Vulgar Tongues
Page 40
Thames Television 278
‘That Cat Is High’ 244
‘That Thing Called Love’ 221
Thaw, Harry Kendall 216
Theatre 3, 19, 24, 27, 32, 33–34, 37, 40–41, 79, 112, 116–118, 125, 159, 180–182, 229, 235, 279, 318, 323, 331
‘They Don’t Allow Rappers in the Bullingdon’ 298
‘They Have Just Been Destroying Messerschmitts’ 324
Three Stooges, The 150
Them 276
Thicke, Robin 26
Thicknesse, Phillip 181–182
Thin Man, The 68, 157
This Hood for Hire 68–69
This Is Murder 190
This Is Spinal Tap 72
Thompson, Jim 162
Thoughtcrime 12
Thunderbirds 270
Tidyman, Ernest 296
Time Out 279
Times, The 8, 33, 80, 118, 157, 164, 169, 183, 185, 259–260, 303, 315, 325–326
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 287
Tipping the Velvet 126
’Tis Ptty She’s a Whore 79
‘Toby Tosspot’ 180
Today show 278
Todd, Sweeney 308
Tolkien, J.R.R. 276, 278,
Tom and Jerry 50
‘Tom Traubert’s Blues (Four Sheets To The Wind In Copenhagen)’ 183
Tomlinson, Ralph 306
‘Tomorrow is a Drag’ 253
Too Far to Walk 95
Too Short 104
Took, Barry 146
Toots and the Maytals 171
Top of the Pops 296
Tosh, Peter 171
Total Freedom 299
Town Like Alice, A 195
T Rex 246, 274–275
Tragedy of Cymbeline, The 331
Trainor, Meghan 104
Trainspotting 16
The Trammps, The 290
Transatlantic Merry-Go-Round 258
Treeley, Mrs. 88
Trenchtown 284
Trial by Jury 116
Trick Baby 13, 174, 288
Trinidad 282
‘Trooper Tommy’s “First War”’ 315
Tropical Park Race Track, Miami 301
Trumpton 117
Truth, The 195
Tube, The 285
Tufnel, Nigel 72
Turkey 128
‘Turn On, The’ 274
Turner, Big Joe 258
Turpin, Dick 160–161
Tuscany 62
TV Times 147
Tweedie, J. William 130
‘Twerk’ 26
Twilight Girls 143–144
Twitter 12, 329, 334, 335
‘Two Loves’ 135
Two Ronnies, The 72
Tynan, Kenneth 13, 60
Tyndale, William 55
Tyrannosaurus Rex 274–275
Tyrwhitt, Thomas 124
Tzu, Sun 300
Ugandan discussions 70–71
Ulysses 59, 184
Umm Qasr 92
Uncut 299
Under the Doctor 73
Underground Dictionary, The 113, 275
United Kingdom 5, 6, 8–10, 13, 17, 20, 22, 25, 60, 68, 71–72, 97–98, 104–106, 113, 116, 123, 139, 146, 149, 154, 164, 167, 192–194, 201, 211–212, 225–226, 232, 244–247, 257–260, 264, 268–269, 278, 281, 283, 296–297, 299, 301, 308, 310, 324, 328, 335
United Nations 208
United States 5, 8–10, 13, 17, 20, 22–25, 45–46, 51–55.67–68, 81, 83–84, 95, 97, 101–113, II6, 120, 129, 133–134, 137, 139–141, 143–144.147–148, 150, 158–159, 161–162, 164, 166–168, 172–176, 178, 182, 185–186, 188, 192, 197–198, 206–207, 210, 213, 216–219, 221, 223, 225, 230, 234, 238, 241–243, 250–251, 258–260, 264, 267–269, 272, 275–276, 279, 282–283, 288–289, 305–307, 311, 314, 316–318, 322–323, 326–327, 336
Universal Etymological English Dictionary, An 42
Universe, Miss 332
Unnaturall Combat, The 279
Upheld, Arthur 196
Upper Class Rhyming Slang 196–197
Uptown Records 240
U-Roy 285
Urquhart, Sir Thomas 109, 117
Uruguay 190
US Armed Forces Motion Picture Unit 318
‘US Scenes Recall “Jungle Bird House At The Zoo”’ 260
US Senate 185
‘Uzi Lover’ 293
Valetudinarians Bath Guide, or, The Means of Obtaining Long Life and Health, The 181
Van Diemen’s Land 198
Van Dyke, Dick 97
Vanbrugh, Sir John 117
‘Vanity of Vanities, or Sir Harry Vane’s Picture’ 19
Vansittart, Arthur 204
Velvet Underground, The (book) 144
Velvet Underground, The (band) 144, 210–211, 222, 276
Venus School Mistress 65
Vert, Lil’ Uzi 293–294
Victoria, Queen 184
Vidal, Gore 138
Video Music Awards 26
Viet Cong 284
Vietnam War 14, 76, 279, 284, 318–320
Vigilante 135
Vigors, Pilot Officer Tim 328
Village Voice, The 103
Vincent, Gene & His Blue Caps 140, 246, 248
‘Vipers Drag’ 222
Vipers Skiffle Group, The 247
Visigoths 297
Vista 266
Viz 17, 74–75, 114
Vocabulary of Criminal Slang, A 83–84, 134, 175, 234
Vocabulum, Or the Rogue’s Lexicon 167, 185
Voice, The 186
Vole parts 115
Volpone 34, 180
Volstead Act (National Prohibition Act) 164, 185
Voltaire 12
Vose, John Denison 17
Vout language 292–293
Vulgarisms and Other Errors of Speech 53–54
‘Wacky Dust’ 222
Wallers, The 171
Waiting for Godot 272
‘Waiting For My Man, I’m’ 222
Waits, Tom 174, 183
Wales 141, 336
Wall Street 185, 209
Wallace, Edgar 308
Wallace, Sippie 110
Waller, Fats 222
Wallop, Douglass 249
‘Walloper’s Polari, The’ 147
Wandring Whore, The 87–90
War, Rachel 88
Ward, Ned 126
Wardle, Irving 118
Ware, James Redding 23, 156, 231
Warhol, Andy 61, 103, 250
Warrack, Alexander 184
Washington, Buck 222
Washington D.C. 21, 207
Watergate 207
Waterhouse, Keith 86
Waters, Ethel 110
Waters, John 150
Waters, Sarah 126
Watson, Dr. John H. 205
Watson, John (pilot and author) 327–328
Watts Riots 289–290
Waugh, Hillary 68
Wayne, John 79
Wayward Wahine, The 164–165
We Couldn’t Wear Less 73
‘We the Cats Shall Hep Ya’ 233, 235
Webb, Chick & His Orchestra 222
Webster, Noah 51–52
‘Weed’ 222
‘Weed Smoker’s Dream’ 221
Weekly Advertiser, The 38
Weekly Dispatch, The 160
Weil, Yellow Kid 163
Weill, Kurt 159
Weimar Republic 135
Weir, Arabella 104
Welch, Paul 145
Weller, Paul 286
Welles, Mel 253
Wellington NZ 321
Welsh, Irvine 15
West Africa 238
West, Mae 324
West Roxbury MA 230
Western Front 312
Weston, Paul 241
Weston-super-Mare 266
Westward Ho! 81
‘Wet Dream’ 281
What Makes Sammy Run? 191
‘What Shall We Do with the Drunken Nurker?’ 155
s That Smells Like Fish?’ 109
What’s the Gen? – R.A.F. Slang, Illustrated 324–325
Wheatstraw, Peetie 103
When Harry Ate Sally 73
‘When the Saints Go Marching In’ 264
White, Sergeant Edmund 307
White Light/White Heat 210
‘White Rabbit’ 211
Whittington, Richard 302
Who He? 140, 152
Who, The 262–263
Wild Bunch, The 66
Wilde, Oscar 124, 132, 135
Wildeblood, Peter 140–141
Wilkinson, Able Seaman H.C. 320
‘Will the Talkies Change Our Language?’ 25
William IV 63
William, Prince, Duke of Cambridge 197
Williams, Charles 69, 191
Williams, Cootie and His Rug Cutters 84, 188
Williams, Ernest L. H. 324
Williams, Gordon 84–85
Williams, Kenneth 6, 131, 139, 142, 146, 155
Williams, L. 330
Williams, May 330
Williamsburg Bridge NYC 164
Wilmot, John, 2nd Earl of Rochester 39, 63–64, 117, 280
Wilson, Angus 140
Wilson, Thomas 180
Winchester, Bishops of 82
Winchester, Clarence 184
Winchester College 178
Windrush, Stanley 316
‘Wine-O Boogie’ 188
Winged Victory 327
Winter, Edgar & White Trash 275
Winters Tale, The 32, 34, 64
Winzer, David 164
Wit and Mirth 19
Wit, Character, Folklore & Customs of the North Riding of Yorkshire 243
‘With My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock’ 282
Wodehouse, P. G. 234–235
Woking 286
Wolfenden, John 141
Wolfenden Report 141
Wolof language 237–238
Wolveridge, Jim 143, 311
Woman’s Own 266
‘Women Who Want Other Women’ 144
Wood, Christopher 73, 115
Wood, Graham 175
Woodford, Jack 170
Woolworth’s 155
Wooster, Bertie 234
World of Graft, The 288
World Weekly News 102
Worlde of Wordes, or Most Copious and Exact Dictionarie In Italian and English, A 62
Woroni 195
Worsley, Major General Charles 192–193
‘Wot Cher!’ 228–229
Wrong Set, The 140
W.T.C. 71
Wycherley, William 37–38
Wycliff, John 81, 115, 119
X, Malcolm 291
X-Ray Spex 278
‘Yas Yas Girl, The’ see – Johnson, Merline
Yates, David 321
Yes 278
Yiddish language 137
Yo! Bum Rush the Show 21
Yo! MTV Raps 22
Yogananda, Paramhansa 274
Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh 276
Yokel’s Preceptor: More Sprees in London!, The 129
York 160
Yorkshire 331
Yorkshire Post, The 257
‘You Are A God, Act Like One’ 274
‘You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down’ 221
You Can’t Win 189
‘You Done Got Hip’ 244
‘You Sure Love to Ball’ 276
Young, Neil 18
Young Man of Music – see Young Man with a Horn
Young Man with a Horn 17
Young Savages, The 219
Youth International Party (Yippies) 209
YouTube 329, 332
Ypres, Second Battle of 309
Yule, Colonel Henry 322
Zanuck, Darryl F. 327
Zappa, Frank 103
Zee, Donald 265
Zedd, Nick 332
Zeus 127
‘Zoot Suit’ 262
Pegasus Books Ltd
148 West 37th Street, 13th Floor
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Copyright © 2017 by Max Décharné
First Pegasus Books hardcover edition August 2017
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ISBN: 978-1-68177-464-0
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Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.