a shrug.

  “I don’t think it’s the salad she doesn’t like,” Clover commented shaking her head.

  “She really doesn’t care for Triska,” Kroanette agreed with a sympathetic look at the cambion.

  “Are you kidding me?” Triska groaned in annoyance. “I’m trying to be nice to her here just like all of you. I’m not doing anything bad. Why does she hate me?”

  “Perhaps Doku was right with you frightening her earlier,” Specca suggested.

  “I was protecting you from her!” Triska shouted back. “Again, I’m not the bad girl here!”

  Looking around she saw everyone staring at her with blank expressions, except for Cindy who had once again clung to Daniel’s chest while trembling in fear. Daniel sighed and gently held the wraith while patting her head before shaking his head slowly Triska.

  “Triska, please don’t yell so much around her. She really doesn’t like that.”

  “Is this one always so loud?” Apoch question
ed before eating more of her pudding.

  “I can see how even a deadly monster such a sand wraith would be terrified of her,” Astreal giggled before taking a drink of her wine.

  “I’m not scary!” Triska cried out desperately. “I was just protecting my family, how is that a crime?”

  “Stop shouting,” Luna pleaded while gently patting Cindy’s back. “You’re scaring the poor girl.”

  “Triska, knock it off,” Alyssa snapped. “A sand wraith is actually behaving herself with us, don’t ruin it by upsetting her.”

  Triska held in her voice the best she could while slumping down in her chair, lightly hitting her fist on the table out of frustration a few times before doing so more heavily. The group watched as she held both hands over her face and took a few slow breaths to calm down before shaking her head with hands held up defensively.

  “Fine, I’m sorry. Alright? I didn’t mean to upset her; I was only trying to keep her from killing Specca a little a while ago. I’m so sorry I scared her in doing so.”

  Daniel smiled amusedly at his mate then noticed Cindy peeking up at him from her hiding spot against his chest.

  “Don’t worry,” he gently reassured her. “You’re safe. Triska won’t hurt you, not as long as you are a kindhearted girl. And you are. I’m very proud of you, Cindy.”

  “I did good?” Cindy eagerly asked with a bright smile.

  “It’s incredible,” Kroanette marveled as Daniel pat Cindy’s head, the wraith giggling and wiggling her chest like she always did while exuding not a single trace of malice or danger. “Daniel, you’ve actually convinced a sand wraith to control herself around other people. This is simply unheard of.”

  “I never would have believed they of all monsters could control themselves like this,” Specca agreed. “You have one of the most dangerous and feared monsters in Eden hugging you right now, and yet you’re perfectly safe with her.”

  “And I think we figured out something they like more than eating people,” Alyssa commented with a curious eye at the table. “They really love to eat food like we do.”

  “I don’t think any of us like eating as much as she does,” Clover mentioned with a raised eyebrow at the wraith.


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