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A Wolf's Embrace (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 4)

Page 11

by Sarah J. Stone

  “Ok, I get it,” she gave a sad nod, at the same time realizing the enormity of his task. “Go. Call me tomorrow, ok?”

  “Alright, I will,” he whispered, flashing a bright-eyed look at her, before holding her close yet again. Melissa let her eyelids fall closed against how good it felt to be in his arms. Joe could take as much time as necessary. He had accepted her. He was her own, honest man; the love for whom she would gladly sacrifice her life. She had no need for a ceremony. In her heart, Joe Stanton was already her mate.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Taking advantage of Joe’s absence, Melissa seized the opportunity to return to her everyday routine. Certainly, helping around in her brothers’ workshop and cooking for them was not the most prestigious or exciting job in the world, but neglecting it had filled her with regret. None of them had complained – proving to her that they could understand what she had been going through – but still, she had missed offering a helping hand and having fun with them, especially on their breaks. More often or not, she would prepare delicious refreshments, catch up with them, or tease her most favorite brother of all: Dean.

  On a blazing hot, mid-August morning, Melissa made a large jar of peach ice tea, put it on a tray along with four glasses, and walked out of her cabin. The scent of testosterone was thick in the air, as she headed towards the bustling workshop: no surprises there. The Bradford brothers often worked amid excessive noise. They were forced to yell at each other. Shifters could also smell each other’s hormones from a mile away. But, as Melissa would come to discover, testosterone only masked the scent of another person in her brothers’ workplace. Amazingly enough, Helena was in there, talking to Raul, while Dean and Ray had focused their attention on a red Harley at the far end of the room.

  “Ahem…” Melissa made herself known by clearing her throat. “I’ve brought you guys some tea. Good morning, Helena. I wasn’t expecting to find you here.”

  “Good morning, my young one.” The witch responded with a smile, as Ray and Dean jogged towards their sister. “Joe left last night in a hurry. Tell me, what is his decision? I detected his absence last night.”

  “He’s doing what you asked of him,” Melissa declared, her heart racing in excitement. “He’s in New York, tying up loose ends.”

  “Very well,” Helena gave an appraising nod, as her lips curled into a smile. “Tell him I’m ready when you are. I would discuss the details of my plan with you all, but Joe needs to be present as well. Come to me, when he returns. Have a nice day.”

  With a snap of her fingers, the witch disappeared in a plume of red smoke, as Melissa’s brothers quenched their thirst.

  “Man, this is so good,” Raul commented, pulling his glass away from his lips. “A hell of a lot better than that piss Ray served yesterday.”

  “Make your own tea next time,” Ray smirked. “Let’s see if it’s any better than mine.”

  “Boys…” Melissa grumbled, shaking her head in frustration. “You’re always arguing about the stupidest of things.”

  “Who said we were arguing?” Ray shrugged his shoulders.

  “She hasn’t been here in a while. She’s forgotten how it is. It’s either that, or she’s stressed about something.” Dean interjected his opinion, just before downing his tea.

  “Guys, are you kidding me here?” Melissa exclaimed, thrusting her arms out to either side. “We’re going up against a demon; what did you expect?”

  “True,” Raul said with a firm nod. “But, according to Helena, this kind of demon won’t go after anyone else other than the person mentioned on the contract, unless they feel threatened. And I don’t intend to…” he paused, “…threaten Azazel.”

  “You don’t?” she inquired, her eyes widening in surprise.

  “We’ll all be there,” Raul assured her, making his tone quite emphatic. “I just won’t risk engaging that demon, unless he attacks you, Dean or Ray. I’m not putting my neck on the line for your boyfriend, Mel. Monica’s pregnant. I don’t want my child to grow up without a father.”

  “If Joe dies…” Melissa faltered, her voice quivering with emotion, “your child will have to grow up without his aunt.”

  “You’re…” Raul started to say.

  “In love with him,” she finished her Alpha’s sentence, feeling heat rising up into her cheeks, as she lowered her gaze from his.

  “Damn!” Raul cried out, jerking his head away from her in a spasm of anger, as he kicked a tool shed by his feet.

  “Oh, come on!” Dean shouted, throwing a nasty glare up at his brother. “Even a blind man could see this coming. Don’t tell me you didn’t suspect it. She’s been planning this contract break for days. Why else do you think she would do it?”

  “I suspected it,” Raul admitted, his breath coming in short bursts, as he brought his attention back to his sister. “I just didn’t want to believe it.”

  “Look, I didn’t mean to get involved with someone that had sold his soul to the devil, but I did,” Melissa claimed, struggling to steady her voice. “It happened; just like it happened with you and Monica…” then she turned her gaze to Dean, “…and you and Kate. Did either of you want to start a war? No. You had to. Ok, my fight might be a lot more dangerous than yours, but I’m fighting for the same thing you guys did, my happiness. And…” sadly for her, her efforts did not pay off. The fear of death that loomed over her and Joe sent her heart into a downward spiral, shattering her voice, as tears welled up in her eyes. “And if you won’t help him, then…”

  “Hey, hey…” Dean whispered, tossing his glass across the counter beside him to throw his arms around her. “We will help him. You have my word. Nothing bad is going to happen to him.”

  “I love him, Dean,” Melissa sniffled, a tear streaming down her cheek, as she lifted her hands to place them on his chest. “I didn’t mean to drag you into this, but you guys are all I have.”

  “Just have your boy meet us when he gets back from New York,” and now she detected a drastic change in the Alpha’s tone. There was no stress or frustration in it. Instead, Raul’s stentorian voice rumbled yet again, showcasing courage and decisiveness, as if he had been meaning to set her fears at ease. “We are sending that demon back down to hell,” he added, his eyes blazing with determination, as he settled his gaze on Dean.

  A wave of relief washed over her as he uttered his last few words. Melissa’s brothers would be with her. Would that be enough for them to defeat Azazel? She couldn’t know. All she did know was that the dream of her happiness was worth every last drop of her blood. Melissa would either make it come true, or die trying.

  Chapter Twenty

  Much to Melissa’s disappointment, Joe’s pessimistic prediction about the time he would need to take care of everything was confirmed. Indeed, he called her the very next day, insisting that he would return to Paxton later that night. He also had a rather unpleasant surprise for her. He would get there by bus, as he had donated his SUV to charity. Completely ignorant about cars, Melissa was startled, but her surprise only lasted until she looked up the price of a brand new, Ford Escalade on the internet. Joe could not possibly have purchased a seventy-thousand dollar car, prior to his deal with Azazel. It was then that she realized the size of his sacrifice, at least to an extent. The wealthy lawyer she had met was gone; in his position stood a flat broke, unemployed man. But, Melissa couldn’t care less about riches. She would assist Joe in finding a job in Paxton. His life was all that mattered.

  Waiting for him at the bus stop – just outside Shandaken – she leaned her back against the driver’s window, wondering how much this change would affect him. She had no illusions. Joe had been used to an entirely different lifestyle. Melissa would have to be very patient with him, especially at first. Adjusting to a life without many luxuries would take time, and would also be difficult.

  The sound of a diesel engine in the distance signaled the end of her anticipation. Sucking in a deep breath, she folded her arms across her chest, in the hope
that she would not lay her eyes on a broken man.

  “It’s not going to be easy, but we’ll face it together. We’ll have to be strong,” she thought to herself, narrowing her eyes against the high beams of the bus. In a matter of seconds, she winced at the odor of the fumes, as the large vehicle rolled to a halt before her. Prepared for the worst, as the power door slid open sideways, the man that greeted her was far from an emotional wreck. With a big, green suitcase in one hand and a black, guitar case in the other, Joe was smiling down at her, as if nothing was wrong.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he declared jauntily, winked down at her, and hopped off the bus. “How have you been?” He asked, bending down to plant a quick kiss on her lips.

  “Um, fine,” Melissa’s voice came out hesitant. “You seem a little too cheerful for a guy who’s lost everything.”

  “Can we please go home?” He politely requested, moving around her brother’s truck. “I don’t want to talk about it in the middle of the street.”

  Puzzled, she decided to oblige. Melissa turned around and opened the driver’s door, eager to hear his explanation, as he put his belongings into the cab.

  “I just spent my last ten bucks on a very questionable hotdog,” Joe stated, entering the truck. “I hope I don’t regret it.”

  “So, how did it go?” She inquired, turning to him, as she turned the key in the ignition.

  “Let’s go back to the ‘I lost everything’ part first.” He suggested, buckling himself in. as she drove off. “Yeah, I did lose my money, my car, all but one of my guitars, my furniture, my bed, but, tell me, which one of those things can’t be replaced?”

  “None of them,” she was quick to respond, as a small smile formed on her face. “Still, giving them away had to hurt.”

  “I’m not going to lie to you. It did,” Joe confessed, his voice losing in volume, as he shifted his gaze away from her. “But, I can get those back someday. Besides, I was used to living without them before…” he paused, “…you know. Anyway, I gave my money, my furniture and my guitars to the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum. I also donated my car to the Pediatric Cancer Foundation. I changed my last name, too. I’m Joe Donovan now.”

  “It takes a great man to do all that,” Melissa complimented, her voice bursting with admiration. “I’m proud of you.”

  “There’s another reason why I did this,” Joe pointed out, leaning closer to her. “You: I realized that I’d break your heart, if I didn’t. I don’t want to lose you, Melissa.”

  “You would have,” she affirmed with a shy smile. “I knew it was too much to ask of you, Joe. I mean, you had to put your whole life behind you. Forgive me if I was a little cruel to you, but I was just looking out for you.”

  “It is water under the bridge,” he assured her in a lazy tone, lying back in his seat. “God, I’m tired. I can’t wait to get this New York smell off of me.”

  “And I can’t wait to hear you play the guitar again,” Melissa spoke, her voice filled with excitement, as she turned right and onto her family’s driveway.

  “I have some bad news for you,” Joe claimed, as she switched off the truck. “That guitar is history. I only have the one I bought in college; it doesn’t sound as good.”

  “It’s still a guitar,” she chirped, stepping out of the vehicle. Melissa might have been eager to enjoy one more of his performances, but, in truth, she was also impatient to finish what they had started on her roof, two days ago. She would love to tease him, feel him, lure him like she had not been able to so far. The mere thought of having a man willing to start over, because he wanted to be with her, sent waves of arousal through her. For the first time ever, Melissa realized that she had power over him, and that fact made her inner wolf swell with pride.

  Dozens of ideas jumped into her mind, as Joe excused himself and went to the bathroom. Still, as the scents of his cherry and the foam bath lavender rushed out into her cabin, she chose to reject everything that didn’t allow her control over the action. Imagining the water dripping down his masculine body, Melissa began to take off her clothes. A long sigh left her lips, as she pictured more drops, traveling down his chiseled abs, his groin, reaching the base of his big, stiff cock. The prospect of masturbating on her bed appealed to her. Nevertheless, Melissa had to put that notion aside as well. It was only a matter of time before Joe barged in and conquered her. She would have no control. Therefore, she tiptoed across her bedroom, feeling wetness slipping down her thighs. Halting two paces away from the bathroom door, she put her hands on her waist.

  “Seduce you in there? No. There’s just too much moisture. Your hands would just slide all over me. Come on out, Joe. Let me show you how much I appreciate what you did.”

  Melissa’s heart skipped a beat, as the door clicked open. Their gazes met, as Joe emerged, wearing a red towel around his waist. His hungry eyes took in every bit of her, as he scanned her body, from top to bottom. But Melissa was not going to let him complete a full scan. Aching for his sensual touch, she took two, quick step towards him, as he reached back to close the door behind him. She threw her arms up, shutting her eyes, as he welcomed her into his embrace. Feeling his soft hands on her lower back, Melissa circled her arms around his neck, as his lips crushed against hers. Her fingernails scratched his skin, as she dragged her right hand down his back. Only seconds into their kiss, she felt the tip of his wet tongue on the seam of her lips, teasing her, as he liked to do. This time however, it crept into her mouth, as he smoothed his left hand over her ass cheek. A deep sigh escaped her, as he squeezed her supple flesh. Their tongues intertwined, as Joe traced his middle finger up her ass crack. Melissa knew very well where this was going. As much as she would like to surrender to him, she would not do so just yet. Gently biting his lower lip, she tugged it between her teeth, as he tipped his head back.

  “You sexy thing…” Joe whispered, putting a sexy smile on her face, as she slid her hand up his back. Releasing his mouth, she swiped her tongue across his chin, as he grabbed and held onto her ass. Her body tensed, as she felt his fingertips dangerously close to her pussy. Melissa leaned slightly back, opening her eyes to slits, as she trailed her hands down his neck. Splaying her fingers over his chest, she bent down towards him, savoring the view of the V of muscle. His heartbeat grew louder in her ears, as she kissed the line between his pecs. Stroking his firm flesh, she began to make her way down, as he removed his hands from her body. Joe opened his eyes, and looked down at her, driving his fingers into her hair. The gentle massage of her scalp sent shivers of delight through her. This new experience was a pleasant surprise for her. She had no idea that she could be aroused by something like that. Melissa’s hands followed her lips, her heart pounding against her chest, as she neared his groin. Reaching down, she yanked the towel loose, and let it drop. Her eyes snapped open, as she felt his stiff, throbbing cock against her throat. Gliding her right hand down, she stole a glance up at him. Joe’s facial muscles were twitching with agonized desire, his eyes shut, as he bit his lower lip. His hips bucked, as Melissa wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft. Twisting it, she brushed it against her cheek, feeling moisture on her chin. A drop of precum had just leaked out of the tiny hole of the head. Snaking her tongue out, she ran it up the length of his cock, and then led it into her mouth, tasting his juice, as she sank her fingernails into the flesh of his abs.

  “Fuck…” Joe grunted, as Melissa pushed his manhood down her throat, feeling the thick veins all around his shaft bulging. She groaned, swirling her tongue around the head, as her hand moved up and down, jerking him hard. She didn’t know what was turning her on more: the fact that he was at her mercy; the sounds of his arousal; or the sensation of his hardness, pressing against the roof of her mouth. Melissa decided she wouldn’t bother finding out. Tightening her grip around him, she bobbed her head up and down his cock, sending waves of ecstasy crushing over him. Joe tossed his head back, squeezing his eyes shut, his grunts audible over her muffled moans, as she flicked her tongue o
ver the crest. Letting his manhood pop from between her lips, she glided her hand over his abs and his groin, until she cupped his big, heavy balls. Melissa ran her tongue along the side of his shaft, squeezing his sack in her hand, but it was then that Joe took the initiative. Bending his knees, he reached down, and put his hands under her armpits. He pulled her up, his chest heaving, as a wicked smile spread across his face.

  “I don’t want to cum yet, greedy girl.” He uttered, his voice a raspy whisper, his eyes burning with desire. Melissa parted her lips, but, before she could come up with a rebuttal, he dropped his arms, and then moved around her. Immediately, she felt a good deal of pressure on her waist, as he pushed her up against the door. Joe let his hands travel up her sides, tilting his head down towards her back, as she moved her legs apart. Her sexy whimper filled the air, as she felt his stiff, soaking wet cock against her ass cheek. But, the next sensation aroused her even further, as Joe smoothed his hands over her breasts. He pressed them together, as his lips landed on the tender skin of her shoulder blade. Melissa was craving penetration; the rubbing of his manhood against her flesh, so close to her pussy, was tempting her too much. Still, she would not encourage him to penetrate her. She absolutely relished the attention on her breasts, as well as his kisses on her back. Joe was not in any hurry. Why should she ruin what he had in mind for her?

  Still lightly pinching her nipples, he let his mouth roam down her back, his hot breath raising chills all over her body. Melissa lifted her arms, and flattened her hands against the door, as he squeezed both of her breasts at the same time. Slowly squatting down, Joe rolled her nipples between his thumb and index fingers, forcing a loud, pleasurable moan from her. She could feel the moisture in her pussy increasing by the second, as his mouth moved closer and closer to her ass. A mix of curiosity and anticipation was growing within her. Joe had not engaged in oral stimulation the first time they had sex, and now, he seemed more than willing to provide it to her. To her disappointment however, he slid his hands down her body. But, this feeling did not last long. As soon as they reached her waist, his hands crept around it.


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