Vulgar Tongues
Page 39
Pole and Whistle, The 146
Police 3, 43, 50, 68, 100, 112, 115, 120, 131, 156–157, 185, 196, 237, 268–269, 284, 288, 301–311
Political-correctness 12, 301, 336–337
Politicians 3, 9-10, 21–22, 27, 29, 76, 86, 96–98, 100, 117, 135, 137, 141, H9/185, 191–193, 203–204, 206–207, 227, 230, 239, 284, 298, 312, 329, 335
Polyakov, Aleksey Aleksandrovitch 287
‘Poopdeck Goes Beatnik’ 254
Poopdeck Pappy 253–254
Pope, Mrs 88
Popeye 253–254
Popeye comic 253–254
Popular Mechanics 332
Porridge 97–98
Porter, Royce 249
Portia 181
Portland, OR 83, 134, 234
Portrait of Mr W. H., The 124
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A 280
Portsmouth 92, 278, 320
Portugal 220
Post Boy, The 38
Post-Captain – Or, the Wooden Walls Well Manned, The 323
Pound, Stephen 149
Powell, Tommy & His Hi-De-Ho Boys 244
Praise of Folie, The 33
Presley, Elvis 102, 188, 247, 260–262, 282
Preston 259
‘Pretty Fly For A White Guy’ 287
Price, Pamela Vandyke 113
Prices of Merchandise in London, The 201
Priest 215, 218
Prison 8, 13, 41–42, 97–98, 148, 152–153, 169, 171–176, 180, 188, 288, 302, 310, 317
Pritchard, Thomas 201
Private detectives 15, 68–69, 73/116, 147, 151, 182, 189, 191, 205, 287, 295, 296
Private Eye 26, 70, 193, 195, 329
Private’s Progress 316
Privates on Parade 118
‘Professor Bop, Himself’ – see Gonzales, Babs
Prohibition 164, 167–168, 182, 185–187, 191–192, 207
Proops, Marjorie 148
Prostitution 2, 3, 6, 13, 35, 39, 45–48, 76, 78–95, 153, 166, 220–221, 237, 276, 282, 313
Provincial Glossary, with a Collection of Local Proverbs, and Popular Superstitions, A 24, 338
Prynne, William 193
Psychopathia Sexualis 132
Public Enemy 21, 22, 245, 290–292
Public Enemy, The 165
Public Enemy No. 1 170
Puerto Rico 219
Pulitzer Prize 143
Punch 67
Punch & Judy men 130–131
Punchers, The 264
‘Punky Reggae Party’ 283
Puritanism 15–16, 37, 45, 53, 60, 65, 107, 192–193, 230, 245, 336–337
Purple Gang, The 224
Pussy, Madame Fuqueau de 108
Pussy Riot 65
Puzo, Mario 153
Q, Fur 293, 295
Queen 145
Queen Is Dead, The 145–146
Queens’ Vernacular – A Gay Lexicon, The 148
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy 150
Quincey, Thomas De 200–201, 203
Rabelais, François 33, 66, 109
Radio 75, 100, 106, no, 119, 130, 141, 146, 153, 218, 239, 255–256, 274, 276, 279, 282, 285, 296, 298, 325, 327
Rado, James 279
RAF Lissett airfield 327
Ragni, Jerome 279
Rainey, Ma 134
‘Rainy Day Women #13 & 35’ 5
Rakish Rhymer, Or Fancy Man’s Own Songster and Reciter, The 64–65
Ram 29
‘Ram Rod Daddy’ 110
Ramones 246, 277–278, 332
Ramsay, Allan 112
Randall, Alice 89
Rank, J Arthur 6
‘Rapper’s Delight’ 243, 286
Rasputin, Grigori 262
Rastafari 283–284
Rat Pack 5
Raven, The 146
Ravenhill, Mark 127
Ray, David 248
Raymond, Derek – see Cook, Robin
Razaf, Andy 110, 223
Razzy Dazzy Spasm Band, The 232–233
Really the Blues 224, 238–239
Recognitions, The 276
Record Club of America 210
Record Mirror 263
Red Harvest 84
Redding, Otis 294
Reed, Langford 66
Reed, Lou 222
Reefer Madness 223–224
‘Reefer Man’ 223, 244
‘Reefer Song, The’ 222
Reg Kray’s Book of Slang 98, 167
Regan, Detective Inspector Jack 308
‘Reggae Girl’ 284
Reid, Duke 285
Religion 11, 13, 18–19, 28, 76, 82, 85, 100, 123, 124, 129, 148, 163, 170, 180, 191–193, 273, 283–284, 322, 334
René, Rafael ‘Googie’ 253
Republican Party 76
Restoration comedy 37
Reuter, Donald F. 148
‘Reynard the Fox’ 232
Reynolds, Sir Joshua 307
Rezillos, The 16
Rhoades, Dee 279
Richard and Quétin 62–63
Richard, Little 248, 276
Richards, Frank 82
Richmond, Virginia 102
Richthofen, Manfred von 312
Ride the Nightmare (Life & Loves of a Modern Mister Bluebeard) 68
‘Riffette’ 244
Right to an Answer, The 155, 199
Riley, Brad 147
Riley, Winston 171
Ring-a-Ding Rhythm – see It’s Trad, Dad!
Rio de Janeiro 310
‘Rip Off’ 275
Ripped & Torn 297
Rivall Friends 182
Robin Hood Clan 5–6
Robinson, Francis Kildale 331
Robinson, Sylvia 286
‘Rock and Roll’ 244, 257–258
‘Rock Around The Clock’ (song) 259
Rock Around the Clock (film) 259
Rock Follies 279
‘Rock-A-Billy’ 257
‘Rock, Jenny, Rock’ 244
‘Rock Steady’ 283
Rockers 20, 247, 248, 263, 265, 268
Rodgers, Bruce 148
Rodney and Charles 142
Roger’s Profanisaurus 75, 114, 149
Rogers, E. W. 184
Rolling Stone 292
Rolling Stones 228, 255, 282
Romany language 137, 140
Rome 46, 213, 297
Romeo, Max 281–282
Romero, Chan 249
Romesville 253
Rookwood 160–161
Roosevelt, F. D. 190
Rose, Lord Stuart 22
‘Roses of Picardy’ 170
Rosewood Ramble, The 239
Ross, Fred 276
Ross, Madeline 276
Rothstein, Arnold 168
Rotten, Johnny – see Lydon, John
Rough Trade Records 297
Round the Horne 130, 141, 146
Roundhouse, The 277
Rowling, J. K. 224
Roxy, The 283
Roy, Harry, & His Bat Club Boys 110–111
Royal Academy 47
Royal Air Force – see Air Force
Royal Ballet 250
Royal Family 250
Royal First Warwickshire Regiment 309
Royal Navy – see Navy
Ruark, Robert C. 241
Rubin, Jerry 209, 210
Rubin, Rick 292
Rude Boy 283
‘Rudy, A Message To You’ 283
Rum, Bum and Concertina 138
Rump Parliament 192
Rumpo, Rambling Syd 155
Run, DJ 292
Run DMC 292
Russell Street 46
Russia 65, 251, 262
R. W.90
Rydell, Mark 147
Ryder, Winona 189
Sachs, Connie 287
Sadleir, Michael 106
Safire, William 293
‘Sad Little Gay Girl’ 148
‘Sail’ 68
Sailly-le-Sec 312
Sailor’s Word-Book: An Alphabetica
l Digest of Nautical Terms, The 320–322
Saint in Miami, The 301
Saint-Germain-des-Prés 265
Saint-Saens, Charles-Camille 271
Salinger, J. D. 112
Salisbury, Harrison E. 260–261
Samantha 75
‘Samson and Delilah’ 271–272
San Francisco CA 55, 143, 145, 151, 208, 250
San Francisco Chronicle, The 251
San Francisco Examiner, The 251
San Quentin 152–153
Sandburg, Carl 10
Sanger, Clyde 290
Sappho 128, 133, 148
Sappho Was a Right-on Woman 148
Sarasota Herald Tribune 291
Sassoon, Vidal 211
Satan’s Harvest Home: or the Present State of Whorecraft, Adultery, Fornication, Procuring, Pimping, Sodomy, And the Game of Flatts 127
Satirist and Sporting Chronicle, The 197–198
Satyrical Reflections on Clubs 126
Saturday Evening Post, The 234, 235
Saul 131
Saunders, Finbarr 17, 74–75
Saunders, Mrs 75
‘Save the Roach for Me’ 222
Savory, Mal 88
Saxony, Duke of 181
Sayers, Dorothy L. 307
Scamarino, Antonio 164
Scarface 162, 165
Scene club, The 263
Scheidlower, Jesse 237–238
Schenectady Gazette, The 241–242
School for Wives
Schools 7, 10-11, 82, 105, 135, 178, 244–245, 263, 267, 269, 280, 287, 324, 332, 335
Schulberg, Budd 191
Schuman, Howard 279
Schwarts, Arthur 223
Scientific Mental Healing 10
Scotland 16, 61, 83–84, 96–97, 117, 170, 184
Scotland Yard 115, 269
Scots Dialect Dictionary, The 184
Scott, Roosevelt 168
Scoundrels Dictionary, The 43–44
Scrabble 334, 334
‘Scrabble Stays Dench With New Words’ 334
Screw 120
‘Sea Terms and the Boatswain’s Call’ 320
Seaford College 7
Second World War 3–4, 66, 67, 92–93, 118, 123, 137–139, 142, 196–197, 225, 286, 314–318, 320–328, 335
Sedgwick, Edie 211
Selby Jr, Hubert 145
‘Sell The Pussy’ 282
Senegal 238
Sensations of 1945 235
Sergeant Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band 273
Setters, Inspector 304–305
Sex 5, 6, 12–13, 17–18, 30, 33–37 39, 42, 47, 57–95, 105–106, 108–ill, 113–115, 117, 123–129, 131–132, 135, 137, 140–142, 144, 149–150, 155, 172, 228–229, 2–50, 252, 257–258, 267, 273, 275–276, 279, 281–282, 299, 313, 319, 321, 327–328, 333, 337–338
Sex Pistols 77, 119–120, 277, 279–280
Sexual Offences Act (1967) 141
Sexual Offences Amendment Bill (1999) 149
‘Shack Bully Stomp’ 103
Shaft 116, 296
Shaft, John 296
‘Shake, Rattle & Roll’ 258–259
‘(Shake Shake Shake) Shake Your Booty’ 103
Shakespear’s Head Tavern 90
Shakespeare, William 3, 15, 17, 27–28, 30, 32–33, 37, 62, 64, 81, 93, 115, 124–125, 153, 180, 199, 288, 294, 331
Sharia el Berker Street 93
Sharpies, Ena 211
‘She Done Sold It Out’ 84
‘She’d Never Had Her Ticket Punched Before’ 111
Sheerness 66
Sheik Yerbouti 103
Shelley, Pete 279
Shelton, Johnnie & His Rockabillies 248
Shepard, Ollie 244
Sheppard, Jack 159
Shook-Up Generation, The 260–261
Shrewsbury, Elizabeth Talbot, Countess of 29
Shute, Nevil 195
Sid the Sexist 74
Siegel, Bugsy 153, 168
Sigal, Clancy 264
‘Sight For Sore Eyes, A’
Sign of Four, The 205
Signor Lippo, Burnt-Cork Artiste, His Life and Adventures 132
Sills, Milton 164
Silver Convention 286
Simmons, Lillian 112
Simmons, Russell 292
Simon & Garfimkel 5
Simon, John 102
Sinatra, Frank 182, 281
Sing Sing Prison 173–174, 176
Singapore 139
Singer, Alvy 211
Sinks of London Laid Open 113
Sins of the Cities of the Plain, Or Confessions of a Mary-Ann 131–132
Sir Henry at Rawlinson End 119
Sir, You Bastard 304
‘Sissy Blues’ 134
‘Sissy Man Blues’ 134–135
Skin Deep 164
Skorzeny, Obersturmbannführer Otto 317
Slack, Freddie & His Orchestra 244
Slang (computer language) 331
Slang. A Dictionary of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, the Pit, of Bon-Ton, and the Varieties of Life 204–205
Slang and Its Analogues 54, 105, 109–110, 117, 202, 217, 254, 297
‘Slang Evil, The’ 71
‘Slang of the Criminal’ 166
‘Slang Pastoral, A’ 306
Slash 198
Sleep No More 113
Slickers, The 171
Slim, Iceberg 13, 81, 94
‘Slippin’ & Slidin” 248
Slits, The 279
Slocombe, Mrs. Betty 107
Slops, Miss Selina 156
Small Change 183
Small Faces, The 211
Small, Millie 283
Small Town in Germany, A 199
Smash Records 283
‘Smashed! Blocked!’ 210
Smiley, George 287
Smiley, Jack 112
Smith, Captain Alexander 41–42, 43
Smith, Clarence ‘Pine Top’ 285
Smith, John Stafford 306
Smith, Mamie 221, 244
Smith, Mrs, 88
Smith, Stuff & His Onyx Club Boys 221, 222
Smith, Trixie 222
Smith, Winston 11
Smithers, Leonard 132
Smiths, The 145
‘Smokin’ Reefers’ 223
Smyth, Admiral W. H. 320, 322
Snafu, Private 318
SNCC 291
Sneed, Terry 304
Snout Who Cried Wolf, The 308
Snow Man, The 215
Soames, William 49
Social media 12
Soft Touch 190
Soldier and Sailor Words and Phrases 270
Solomon, Louis 318
Songs and Slang of the British Soldier, 1914–1918 105, 312–313
Sonics, The 276
Sony Music 298
Soprano, Corrado ‘Junior’ 13
Soprano, Tony 168
Sopranos, The 13, 168
Soranzo 79
Soul on Ice 76, 115–16, 147–148, 284, 294–295
South America 202, 323
South Carolina 176
South Eastern Gazette, The 206
South Shields 259
Southampton 92, 323
Southwark, Bishop of 193
Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdomes, The 193
‘Space Oddity’ 282
Spacin’ 299
Spade, Sam 136
Spain 181
Spanish Civil War 67
Spectator, The 100, 113, 160
‘Spell of the Rod, The’ 105
Spelling, Aaron 268
Spiked Heel, The 111–112, 190
Spivey, Victoria 221
Spokane Daily Chronicle, The 208
Sportsman’s Slang; A New Dictionary of Terms Used in the Affatrs of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, and the Cock-Pit 161
Spunyarn and Spindrift 321
Sputnik 251
Stand on Me 98, 142–143
, The 311
Standells, The 276
Stanshall, Vivian 119
Stanwyck, Barbara 236
‘Star-Spangled Banner, The’ 306
Starday Records 188
‘Starman’ 246
Starr, Ringo 145, 266, 269
Stasi 27
Steele, David 298
Steele, Richard 179
Steinem, Gloria 250–251
Stephen, Andrew 311
Stephens, Samuel 127
Steve Miller Band, The 210
Stiff Records 297
‘Stiff-Standing Member, The’ 64
Stitt, King 284–285
Stockholm 267
‘Stomp It Out, Gate’ 244
Stonewall Riots 141
Stooges, The 276
Storyville District 220–221, 231, 295
Straight from the Fridge, Dad 19
Straight Outta Compton 169, 245
Street, Della 83
‘Strephon and Chloe’ 199
Strip, Strip, Hooray 73
Seuss, Dr 330
Sugarhill Gang, The 243
Sugarhill Records 286
Suggestive Thoughts for Busy Workers 17
‘Suicide Blonde’ 309
Sullivan, Jeremiah 16
Sun, The 149, 214
Sun on Sunday, The 214
Sun Studio 261–262
Sunset and Vine, Hollywood CA 239
Super Bowl 307
Super Fly 214–215, 218
Superspade 69, 295
Surfing 8–9
Surrey Militia 47
Sussex 7, 24, 178
‘Suzy Is a Headbanger’ 332
Swann, Tommy 173
Sweden 191, 267
Sweeney, The 100, 308
Swell’s Night Guide, The 6, 241
Swift, Jonathan 3, 112, 199, 270, 331
‘Swing, You Cats’ 244
Switch Hitters, The 144
Switzerland 21
Sybil, or the Two Nations 8
Sydney 55, 195, 197
Sykes, Roosevelt 244
Syme 11
T, Ice 81
Tag & Effie 249
‘T’aint No Sin to Take Off Your Skin, and Dance around in Your Bones’ 122
Tale of a Tub, A 270
Tailentyre, S. G. – see Evelyn Beatrice Hall
‘Take It Easy, Greasy’ 117
Tasmania – see Van Diemen’s Land
Taste of Honey, A 286
Tatler, The 179
Taylor Mead’s Ass 103
Taylor, Sam S. 113
Teddy boys 231, 247, 311
Teesside 86
Teetotal Advocate, The 198
Teleny, Or the Reverse of the Medal 132
Teletubbies, The 152
Television 13, 21, 22, 25, 29, 70, 96–97, 102, 104, 107, 116–117, 126, 145–147, 149, 150, 152–153, 173, 194, 226–227, 256, 268, 270, 272, 278–279, 285, 296, 303–304, 308, 335
Television (band) 277
Tell Your Children – see Reefer Madness
Templar, Simon 301
Temple, Shirley 229
Tennessee 192
Tennis 70
Tennors, The 284
Terkel, Studs 264
Terrel, Lloyd 282
Terrence Higgins Trust 149
Terry, Larry 248
Texas 22, 188, 201, 249, 316