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Cuffed By A Kingpin 2

Page 7

by Heiress

  “Snoop shut the fuck up, and hand Sean the phone,” I cut him off. This nigga had jokes for days. “Wassup’, C?”

  “I need you to go back to Jamaica. I got word that Black is working with somebody out there and I need to find out who it is. You got me?”

  “I mean yea, but who you gone watch-,”

  “I’ll get somebody else. Just do this shit for me, and I got everything else,” I assured him.

  “You sure about that?” he quizzed, undermining me.

  “Fuck that’s supposed to mean?”

  “It seems like you got everything, but Cali. Today was a big day for her, and you missed that shit. Have you even checked in on her yet?”

  “Nigga where you get off questioning me about what the fuck I got going on with my wife? I missed one appointment and-,”

  “Two. You missed two appointments ‘cuz. You got to do better or you gone lose Cali fa real. She is already hot in the pants for another nigga. And he a hell of a step up from you no homo,” he interjected. Sean was my blood, but he was overstepping his boundaries by coming to me about, Cali. I was giving her space, but niggas took that as me being a deadbeat or some shit.

  “Sean chill the fuck out because I only missed one appointment not that it’s any of your fucking business. The next one not until…wait-Fuccck!” I cursed, hitting the steering wheel. Today was Cali’s appointment. I had an alarm set, but since my phone was off, it never alerted me. Killing the line, I yanked my wheel to the left, hitting an illegal u-turn. I rushed over to Missy’s house. I couldn’t believe a nigga missed another appointment. Cali was gone kill me.

  I jumped out the car banging on the door when I arrived at Missy’s house. When the door opened, a very upset Cali answered. I didn’t even know what to say to her ass. “Listen, Cali; I got caught up with-,”

  “What did you get caught up with this time, Compton? Were you too busy kissing, Mo’s ass or was it the streets?” she quizzed, with her arms folded across her chest.

  “Cali, I’m in the streets protecting you, so you need to understand that-,”

  “No! I don’t need to understand a damn thing. You need to understand that I come first. Me and your child come first. You have missed now two doctor’s appointments and when I call you don’t answer. When I text, you don’t reply. You not doing anything for me” she sassed, rolling her neck.

  “I’m protecting my family, and that’s doing everything despite if you think it is or not. I’m sorry I missed a few doctor appointments. With all this shit going on, Cali, I can’t be there all the fucking time!”

  “Fine! Don’t be there at all! If you can’t be here for me I’ll find somebody who will,” she threatened.

  “Do it, and see what I do to his ass. He gone be dead before you even think about asking him to take my place!” I shot back, stepping closer to her.

  “He already has!” she revealed to me. The words in my throat couldn’t even come out when she told me that. First time, ever, that I was speechless when it came to a comeback.

  “And you know who it is? Tre’. Tre’ has been here with me more than you have and this is not even his damn child,” she yelled, tears now streaming from her eyes.

  “I don’t give a shit if you’re with Monique now. That’s perfectly fine with me because I don’t give a rat’s ass anymore. All I care about is our child and what I want is for this baby to have a mother and a father. The last thing I want to do is disrespect you Compton, but if you can’t step up then I’ll ask, someone else to,” she threatened again.

  Now stepping into the house, I hovered over her. My eyes met hers, and I wanted to slap the taste out of her mouth for what she just said. But I couldn’t. “Don’t you ever threaten me with my child,” I spoke lowly, glaring at her with dark eyes.

  “Then stop giving me a reason to,” she responded not backing down. “You men think that this shit is a walk in the park, but it’s not. I’m being tested, and it’s not fun. This pregnancy thing is hard! I wake up every morning sick to my stomach. I’m gaining weight, and my feet are starting to ache as well as my back. My hormones are out of control and don’t even get me started on my eating habits,” she paused, staring back up at me.

  “I’m no longer that weak teenage girl who was head over heels for you. I’m a grown ass woman that has her own car, I’m getting and education, and I’m about to get my own house. The sooner you realize that the smoother this process will be. I’m not going to beg you to be a father or to be a husband anymore. You’re not a fucking baby. You’re a grown ass man so start acting like it.”

  I had a new found respect for Cali at this moment. She was right. She wasn’t that teenage girl anymore that wanted to be up under me and fuck me all day. The one who begged for my attention and was willing to be with me no matter the cost. She was on her grown woman shit. I had peeped how she had been moving lately. She was doing good for herself, and I often thought about her in ways I used to think about Monique.

  I saw her more than just a woman or my wife. She was a mother. A mother to a child that wasn’t even here yet. All she wanted was for me to be there and my ass was too busy trying to keep her safe. I was too busy keeping my attention on Monique, and on my business. Being around her is keeping her safe. She needed me, and I had to get my shit together before I fucked our relationship up any more than it already was.

  “I heard you, Cali,” I simply responded. She wanted me to hear her, and she was heard. “I got you,” I assured her.

  “Thank you. I hope now you can commit and practice being a good father to your daughter.” She smiled, revealing to me the sex of the baby. I stared into her eyes, and my heart skipped a few beats.

  “Woooow. You having my Lil’ momma?” I quizzed, reaching out and touching her tummy. “Damn. I can’t believe I’m having a girl. My little princess,” I whispered. I felt a flutter, and it spooked me out, so I moved my hand. “The fuck was that? Is she okay in there? Did you eat something bad or-,”

  “She’s fine, Compton.” Cali giggled. “I thought it was her too, but my doctor confirmed that it’s just gas. She’s too small to be kicking. Once she gets bigger, you can actually feel her moving. I saw this one video on YouTube where the baby’s footprint was poking out the girl’s stomach. It was craaazy,” she said, with large eyes.

  “Ugh. That shit sounds like a fucking alien,” I commented.

  “I know right. That’s what I said,” she responded back, chuckling. Silence broke out as I continued to rub on her stomach. It was like I could feel her and she was pulling for my attention. This feeling was like no other. At that moment I made it up in my mind that I was gone be there for Cali and my daughter in every which way.

  “From now on, you call me if you need something. Stop calling my cousin for shit,” I told her.

  “Compton, you don’t even answer the phone and I-,”

  “Lil’ Momma what the fuck I just say? Half the time I don’t even be getting ya’ calls because I be out. I be leaving my shit in the car or at the crib. That shit gone change though. I got you for whatever.”

  “So, you're saying if I call you at three in the morning for some ice cream, you gone get it for me?” she asked, grinning.

  Rubbing my hand down my face, I nodded my head up and down. “If it’s what my Lil’ momma wants then it’s what she gets. Mo’ just gone have to understand,” I mentioned.

  Cali cleared her throat before speaking. “That’s another thing. I think we should sit down. The three of us. You may have hurt me, Compton but unlike you, I chose not to harbor ill feelings towards you or her. I can be mature and respect her as your girlfriend, but she has to respect me. Not as your wife, but as the mother of your child. Maybe if we sat down and got to know each other, we could possibly get along. I mean she will be in my daughter’s life,” she maturely spoke.

  My dick got hard just listening to her talk. The fact that she was willing to do some shit like sit down with the bitch I rejected her for, showed so much of her chara
cter. My Lil’ momma was really maturing, and it was fucked up that she decided to do it when I get someone new. The fucking irony.

  “Yea. I’m gone try and see if I can set that up. I ‘preciate you being willing to do that,” offered up my appreciation.

  “Well I’m trying this new maturing thing, and it’s working out for me.” she smiled. “But it’s late, Compton and I have school in the morning. I need to get some rest,” she let me know, stepping back away from me.

  “Yea, I understand. Gone take ya’ sleepy ass to bed. Make sure my Lil’ momma get some good sleep. I’ll check on y’all tomorrow.” I wanted so badly to embrace her, but shit was already complicated. I just leaned down and kissed her forehead before walking away. As I walked away, for the millionth time my heart tugged to go back. For a second, I thought about it, but I couldn’t. I had to remember I had a bitch at home waiting for me and I wasn’t no good for Cali. I was fucking up, and the baby wasn’t even here yet.

  I got to do better. If not for Cali or me, I at least needed to do it for my daughter.



  Today was another ordinary day at school. I was going to do online classes, but I wanted the college experience even though I wasn’t living on campus. Today was my first day in my Dance History class, and I had my pen and paper ready to learn. Like a geek. When I was in high school, I could care less about math, science or English. But when it came to anything about dance, I was all ears. Even the history of dance got me excited.

  “Morning class, sorry I’m late, but I had some car trouble. By car trouble I mean, my ex-wife keyed it. Just a bit of advice students, don’t ever get married to a Mexican woman. They're crazy,” My professor said, walking into the classroom. If professors looked half this good in high school, I would have failed by daydreaming all day. This man was downright gorgeous.

  “It’s okay, Dr. Rhodes. We don’t mind the wait,” Trisha, my classmate flirted, twirling her gum around in her mouth

  “Ahhh, Ms. Jamal. Nice to have you in my class…for the third year in a row,” he pointed out, and the class laughed.

  “Well you know I can’t get enough of your teaching,” she flirted again, blowing him a kiss. I snickered at her forwardness. This girl was doing the absolute most. Apparently so did he because he was entertaining her.

  “I see I have a new face this semester. A pretty one,” the professor spoke. When I looked up to see who he was speaking to, we caught gazes. I’m sure my face was bright red from blushing. “And she has a gorgeous smile to match. What’s your name sweetheart?” he asked.

  “Caliana,” I answered with burning cheeks. I couldn’t stop smiling to save my life.

  “Pretty girl, pretty name. Well welcome, Caliana to Dance History 101. I hope I can teach you something valuable in this class.” He smiled showing off his dimples.

  “I’m sure you will,” I responded with a grin. Replaying back what I just said, I shook my head in embarrassment. Trisha was rubbing off on me.

  “Well, alright then. Let’s start our lesson for today. Please open your books and turn to page twenty-six,” he instructed. We all did as we were told and he began the lesson. The entire time he was teaching, I imagined how he looked with his clothes off. I couldn’t help but lust after him.

  “Lord knows that man can make any Christian girl sin,” Pearl whispered in my ear. She was somewhat of a new friend of mine. I had met her during orientation, and we clicked. We became study partners, and now we have grown a strong bond. This girl was smart as hell, and I could tell she had a bright future.

  “Pearl girl, I’m having a hard time paying attention in class. Just look at the way he writes on the board,” I pointed out, biting my bottom lip.

  “Girl I’m right behind you,” she agreed with me, snickering. After I had gotten over my little teacher crush, I started to really pay attention to the lesson. Although it was only the first day, I learned a lot about the history of dance. Like where certain dances came from. How they were created and the meaning behind them. It was actually a very informative class.

  Feeling my phone vibrate, I hid my hand under my desk to read the text. It was from Compton.

  BABY DADDY: How you feeling this morning? Any sickness or that nausea shit you was talking bout? Do you need something?

  I fought back a smile when I read Compton’s text message. This was the first time since I been pregnant since he asked about how I was doing concerning my health. I guess that talk last night got to him. I pulled up my keypad and typed in my reply.

  ME: Awh look at you being all baby daddyish lol. I’m good. I have been a little sick, but I think it’s because I haven’t eaten. I was running late because I overslept this morning.

  I looked up from my lap to make sure the professor didn’t catch me texting. I heard he was big on cell phone use in class. A minute later, my phone vibrated again alerting me of his reply. I glanced down to read it.

  BABY DADDY: chill out wit’ the mushy shit. I was just checkin’ on you. You want a nigga to get you sumthin to eat?

  ME: Oh, God! Yes! I have two more classes, and then I’m leaving at 2.

  BABY DADDY: I’m on my way now. Meet me outside in twenty

  I smiled on the inside. This meant a lot to me. Just him wanting to get me food, meant a lot to me. It was effort, and that’s all I wanted from him concerning the baby and me. Tucking my phone away, I gave my professor all of my attention. Well, I tried. All I could think about was food.


  When I got out of class, I grabbed my belongings and headed outside with Pearl. We were talking about our thesis we had to for write for Dr. Rhodes. “So do you want to just come over and we can write ours together?” she asked, walking me to my car.

  “Yea, that’s cool. I have to babysit my niece so be prepared for some-,”

  “Mrs. Caliana!” someone yelled my name from behind me. When I turned around, I was face to face with Tre’. He knew I had class every other week. It was crazy how he was a realtor, but he never wore a suit. He was rocking some jeans, a white shirt, and a beanie on his head. You would probably think he was a singer by just looking at him.

  “Hey, you. What are you doing up here?” I quizzed, gracing him with a tight hug. I loved the way he kept his hand on my lower back when we embraced. “Pearl I’ll see you later boo,” I told her, waving goodbye.

  “I thought I would catch you before you left school. I heard back from the bank, and you got it! The house is yours,” he let me know, flashing a smile. Covering my mouth with my hands, I jumped up and down with excitement but I made sure to hold my belly. I had signed the papers, but that was just for approval. Now I had legit confirmation that I got the house. I couldn’t have been happier.

  “I’m so freaking happy!”

  “Well let me take your happy ass out to celebrate,” he offered up.

  “Are you asking me out on a date, Tre’?” I quizzed for clarity. God, I hoped he was.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Let’s try this again. Caliana, would you do me the honor of going out on a date with me?” he asked. I couldn’t even say no if I wanted to with his fine ass. I think it was the bottom lip that got me every time.

  “Meh wud love fi guh out pon a date wid yuh,” I agreed, blushing. As soon as the words came out my mouth, a loud horn beeped behind me.

  I jumped so hard that I damn neared peed on myself. Like I felt a little trickle. My bladder has been so weak since I got pregnant.

  I didn’t have to ask or even wonder who it was. It was a Money Green Hummer behind me, and it could only be one man. My husband. I dreaded turning around when I heard the door slam.

  “Damn that ass getting fatter every day. Fuck you been feeding my baby? Mmmm,” he spoke from behind me, popping me on my ass before squeezing it tight.

  Dammit, Compton! Why does your rudeness have to turn me on?

  “Ugh, Compton stop it!” I slapped him in the chest, rolling my eyes. It was rude because Tre’ w
as standing next to me and I didn’t want him to think we were in good standing. It didn’t make it no better that all he had on was a white beater and some Gucci sweats. He must have just come from the gym because he was sweating something serious.

  “I think I deserve a free feel since I just got ya’ pregnant ass some food. Here, and say thank you,” he said, handing me the bag of food. My mouth watered when I smelled the chili cheese fries.

  “Ahem,” I heard, Tre’ clear his throat. I had forgotten he was there for a minute.

  “Oh, my bad. This is, Compton. Compton this is-,”

  “A nigga who’s a non-fucking factor,” Compton interrupted rudely. Tre’ let out a low chuckle as he rubbed his hands together. “You find me, funny nigga?” Compton stepped forward, and I rushed in front of him putting my hand on his chest. I could sense this was about to go left and I was not about to be embarrassed at my school.

  “Actually I do,” Tre’ responded smugly. With all my might, I tried to hold Compton back because he was ready to fight.

  “Compton, no. You need to cut it out. Thank you for the food, but you need to leave. I’m at school, and I don’t need this kind of drama,” I said as I stood in front of him. He wouldn’t look me in my eyes, but I knew he heard me because he backed up.

  “So you the new nigga?” he quizzed with a grin.

  “No, but once I get to know Caliana a little, I hope to be her new man. My name is, Tre’,” he introduced, holding out his hand.

  “Nigga get the fuck out of here,” Compton spat, slapping Tre’s hand away from him. “Ain’t nobody ‘bout to be on no cool shit with you when you tryin’ to fuck my wife.” He mugged.

  “And here I thought you we were grown ass men.” It turned me on to see how Tre’ was not one bit fazed by Compton. He was not backing down, and that meant that he could be a keeper.

  “Well ya’ ass thought wrong because I’m a hood ass nigga and-,” Compton was going off, but I had to stop him.


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