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A Wolf's Embrace (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 4)

Page 10

by Sarah J. Stone

  “Please, don’t fail me, Joe. Choose life. I’ll be waiting.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sunlight was beginning to fade as Melissa walked down the hillside. Under any other circumstances, she would love to gaze up into the sky, at the colors that often took her breath away. All the same, the anger that had stormed through her emotions prevented her from doing so. For her, enjoying a sunset required a peaceful mind, and her mind was anything but peaceful. Melissa was so frustrated that she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. One part of her desired to go back to Joe: to hug him; to rant about her weakness. Nevertheless, a bigger part of her believed that this would not benefit either of them. Why? Because: this would lead to an even more emotional moment. Joe was already under a tremendous amount of pressure. She would not torture him any further. Right now, they were both in dire need of solitude and quiet.

  Melissa lengthened her strides, as she left the hillside behind her. Inevitably, the thought of Joe choosing to do nothing about his predicament crossed her mind. It saddened her, but it was one possible choice that she had to take into account. He had referred to his job with such affection that he had left her no choice to be silent about his work dilemma as well as her death dilemma. What would she do if he surrendered to his fate? The answer came fast, surprising even her. Melissa would have to share her darkest secret with him in a last ditch effort to change his mind. Certainly, she could only hope that Joe would not interpret her words as a ruse. Humans found it extremely hard to believe that her kind was truly vulnerable to a broken heart, dying when their partners left them or died. Why should Joe be an exception to that rule? It was at that point that she wished she had confided in him earlier. Yes, a revelation like that would overwhelm him, he could laugh at it, but it would help her avoid such a terrible misunderstanding.

  Melissa peeked through the trees, as she climbed the hill just outside the Bradford property. To her astonishment, Joe’s SUV was not parked in the driveway anymore.

  “You just missed him,” Julia’s familiar voice ripped through the air, as she sauntered towards her. “Helena used her teleportation to get him here. He looked pretty upset. I asked him what had happened between you two. He wouldn’t say; he just took off.”

  “Helena offered him a way out of this mess he’s in, but he has to forsake his life as it is. He’s got to leave everything the demon has given him,” Melissa spoke in a lackluster tone, brushing past Julia. “I think it’s a no brainer. He doesn’t know if he can do that. He says it’s too hard to decide.”

  “I have to agree with him,” Julia’s comment and her unusually serious tone froze her to the spot upon which she stood. “It is a huge decision.”

  “He needs to choose between life and death!” Melissa grumbled, casting a fierce glare down at Julia, over her shoulder. “How hard is that?”

  “What kind of life?” Julia answered her question with a question of her own, her tone calm, as she smiled up at her friend. “He’s making a lot of money as a lawyer. Imagine what it will be like for him to work for minimum wage.”

  “I know it won’t be great, but…”

  “Great?” Julia interrupted, raising her voice, as she squinted up at her. “Do you even know what minimum wage is? It’s not really a salary. It’s pocket money.”

  “Would death be a better alternative?” Melissa let out a pain-ridden whisper, dreading the thought of having to confront her friend as well, as she spun around to face her. “Are seven years of success worth this horrible fate?”

  “I’m not defending him,” Julia spoke with a more mellow tone, even as her face hardened. “I’m just trying to explain to you how hard this must be for him.”

  “It’s a sacrifice,” Melissa sighed, deepening her gaze. “He forsakes riches to save his life. And mine, but he doesn’t know that.”

  “H-He doesn’t?” Julia stuttered, her brows shooting up, as her eyes twinkled. “You haven’t told him? Why?”

  “I know I should have,” Melissa admitted, nodding at the same time. “I will, if he chooses to do nothing.”

  “Damn it, Mel,” Julia groaned, looking away from her and shaking her head. “The guy can’t make an informed decision without knowing all the facts.”

  “Stop it, Julia,” Melissa pitched her voice higher. “I feel bad enough as it is.”

  “Either way, I don’t think he’d jeopardize the life of the woman he loves,” Julia’s opinion sent shivers down her spine, shocking her to her core. A glimmer of hope lit inside her, even though she had no idea how her friend had reached that conclusion.

  “The woman he loves?” She asked, though her voice was but a whisper.

  “I came here looking for you, about an hour ago.” Julia spoke, her eyes sparkling with excitement, as a broad smile burst upon her lips. “I found his writing on the table. He’s written like twenty poems for you; he mentions you by name in five of them. A man doesn’t do that, unless he’s hopelessly in love.”

  “Thanks a lot for the insight, Jules, but actions speak louder than words,” Melissa uttered, her voice soft and strained, like someone had stabbed her in the back and she was still recovering. “A single action is worth more than a thousand poems. Anyway, I’m too drained to talk about this anymore. Goodnight.”

  Without much thought, she turned her back to her friend, as the scene in her grandfather’s sanctuary replayed in her mind. Every question, every answer, every emotion swirled like a hurricane deep inside her, gripping her heart like a vice. Was this what love was supposed to be: angst and turmoil? If it was, Melissa was better off without it. Her heart was too delicate, too fragile to take part in this emotional war, one that was guaranteed to send her to her doom.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The warm night enveloped Melissa – providing refuge to her fearful thoughts – as she found shelter in the peace and quiet of her roof. Accompanied by the moonlight, the thousands of stars that graced the dark sky, and the town lights of her birthplace, she would – once again – attempt to find meaning in “words”, told or untold, and actions she anticipated but had yet to witness.

  Despite Julia’s attempt to convince her that he was indeed in a very difficult position, she was still mad at him. If his will to free himself of the demon’s hold was strong enough, he wouldn’t have been torn by indecision. Even so, she still missed him: his lips; his deep voice that gave her goose bumps; his penetrating eyes; and that glorious smile that could melt away her fears. Just imagining what they would do under the moonlight intensified the sense of loneliness that had engulfed her, ever since she had left him. Yes, he had failed her, but his power over her had not waned whatsoever.

  “That’s what love is all about.”

  The little voice inside her acted like a wakeup call. No, love was not just about pain and anger. It went far deeper than those two emotions. More than anything, it was a matter of faith, a strong belief that wouldn’t wither in the face of adversity; the same belief that didn’t allow her to abandon Joe in this dark hour. It remained the exact hope that kept her eyes wide open that night, thinking about him, wondering if her initial assessment was right or not.

  The sight of a pair of headlights, up on the road into her birthplace, did not come as a surprise. It was almost midnight. Many of her kind liked to frequent Shandaken and the other towns close to Paxton. Human bars were irresistible to shifters. The same set of headlights later squeezed through the bushes, as the tall vehicle approached the town limit. But, it never entered the little town. Instead, it turned right, and into the Bradford property. She recognized the roar of the powerful engine at once. It was Joe’s Escalade, skidding across their driveway. Melissa found herself at a loss. What was he doing here, just four hours after they had last seen each other?

  He stepped out of the car, and, right away, she noticed that he had a surprise for her. His natural finished, acoustic guitar was in his right hand.

  “Up here,” Melissa waved at him. Joe threw a glance up at her, wearing a
tiny smile, but did not stop. Instead, he continued to stroll towards her cabin.

  “What will you do now, Joe?” She thought to herself. “Will you play ‘Dust in the wind’, hoping to calm me down? Will it be a ‘goodbye’ song I’ve never heard of before?”

  Melissa’s heart was pounding like a drum as the sound of his heavy footfalls on the staircase grew louder by the second. She drew in one deep breath after another, in a vain attempt to ease her jangling nerves. Fear rose and washed over her like a massive wave, drenching her in a cold sweat, as he emerged from the darkness of her stairway. Still holding his guitar, his smile broadened, as he continued to close in on her. Unable to voice her anxiety, Melissa preferred to remain silent. Finally, Joe halted before her, and then bent his knees slightly to ease his guitar against the wall behind her.

  “My decision was a little easier than I thought,” he started speaking, his voice a notch above a whisper, as he gazed down deeply into her eyes. “You were right. I had to choose between life and death, but I also had to choose between my life in New York and a relationship with you. I’m going to be honest with you. My life in New York: I love it, I really do. It’s demanding, it drains my time and my money, but it’s very rewarding, too. However…” he faltered, “…you are the first woman that has moved me since Laura died. You made the first move. You offered to help me out, even though I treated you like crap. You gave me a chance. You…” he whispered, reaching out with both hands to put them on her wrists, “…You breathed life into me once more. And I love you for that, Melissa Bradford. I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever it takes to be free again.”

  Her lips parted on a gasp of profound shock, her eyes flickering wide as a flood of light and joy swept through her soul. This was no poem. This was real proof of love. Joe’s statement was not necessary. The warmth in his eyes, his quivering voice, as well as his commitment, were enough to convince her that he meant every word coming out of his mouth.

  “I love you, too,” Melissa breathed, biting her lower lip, as tears blurred her vision. Joe closed his eyes, tilting his head down, as his hands slowly traveled up her arms. A sea of his scent rushed out of him, as their lips joined in a long, gentle kiss. Sweetness engulfed her senses, carrying her away to a world of blissful delight, as she wound her own arms around his waist. Cradling her face, Joe traced the tip of his tongue along the seam of her mouth, as Melissa felt his hot breath on her skin. The emotions she had managed to suppress could not be contained any longer. Two tears spilled from her eyes, and rolled down her cheeks, as Joe released her left cheek. He put his hand behind her head, as his other arm went around her neck. Holding her close, he planted a kiss on her forehead, moisture dampening his skin, as she rested her face against the nape of his neck.

  “I love you so much,” she whispered, holding Joe tight in her embrace, as he knitted his fingers through her hair. “Joe, there’s something else you need to know about my kind,” Melissa continued, easing back. “When we lose our significant other, our heart breaks. It literally starts to weaken, until we die, sometime later. Most of us last less than four years.”

  “Hmm,” he hummed in thought, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. “You mean shifters die of a…”

  “Broken heart,” Melissa finished his sentence, her voice coming out hesitantly.

  “It sure sounds weird, but…” Joe paused, slowly nodding at the same time; “…a lot of things are weird about you. It doesn’t really surprise me.”

  “Really?” she croaked, relieved that he had not shown any signs of distrust in her. “It doesn’t?”

  “Not at all. Now…” he said on an exhale, laying one more kiss on the side of her head, “…I want to play something for you. Do you have any requests?”

  “Uh…Yeah,” Melissa snorted, “About that, I…”

  “What is it?” Joe interrupted with an undeniable touch of tension in his baritone.

  “Actually, it’s a little complicated,” she claimed, as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “Shifters are naturally sensitive to lingering sounds, like the one produced by guitar strings. It tortures us.”

  “Then how were you able to listen to me, the night you came over by my sister’s place?” He wondered, curiosity written all over his face.

  “I was fifty yards away,” Melissa smiled, her voice sounding sweeter. “I could handle it from that distance. And I’m glad I could; it took more than my breath away.”

  Casting a quick glance down at the wall to his left, Joe spoke quickly, “I have an idea. Go sit over there,” he urged Melissa.

  “I don’t think it’s going to work,” She shook her head sideways, pressing her lips together.

  “Just do as I say. I’ll play finger style instead of strumming; it’s a lot softer. If it bothers you, I’ll stop,” He vowed and winked at her, reaching down to pick up his guitar. Intrigued, but still doubting whether she would be able to tolerate it, she decided to indulge him, as he made his way to the other wall. Still, even if she couldn’t, Melissa was so happy about it, she wouldn’t mind. His commitment was much more important than enjoying his guitar skills.

  “I’m dedicating this song to you.” Joe said, his voice steady, pressing the instrument closely to his chest, as she hopped onto the wall. She shut her eyes, waiting for the moment that she would have to cover her eyes. Yet, such a moment never came. In fact, as soon as his fingers touched the strings, her ears were filled with a slow, gentle melody that did not bother her at all. On the contrary, as seconds went by, she caught herself savoring it more and more, feeling chills running through her body. It was Bon Jovi’s “Thank You for Loving Me,” an old ballad that Melissa had heard Kate play on the piano. Of course, Joe’s tone was not as nasal or as high-pitched as Jon Bon Jovi’s, but she could care less about that. His voice was bass-deep, overflowing with emotion, his fingers dancing all over the fret board, as he stole glances at her.

  It's hard for me to say the things

  I want to say sometimes

  There's no one here but you and me

  And that broken old street light

  Lock the doors

  We'll leave the world outside

  All I've got to give to you

  Are these five words tonight

  Thank you for loving me

  For being my eyes

  When I couldn't see

  For parting my lips

  When I couldn't breathe

  Thank you for loving me

  Thank you for loving me

  I never knew I had a dream

  Until that dream was you

  When I look into your eyes

  The sky's a different blue

  Cross my heart

  I wear no disguise

  If I tried, you'd make believe

  That you believed my lies

  Thank you for loving me

  For being my eyes

  When I couldn't see

  For parting my lips

  When I couldn't breathe

  Thank you for loving me

  You pick me up when I fall down

  You ring the bell before they count me out

  If I was drowning you would part the sea

  And risk your own life to rescue me

  Lock the doors

  We'll leave the world outside

  All I've got to give to you

  Are these five words tonight

  Melissa didn’t even wait for him to complete his performance. Completely Ecstatic, she hopped off the wall, her gaze fixed only on Joe’s face. The emotional ballad had made her heart melt. Not even her sensitivity was capable of deterring her. The sound did grow in volume, as she strode towards him. He ceased playing altogether, quieting the strings with his right hand and averting his gaze from the instrument to look down at her, as she stopped in front of him. She didn’t give him a chance to speak. Melissa extended her hands up to his face, and pulled him down towards her, angling her lips. Claiming his mouth, she pressed herself into him. Sadly for her however
, she could not feel his body against hers; only the wood of the guitar. The awkward sensation might have ruined the moment, but it also amused her. Letting go of his cheeks, she held back a snort, as she bent her head down.

  “Control your enthusiasm,” Joe teased with a grin, as he pulled his guitar out from between them, along with its strap from over his head.

  “Well, it was wonderful,” Melissa chuckled, raising her eyes to meet his. “It’s a great way to start a celebration.”

  “I’m sorry to have to break it to you, but there won’t be a celebration tonight,” he announced, his smile falling from his lips, as he eased his guitar down next to him. “I have a ton of things to do in New York tomorrow. I really must get going.”

  “Oh, no!” she whined, tilting her head to the side. “Why don’t you leave in the morning?”

  “Because I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow, and an early-morning drive would exhaust me more,” Joe replied, speaking softly, as he set his guitar down beside him. “Now that I think about it, I probably won’t be done in a day. I doubt even two days will suffice, either.”

  “What will take you so long?” Melissa asked with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

  “First, I have to go to three banks, and close all of my accounts there.” Joe assumed a businesslike tone. “That alone would take me at least four to five hours. You can’t imagine the paperwork. Then, I have to decide where to donate that money. I’m thinking an orphanage, but I’m still debating. Right after that, I have to separate the stuff I bought this past year, and give it all away, too. That won’t be as hard, but I need to find a moving company, and arrange transportation. On top of that, I have to go turn in my resignation. Last, but not least, I have to go change my name.”


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