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A Wolf's Embrace (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 4)

Page 12

by Sarah J. Stone

  “Oh, God, yeah…” Melissa moaned while tilting her head back. Joe cupped her ass cheeks with vigor, digging his short fingernails into her flesh, continuing to make his way down. Her body shivered in anticipation, as his luscious lips reached her ass crack. His next move destroyed any shred of doubt she had about his skills. He dragged his tongue between her pussy lips first, and then closed his lips around her tender flesh, sending her senses into overdrive. Melissa’s loud moan resounded through the walls of her cabin, as she tossed her head back. Reaching around, she grabbed the back of his head, and raked her fingers against his scalp, as he kissed and licked her ample juices off of her. Joe spread her butt cheeks, sliding his tongue up her pussy, as her legs started to tremble.

  “I could do this all night,” he murmured, teasing her entrance with the tip of his tongue. Releasing her right ass cheek, he curled his arm around her. Ripples of pleasure crawled along her skin, as his fingertips made contact with her clit. Sucking her pussy lips into his mouth, Joe began rubbing it in slow, gentle circles, as he massaged her ass. He was not just skilled. He was very well aware of what he was doing, sending her entire being on a sweet journey of sensation, passion and lust, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. Arching up, she could feel the delicious wetness of his tongue, as it twisted up and down her pussy, and the sweet pleasure that his rubbing offered her so freely, as it sped up. Violent tremors shot through her, as the waves of her orgasm washed over her, stealing her breath. Joe’s persistence drove her mad with desire. Even though Melissa tried mightily to recover from the intense aftershocks, Joe would not stop his worship of her. He continued to cover her cheeks with loving kisses, as he slid his middle finger inside her pussy.

  She would have loved to have bent over against the wall. After all, his attention to her ass was a clear sign that he would appreciate it. But Melissa could barely stand upright. Her knees were still shaking. So, she stood up, and turned around. A quick jog led her to her bedroom. Melissa jumped onto her bed, and crawled towards the bed headboard. Joe was quick to follow her. She looked up at him over her shoulder, as he climbed in bed. His gaze was fixed on her face, as she got up on all fours. Tiny drops of sweat had formed between his pectoral muscles, and his hand had grabbed his cock, jerking it slowly. She ran her tongue along her upper lip, as he positioned himself behind her. A deep grunt ripped through the silence, as the swollen cockhead slipped through her wet folds.

  “Awwwww, yeah…” she groaned, squeezing her eyes shut, as his big, stiff cock stretched her inner walls. Melissa gripped the edges of the pillow before her, as he placed his hands on her butt cheeks. Sliding them up, Joe held onto her hips. She moaned, feeling his every inch in her core, as she bucked her hips against him. He would not allow her any more control, though. Straight away, he began to thrust into her, fast and hard, giving her all the satisfaction she had been craving all night. His massive cock was pulsing deep inside her, her warm, sticky juices mixing with his precum, as he pounded her from behind. Melissa was quickly immersed in a world of ecstasy, discovering new realms of lust and desire, as she gave in to her thoughtful lover. Every molecule of her being was aching for more caresses; more kisses; more pounding… more of Joe. And he was happily offering it all, claiming her as he filled her up. Her big breasts were bouncing up and down with each, delicious thrust. Melissa sank her fingernails into the fabric of the pillow, gripping it tighter, as his heavy balls slapped up against her ass cheeks. Letting go of her left hip, Joe reached forward. He gathered a few fistfuls of her hair, grabbing the whole lot of it towards the scalp and steadily pulled back, taking her all the way over the edge.

  “Joe!” Melissa cried out, throwing her head back, savoring his dominance over her body, as he coaxed her towards her second orgasm that night. By now, her juices had covered the entire length of his shaft, moistening part of her ass cheeks, as they flowed out of her. Her eyes popped open, as she once more glanced up at him. Joe’s broad, sexy chest was heaving in exertion, his lips parted as his breath rushed out. A drop of sweat had just reached the ridge at the top of his abs. His sight proved too much for her to handle. Melissa’s entire body stiffened, the walls of her pussy pulsing and squeezing his cock, as her orgasm exploded through her, overwhelming her mind and senses alike. Jerking his cock out of her at the last minute, Joe let his own juices shoot out of the head, grunting heavily, as they stained the sheets. Melissa collapsed, lying on her chest, before rolling over onto her back, as she tried to catch her breath. Joe sank down, to lie beside her, curling his left arm around her shoulders to pull her close.

  “What a great way to start a new life,” he said, planting a tender kiss on the top of her head.

  “Technically, it hasn’t started yet,” she purred, laying her head on his chest.

  “I know,” Joe agreed with a nod. “We still have to…”

  “Please, don’t say it,” Melissa interrupted, looking up at him. “Let’s just enjoy the moment. We’ll deal with him later.”

  His response was a loving smile, and an even tighter embrace. This could be their last night together. She would not spoil it with a discussion about the problem that had been plaguing them both. They were in each other’s arms. The battle for their lives could wait another day.

  Chapter Twenty One


  The whisper of a feathery voice disrupted her deep sleep. For a moment, she believed that she was lost in a dream. Still, the bright, red reflection that penetrated the darkness of her closed eyes was indicative of a reality she had witnessed plenty of times within the past months. Much to her astonishment, Helena was summoning her. Melissa slid her eyelids open, but the witch had a surprise in store for her. For some reason she could not fathom, Helena was not in Melissa’s bedroom. The light was coming through her window from outside. Helena never had a problem violating her privacy, or the privacy of her brothers, and yet, she had chosen to stay out of Melissa’s cabin. Tension tightened the back of her neck. The witch had to have an extremely good reason for visiting her so late at night. Exhaling hard, she rolled out of bed, her eyes still on her window. The whisper rang in her ears once more, as she headed towards her closet, to the left of her bed. Melissa picked up her purple robe and put it on, stealing a glance down at Joe. Happily, he was still fast asleep. Tiptoeing out of her bedroom, she turned right, as the light in question reached her kitchen window as well, sending her pulse rising. Her curiosity might have been gnawing away at her, but she would not consider rushing down the stairs, in fear that she would wake an exhausted Joe. Therefore, she retained the same, slow pace, looking outside through her window.

  Clicking her front door open, she leaned forward, and peeked through the gap. Indeed, Helena was standing alone, outside her cabin. Melissa pulled the door further open, and paced outside, throwing a few, furtive glances around her.

  “I’m sorry to be bothering you at this late hour, but I had to see you. Alone.” Helena emphasized, intensifying her stare, as Melissa strode towards her.

  “Why alone?” she wondered, shrugging her shoulders. “Can’t you talk in front of Joe?”

  “I’m not worried about Joe,” Helena spoke in a firm tone, shaking her head sideways. “I’m worried about the demon that’s watching us through him. Besides, he is not essential to my plan. The only thing he has to do is state his will to break the contract to Azazel.”

  “Then why did you say he had to be present?” Melissa pitched her voice louder.

  “Honestly? I was hoping he wouldn’t come back,” Helena confessed, as a shadow of guilt darkened her eyes. “I was hoping he would spare us the trouble of having to face the demon.”

  “Well, he did,” Melissa gave a firm nod, narrowing her eyes at her. “Tell me about your plan.”

  “Well…” Helena took a deep, cleansing breath. “We are summoning him tomorrow night at Clover Lake. The trees and undergrowth near it are ideal hiding spots. I’ve just talked about it with your brothers. Dean and Ray agreed to hide in wo
lf form. Raul will also be hiding, but, in human form. They have been instructed to attack the demon’s hands, while Raul will be carrying one of these.” At that, the witch paused, reached into her inside pocket, and pulled out a long, shiny dagger. “It is made from one hundred percent silver. Here.” she continued, handing the knife over to her. “In case Raul fails, you will need to drive this dagger into the demon’s heart. It’s the only way to send him back down to hell.”

  “Wait a minute,” Melissa spoke, a hint of suspicion in her tone. “What good is hiding going to do them? I mean, won’t he be able to smell them?”

  “Not really.” Helena smirked. “Demons might be tremendously powerful, but they do not possess super senses, not even an ancient one like Azazel.”

  “That’s great news!” Melissa commented, as her lips curled into a happy smile.

  “Oh, there is one last thing,” Helena raised her index finger at chest height. “Kate will summon him tomorrow. I will be close by, monitoring the situation.”

  “What?” Melissa squealed, as her smile fell from her lips. “Why?”

  “Azazel has seen me trying to kill Joe, through his eyes. He knows my face. He knows I’m a witch. He doesn’t care if a shifter like you says that she can help him escape his fate but, can you imagine what he’ll do, once he realizes that I have had a change of heart?” Helena answered her question with a question of her own, her tone stiff.

  “He’ll figure out our plan and kill him,” Melissa concluded, dropping her gaze from the witch, as she swallowed hard.

  “Fear not, my young one,” Helena rallied in a sweeter sounding voice as she leaned closer to her. “Do you really think I would let any harm befall you or your brothers?”

  “Still, it’s not the same,” Melissa complained, gazing deep into her kind eyes. “I’d feel a lot safer if you were there with me.”

  “I will be,” Helena assured Melissa, smiling up at her. “I’ll just be out of sight.”

  “Helena, please!” She begged her through a wobbling voice as she leaned towards her. “Your plan is a little too simple. What if something goes wrong?”

  “The assault is simple,” Helena admitted, tipping her head down. “The rest of my plan isn’t. Have faith. Everything is going to be just fine.”

  “Ok, what does that plan of yours include then?” Melissa asked in frustrated tones, thrusting her arms out, palms upward.

  “I will trap him,” Helena spoke in a firm voice as her face hardened. “That is all you need to know.”

  There was something amiss there. Melissa could still recall the witch’s reaction, upon her request to assist Joe. Even an immensely powerful witch like Helena was terrified. Now however, she did not seem at all intimidated. On the contrary, she was oozing with confidence. Melissa considered asking her what that confidence was based on, but, just when she was about to open her mouth, she realized that Helena’s last sentence was the only answer she was going to get. The witch liked to keep her secrets; the trick she had pulled on Marianne McIntyre had proved that proclivity beyond a shadow of a doubt. She had already decided on a course of action, but she had kept everyone in the dark. Helena would not change her tactics, even if Melissa pressured her.

  “Ok,” she gave a reluctant nod. “Goodnight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Melissa…” Helena’s voice forced to her to stop, before she could turn her back to her. “Regardless of what happens tomorrow, I want you to remember that I love you and your brothers as my own children. I spent years, mourning over the fact that I never received the blessing of motherhood. But, being around you is a gift, perhaps of equal value. You gave my life a meaning. I will always be grateful to you for that. Goodnight, my child.”

  A sense of confusion rushed through her, as the witch vanished in a cloud of red smoke. Why would Helena confide in her like that? Nevertheless, Melissa’s fatigue did not allow her to seek an answer. She was so tired that she could barely stay on her feet. This was no time for riddles; it was time for a good rest.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Confiding in her friends was the first thing that flashed through Melissa’s mind, the next morning. All the same, this was a notion that she soon had to reject. There were many ways to interpret Helena’s heartfelt confession. A conversation about it would lead to hours of speculation. Monica would attempt to analyze every single word, whereas Kate and Julia would get emotional. Of course, Melissa could comprehend Helena’s feelings towards her and her brothers, but there was just one thing that she could simply not wrap her head around: her timing. Why would the witch speak such words, on the eve of a battle against a formidable foe like Azazel? She had to have been hiding something, or so Melissa thought.

  Joe was still sound asleep beside her, when she figured that she had to let him know of Helena’s plan. She couldn’t announce it to him, or imply it, either. Therefore, Melissa picked up pen and paper, and left him a note on his nightstand:

  “We’re going hunting for deer tonight. Don’t ask details. I’ll tell you more once we get there.”

  An ironic fact occurred to her, later on. The first day that she would spend with Joe could well be their last. Despite the witch’s reassurances, she was not convinced. This was a fight unlike any other, where tooth and muscle were of little to no importance. They could have three, large packs by their side, and they could still lose. However, Melissa tried to remain positive. She and Joe had been through too much to give up now. For the remainder of the day, she focused on him, and the happy memories that they shared.

  Darkness found her, Kate, Julia and Joe in the front yard, anxiously waiting for the moment to head out to Clover Lake. Monica was at work, whereas the Bradford brothers remained out of Joe’s sight, as Helena had instructed them. Alas, Melissa had to deal with yet another problem: Julia. Her friend was on the verge of tears. She had asked her repeatedly to go with them, but neither she nor Kate liked the idea of putting her in harm’s way.

  “Please, be careful out there,” Julia whispered, wrapping her arms around Melissa’s back.

  “We will, Jules,” she assured her, struggling to keep her cool. Melissa wouldn’t tell her, but Julia’s reaction was not helping Melissa whatsoever. Still, she would not complain to her. Julia was just demonstrating her emotions. Arguing with her would only make matters worse. Without wasting any more time, Melissa kissed her on the cheek as she eased out of her embrace. With a heavy heart, she trotted off towards the forest, walking between Kate and Joe.

  “I still can’t believe what we’re about to do,” Kate confessed, as worry tensed the muscles in her face.

  “I don’t think any of us can,” Melissa spoke how she felt. “Are you, um…?” She faltered. “Prepared?”

  “Oh, yeah,” Kate gave a short laugh. “I’ve been studying this stuff for days. Trust me, I’m prepared alright.”

  At that moment, lightning flashed, painting the trees and underbrush ahead of them a shade of silver, as it lit up the world around them. Melissa looked up into the sky, as a brilliant fork of lightning crackled through the atmosphere, causing the ground to rumble and vibrate beneath their feet. In a mere instant, she felt small raindrops, landing on her forehead and cheeks.

  “That’s not a good sign,” she muttered, her voice shot through with tension, as she brought her attention back to the forest up ahead.

  “Don’t get superstitious on me, honey.” Kate requested, as the sky once again erupted in light. “So what if it’s raining?”

  “It’s the timing that troubles me,” Melissa went on, feeling drops of water streaming down her cheeks. “It hasn’t rained in months. Why now?”

  “Focus, Mel,” Kate urged, lifting her leg over a brush pile, as they crossed the forest line. “Don’t let fear get to you.”

  “That’s easier said than done,” She thought to herself, tossing a quick glance up at Joe. His silence hadn’t gone unnoticed. However, she didn’t expect him to speak. Discussing what they were going to do would compromise the
ir plan.

  Melissa remained silent, watching rain drops bouncing off larger and smaller rocks or rolling off leaves, as the three of them strolled through the trees. Craning her neck, she tried to pick up Helena’s scent, to no avail. All she could smell was wet soil and balsam fir tree, as they closed in on the lake.

  The surface did not resemble, at all, the romantic setting that enthralled most of its visitors. It was dark, a notch brighter than its surroundings, as raindrops sent ripples up on it. The large rock on the shore, the one on which Dean had found her on the night that he had faced Marianne, was smeared with mud. Melissa could hear Joe and Kate’s racing heartbeats, as well as her own. The moment of truth was drawing near, as she watched the water washing away the mud. A few paces before they reached the shore, she sensed Kate’s soft hand on her forearm.

  “It’s time,” she silently mouthed to her. Melissa blinked slowly, nodding her assent, as Joe halted beside her.

  “Grigori angel hear my call

  Goat of darkness now arise

  Black of heart – black of soul

  Show yourself before my eyes”

  A tall, male frame, glimmering gray in the dark, began to fade into view, as Kate completed the incantation. He was almost as tall as Joe and he had jet-black hair, and a scrawny face. He wore a beige suit and red tie. The glimmer ceased altogether, as Azazel flashed him an ironic smile.

  “Joe Stanton. It’s been a while,” There was an odd richness in his voice, as if it belonged to a man at least three decades older. “Congrats on your decision to date a shape shifter; she’s a little tall for my taste, though.”


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